Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 281 Missing Genxian Chapter, Qin Huairu died

The security department will not just check Shazhu's lunch box in the cafeteria.

As long as the leftovers brought by Sha Zhu are exactly the same as the leftovers at noon, no one can say that Sha Zhu stole supplies from the canteen of the steel rolling mill.

There are tens of thousands of people in the steel rolling mill. Thousands of people will take extra meals at noon, or save a little of their own rations and take them home to feed their children in the evening.

Unless the dishes in Silhu's lunch box are different from those of his co-workers and contain a lot of meat, then Silhu can be convicted.

after married.

Married Li Xiuzhi.

Even if Silly Zhu brings food, he still brings leftovers from lunch.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't grasp Si Zhu's handle at all. As for the meat dishes from before, he got into the stomachs of the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai.

How to check.

Report that you and the deaf old lady ate the leftovers brought back by Silly Zhu?
It's not like my brain is flooded.

After witnessing the scene of Sha Zhu tasting the saltiness of the dishes, Yi Zhonghai became more determined to let Xiaodang, Huaihua and the others recognize Sha Zhu as their godfather.

He should save his money to support himself in his old age.

The three nephews can only live on vampire fools.

Yi Zhonghai, who was pondering the idea of ​​scheming against Silly Zhu, suddenly lost his hurry. He sat quietly on the stool and watched Silly Zhu directing the people around him to do this and that.

Wait until the arrangements are completed.

was about to leave.

But he was stopped by the chief of the security department.

Said that the leaders of the steel rolling mill were waiting for Si Zhu in the conference room.

Yi Zhonghai didn't think much and said that he was waiting for Sha Zhu outside the office building, asking Sha Zhu to find him at the exit downstairs after meeting the leader, and the two of them went to the hospital together.

On the one hand, Yi Zhonghai was worried that Sha Zhu would cause trouble, so he hid out and told Sha Zhu by waiting at the door of the building that he would always wait for Sha Zhu at the door.

On the other hand, Yi Zhonghai was familiar with the process in front of him. Silly Zhu was the monitor of the Second Canteen. Qin Huairu had an accident while working in the Second Canteen and died.

Silly Zhu, who is the squad leader.

He is the first responsible person.

He didn't listen to what the chief of the security department said, saying that the leaders were waiting for Si Zhu in the conference room, and compared it with the entire process of Yi Zhonghai's handling of Jia Dongxu's death.

The news of Qin Huairu's death must have alarmed the leaders. They wanted to ask Si Zhu about the specific situation and see how the matter should be handled.

How much is the compensation, how is the length of service calculated, and how can similar accidents be prevented.

Just like Jia Dongxu, although he ended up being fired, the leaders of the steel rolling mill still sent representatives to express their humanistic care to the Jia family.


The gate of the courtyard.

Jia Zhang, who was chatting with the neighbors, suddenly stopped making shoes, picked up a piece of white paper from the ground, tore it to the size of a fingernail, dipped it in some saliva, and stuck it to her eyelids above.

The third aunt didn't know why and asked.

"Grandma, what are you doing?"

"My eyelids are twitching so much."

"This is a way to make money."

"It's not the eye that jumps for money, so I put a little white paper on it. This is called white jump."

"Grandma, you can't say this casually."

The third aunt kindly warned Jia and Zhang.

But it made Mrs. Jia Zhang unhappy. She thought that the third aunt looked down on her, saying that after living so many years, she couldn't be ignorant of such trivial things!
A complaint instantly turned the atmosphere on the scene into a cold one.

Just when the neighbors were thinking about how to break the silence, Que Genxian, who had been ordered by Yi Zhonghai to come back from the No. [-] canteen of the steel rolling mill to spread the rumor, appeared on the scene like a rain of time.

Don't look at it, Quegenxian showed up once in the courtyard.

But it has had an indelible and huge influence on the neighbors.

The first guy who ran to the courtyard and kept saying that he wanted to marry Qin Huairu's pretty widow, said that he would treat Banggan, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica as his biological sons. As for Jia Zhang, he said that he would send Jia Zhang back to his hometown. , the angry Jia Zhang kept throwing tantrums and swearing.

Saw a missing string.

They were all shocked.

You can't come here for Qin Huairu again, right?

Their eyes focused on Jia Zhang. As the mother-in-law of the widow Qin, Jia Zhang had to complain about Qin Huairu's remarriage.

Jia Zhang also knows the mentality of the neighbors.

Say something that is not afraid of jokes.

She was also startled by Quegenxian in front of her, mistakenly thinking that Quegenxian had come to marry a widow again.

Jia Zhang's bottom line is not to prevent Qin Huairu from remarrying. She knows that if she doesn't let Qin Huairu remarry now, she will be reversing the course of history and will be put in the wrong shoes.

Jia Zhang was worried about herself. Quegenxian's words of asking Jia Zhang to go back to her hometown to fend for herself broke Jia Zhang's defense. If Qin Huairu was allowed to take Jia Zhang and remarry together, Jia Zhang would agree. Got this marriage.

But if there is a missing string, it means a young widow, not an old widow.

This is not bad.

Seeing that Qigenxian came, Jia Zhang was worried that she would be left helpless, and she had no good words to say.

"You are the guy named Quegenxian who works as a cook under Silly Zhu, right? I'm not talking about you, what kind of bullshit name do you have, Quegenxian, when you hear it, it sounds like the name of a fool. I said little fool, you are not from our courtyard. People, why did you come to our courtyard? Did something happen to Shazhu? Then you ran away in vain. Shazhu's sister is in college, and Shazhu's wife went there early in the morning for who knows what, and the door is still locked at home. , why don’t you go back and tell us something, and we’ll wait for Silly Zhu’s wife to come back and tell her about it, and we’ll be sure to tell you what you said.”

A missing look.

With a bit of playfulness.

It fell on Jia Zhang's face.

He thought to himself, no wonder Shazhu doesn't associate with this old woman.

He is really a bastard. He didn't say anything and started to hope for something bad for Silly Zhu.


Several old ladies who were close to Li Xiuzhi began to worry about Li Xiuzhi, thinking that if Silly Zhu died, Li Xiuzhi would be good at telling fortunes, and if she lay paralyzed half-dead, she would be like Jia Dongxu, who was lying in the Jia family house, having to take care of his urine and excrement. But it’s a big sin.


Widows can remarry, but there are very few widows who are controlled by Jia Zhang like Qin Huairu.


If you try to remarry, the neighbors' saliva will drown you alive, and the streets will not let you abandon the paralytic and remarry.

Unless you elope with someone.

Everyone has their own plans.

They all made their own plans.

Jia Zhang's idea is that after Si Zhu died, there was another widow in the courtyard. In comparison, Qin Huairu and Widow Qin were nothing. People only stared at Li Xiuzhi and no one paid attention to Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu could be widowed by Jia Dongxu. .

The third aunt's idea is that if Silly Zhu dies, she must find a good partner for Li Xiuzhi. She has no children, is young, virtuous, and is more popular than Qin Huairu.

The rest of the neighbors wanted to help Li Xiuzhi find a house that belonged to Si Zhu.

Just when a bunch of old ladies were thinking about it.

Quegenxian, who deliberately paused for a while, slowly shouted out the truth.

"It wasn't Master He who had an accident, it was Qin Huairu who was in trouble. At that time, he was fine and fell headfirst into the water tank. Fortunately, many people were around and pulled Qin Huairu out. Master He asked us to take Qin Huairu with us. We went to the hospital for a physical check-up. After a while, Yi Zhonghai found us in the second cafeteria and said that Qin Huairu was dead. He wanted to take Master He with him to the hospital to see Qin Huairu for the last time. Master He said that Qin Huairu was Jia Huairu. Qin Huairu's mother-in-law must know that she is the mainstay of the family. Yi Zhonghai asked me to inform Qin Huairu's mother-in-law and rush to the hospital affiliated with the steel rolling mill to see Qin Huairu for the last time. If it's late, I won't rush there." Who said there is no string? stupid?

I'm really dumbfounded that I can say something like this, denying the responsibility of Silly Zhu, but putting the shit basin on Yi Zhonghai's head?

roughly the same meaning.

This is what Yi Zhonghai asked me to do. If there is any trouble in the future, it has nothing to do with me or Silly Zhu. You go to Yi Zhonghai to settle the score.

He didn't know what he said.

Turn the courtyard into a sea of ​​silence.

Jia Zhang, who was still thinking about watching Silly Zhu's show, dropped the half-finished cloth shoes in her hands to the ground. The neighbors who were bent on seeking welfare for Li Xiuzhi also stopped their calculations.

people in the courtyard.

Anyone who heard the sound of Quegenxian would focus their attention on Quegenxian.

Something happened to Qin Huairu!


Now inform Jia Zhang to see Qin Huairu for the last time.

Secretly wondering if the Feng Shui of the Jia family was really bad, Lao Jia died, Jia Zhang became a widow, and finally raised Jia Dongxu, and entered the steel rolling mill. Within a few days of good times, Jia Dongxu also died, and Qin Huairu became The widow, through the light of Yi Zhonghai, became a worker in the steel rolling mill. After working for less than a year, Qin Huairu also died.

The Jia family’s heaven.


Jia Zhang, who loves to eat and is lazy, feels uncomfortable just sitting there. It will be extremely difficult for her to take Qin Huairu's place and earn money to support the Jia family.

Thinking that Jia Zhang might sell Qin Huairu's job.

There are many people without jobs in the hospital.

These people are all prepared to take advantage of Qin Huairu's death and gain jobs in the Jia family at the lowest cost.

If it doesn't work out, just do it now, and then return the work to Banggeng when Banggeng grows up in the future. This idea has been thought of by some people.

"Grandma Banggeng, why are you still standing there? Go quickly." The third aunt kindly urged Jia Zhang, fearing that Jia Zhang would not go, she also plotted against Xiaodang and Huaihua, "Two children You have to go too, a child without a mother will have a miserable life."

"Daughter-in-law Yan Fu, what are you talking about?" Mrs. Jia Zhang roared at the third aunt, "Our Huairu was fine, why did she die? Even if you die, our Huairu will not die."

The voice was filled with sadness and anger.

I am also in a hurry.

What's going on with the Jia family? The Jia and Zhang family are well-connected.

Qin Huairu supports several members of the Jia family.

If Qin Huairu dies, how will the Jia family live?
Is Jia Zhang going to work in the steel rolling mill?
Not to mention Jia Zhang's lazy personality, at her age, can the steel rolling mill want her?

The steel rolling mill is for Jia Zhang to work, not for Jia Zhang to retire in the steel rolling mill.

Jia Zhang was not willing to work either.

Outsiders can't count on it.

I really feel like the sky is falling.

Tears flowed down his eyes.

The third aunt saw that Mrs. Jia Zhang was crying more than she was peeing, and she didn't want to pay attention to it, but other than her, there was no other aunt in charge at the scene.

The eldest mother is not here.

The second aunt is not here.

Said something.

"It's not me who said it. It was Comrade Quegenxianque who said it. You can't come all the way to tell you lies and make fun of your Jia Zhang clan."

Quegenxian said in his heart, it's true.

This cannot be said.

Otherwise there will be no fun to watch.

He helped.

"Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, I'm too lazy to talk to you. This is Yi Zhonghai who asked me to call you back to the courtyard. Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill. He is also the master of your apprentice, and he also helped Qin Huairu buy a job. Just because of this relationship, we can't expect anything bad from Qin Huairu. I've already told you what I said, whether you listen or not has nothing to do with me. "

The feeling of Tianxuan turning around.

Find Jia Zhang.

Staying in the city is to enjoy happiness.

Rely on the husband, the husband dies, rely on the son, the son dies, rely on the daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law also dies.

Did she fall into the hot bed?

What to do!

This kind of day is not the day Jia Zhang wants.

Eyelids sink.

Straight to the ground!
"Bah!" The third aunt slapped Jia Zhang three times, causing Jia Zhang to wake up. Without waiting for Jia Zhang to say anything, she hurriedly diverted Jia Zhang's attention, "You Why are you fainting? What are you afraid of at this time? Qin Huairu is dead, and you and the three children are the only ones left in the Jia family. If you don't go to see Qin Huairu for the last time and go to the steel rolling mill to discuss specific compensation, will it be effective for you to be knocked unconscious in the courtyard? "

"If you don't go, the steel rolling mill will contact Qin Huairu's parents."

If a string is missing.

It was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Jia Zhang instantly gave up.

"Qin Huairu is the daughter-in-law that my son Jia Dongxu paid to marry. What does it have to do with her mother's family? Even if she takes the post, it is a matter for my Jia family and has nothing to do with the Qin family."

Jia Zhang knew about the pension.

When Lao Jia died, the steel rolling mill compensated a small amount of pension. With this little money, Jia Zhang worked hard to support Jia Dongxu.

When something happened to Jia Dongxu, the steel rolling mill paid some condolence money.

Relying on this small amount of condolence money, the Jia family has been persisting until now.

Money matters.

Mrs. Jia Zhang hurriedly walked towards the steel rolling mill.

Halfway through, I thought of my children at home, turned over, and pulled Xiaodang and Sophora japonica towards the steel rolling mill.

She was just a daughter-in-law. When her daughter-in-law died, the Jia family was also broken up and separated.

Make the matter as big as possible and make it known to everyone. After all, it is a one-time deal. If you can ask for as much money as possible, just ask for as much money as possible.

As for work.

Jia Zhang's idea is very simple. If he makes such a fuss, there will definitely be no room for Bangge in the steel rolling mill, so the job should be sold.

Those who will not sell it to the courtyard house are ready to hand it over to the street. At that time, the street will also owe Jia and Zhang a favor. Jia and Zhang will use this favor to solve their own problems of living and eating.

A courtyard house.

The property rights do not belong to Jia and Zhang, nor do they belong to the street. They belong to other people's steel rolling mills.

When Jia Zhang was fired and Qin Huairu hadn't even started working in the steel rolling mill, the Jia family was given a month to move out.

She won't stumble twice in a row on the same issue. (End of chapter)

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