Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 278 Qin Huairu almost choked to death

Rolling mill.

Xu Damao ran to workshop No. [-] in a hurry.

It doesn't matter whether there is a regular safety meeting inside.

He dived in regardless.

Seeing that figure standing out among the crowd, Xu Damao felt inexplicably relieved.

As an uninvited guest.

his arrival.

It still caused a bit of confusion.

The film projectionist from the Publicity Department suddenly appeared in Workshop [-], which was a bit unconventional in itself.

Some people looked at Xu Damao in amusement, while others stared at Xu Damao in confusion.

Only Liu Yufeng looked at Xu Damao with meaning, her eyes full of admiration, and the admiration was mixed with the blessing of "I know I am not worthy of you, and I hope you will do well."

Xu Damao immediately turned his gaze to Liu Yufeng's gaze directed at him.

The eyes of the two sides met in mid-air.

It made an electric shock sound like tingling tingling.

Just now at Sha Zhu's house, Sha Zhu said that the reason why Xu Damao was hesitant about marrying Lou Xiao'e was because Xu Damao had another woman in his heart.

As a man who has a wife, Shazhu is doing Xu Damao's ideological work as a person who has experienced it. He said that if Xu Damao is thinking about a woman all the time, he is worried that this woman will not have a good life, and he is worried that this woman will be raped by someone else. He was bullied by others, and when he saw this woman chatting with other men, he felt a little angry for no reason. When he saw this woman appearing in his eyes, his depressed mood instantly improved.

It means that Xu Damao has fallen in love with this woman.

Xu Damao didn't believe it.

Silly Zhu used Li Xiuzhi as an example, saying that he now treats Li Xiuzhi as his beloved every day, fearing that Li Xiuzhi would be unhappy, and even said that he would wash Li Xiuzhi's feet.

Faced with Sha Zhu who exposed his family scandal, Xu Damao rarely believed Sha Zhu's words and rushed to the steel rolling mill, where he met Liu Yufeng, who was two meters tall and had a round waist.

Looking at the giant woman in front of him, the panic in Xu Damao's heart suddenly disappeared, and his whole person felt an unprecedented calmness from the inside out.

Maybe this is what Shazhu told him about the feeling of liking a woman.

Xu Damao's mouth became dry.

My throat is terribly dry.

He pinched his throat with his hands, coughed slightly, and suddenly corrected his attitude, stood up straight, and looked up at Liu Yufeng seriously.

Looking at Liu Yufeng, who was looking at him condescendingly, Xu Damao had drafted his thoughts many times on the way to the steel rolling mill, and he finally spoke out.

"Comrade Liu Yufeng, I am Xu Damao, a film projectionist from the Publicity Department of the Steel Rolling Mill. I want to become a revolutionary lifelong partner with you, is that okay?"

Workshop [-] was instantly in an uproar.

Looking like a flock of sheep, they were all frightened by Xu Damao's confession.

The donkey-faced person from the Propaganda Department ran to their [-]th workshop and confessed his love to Liu Yufeng, the powerful figure in their [-]th workshop.

Is the sun rising from the west?

It all felt a little weird.

Liu Yufeng is not only a thorn in the side of Workshop [-], but also a thorn in the side of the steel rolling mill. Otherwise, Liu Zhihui would not ask people if they have any single boys and think about marrying off his daughter.

But because the scene before him was a bit unconventional, from the moment Xu Damao confessed his love, Liu Zhihui had turned into an unconscious wooden man.

Has God really opened his eyes?

Someone likes his daughter?

Just when he was about to urge Liu Yufen to agree to Xu Damao's confession, he saw a scene that made his heart lift to his throat. If he hadn't considered that there were so many people at the scene, Liu Zhihui would have scolded his daughter no matter what. You see a blind boy who wants to marry you. Although he has a big donkey face, he is attracted to you. This is a good thing. You should take the opportunity to show off your cleverness.

Liu Yufeng did the opposite.

Not only did he not show his cuteness, but he also showed his extremely domineering scene.

Instead of agreeing to Xu Damao's confession in public, he squeezed out from the crowd and walked up to Xu Damao, looking at Xu Damao who was several heads lower than him.

Stretch out your hand.

He grabbed Xu Damao's back collar.

With a little effort.

Then he lifted Xu Damao up, and with great strides, he lifted Xu Damao out of the [-]th workshop like a little chicken.


Incomparably domineering.

Liu Zhihui, who suddenly reacted, took steps to chase outside and shouted.

"Unlucky girl, you should put my son-in-law down. Let me tell you, if you beat my son-in-law away, I won't eat when I go home at night. I will be hungry. I will be hungry for a long time. Do you feel sorry for me? I feel bad, your mother doesn’t dare to make me angry, she’s worried that I’ll starve myself by not eating out of anger, so just stop.”


Nine workshops.

Guo Dabozi looked at Yi Zhonghai, who had a pig-headed face in front of him.

Full of anger.

Don't know how to vent.

He originally wanted to scold Yi Zhonghai, but when Yi Zhonghai's miserable appearance came into his eyes, he instantly made Guo Dabozi laugh.

His tone also softened a lot.

There is only one second senior brother alive.

"Yi Zhonghai, what's going on with you? Were you beaten?"

Guo Dapizi's tone and expression on his face softened a lot.

Yi Zhonghai's heart was reassured.


His misfortune seemed to be successful.

Yi Zhonghai did not say whether he was beaten or touched, but he started criticizing Guo Da Paizi, as if he was wrong.

"Director Guo, blame me, really blame me. Let's not talk about what happened. Let's just say that I didn't go to work on time. I didn't consider everything comprehensively, which delayed the production progress of the steel rolling mill and affected our ninth workshop. It was my mistake, Yi Zhonghai, and I apologize in front of all the workers. I'm sorry, it was my fault..."

Very scheming.

He did not say why he was absent from work, but used the so-called way of admitting his mistake to get it over with, and focused on his self-criticism.

Guo Dabo waved his hand and asked Yi Zhonghai to see the leader of the steel rolling mill. He was just a workshop director, and there were higher leaders above him.

To kill or to cut.

It depends on what the leader wants.

Yi Zhonghai met successively with the deputy director in charge of production, the deputy director in charge of safety, the director and secretary of the tube rolling mill, because he was carrying a pig's head with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

It's not easy for those big heads to add insult to injury.

All pig heads.

How to scold?
He gave Yi Zhonghai a harsh lecture based on factory regulations, and notified the Publicity Department to criticize Yi Zhonghai for innocently absenting himself from work for a day and a half.

Yu Haitang's voice.

rang in the ears of the workers.

"Attention all workers in the steel rolling mill. I will read out a penalty notice issued by the factory office. Yi Zhonghai, an employee of the ninth workshop, ignored the production system of the steel rolling mill, ignored the rules and regulations of the steel rolling mill employees, and left without permission without asking for leave. He was absent from work for a day and a half. This incident had a very bad impact. After research and decision by the steel rolling mill committee, Yizhonghai’s entire salary for this month will be deducted. Workers at the steel rolling mill can learn from Yizhonghai’s absenteeism incident! Do not provoke the rules and regulations of the steel rolling mill! Factory regulations and regulations..."

Yi Zhonghai was a little disappointed.

The effect of being miserable was not very good. He was still punished by the broadcaster and had his salary deducted.

But generally speaking.

The specific punishment results still gave Yi Zhonghai some peace of mind. At least he did not tell the reason why Yi Zhonghai was absent from work for a day and a half.Return to workshop nine.

Started working honestly.

On the way to rest.

I saw several apprentice workers studying the techniques of first-level workers, and I kindly gave them some pointers.

He knew he needed a personality at this time!
Show your abilities as much as possible!

Two canteens.

Liu Lan appeared in front of Sha Zhu like a ghost.

Silly Zhu, who was thinking about something, was frightened half to death.

Suddenly a head looking straight at you appears in front of you.

who to replace.

I was so scared that I wet my pants.

That is, Silly Pillar, who has this silly and bold character.

Otherwise something will really happen.

"Si Zhu, there's something wrong with you." Liu Lan pointed at Si Zhu's nose and said firmly, "What are you thinking about? Is it related to the broadcast just now? Do you know the reason for Yi Zhonghai's absence from work?"

He truly deserves to be the supernumerary trumpet speaker of the Publicity Department.

to the news.

Has innate awareness.

The only thing she thought wrong was that Silly Zhu was in a daze, but it was not because Yi Zhonghai's punishment notice came out on the radio. For Silly Zhu, Yi Zhonghai was about to become a thing of the past.

Return to Beijing from Baocheng.

Ten days have passed.

According to the explanation given by He Daqing, the wire transfer from Baocheng to Beijing would last only ten days.

In other words.

Today is Monday.

The money that He Daqing mailed to Yi Zhonghai and entrusted Yi Zhonghai to transfer to Shazhu will appear in Yi Zhonghai's hands today, and may be converted into money tomorrow and deposited in the bank.

Day three.

That is Wednesday.

Silly Zhu can report the case to the police station, and then Yi Zhonghai will die. He is thinking about how Yi Zhonghai will die and how the deaf old lady will fight back.

I really don’t want to know why Yi Zhonghai was punished.

Naturally, he couldn't answer Liu Lan's question.

There was a somewhat impatient expression on his face. When he thought that the other party was a close friend of Deputy Director Li, he quickly put away his impatient expression and started talking nonsense to Liu Lan seriously.

"Liu Lan, you are wrong. I am not thinking of Yi Zhonghai. Let me tell you, when I came here, I met a big cat over one meter tall at the entrance of our factory."

"A big cat over one meter tall?" Liu Lan would not have thought that the serious Silly Zhu would be flirting with her, "Didn't you run away?"

"I didn't run away. It's just at the south gate."

"I'll go check it out."

The voice just fell.

Liu Lan's figure left the Second Canteen in a hurry.

Ma Hua gave a thumbs up to Silly Zhu from a distance.

To deal with Liu Lan, Shazhu has to take action.

The fat man looked at Silly Zhu with meaning, his eyes rolling around, not knowing what he was thinking.

Qin Huairu seemed to be lowering her head to wash the potatoes, but her ears were bent, betraying Qin Huairu's truest thoughts. The scheming bitch was acting as Yi Zhonghai's spy again. She wanted to hear what Silly Zhu and the others said, and whether they had told her. Things related to Yi Zhonghai.

Ten minutes later.

Liu Lan rushed back furiously.

He arrived in front of Silly Zhu in three or two steps.

MCA and the others all thought that Liu Lan was going to settle a score with Shazhu.

There is no big cat over one meter tall in the world.

Unexpectedly, Liu Lan did not intend to attack Sha Zhu, but asked Sha Zhu a question that everyone found incredible.

"Silly Zhu, Xu Damao from your courtyard confessed his love to Liu Yufeng from Workshop [-], saying that he and Liu Yufeng would become a revolutionary lifelong partner, and then Liu Yufeng slipped away by the collar of his clothes."

The sound of "pop" came to mind at the scene.

turn around.

Look at the sound.

Qin Huairu, who found himself washing potatoes in a big basin, was probably so frightened by Xu Damao's confession to Liu Yufeng that he fell headlong into the big basin full of potatoes and muddy water.

The classic onion style.

Because the big basin in the second cafeteria is a special big basin, one meter in diameter and 1.1 meters deep, this caused Qin Huairu's head, neck, and upper body to go in, leaving only two legs outside to exert force. Move around.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Silly Zhu rushed to Qin Huairu, and with Ma Hua, Fatty and others who came with him, he pulled Qin Huairu out of the big basin like a radish.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Qin Huairu, whose face was covered with mud and sewage, coughed hard several times, and mud and water were flowing out of his mouth and nose.

There was a bit of happiness in his eyes that he had survived the disaster.

I know Xu Damao.

I know Liu Yufeng.

Hearing Xu Damao's confession to Liu Yufeng, Qin Huairu, who was well aware of Xu Damao's lecherous character, was really shocked. Qin Huairu happened to have water under her feet because she didn't want to bother, and deliberately spilled the water on the floor. The shoes on her feet were a bit slippery. Due to various factors, Qin Huairu fell headlong into the basin.

Say something rude.

Qin Huairu just now vaguely saw Jia Dongxu waving towards her.

It was Silly Zhu who pulled her out of hell.

When he opened his eyes, the person he saw was Silly Zhu.

"Zhuzhu, thank you. If it weren't for you, Sister Qin would have almost died. It doesn't matter to Sister Qin, but Sister Qin still has three children to support. Sister Qin has three children. What will happen to the children? Sophora japonica is only one year old. The stalks are not big either.”

Silly Zhu frowned a little.

Why are these words similar to the content in the script?

Every time Qin Huairu used stupid words, she always said Sister Qin's words.

There was some slight resistance instinctively in my heart, and I thought to myself, could it be that God found out that he married Li Xiuzhi, and Xu Damao wanted to marry Liu Yufeng, so he changed the main plot in the script of Silly Zhu being sucked by Qin Huairu, and Xu Damao marrying Lou Xiao'e? Want to make corrections?

Stop bullshitting.

A hundred Qin Huairu are no better than one Li Xiuzhi.

He replied with an expressionless face.

"Sister-in-law of the Jia family, don't thank me. Ma Hua, Fatty, Que Genxian, Liu Lan and others all helped you. I can't pull you out of here alone. Besides, let alone you, or anyone else." If a person falls in, I will extend my hand."

Silly Zhu is the name of Jia's sister-in-law.

Qin Huairu didn't like her very much. She didn't know why. When she heard Silly Zhu call her Jia's sister-in-law, Qin Huairu felt like eating a dead fly. She felt uncomfortable in her heart and felt something was wrong all over her body.

It's as if Qin Huairu objects to the title of Jia's sister-in-law. (End of chapter)

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