Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 283 Jia Zhang’s Steel Rolling Mill cried to death

Chapter 283 Jia Zhang’s Steel Rolling Mill cried to death

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai wanted to make his own decision.

Silly Zhu hurriedly blocked any words Yi Zhonghai had to say in advance.

Jia's affairs.

love whoever.

Don't get involved with me.

At this time, there is an extreme shortage of supplies. Even if there are supplies, they will come first with Li Xiuzhi. She is the fat daughter-in-law of Sha Zhu, who has raised a fat boy to give birth to a fat boy for Sha Zhu.

The Jia family’s widow and the white-eyed wolf.

Get away from me.

It has nothing to do with him, so why should he help the Jia family?

In the courtyard and the steel rolling mill, there are people in more difficult circumstances than the Jia family.

Helping the Jia family is far better than helping others.

Silly Zhu used a flattering tone and went against the routine to play Yi Zhonghai.

"Master Yi, nourish Qin Huairu's body. Milk powder is the best. Others can't get it. As an eighth-level worker, why can't you get it? You must have dignity, but I want to remind you that this matter cannot be understood. Come on."

It was surprisingly loud.

There is no intention of shying away from the people around me.

Yi Zhonghai, a mute man, eats dumplings.

There is no way to say.

You should keep your voice down.

These words clearly tell people that I am going to the black market for Qin Huairu.

He looked at Silly Zhu eagerly, but did not give up.

"Zhuzi, you are the canteen!"

The words are not over yet.

He was forcibly interrupted by Silly Zhu.

"Master Yi, what do you mean by this? I, He Yuzhu, am greedy? Have I deducted the rations from my fellow workers?"

The tone contained a bit of strong dissatisfaction.

When facing Yi Zhonghai, you have to be tough when it's time to be tough, not to mention that Yi Zhonghai took the initiative to hand the knife handle to Si Zhu's hand.

If Silly Pillar doesn't catch it.

His nickname of Silly Zhu was in vain.

"The Second Canteen provides food for a thousand workers every day. How much they eat and how much they use is determined by the logistics. Logistics also has related accounts. When we get to the Second Canteen, the kitchen helpers and handymen have many pairs of eyes staring at this thing. Don't say there's no way to deduct it, even if there is a way to deduct it, I wouldn't dare. I'm not stupid. I know the consequences of deducting the workers' rations. Are you trying to make me make a mistake? How can the workers contribute to the steel rolling mill if they don't have enough to eat? "

Yi Zhonghai panicked.

Now there is no thought of finding nutritional supplements for Qin Huairu.

First, let him eliminate the crisis created by Silly Zhu.

If it were just Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu, Yi Zhonghai wouldn't be so anxious. God knows what you know and I know. If Sha Zhu said it, no one would believe it.

In addition to Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu, there are also workers from the steel rolling mill and doctors from the affiliated hospital.

A real scene of people talking too much.

It's not like Yi Zhonghai didn't know the allusion of three people becoming tigers.

The more people tell a lie, the more it becomes the truth.

If this word reached the leader's ears, it would be better than Yi Zhonghai.

I'm so anxious that I'm jumping.

"Zhuzi, that's not what I meant. I mean, you are a chef. You must know what is nutritious and what is not nutritious. I want you to tell me and I will find a way. I don't want you to deprive the workers. Rations, do I have the courage?”

"Not necessarily."

The answer for Silly Pillar who doesn't play his cards according to the routine.

Breaking through Yi Zhonghai's defense again.

The hypocrite didn't expect Silly Zhu to answer like this.

Just about to say something.

Something suddenly came to mind.

He asked stupidly towards Shazhu.

"Zhuzi, what did you say in your second cafeteria before we came to the hospital?"


Silly Zhu cursed secretly in his heart.

The old fox must have remembered what happened when Que Genxian called Jia Zhang to see Qin Huairu for the last time.

Thinking of diverting trouble to the east.

beautiful you.

"Master Yi, you said that Qin Huairu died and you went to the Second Canteen to call me. I said that as the monitor of the Second Canteen, I also wanted to come to the hospital to express my condolences to Qin Huairu. After all, I am an employee of the Second Canteen."

He slapped his head with his hand.

Pretending to be enlightened.

"At that time, you asked Quegenxian to go to the courtyard to call Mrs. Jia Zhang, saying that as mother-in-law, Mrs. Jia Zhang had to see Qin Huairu for the last time."

Yi Zhonghai couldn't care less.

He tried his best to suck the milk.

Rushed to the courtyard.

I don't have any worries about stupid pillars anymore.


Silly Zhu cursed.

Just about to take a step to chase him out.

Several workers grabbed his arm.

What Yi Zhonghai said just now was a reminder to several workers.Either they themselves lack nutrition, or their family members lack nutrition. Without the status of Yi Zhonghai's eighth-level worker, they can't get milk powder. Even if they can get it, they don't have the financial conditions. Thinking that Silly Zhu is a chef, he must know what nutrients are nutritious. .

"Master He, don't leave in a hurry."

"What's the matter? Tell me." Si Zhu, who was eager to watch the excitement, urged, "I still have something to be busy with over there."

"Master He, we just want to ask you, what kind of things are we here to get? It is nutritious. Please tell us."

Look at the thin man in front of you.

Silly Zhu was also helpless.

He didn't know when the famine would end. It wasn't written in the script, but according to Shazhu's wishes, it would only be slightly affected this year, and it would definitely be fine next year.

As for nutritional supplements.

He does.

"Make some bones and make some soup at home. This stuff is nutritious. If you add some fish scales, pig skins, intestines and the like, you can also make it into skin jelly."


"Why are you lying to me?" Silly Zhu, who thought of something, warned, "That dry bone with nothing is useless."

"Master He, if the bones are ground into powder, can they be eaten?"

Silly Zhu was asked.

Can bones be eaten if they are ground into powder?

He doesn't know either.

Maybe you can't eat it.

People eat meat and dogs eat bones. This is an old rule passed down from generation to generation. People can't even snatch the bones of dogs.

He replied honestly.

"I don't know, but you can try. If something goes wrong, I won't be responsible."

After saying a few words, Silly Zhu hurriedly ran out of the affiliated hospital to see the excitement. According to Qiangenxian's speed, Mrs. Jia Zhang should have appeared at the steel rolling mill.

On the road.

I saw many people rushing towards the east gate of the steel rolling mill.

Silly Zhu guessed that Jia Zhang must be here.

The Red Star Courtyard is located to the east of the steel rolling mill. They usually enter through the east gate when going to work.If it weren't for Jia and Zhang to cause trouble, these people wouldn't have gone to watch the fun.

I am looking forward to Jia Zhang’s performance.

You can't blame Si Zhu for this matter. It was Yi Zhonghai who was plotting against Si Zhu from the beginning to the end, and it was Si Zhu who passively responded to Yi Zhonghai.


The gate of the rolling mill.

Jia Zhang made trouble.

Originally, I wanted to make a fuss inside the factory, but then I felt something was wrong. If I wanted to make a fuss, I would make a fuss at the entrance of the steel rolling mill, where so many people could be seen coming and going.

Moreover, those in the security department did not let Jia Zhang in.

At the gate of the steel rolling mill, Ms. Jia Zhang knelt on the ground and started crying.

"There is no way to survive. My son Jia Dongxu had an accident in the steel rolling mill and died. My daughter-in-law finally entered the steel rolling mill and died after working for less than a year. Why is my wife's life so miserable? Son, son Daughter-in-law, my old lady is here to see you. If it weren’t for the fact that my old lady couldn’t bear to worry about the children, I would have gone down there ruthlessly.”

Crying with runny nose and tears.

I actually cried more than I peed.

Moreover, Mrs. Jia Zhang also knew that there were some things that could be said and some things that could not be said. She never mentioned God from beginning to end, nor did she call Lao Jia and Xiao Jia to come up and help.

Knowing that these contents are taboo will make Ms. Jia and Zhang unable to bear the consequences.

Under the guise of missing my daughter-in-law and my son, I kept talking about the difficulties of the Jia family and the difficulties of the Jia family.

Xiaodang is six or seven years old.

Knowing something, and being given some instructions by Jia Zhang, she saw Jia Zhang kneeling on the ground, and she also knelt next to Jia Zhang.

Huaihua was just a little kid under two years old, still wearing crotchless pants, and couldn't speak clearly. When she saw her grandma kneeling and crying, and her sister kneeling too, she knelt down beside her in a hurry, but because of her young age, her physical condition The control was not harmonious, and he fell to the ground all at once. It hurt, and he cried out loudly.

Jia Zhang saw this.

The stone in my heart fell to the ground.

Sophora japonica can just cry.

At that time, she had already made a plan in her mind. If Sophora japonica didn't cry, she would find a way to make Sophora japonica cry. Even if she pinched Sophora japonica's skin, she still had to make the furry child cry.

Does Mrs. Jia Zhang know who can arouse the sympathy of outsiders? It is not her, the widow, but the two children kneeling on either side of her body.

Sophora japonica cried in a childish voice.

Jia Zhang also spoke in a different tone.

Xiaodang, on the other hand, was a little confused, not knowing whether he should cry or not.

After hesitating for a while, seeing that Mrs. Jia Zhang was crying and not paying attention to Huaihua, the sister gene in her heart kicked in. She walked around from behind Mrs. Jia Zhang to the front of Sophora huaihua, and pushed the fallen Sophora japonica onto her stomach. Holding it in his arms, he looked at the people around him with confused eyes.

It was exactly as Jia Zhang expected.

Huaihua and Xiaodang gave Jia Zhang family extra points.

Listening to Mrs. Jia Zhang's cry, she thought about what happened in the steel rolling mill.

I haven't heard of anyone dying.

Why did Mao Jia and Zhang make so much trouble?

A well-intentioned person asked Jia and Zhang about the specific reasons.

"Old sister-in-law, what's wrong with you? You should tell me. If the steel rolling mill is really unreasonable, we will help you seek justice. Look at these two children. They are so sensible. They must not seek death and survival. What you just said, It is said that my son is dead and my daughter-in-law is also dead. You are the last support for the two children. If you follow, the two children will be orphans. They will have no parents and no relatives. How miserable it is. Live well."

Without the persuasion of this kind person.

Jia Zhang didn't know what she was doing.

As soon as she heard what the other party said, Mrs. Jia Zhang knew that she was doing the right thing by dragging Xiaodang and Huaihua to cause trouble in the steel rolling mill. Just now she saw Xiaodang holding Huaihua and coaxing Huaihua from crying. Mrs. Jia Zhang also Resent Xiaodang for being nosy.

Unexpectedly, he made many mistakes and won the sympathy of everyone present.

Jia Zhang is more confident that the matter will be successful.

She is not afraid.

When old Jia died, the world was still dominated by old man Feng, and Jia and Zhang could make money from the steel rolling mill. What's more, now, she was crying louder.

The content has been updated to some extent.

"Dongxu, Mom misses you, Huairu, what a good mother-in-law, why did you just leave like this? A white-haired person is sending a black-haired person. How can I still live? If I die, then the Jia family will The Jia family, Huairu, Dongxu, mom will take the children to see you, don’t resent mom, it’s mom who is useless.”

Security Section in the Crowd.

Finally, I figured out the whole story.

Now we know who is causing trouble and why.

The co-author is Jia Dongxu's biological mother and the mother-in-law of Qin Huairu, a pretty widow in the steel rolling mill.

It is also strange.

The current times are not very easy, and the dishes are all lacking in nutrition. Except for Jia Zhang, who is crying non-stop in front of her, she looks white and fat.

She looks more like a landowner than the landowners at that time.

I heard that Qin Huairu had an evil mother-in-law who was fond of eating and was lazy. When I saw her today, she was indeed well-deserved. No wonder Qin Huairu fainted in the second cafeteria. It turned out that all the money she earned was eaten by this evil mother-in-law, Mrs. Jia Zhang.

Can't care too much.

He hurriedly explained the situation to Jia Zhang.

"Grandma Qin Huairu."

People watching around.

His eyes immediately fell on Jia Zhang with a bit of amusement.

Qin Huairu is well-known in the steel rolling mill, and her mother-in-law is no exception.

"Is this Qin Huairu's mother-in-law?"

"The fate of the beautiful widow of the steel rolling mill?"

"Why are you so fat?"

"Give it to her to eat. I heard from people that she does nothing in the compound. She idles around all day, gossiping, and she still has the nerve to go to the steel rolling mill to cause trouble."

Crying Jia Zhang.

I was stunned.

Why is the script different from what she imagined?

Why are these people questioning themselves, instead of supporting themselves as they did just now? Without the sympathy of these people, how can Jia Zhang control the steel rolling mill?

Just the words "good food and lazy" have already nailed Jia and Zhang to the pillar of shame.

"Huairu, Dongxu, Mom misses you."

Jia Zhang has no choice.

I can only avoid the important things and use the fact that the Jia family is orphaned and widowed to win everyone's sympathy. I am lazy, but I am also an old widow whose son and daughter-in-law have died.

before the facts.

Everything you say is nonsense.

"Grandma Qin Huairu, stop crying. Why are you crying? You said Jia Dongxu is dead. It's not like you don't know how Jia Dongxu died. He played cards all night and was tired from homework the next day. Besides, he didn't die either. Something happened to him, and the steel rolling mill was kind enough to give you condolence money. As for Qin Huairu, who did you hear that Qin Huairu was dead?"

Jia Zhang stopped the tears in her eyes.

Look straight at the person in front of you.

I said something in my heart.

what do you mean by that?
Qin Huairu is not dead?
If she had not died, what would it be like for me, as a mother-in-law, to bring my children to the steel rolling mill and cry to death.

spread out.

How people talk about her Jia Zhang.

After hesitating for more than ten seconds, Jia Zhang had the idea that Qin Huairu must be dead, and these people were telling lies and fooling themselves.

The crying continued.

"Who said Qin Huairu is not dead? If he is not dead, I can come and cry for Qin Huairu?"

The people in the security department also murmured.

Think about it.

Could it be that Qin Huairu is really dead?

Otherwise, why would Jia Zhang come to make trouble? Moreover, there was no need to inform him about whether Qin Huairu would die or not. They called a few people and dragged Jia Zhang to the steel rolling mill for talks.

The original intention was that the meat rotted in the pot, and the disgrace was also lost in the factory.

But he didn't expect that Jia Zhangshicuo was aware of the other party's actions and thought that Qin Huairu was dead and the other party was going to take action against him.

When you enter the steel rolling mill, you are the meat on the chopping board, and you can let the other party manipulate it.

(End of this chapter)

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