Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 282 Yi Zhonghai in the hilarious chapter

Chapter 282 Yi Zhonghai makes a joke

Jia Zhang took her children on their way to the steel rolling mill.

She was still doing ideological work with her two children, saying that she would do what she wanted to do later, otherwise the children would not be given food to eat at night. If they were obedient, Mrs. Jia Zhang would take them to a banquet, and she would use the help of a small child. Dang and Sophora japonica try their best to create the tragedy of the Jia family's family being destroyed.

When Lao Jia died, this was how the Jia and Zhang family played.

It is considered to have experience.

In addition to teaching her two children how to act, Jia Zhang also suspected that Qin Huairu's death was related to Yi Zhonghai.

Jia Zhang always thought that Yi Zhonghai was Dieter.

I think Qin Huairu is also Dieter.

The reason why Yi Zhonghai attacked Qin Huairu was that Qin Huairu exposed herself and influenced the hypocrite. He killed Qin Huairu out of the desire to kill and silence.

Jia Zhang has seen spy movies, and the bad guys in them all acted like this.

The reason why she caused trouble with her children was to ask for as much money as possible, and then take the money and go back to her hometown in the countryside with Bangge.

As for Xiaodang and Sophora japonica.

In Jia Zhang's eyes.

These were two losers, and sooner or later they were from someone else's family, and she was too lazy to waste the Jia family's food.


Come out of the conference room.

Silly Zhu's mood improved a lot.

Everything was just as Sha Zhu had imagined. With the help of Liu Lan and Que Genxian, the rumors spread all over the world and broke the guard of the leaders of the steel rolling mill. It was learned that Qin Huairu almost drowned when he was working in the second canteen. Inside the water tank.

Leaders big and small.

They couldn't sit still.

There was an explanation for Jia Dongxu's accident in the workshop. The equipment was in operation, the products were processed, and the tools were all sharpened.

Conditions for an accident are met.

However, Qin Huairu almost died in the second canteen where she was cooking, and she fell into a water tank in a bizarre way.

Fortunately, there was someone in front of me.

He grabbed Qin Huairu.

Otherwise, the big heads in the conference room will be in trouble and call Silly Zhu into the conference room just to ask about the situation at that time.

Facing a group of leaders, Shazhu truthfully explained what happened, what he was doing, what others were doing, what Qin Huairu was doing, and why he fell into the water tank. He explained everything like a bamboo tube. clear.

To push out the responsibility.

After telling the story, Shazhu came out and met Yi Zhonghai who was waiting at the entrance of the office building. He said hello and walked towards the affiliated hospital one after another.

along the way.

He responded to Yi Zhonghai's inquiries wordlessly.

What do you think of Banggeng? Is he a good boy?What do you think of Xiaodang and Huaihua? Are they loved by everyone?

Seeing Sha Zhu playing haha ​​and perfunctory with him, but never falling for the trick, Yi Zhonghai was worried that if he said too much, he would make mistakes, which would make Sha Zhu wary, so he started to trick Sha Zhu.It’s not that Qin Huairu’s death will make it difficult for the Jia family’s orphans and widowers to survive.That is to say, the Jia Zhang family is unreliable. The three children, Banggan, Xiaodang, and Huaihua, fall into the hands of the Jia Zhang family and will be fed to death by the Jia Zhang family sooner or later.

Silly Zhu analyzed these words of Yi Zhonghai and came to the conclusion that Yi Zhonghai thought Qin Huairu was really dead and was going to let him help support Xiaodang and their three children.

Replace with someone else.

Maybe he could help out of sympathy for the neighbors.


They are the three little white-eyed wolves of the Jia family.

The script clearly explained the final outcome of Sha Zhu. He was driven out of the house and died miserably under the viaduct of freezing and hunger. It was Xu Damao who collected the body for him and arranged Sha Zhu's funeral together with Yu Yu.

Yu Yu and Xu Damao found Banggen and the others, and said that for the sake of Si Zhu supporting them for many years, they hoped that Banggen and the others could put mourning on Si Zhu. On the day of the funeral, Banggen helped throw the basin, but the Jia family refused one after another with three white eyes. In the end, it was He Yuyu's child threw the basin.

Silly Zhu is not stupid anymore. He knows that the third child of the Jia family is a white-eyed wolf, but he still rushes to support others.

He replied to Yi Zhonghai with words that poked the heart of the hypocrite.

He said that if Mrs. Jia Zhang could not feed her three children, she would send them to an orphanage. She said that in the orphanage, they would not starve to death.

Yi Zhonghai didn't say a word.

Following Silly Zhu, he walked towards the hospital. He was worried that if he walked in front, Silly Zhu would run away from behind, and he had the idea of ​​following him.

I don't know.

Now Silly Zhu has no intention of escaping. His mind is full of thinking about those things and people in the conference room just now.

The factory director and secretary were not interested in Qin Huairu.

express understanding.

Because the script only writes about things between Deputy Director Li and Qin Huairu, although the cross is crossed, it shows the relationship between Deputy Director Li and Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu was transferred to the No. [-] Canteen because of Deputy Director Li's handiwork.

It is speculated that the relationship between Deputy Factory Director Li and Qin Huairu is like the relationship between Liu Lan and Deputy Factory Director Li.

Can't tell outsiders.

Ma Hua had his own opinions. He secretly complained to Silly Zhu several times, saying that Deputy Factory Director Li was really partial to Liu Lan. Why did Liu Lan, the only one in the No. [-] cafeteria, secretly drink milk in Deputy Factory Director Li's office from time to time.

Silly Zhu once saw a little trace of milk left on the corner of Liu Lan's mouth from accidentally drinking milk.

Kindly reminded Liu Lan.

As a result, Liu Lan rolled her eyes at Si Zhu, ran out with a blushing face, and told Si Zhu when she came back that she would not let Si Zhu tell the truth.

Silly Zhu patted his chest and promised that he was not that stupid and revealed that Deputy Factory Director Li had milk.

I thought to myself that Deputy Factory Director Li was really spending a lot of money for women, and he could drink as much milk as he wanted.

He had observed Qin Huairu, and it seemed that Qin Huairu did not drink milk. In the entire second cafeteria, only Liu Lan received such treatment.

In the conference room just now, Silly Zhu clearly noticed something was wrong with Deputy Director Li.

As his woman, something happened to Qin Huairu and she was about to be transferred out of the No. [-] Canteen. Instead of saying anything to stop the matter, Deputy Director Li went along with the situation and became a favor, saying that Qin Huairu's current situation was no longer suitable for him to stay in the No. [-] Canteen. After working in the canteen, it was suggested that Qin Huairu be transferred to another department. Frankly, if something happened to Qin Huairu in the canteen, it would be a major event that would affect the eating and drinking of tens of thousands of people and must be taken seriously.

These were the words of Deputy Factory Director Li that Shazhu heard through the door after leaving the conference room.

Thinking about what department Qin Huairu would be transferred to if she no longer worked in the second cafeteria.

Yi Zhonghai’s ninth workshop?
The main plot of the script is that Qin Huairu works in the ninth workshop, but she always has long hair. The pretty widow of the steel rolling mill has long hair, which is a strange thing in the steel rolling mill.

Why don't you cut your hair?

I don’t know if it’s dangerous to have long hair in the workshop!
I don't understand.

Is it for beauty?

Silly column's thoughts.

This continued until someone called him and he stopped thinking.

Looked up.

Following the sound, he saw several masters in steel rolling mill work clothes greeting him with smiles.

No one will let themselves suffer the crisis of shaking their spoons just because of their face.

Heaven and earth are big.

Eating a full meal is the best.

Yi Zhonghai, who was following Sha Zhu, was worried about Qin Huairu, so he did not bother too much about the fact that the workers greeted Sha Zhu but did not say hello to him. Instead, he urged him verbally.

"Zhuzi, how to get to the morgue?" It means Qin Huairu is dead.

It was impossible to stay in the ward.

It must have been pushed to a place where the dead gather.

His words.

Several workers were confused. They had never heard of anyone dying in the steel rolling mill. Could it be that a relative of Yi Zhonghai died, so he said a word of condolences.

Without mentioning his name, Yi Zhonghai thought he was referring to Qin Huairu.


Once again, he spoke to urge Si Zhu.

He thought to himself: With the help of these workers to testify, it is enough to prove that Shazhu came with him to see Qin Huairu for the last time.

As soon as he came up with this idea, Yi Zhonghai wanted to slap himself again. He realized that what he said earlier conflicted with the plan he had made before he came.

It's a bit polarizing.

Yi Zhonghai dragged Shazhu to the hospital with the intention of giving Shazhu a drama about Qin Huairu asking for an orphan on his deathbed, but he just accidentally said to go to the morgue.

This statement is equivalent to confirming the fact that Qin Huairu failed to talk to Shazhu, how could he be left alone before his death, and how could he let Shazhu take care of Bangge and the others.

I regretted it for more than ten seconds.

Yi Zhonghai had an idea and thought of another remedy.

Something went wrong in the drama of entrusting an orphan at the end of his life, but he could stage the drama of Silly Zhu swearing to take care of Banggeng's three children for Qin Huairu in front of Qin Huairu's body.

The mood became cheerful.

The dead are dead, and the living still live.

Seeing that Sha Zhu did not follow his own wishes and asked how to get to the morgue, Yi Zhonghai felt slightly unhappy and decided to take action himself. He stopped a nurse.

"Comrade, let me ask, was the body of Qin Huairu, who worked in the No. [-] canteen of the steel rolling mill, sent to the morgue by you? Or is it still in the room?"

Silly Zhu was secretly happy.

The drama is about to begin.

Several workers opposite him looked confused.

what the hell.

Qin Huairu is dead!
When did you die?
Five minutes before Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu came in, they heard the doctor talking about Qin Huairu, saying that Qin Huairu was suffering from extreme lack of nutrition, excessive fatigue, and mental trance.

5 minute later.


Could it be that the Qin Huairu Yi Zhonghai mentioned was not the same person as the Qin Huairu they had met?

There is only one canteen in the second canteen of the steel rolling mill, and there is only one widow named Qin Huairu in it!
"Master Yi, you said Qin Huairu is dead? We just heard the doctor say that Qin Huairu was resting and that she needed to rest."

Yi Zhonghai's eyes widened.

Qin Huairu is not dead?
at rest.

My mind suddenly moved.

There is a smile on the face.

It's good that Qin Huairu is not dead and nothing happened. He, Yi Zhonghai, still has hope of taking care of himself in old age, and he also has hope of letting Qin Huairu call him daddy.

Yi Zhonghai's greatest hope in his life is that one day Qin Huairu can call him daddy in front of the neighbors.

On the way to the hospital just now, he swore in his heart that if time went back and Qin Huairu was fine, he would definitely let Qin Huairu know whose daughter she was and who was her biological father.

not dead.

Do you still need to stick to this oath?

Yi Zhonghai hesitated.

Qin Huairu's current father has a bad temper.

Figure it out slowly.

Silly Zhu, who had a panoramic view of Yi Zhonghai's face, deliberately picked up what Yi Zhonghai didn't want to hear.

"Master Yi, Qin Huairu is fine. Why did you insist on saying that Qin Huairu was dead? It made me think about how to write a checkup along the way."

Yi Zhonghai blushed.

I'm a little embarrassed.

He noticed that the workers looked at him questioningly, with some unclear meaning.

People are tired because of lack of nutrition. They can be discharged from the hospital after a day of rest. As Jia Dongxu's master, Yi Zhonghai, how can you say that to Jia Dongxu's wife?

In your eyes, Yi Zhonghai, if Jia Dongxu dies, Qin Huairu will also die.


full of disgust.

Some people are still thinking about the rumors in the past. They all said that Yi Zhonghai fell in love with Jia Zhang. Jia Dongxu was so angry that he was angry to death. Now it seems that he is clearly trying to influence the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang. Remove all the unstable factors and marry the old widow in a glorious manner.

The atmosphere in the corridor became weird.

It wasn't until there was a sound of "wandering" that the eerie silence was broken.

A doctor wearing a mask came out of the room next to him.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Yi Zhonghai rushed forward eagerly.

He wanted to ask about Qin Huairu's condition, but he was suffering from lack of nutrition and extreme fatigue.

See what happens.

If it's the former, Yi Zhonghai will find a way to make up for Qin Huairu's situation. If it's the latter, he might have to trick Silly Zhu into giving Qin Huairu a lighter job.

"Doctor, I am Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill, and Qin Huairu is my apprentice." Worried that the doctor would not tell the truth, Yi Zhonghai put on the air of an eighth-level worker and explained his relationship with Qin Huairu, "I I want to ask, what's going on with Qin Huairu? I just heard from these workers that our doctors said that Qin Huairu lacks nutrition, is extremely tired, and needs to rest."

"Comrade Yi Zhonghai and Comrade Qin Huairu's situation is just like what you just said. Her body is overdrawn. If possible, get her some milk powder and some chicken soup to replenish her body. In addition, don't let her She is too tired. This is because there is someone in front of her. If there is no one, there will be no one."

Yi Zhonghai felt worried.

What he wanted to do to replenish Qin Huairu's body was fundamentally different from what the doctor told him to do.

Yi Zhonghai thought that Qin Huairu was hungry and lacked nutrition, so he thought of giving Qin Huairu a few more hearty meals. The large white noodle steamed buns were not enough, so Qin Huairu could eat as much as possible of the steamed buns with [-]-he noodles and [-]-he noodles.

As a result, the doctor asked Yi Zhonghai to provide Qin Huairu with milk powder and meat.

this thing.

The black market is not very easy to do, and it is unsafe and easy to be reported. Does Yi Zhonghai know what kind of person he is in Siheyuan?

Make bricks without straw.

A big word of sorrow.

The words appeared on Yi Zhonghai's head, and he looked at Shazhu.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai's eyes, how could Si Zhu not know what the hypocrite was planning, so he asked him to help him find a solution.

Not to mention no.

Asking Silly Zhu for help would be more beneficial than asking Jia Zhang to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to cause trouble.

At this moment when supplies are scarce, all the waiters in the second cafeteria have listened. Tens of thousands of eyes are staring at the cafeteria and logistics, and you are bending the law for personal gain.

The spittle can drown you.

(End of this chapter)

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