Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 287 The punishment of Yi Zhonghai ruined Yi Zhonghai’s life

What the coworkers dislike is not that Qin Huairu eats more and occupies more space in the second canteen. They also want to eat more in the canteen and eat less when they go home at night.

Save food rations as much as possible.

Let your children or family members eat more.

What really made the workers dislike Qin Huairu was that Qin Huairu always wanted to bring food from the second canteen, which was to create artificial leftovers.

Change to the season when supplies are abundant.

If you bring food, bring food.

What year is it now.

At a time when supplies are extremely scarce across the country, tens of thousands of people are watching the cafeteria throughout the steel rolling mill, and the bosses don't even dare to open a small stove.

You were bringing food, but someone broke in and reported it, saying that the people in the second canteen drank the blood of the workers.

By then, the people in the second cafeteria will no longer be qualified to eat in the cafeteria.

It is equivalent to losing one person's ration.

It's all light.

To get more serious.

It's either a gun or a trap.

Those at home will also be affected by the impact on employment, education, medical care, etc.

Many people don't like Qin Huairu.

Although she had clearly told her the consequences of the matter, she still insisted on bringing food or supplies from the second cafeteria. The key was that Qin Huairu would not do anything about the supplies, but expected those in the second cafeteria to help her.

Not stupid.

Why should I risk being shot and jailed for you, Qin Huairu?
Silly Zhu has been plotted by Qin Huairu like this.

He said that he couldn't open the pot at home, so he asked Shazhu to help him order some white noodles.

No stick noodles.

Want refined food.

He said Banggan needed nutrition, said Xiaodang and Sophora japonica couldn't eat steamed buns, and said Jia Zhang had no appetite these days and must eat something good.

Was scolded away by Silly Zhu.

Since then.

These people in the Second Canteen did not like to see Qin Huairu, thinking that Qin Huairu was just rotten meat that ruined a pot of good meat. When they heard from Liu Lan's mouth that Qin Huairu was going to be transferred from the Second Canteen, they all smiled.

The damn widow is finally gone.

I don't know who.



Publicity Section.

Yu Haitang received the latest notice from the factory office.

Look at the contents of the file.

Yu Haitang, known as the factory flower, was a little stunned for a moment, and her beautiful eyes were full of shock.

I have been working for three months.

He is no longer the silly Baitian who knows nothing.

Take it seriously!
Words with special meanings, etc., kept appearing in turn in this notice of less than [-] words.

name above.

This was also the reason why Yu Haitang was stunned.

The names of Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, and Jia Zhang are prominently listed.

Because of the relationship between Yu Li and Yan Jiecheng, Yu Haitang, who is Yu Li's cousin, also knows a little about the courtyard. She knows that Qin Huairu is Jia Zhang's daughter-in-law, and she also knows that Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill. , and even knew that Qin Huairu was the person nicknamed the Pretty Widow of the Steel Rolling Mill.

There are double flowers in the rolling mill.

One flower is a widow's flower, named Qin Huairu of the Pretty Widow.

One flower is a beautiful flower named Yu Haitang, the sound-controlling girl.

I met Qin Huairu and felt that I was better looking than Qin Huairu.

And because of Qin Huairu's status as a widow, Yu Haitang felt that it was an insult to him that she and Qin Huairu were the double spenders of the steel rolling mill.

While thinking about how to clear up Shuanghua's name, the factory office sent a penalty notice.

Yu Haitang naturally accepted the job in a hurry.

Facing the manuscript.

I read it silently several times.

Then the microphone switch was turned on.

Her pleasant voice spread through the loudspeaker to every corner of the steel rolling mill.

Yi Zhonghai, who was in the ninth workshop, listened to Yu Haitang's voice, and felt an unnatural flash of panic in his heart. He always felt that this sudden notification had something to do with him.

as predicted.

The beginning of the file.

Just clicked Yi Zhonghai's name.

"Yi Zhonghai, a worker in the ninth workshop of the steel rolling mill, considers himself an eighth-level technician. He does not want to make progress or study. He just wants to sleep on the credit book of the eighth-level worker. The steel rolling plant is a steel rolling plant for all employees. This is the steel rolling mill of our great motherland. At any time, there is no need for employees with degenerate ideas and no ambition to make progress. Yi Zhonghai is like a rat droppings that ruined a pot of fresh soup!"

Yi Zhonghai wanted to die already.

He felt that the workers in the workshop looked at him with contempt.

This is not the result that Yi Zhonghai wants.

once Upon a time.

Because he was an eighth-level worker, he never took the people in the ninth workshop seriously, thinking that he was better than them. Even the workshop director Guo Dapizi was manipulated by Yi Zhonghai several times.

Nothing happened.

Business as usual.

Something happened.

Being stepped on is completely normal.

Yi Zhonghai knew that he was not going to have a good life. He twisted his stiff neck around and a wry smile appeared on his face.

It’s over.

It's all over.

There is nothing left, the good reputation that I have been pursuing so hard is just gone.

He wants to cry.

I really want to cry.

Not thinking about progress, not thinking about studying, sleeping on the credit book of an eighth-level worker, degenerate thoughts, not seeking improvement, these qualifying words instantly nailed Yi Zhonghai to the pillar of shame.

next to his ear.

The sound of Yu Haitang's announcement continued to be heard.

"Yi Zhonghai's behavior was very bad, and his thinking was extremely backward. Without finding out the truth, he sent people to the Siheyuan to inform Jia Zhang, causing Jia Zhang to mistakenly think that something happened to Qin Huairu, causing a riot in the steel rolling mill, and rolling steel against me. The factory has caused a very serious impact. In accordance with the factory rules and regulations, Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai will be punished as follows. Qin Huairu will be transferred from the No. [-] Canteen to work in the cleaning team with immediate effect."

The quiet nine workshops.

became boisterous.

Cleaning Team.

It's like cleaning the toilet.

It is really a strange thing for a pretty widow to clean the toilet in a steel rolling mill.

Presumably there will be a lot more people going to the toilet.

Yi Zhonghai no longer felt sorry for Qin Huairu, he just wanted to know how the steel rolling mill would punish him.

"Yi Zhonghai, an employee of the ninth workshop, because of his backward thinking and not being proud of the steel rolling mill, is now severely criticizing Yi Zhonghai, ordering Yi Zhonghai to write an inspection of no less than [-], and to make self-criticism in public at the steel rolling mill staff meeting , and Yi Zhonghai will be punished by downgrade, assessment and other punishments."

Killing hearts.

This was the trump card that cost Yi Zhonghai his life.With comments about Yi Zhonghai being backward in thinking and not proud of the steel rolling mill, Yi Zhonghai's life is ruined. If something happens in the future, he will be the first to be liquidated.

No wonder Yi Zhonghai's face.

It's the kind of expression that makes my parents die.

"All workers in the steel rolling mill, we must be people who dedicate our lives to the steel rolling mill, instead of being Yi Zhonghai who delays the progress of the steel rolling mill, has backward ideas, and thinks that with the status of an eighth-level worker, he can do whatever he wants. Zhonghai-style backward elements say no, we don’t want to be Yi Zhonghai, we want to be Tan Yanli! Tan Yanli is glorious and is an example for every one of us in the steel rolling mill. Yi Zhonghai is shameful and is common to all of us in the steel rolling mill. A despised bad example!”

Tan Yanli was a model worker in Beijing last year.

The steel rolling mill also carried out activities to learn from Tan Yanli.

"He Yuzhu, the monitor of the second cafeteria of the steel rolling mill, failed to stop the incident and criticized He Yuzhu. In addition, He Yuzhu was able to stand on a fair, just and open basis when faced with Jia Zhang's behavior of causing trouble in the steel rolling mill. From the perspective of speaking with facts and evidence, the incident of Jia and Zhang's riot in the steel rolling mill was brought under small-scale control. Here, He Yuzhu, the monitor of the Second Canteen, was commended. And because of the staff of the Second Canteen, Qin Huairu was dragged away in time. He got out of the water tank and sent him to the hospital, and gave verbal praise to everyone in the second cafeteria."

Silly Zhu in the Second Canteen.

Nodding slightly.

I know that Deputy Director Li is reliable.

Otherwise, he would not have taken the initiative to explain the situation at the gate of the steel rolling mill just now.


Outside the second cafeteria.

In a corner near the wall.

Xu Damao and Liu Yufen both cocked their ears stupidly and looked at each other with expressions of disbelief.

Because of the confession incident.

Liu Yufen and Xu Damao's thoughts were always on each other.

Xu Damao's idea was to show his affection for Liu Yufen as much as possible.

no way.

Liu Yufen didn't believe that Xu Damao would like her.

As the subject of unrequited love, Liu Yufen knew Xu Damao more or less. She knew that Xu Damao had a problem. He liked beautiful lesbians, and he was a film projectionist at a steel rolling mill. As a member of the Eighth Party Committee, when he went to the countryside, it was really a dimensionality reduction blow. Not to mention those good-looking widows, even some good-looking village beauties, all chased after the donkey-faced man Xu Damao and insisted on marrying Xu Damao.

But she is an ugly woman.

If a woman's appearance is a perfect score of five points, Qin Huairu's appearance is three and a half points, Yu Haitang's appearance is three points, and Liu Yufen's appearance is only half a point.

He's tall.

The body is still fat.

These advantages are fine when concentrated on men, but become a burden on women.

Liu Yufen's father was so worried about Liu Yufen's marriage.

Facing Xu Damao's confession, Liu Yufen had one thought: if Xu Damao joked with her again, she would not accept Xu Damao's confession.

She expressed her attitude over and over again, saying that although she liked Xu Damao very much, she would not do anything to regret Xu Damao. She hoped that Xu Damao would do well and find a lesbian who liked Xu Damao at the same time. I am not worthy of Xu Damao.

Xu Damao only wanted to harm a woman like Qin Huairu once, let alone himself.She said that she was not that stupid. She knew that Xu Damao liked good-looking women, but even though she was an ugly woman, she still pounced on her.

Moreover, Xu Damao also said just now that Xu Damao's parents fell in love with another lesbian and hoped that Xu Damao could marry that lesbian.

If Liu Yufen marries Xu Damao, how will the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law be handled in the future? Xu Damao will end up in a dilemma. She doesn't want Xu Damao to be unhappy.

Xu Damao confesses his love to Liu Yufen.

Heard these words.

Completely dumbfounded.

What's this all about.

Previously, Xu Damao looked down on Liu Yufen and felt that Liu Yufen was not worthy of him in all aspects.

Not to mention anything else, Liu Yufen's height of two meters and weight of more than 100 kilograms would definitely collapse Xu Damao's bed. Then she would be ridiculed by the neighbors and laughed at by the workers.

Thinking that even Silly Zhu could marry Li Xiuzhi, his wife should be on par with Li Xiuzhi, and she tried her best to avoid Liu Yufen, who was madly showing her love for Xu Damao.

Feng Shui turns.

When Liu Yufen wanted to marry Xu Damao, Xu Damao didn't like Liu Yufen and said that she should wear a shotgun when sleeping.

Xu Damao wanted to marry Liu Yufen, but Liu Yufen said no to Xu Damao and wished Xu Damao to find a better lesbian wife than her.

He said that he could not make his parents sad for his own sake and asked Xu Damao to listen to his parents.

Xu Damao's parents were interested in Lou Xiaoe's family's property and wanted to use it through marriage. They thought now was an excellent opportunity.

Lou Xiao'e's parents did not dare to say they disagreed, otherwise they would be labeled as a family that looks down on workers and does not marry workers.

They took Lou Xiao'e's photo back and showed it to Xu Damao.

Unexpectedly, Xu Damao came to Sha Zhu for advice because of Lou Xiao'e. With Sha Zhu's persuasion, he faced his own heart and felt that the person he liked was Liu Yufen.

I want to live for myself for a while.

Finally, she mustered up the courage to express her love for Liu Yufen, but she was denied by Liu Yufen.

Just now Liu Yufen asked Xu Damao a question.

Do you really like me?
Xu Damao shouted the answer "I like you" immediately.

Liu Yufen asked Xu Damao to think carefully.

Xu Damao really followed Liu Yufen's words and thought about it seriously.

Liu Yufen turned around and said that Xu Damao didn't like her. Maybe it was because Liu Yufen gave him a sense of security, otherwise he wouldn't have followed Liu Yufen's words to think about whether he liked her or not.

Xu Damao was stunned.

I did things according to your wishes, but the result was not right.

What's the point.

Just when he wanted to explain.

The sound coming from the loudspeaker disrupted Xu Damao's steps. When he heard that Jia Zhang was making a big fuss in the steel rolling mill, Qin Huairu was transferred to the cleaning team, and Yi Zhonghai took the job of an apprentice worker and was doing the work of an eighth-level worker.

Xu Damao was dumbfounded.

Liu Yufen was also dumbfounded.

It was here that they talked about forming a lifelong partnership, and the steel rolling mill caused such a big mess.

I still want to say something.

Then he saw Liu Lan's figure.

Regarding Liu Lan, Xu Damao knew it, and Liu Yufen also knew it. They knew that Liu Lan was a dishonest person, and they left in a hurry.

Watching their respective backs leaving.

Liu Lan stomped her feet as she watched.

Blame yourself for not coming sooner.

I missed such big news for nothing.


Mrs. Jia Zhang returned to the courtyard with Xiaodang and Sophora japonica with a sad look on her face.

People just showed up.

Still haven't caught my breath.

The people from the courtyard gathered around.

They all asked.

"Grandma Banggen, what happened with Huairu is true from time to time?"

"Those people are talking nonsense, right? Huairu works in the canteen, what dangers can there be in the canteen? Hey, did he fall into the boiling water and be boiled to death?"

"Why did he cook to death? Our Qin Huairu is fine. Don't talk nonsense. Even if your family is dead, our Huairu is also fine."

Mrs. Jia Zhang choked out angrily.

Pulling Xiaodang and Sophora japonica.

Walk towards Jia's house.

Behind him are the neighbors whispering.

People from the steel rolling mill came to inform Jia Zhang that they were going to see Qin Huairu for the last time.

Why didn't he die? (End of chapter)

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