Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 275 Li Xiuzhi is going to work in the street

Chapter 275 Li Xiuzhi is going to work in the street

Pistol handle.

Engraved with a chrysanthemum pattern.

What does it represent.

The deaf old lady knows better.

Regardless of whether this kind of lady's pistol belongs to Li Xiuzhi or not, as long as it appears in Silly Zhu's house, it will be the result of yellow mud getting into his crotch, which is either shit or shit.

According to the little devil, the bullet fired from this pistol once claimed the life of a great anti-Japanese hero.

It appeared in the hands of the deaf old lady and was also a masterpiece of the deaf old lady's good sister.

Grabbing the pistol.

I looked at it for a while.

Then he hid the pistol inside her pillow.


The deaf old lady doesn't go out easily.

Look at the lights in the house.

The deaf old lady slowly cast her eyes on the mirror in front of her. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the deaf old lady in the mirror suddenly became younger.

In full bloom.

She reached out and touched her wrinkled cheek.

The sister's words came to mind.

We are the masters of this land. Since we cannot rule this land, we can recapture everything we were, who can say that we sell it!
Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

History has always been written by the victors.

If we win, we are Goujian who is willing to endure hardships.

It doesn’t matter if you lose, your family is gone, do you still care about the infamy behind you?

Looking at the little wife in front of him.

Silly Zhu instantly widened his eyes.

It was a completely shocked expression of disbelief.

He was frightened.

Having beaten Yi Zhonghai just now, he was mentally prepared to be scolded by his wife, but he didn't expect that Li Xiuzhi didn't say anything harsh, but just said one thing.

Said he had to go to work tomorrow.

Silly Zhu was quite puzzled.

In his impression, he can support Li Xiuzhi.

And because there are no children after marriage.

Thinking of letting Li Xiuzhi stay at home.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiuzhi found a job by herself.

A country girl who came to the capital to visit her relatives failed and had to get married. Within ten months after her marriage, she became a well-known and virtuous daughter-in-law in the courtyard and found a job for herself.

Silly Zhu was shocked.

I don't know how to describe it.

There is a living example diagonally opposite.

Qin Huairu!
She married into a courtyard house and became Jia Dongxu's daughter-in-law. It was not until 61 that Jia Dongxu died, and with the help of Yi Zhonghai, she reluctantly entered the steel rolling mill and became an honorable worker.

Less than a year after marrying into the courtyard, Li Xiuzhi found a job. In contrast, Qin Huairu, who was diagonally opposite, was nothing.

From Shazhu's half-open mouth, you can tell what he is feeling in his heart.

I was stunned for more than ten seconds.

Suddenly remembered something.

I asked for a while.

"Daughter-in-law, where did you find a job? Isn't it the street cleaning team? We are a couple. I am responsible for cooking and you are responsible for cleaning. When the news comes to the steel rolling mill and the workers make a fuss, what should I do? All my life I have done nothing but I can’t do anything else except cooking. Besides, I still have the idea of ​​making money by hosting private dinners.”

There are two cleaning teams in the street, one is called the cleaning team and the other is called the cleaning team.

The names are different.

The division of labor is naturally different.

The cleaning team is responsible for the streets and alleys of the street, and the cleaning team is responsible for cleaning the toilets within the street area.

Silly Zhu means, you Li Xiuzhi must have found this job of cleaning toilets, right? He is a cook. If his wife has to clean toilets, how can he cook for the workers in the steel rolling mill?

But he didn't expect to underestimate Li Xiuzhi.

Seeing that Silly Zhu imagined himself as the kind of person who cleans out toilets.

Li Xiuzhi rolled her eyes at Silly Zhu angrily and said angrily: "You are really right. I just found a job cleaning toilets. What do you mean, you dislike me? The old man said that there is no distinction between jobs. No matter how high or low you are, the excrement workers are summoned by the elderly. You are prejudiced."

The stupid stigma is big.

Li Xiuzhi's eloquence.

Getting better and better.

Neither is the silly pillar in the background.

As a man, when you marry a precious little wife, you must respect her as much as possible.

Some people also call it henpecked.

Silly Zhuma quickly admitted his mistake to Li Xiuzhi, with a flattering look on his face.

"Daughter-in-law, I was wrong."

His hand was still slapping himself in the face.

Li Xiuzhi looked at Silly Zhu in front of her, feeling both funny and angry.

A whole child who has not grown up.

Tell the truth.

"I lied to you."

"So where do you work?"

Silly Zhu started acting coquettishly towards Li Xiuzhi.

The picture is somewhat inconsistent.

Fortunately, there were no outsiders, otherwise I would have wet my pants.

"I can support you, but I don't want you to go out and suffer."

"Director Jia, you know, right?"

"Nonsense, can I marry you without Director Jia?"

"Didn't I help out on the street some time ago? I helped the neighbors learn about poisonous mushrooms, differentiate between poisonous berries, and..."

Li Xiuzhi began to tell.

half year ago.

Unable to sit still, Li Xiuzhi began to work with her like-minded neighbors in the courtyard to find ways to find food.

To fill the stomach.

Do everything to extremes.

Dig wild vegetables and collect mountain fruits.

People in the Hongxing Courtyard were less hungry for a few days than other courtyards. Someone in the courtyard next door saw it and begged Li Xiuzhi to take her with him. Li Xiuzhi couldn't bear it when she saw that the child was skinny and bones, so she agreed and passed it on to ten. According to word of mouth, people in several courtyards knew about Li Xiuzhi.

Li Xiuzhi had no choice but to find Director Jia, hoping that there would be a place in the street for the courtyards under her jurisdiction to send a few representatives. She taught the neighbors how to distinguish poisonous mushrooms, how to distinguish poisonous berries, and how to distinguish some poisonous berries. Only then can the toxins that cause diarrhea be removed.

Director Jia thought it was a good thing, so he started the matter.

Almost all courtyard houses within the jurisdiction have representatives.

Red Star Courtyard is no exception, but Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, and Yan Fugui discussed it and felt that this was Li Xiuzhi trying to steal the show.

Mainly Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong held objections, but Yan Fugui didn't care.

The first and second uncles believed that if Li Xiuzhi was allowed to continue doing this, the two stewards would have no say in the courtyard.

I thought of a way to say that Li Xiuzhi in the Red Star Courtyard was their representative.

Li Xiuzhi has been a teacher for several months.

In particular, she solved the problem of diarrhea caused by eating poisonous apples. Many residents relied on these apples to make a living, trying to fill their stomachs.

Director Jia reported Li Xiuzhi's matter to the district. The district praised Li Xiuzhi and suggested that the street should keep it for itself.

It happened that the person in charge of the orphanage in the street was transferred.

They urgently transferred Li Xiuzhi to work in a street orphanage, with a monthly salary of 27 yuan and [-] cents. She reported this to the district, who also issued instructions.

This is Li Xiuzhi's second surprise for Shazhu.

The mouth was originally half open.Now it's wide open.

His face also started to tremble.

When Li Xiuzhi went to the streets to help, Shazhu knew that his idea at the time was that he did not want Li Xiuzhi to come into contact with the beasts, so as not to be led astray by the beasts.

If you lose your horse, you will know no blessings.

I went to the street to help out for a few months, transforming myself from a homeless person into an acting street official.

Leave time.

You might as well remove the word "agent" in front of it.

Silly Zhu stared straight at Li Xiuzhi, swallowed, and asked.

"Daughter-in-law, what did you say? You said that you were transferred to work in the street and were responsible for the work of the street orphanage?"


"Why can't I understand something?"

"Is there anything you don't understand?"

"How could you enter the street?"

"Why can't I go into the street?"

"You are a country girl. I remember you were just like me, that is, you graduated from a literacy class and worked on the street. You don't need to be literate."

"Who says I can't read? I know at least [-] characters now and can write [-] characters."

Li Xiuzhi's face.

There was a bit of pride.

She is now also a literate and cultural person.

"When did you know the word?"

"Read a book!"

"What book?"

Li Xiuzhi threw the "Qin Man" script and dictionary in front of Si Zhu.

The book was picked up by Shazhu, and the dictionary was asked for by Shazhu specifically from Yuyu because he didn't know the words.

The dictionary thing is easy to explain. The thing that Shazhu is worried about cannot be explained clearly is the "Qin Man" script that predicts the future. If he hadn't picked up this book, Shazhu would have fallen into Yi Zhonghai's plan. He willingly helped the widow and gained the reputation of being unclear about the widow.

Getting a wife can only rely on dreams.

Yu Yu also discovered this book at the beginning. He insisted that this book was a collection of the old man's words and deeds, and he insisted on taking it to the school to read it.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiuzhi also discovered this book. Silly Zhu wanted to know what kind of book this was in Li Xiuzhi's eyes, so he asked.

"Daughter-in-law, what kind of book is this?"

"Are you confused? You don't even recognize the old man's latest words and deeds? You can't just talk nonsense outside."

Ignoring Li Xiuzhi's shock.

The stone in Shazhu's heart.


It was really a magical book, and only he could understand the contents. In Yu Yu's eyes, and in Li Xiuzhi's eyes, this was clearly an old man's book.

from now on.

No more hiding from reading.

There is no need to worry about being discovered by Li Xiuzhi and locking this book in the cabinet.

Silly Zhu slowly took the book into his hands and looked at it for a while. He felt that this was not an ordinary sacred book, but a blessing book. He encountered it, touched it, and was promoted to a work level, and his salary was increased from 37 to 42. RMB [-] rose to [-] RMB [-], breaking out of the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai's retirement plan, and marrying a virtuous wife.

Because He Yuyu touched it and read the contents for a few days, he turned from a scumbag into a top student, and became a college student with an unlimited future.

Li Xiuzhi also touched this book and read the contents of the dictionary for a period of time, and became a member of the street. She was the first person in the courtyard to work on the street.

Silly Zhu was very curious. If the people in the courtyard knew that Li Xiuzhi went to work in the street, he didn't know what they would look like.

The moral god Yi Zhonghai, the stick education expert Liu Haizhong, and the impoverished Yan Fugui, do they still dare to listen to and believe the Jia family as explained in the script?
What would they say when Li Xiuzhi appeared in front of them.

Seeing that Sha Zhu was stunned in place, Li Xiuzhi stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Sha Zhu's eyes. Seeing that Sha Zhu didn't even want to move his eyes, she hurriedly shouted.


Li Xiuzhi's shout brought back Si Zhu's soul.

Silly Zhu, who was thinking a lot, looked at the young wife in front of him, kissed her, and then expressed his worries.

"Daughter-in-law, what are the personalities of the neighbors in our courtyard? You have been married for almost a year. You also know that some people really don't like each other. I mean, be careful with the neighbors in the courtyard."

Li Xiuzhi knew who those people in Shazhu's words were referring to.

The deaf old lady in the backyard courtyard, the domestic violence maniac Liu Haizhong in the backyard, Yi Zhonghai, the moral deity and hypocrite in the middle courtyard, the dog-headed military advisor and the aunt who behaves in front of others, Jia Zhang, the summoner of the undead, and the scheming widow Qin Huairu, Filial piety to children is a great joke.

That's it.

There were more than 100 neighbors and 27 eight households, but because of a few animals, a beautiful courtyard was destroyed.

The heart of the dead fool will never die.

They have been plotting against the vampire Silly Zhu. Yi Zhonghai and the others wanted Silly Zhu to help with their old age, but the Jia family asked Silly Zhu to help them.

So Li Xiuzhi also became a thorn in their side.

Li Xiuzhi's eyes fell on Sha Zhu's young and mature cheeks.

I feel relieved why I plotted against Silly Zhu.


a tendon.

Doing things without considering the consequences.

Bad mouth.

No wonder Xu Damao is used to check and balance Silly Pillar.

If Silly Zhu had the bells and whistles of Xu Damao, I guess Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady, Jia Zhang, and Qin Huairu wouldn't have any interest in him.


If Silly Zhu dares to play tricks outside, Li Xiuzhi will beat him to death.

"I know how to do it."

"As long as you know what's going on in your mind, that's fine. If it doesn't work, there's still me. I'll beat them up."

"If you fight, you know how to fight."

"Hey hey hey!"


"Go to sleep!"

Something sounded inside the house.

But standing outside the house was Xu Damao with a playful expression on his face. He had just returned from his parents' place and learned a very unfortunate news. Xu's father and Xu's mother were going to tell Xu Damao about Lou Xiao'e.

Xu Damao also saw Lou Xiao'e's photo.



Only bad background.

The daughter of a steel rolling mill shareholder.

In this day and age, the first condition for a man and a woman to date is not whether you are good-looking or not, but how you are born, whether you come from a poor family, and whether you are a good-looking person.

If you come from a wealthy family, you will be looked down upon by others.

This is also the reason why Lou Xiao'e chose Xu Damao.

No matter how good-looking Lou Xiao'e is, young men don't dare to marry her. If you marry a girl with a bad background, you will never think about it in your life.

If nothing else, at least your leader will not promote you because he is worried that promoting you will harm him.

These words were unintentionally spoken by Xu Damao's leader, the head of the publicity section of the steel rolling mill, after he was drunk.

Xu Damao doesn't want to be a movie projectionist all his life. It sounds nice to say it, but it comes in the wind, goes in the rain, and runs outdoors in heavy snow.

The fellow villagers are worried that you won't come, so they forcefully stuff things for you.

If you ask for it, you are worried about being reported.

It's better now.

Many movie projectionists died tragically at the hands of the enemy.

Xu Damao actually wants to be a leader.

Not to mention the steel rolling mill, just say that in the courtyard, as long as he becomes a leader, Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong and others dare to stab him in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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