Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 277 Xu Damao's Request for Help

Chapter 277 Xu Damao's Request for Help
After Yi Tianzun and Qin Bailian left the middle courtyard.

Jia Zhang, who was in the Jia family's house diagonally opposite, suddenly poked her head out of the house and spat on the ground. She didn't know if she disliked Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, or she disliked Silly Zhu and Xu Damao.

Xu Damao, who was confused, was stunned on the spot for a moment.

This Nima!
Want to say something.

Jia Zhang retracted her head back to Jia's house.

Silly Zhu, who saw this scene in his eyes, suddenly thought of the turtle. Jia Zhang's shrinking of his neck was just like that of a turtle shrinking his head.

"Silly Zhu, do you find that Yi Zhonghai's expression is a little uncomfortable?"

Silly Zhu ignored Xu Damao who was questioning him. He looked at Yi Zhonghai's leaving figure.

lost in thought.

Problems that Xu Damao can discover.

Silly Zhu naturally discovered it too.

It stands to reason that he beat Yi Zhonghai and turned Yi Zhonghai into a pig's head. The good-looking Yi Zhonghai should resent Silly Zhu, but in Yi Zhonghai's words just now, besides not resenting Silly Zhu, there was also a way of becoming bad. Self-highlight for good.

What is bad.

Naturally, it was about Silly Zhu beating Yi Zhonghai.

I don't understand.

It can't be that Yi Zhonghai's brain is broken.

Or maybe the hypocrite has other plans?
Silly heart.

Mentioned throat.

He is not alone now. He has a wife and girls, especially his daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi, who officially became a part of the street today. She has a temporary agency number on her head. With her shrewdness and ability, she will definitely remove these words as soon as possible. , become a formal worker.

By then, if Yi Zhonghai and others' calculations lead to his wife being implicated in vain, it would be very bad.

Silly Zhu with his eyes narrowed.

After turning around and entering his home, he still had to think about it and figure out what to do.

It seems like we need to work harder on that matter.

Unexpectedly, Xu Damao also walked in.


On the road.

Qin Huairu looked at Yi Zhonghai, looking hesitant, wanting to comfort Yi Zhonghai, but because of Yi Zhonghai's attitude just now, she didn't know whether she should say anything.

I always feel that there is something different about Yi Zhonghai now.

Qin Huairu had the same idea as Xu Damao, thinking that Yi Zhonghai would be as sullen as possible after being beaten by a fool, but she didn't expect that Yi Zhonghai didn't take the beating last night to heart at all.

Walking at a fast pace.


Big weird thing.

It is rare for a hypocrite who has good face to lose face!
Or maybe Yi Zhonghai has other plans in mind?
Qin Huairu's guess was absolutely correct.

That's true.

Yi Zhonghai knew what would happen to Yi Zhonghai in the steel rolling mill today. Because he was detained in the security department, he was absent from work for a day and a half. The leaders of the steel rolling mill would definitely not let him go.

It's unclear how Yi Zhonghai will be dealt with by then.

With this beating from Silly Pillar.

Yi Zhonghai looked as miserable as he could.

It will feel better then.

This pig-like head full of scars stood in front of the leaders, which invisibly dissipated the anger of the leaders. It was regarded as the end of Yi Zhonghai's hardships.


Silly Zhu looked at Xu Damao who came in behind him.

Somewhat astonished.

Although the two of them have eased their relationship.

But that means they are no longer enemies of each other, and they are not being manipulated by Yi Zhonghai to target each other. They are not so good that Xu Damao or Silly Zhu can enter each other's house at will.

Facing Silly Zhu's questioning gaze, Xu Damao didn't feel embarrassed at all. He stretched out his hand to bring a stool and sat motionless opposite Silly Zhu.

you look at me.

I'm looking at you.

Mainly because Silly Zhu was confused.

Xu Damao seemed to know what he was going to do.

Before Silly Zhu could ask himself, he opened his mouth to express his intention.

"I'm looking for you just because I want to talk to you. I'm in trouble and I'm looking for you to give me an idea on what I should do."

"Have you been discovered by others as a hooligan?"

Knowing that Xu Damao is full of tricks, Silly Zhu is like Wang Zha when he opens his mouth.

An angry Xu Damao rolled his eyes at Silly Zhu.

My co-author, Xu Damao, is such a persona in your heart, Silly Zhu.

"Don't talk nonsense, that's what happened. My parents asked a matchmaker to arrange a marriage for me."

Silly Zhu sat upright. Just now Xu Damao said that he also wanted to marry a wife. Silly Zhu thought that Xu Damao was fighting with him, but he didn't expect that Xu Damao really wanted to marry a wife.

There was a bit of curiosity in my heart.

Whose girl is so careless that she falls in love with the big donkey face in front of her.

"I've seen other people's photos, they're good, they're really good, but I'm still a little unhappy in my heart, and you know who I am..."

Xu Damao talked about his affairs in detail. His parents asked him to marry Lou Xiao'e, and also showed him Lou Xiao'e's photo. They also said that Lou Xiao'e had a bad background and was not the kind of person who was upright and popular. The truth that the head of the Propaganda Department confided to him drunkenly was told to Silly Zhu.

The story is over.

Looking at Silly Zhu eagerly.

"What do you say I should do?"

Silly Zhu stared at Xu Damao without saying a word, remembering the contents of the script in his mind. He vaguely remembered that it said that Xu Damao married Lou Xiao'e and then worked as a movie projectionist all his life.

This works.

It looks high-end and classy.

In fact, it was also very painful.

Come in the wind, go in the rain, and return in the snow. Every time I go to the countryside to play movies, I can enjoy some local specialties, but I can't stand the wind and the sun. It's nine cold days. Xu Damao is pushing a bicycle with projection equipment tied to it. Walking step by step towards the steel rolling mill or towards the village where the movie is shown, if you are not careful, the machine will break.

Let yourself help make up your mind.

how to get it
Xu Damao was advised to listen to his parents and marry Lou Xiao'e.

The problem is that the marriage between the two is not very happy.

What an unhappy method.

Because Silly Zhu felt that this matter had nothing to do with him, he jumped to read the script. Faced with Xu Damao's request for help, he could only smile helplessly.

I thought I would send Xu Damao away first, take time to read a book in the evening, and then give Xu Damao a targeted reply.

of course.

You can't say this to Xu Damao.

Say I don’t know what to do, I’ll look at the script and get back to you.

I thought of a tactful excuse.

He asked Xu Damao in return.

"Is there someone in your heart?"

Facing Shazhu’s inquiry.

Xu Damao did not give the answer immediately. Instead, he stood stunned for more than a minute before shaking his head and saying no answer.

Silly Zhu sighed inwardly.

Others may not know Xu Damao's character. As his enemy who has been against Xu Damao for more than ten years, he knows Xu Damao better than Xu Damao.Kaosun did not give an answer quickly, but hesitated for a while before saying no.

It means that Yan Sun has someone in his heart.

Who is this person specifically?

Silly column does not know.

Xu Damao's love history seems to be quite rich. There are two names in the script, one is Lou Xiao'e and the other is Qin Jingru. It seems that he also had entanglements with Qin Huairu and other widows.

An idea came to mind that she shouldn't have. Finding a powerful wife for Jiu Sun would be equivalent to saving those widows who had lost their way, and also saved Xu Damao.


Being a gangster means you will be punished.

"Xu Damao, I know who you are. You can't even walk when you see a beautiful girl. If Lou Xiao'e was really good-looking, you would have agreed without even thinking. Why did you lie to me? Lou Xiao'e is not bad. Why do I not believe it so much?"

Xu Damao was anxious.

He took out Lou Xiao'e's photo from his pocket.

Stuffed into Silly Zhu's hand.

"You give me a good look to see if it's true. Why did I lie to you? If you marry a good wife, my wife can't be worse than yours."

Silly Zhu ignored Xu Damao's complaints.

By light.

He looked at the photo in his hand.

On the black and white photo, there is a young and beautiful girl with an oval face, the most popular haircut at the moment, a shiny watch on her wrist, and leather shoes on her feet.

Good looking.

And he is not the kind of person who is short of money.

Just the watch on your wrist is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Silly Zhu clearly knows what kind of identity the rich master has now. No wonder Xu Damao, who has always launched a courtship charge when he sees a beautiful girl, is so entangled.

Looked up.

Looking at Xu Damao's big donkey face.

shook his head.

"Why are you shaking your head? Just saying whether this girl is pretty or not?"

"Good-looking, but born!"

"Silly Zhu, this is where we are in trouble. If it hadn't been for our section chief's words, we wouldn't be so entangled. We go out to play movies every day. Even now, our lives are still in danger."

Silly Zhu knew that Xu Damao was right.

That was when bandits were rampant.

From time to time there were reports of movie projectionists being murdered.

It's like putting your head on your belt.

This caused the superiors to ignore the projectionist's return from the countryside with souvenirs.

Give the photo to Xu Damao.

asked a question.

"What do you think? If you fall in love with her, marry her. If you're worried about not being able to go further, you'll find a wife who can help you."

"That's what I think, but my parents' ideas are different from mine. They said that even if Chairman Lou doesn't care about anything now, a word from the steel rolling mill will still work."

"Do you believe that?"

"Stop talking, Silly Zhu, what do you think I should do now?"

"I can't answer you, by the way, it doesn't matter, but if I'm wrong, you will definitely hate me for the rest of your life."

"I can't make up my mind. I feel uncomfortable and confused."

"Xu Damao, you have someone in your heart!"

Xu Damao seemed to be fooled by Zhu Zhu's words.

It was so confusing to say that.

Looking at Silly Zhu with horror on his face.

"We have been fighting for so many years. I understand you and you understand me. When you were a teenager, you peeked into the women's bathroom. If you had to say that person was me, I would beat you. You kid, you saw a beautiful girl I just want to strike up a conversation, this Lou Xiao'e is beautiful, but you hesitate, it means you have someone else in your heart. You are not worried about your future, but you are letting go of the person in your heart."


"How do I know? Don't forget, I'm married to a wife. To you, Xu Damao, I'm a real person!" Silly Zhu lectured Xu Damao in a determined tone, "And I'm sure that you were sure last night You didn't sleep well, you feel like you married Lou Xiao'e, I'm sorry for the person you fancy, you feel bad."

A word to awaken the dreamer.

In Xu Damao's mind.

He couldn't help but think of the horror of Qin Huairu turning into Jia Zhang last night, and also thought of the figure protecting her safety.

did not speak.

went straight out.

The scene of leaving in a hurry.

Silly Zhu was speechless when he saw it.

Check the time.

Seeing that there was still a little time before going to work and Xu Damao was not here, Shazhu lay on the bed and read the Qinman script he had picked up.

I turned directly to the clips related to Xu Damao and Lou Xiao'e.

The cause was a chicken theft incident.

Xu Damao came back from playing a movie in the countryside and brought back two old hens. One of them was stolen by Bang Gang. He asked for a compound meeting because his chickens were lost.

It happened that Silly Zhu bought half a chicken from the canteen.

The house is being tidied up.

Xu Damaofei said that Silly Zhu stole the chicken, and then there was the courtyard meeting. Silly Zhu said at the courtyard meeting that Lou Xiao'e was an old hen that didn't lay eggs. She had been married to Xu Damao for several years, but she never gave Xu Damao a boy or a girl.

No kids!
Lou Xiao'e's problem.

Seeing Silly Zhu here, he subconsciously pinned the reason for Xu Damao's childlessness on Lou Xiao'e's head. Because Yi Zhonghai and his wife had no children, they said it was the aunt's responsibility. The aunt also admitted that she was sorry for the Yi family, so It can only be because of Lou Xiao'e.

I read a few more articles.

It is about Qin Huairu building up her reputation, but not wanting Sha Zhu to say she is ungrateful, so she deliberately called Qin Jingru into the city to go on a blind date with Sha Zhu. Qin Huairu deliberately led Qin Jingru to hang around Xu Damao. Xu Damao heard that Qin Jingru was here to meet Sha Zhu. They were on a blind date, played tricks, cut off their beards, and slept with Qin Jingru.

Seeing Silly Zhu here, I really wonder if Xu Damao doesn't know how to write the word "death".

Acting as a hooligan in marriage.

Lou Xiao'e complained to the street, and Xu Damao had to die.

She turned over a page in the book in her hand and saw that it said that Lou Xiaoe and Xu Damao were divorcing, Xu Damao was marrying Qin Jingru, and the deaf old lady took the opportunity to bring Silly Zhu and Lou Xiaoe together.

Silly Zhu slept with Lou Xiao'e.

Xu Damao took revenge on the Lou family because his ex-wife Lou Xiao'e married his rival Silly Zhu, and reported the Lou family. The Lou family was imprisoned, but it was Lou Xiao'e who begged Silly Zhu, and Silly Zhu found the big boss again, and then he let Lou go. The Lou family left. Ten years later, Lou Xiao'e came back with her son. When she saw Sha Zhu, she said that this was the son of Sha Zhu and her. His name was He Xiao, He was He Yuzhu's He, and Xiao was Lou Xiao'e's Xiao.

Silly Zhu blinked his eyes.

I feel like I've seen something wrong.

How can it be a man's responsibility if a woman cannot give birth to a child?

But the script in hand clearly stated that Lou Xiao'e was pregnant with Sha Zhu's child. The reason why Xu Damao and Lou Xiao'e didn't have a child together was because Xu Damao was not good enough.

Silly Zhu closed the book and locked the book in the drawer.

I had a rough idea about the matter between Xu Damao and Lou Xiao'e.

Lou Xiao'e's marriage to Xu Damao was destined not to be happy, and Xu Damao didn't get along with her because of this incident, so they might as well not get along with each other.

Even though Xu Damao married Qin Jingru, Xu Damao was reputed as a cold-blooded beast because he reported on his ex-father-in-law's family.

How dare the leader promote a beast who can do cruel things to his ex-father-in-law and his family?
The former father-in-law can also be regarded as the former leader.

In order for Xu Damao to have a better future, it is better not to marry Lou Xiao'e, not to mention that Xu Damao has another woman in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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