Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 288: Remarrying Jia Zhang’s Director

Chapter 288: Remarrying Jia Zhang’s Director

He is truly worthy of being a resident of the beast courtyard.

Replace it with another neighbor.

Nothing happened to the neighbor and he was fine. You should be happy no matter what.

After all, we are neighbors in a compound.

The neighbors in Hongxing Courtyard were a little disappointed, because nothing happened to Qin Huairu, which meant that all their little plans just now were ruined.

Just now, Mrs. Jia Zhang followed Quegenxian to the steel rolling mill to see Qin Huairu for the last time.

Neighbors staying in the courtyard.

Everyone had their own plans.

Thinking that Qin Huairu died, Qin Huairu's job would be freed up. Jia Zhang was a lazy boss and would not go to work in the steel rolling mill.

Neighbors whose children have reached the age of looking for jobs have the idea of ​​​​going to Jia Zhang to buy jobs.

As for the Jia and Zhang family, they behaved and caused trouble.

Job done.

Give it a try.

Give you a big slap in the face.

Moreover, a job comes with a house, and only when you have a job can you have a house to live in. When Jia Zhang sold her job in the steel rolling mill, the steel rolling mill naturally wanted to take back the Jia family's house.

There will no longer be any Jia family members in the courtyard.

When the time comes, people who are tired of traveling will come to make trouble. If they ignore her a few times, the fare will be a lot of money.

Every aspect has been calculated.

The only thing that was not considered was Qin Huairu's death, which was a complete farce.

There was a feeling of loss in my heart.

Why didn't you die?

Qin Huairu was not dead, so there was no work. The neighbors who had just had a conflict over the competition for work smiled sheepishly at each other.

The third aunt took the opportunity to preach a few words.

Everyone was laughing and joking as the topic turned to why Qin Huairu didn't die, and they didn't understand why Mrs. Jia Zhang's face looked ugly.

Why else?
Just panic.

Before leaving the steel rolling mill, Deputy Director Li mentioned more than once that Qin Huairu's fainting was caused by lack of nutrition and physical weakness according to the doctor.

Those who were watching also said that since Qin Huairu lacked nutrition, then Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, should also lack nutrition.

Why is Jia Zhang so fat?

In the years when supplies are scarce, one can still turn oneself into a landlord's wife in the old society.

I have to say, it is also a means.

The security department who weighed Ms. Jia Zhang at the beginning said that Ms. Jia Zhang weighed almost [-] kilograms.

Those who supported Jia and Zhang at the beginning all gasped. The mother-in-law ate into a [-]-pound fat man, but the daughter-in-law fainted from exhaustion in the factory.

It's obviously a pain for my daughter-in-law.

Fat and evil mother-in-law.

Once this matter is put on the line.

There will be a scene that Jia Zhang doesn't want to see the most.

Qin Huairu remarried or the Jia Zhang family and Qin Huairu separated.

No one dared to say that Qin Huairu was wrong. At least 400 people saw Qin Huairu's collapse in the second cafeteria due to lack of nutrition. For the sake of reputation, the steel rolling mill must explain the situation. All Qin Huairu's rations were taken by her mother-in-law. Jia Zhang ate it.

Jia Zhang was confused and knew what this would do to her.

The evil mother-in-law who sucks the blood of her daughter-in-law.

Qin Huairu's departure will be approved by many people.

Is there still hope for the Jia family?
Banggan, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica are the flesh that fell from Qin Huairu's body. They must take them with them. She is Qin Huairu's ex-mother-in-law, and she has a bad reputation as a vampire daughter-in-law. If she doesn't take them with her, neither will outsiders. To accuse Qin Huairu of being unfilial, one can only say that Jia and Zhang deserved it.


How will we make a living then?
Jia Zhang looked straight at the photo of Jia Dongxu in front of her, and felt inexplicably angry in her heart. She blamed the bastard Yi Zhonghai. If he hadn't killed her son, she would be in such a miserable state.



Li Xiuzhi is getting familiar with the work process.

Because she had been helping on the streets before, these procedures were like going over and over again for Li Xiuzhi.

He held a large pile of information in his hand.

Looking through.

On the notebook in front of her was her recorded experience.

Due to my low level of education, some words are difficult to read.

Li Xiuzhi simply found herself a Xinhua dictionary and compared the contents there, reading word by word until someone called her.

Only then did Li Xiuzhi withdraw her mind from the sea of ​​books and return to her body.

Look at the clerk in front of you.


"Clerk Wang, I'm sorry. I was so absorbed in watching that I didn't hear you calling me. What can I do for you?"

Clerk Wang in Li Xiuzhi's words.

His name is Wang Jianchun.

She is 23 years old this year, one year older than Li Xiuzhi.

After changing jobs, he became a clerk in the street. Unlike Li Xiuzhi, he did not have the word "agent" and was a regular employee of the street.

The two have been dealing with each other for some time.

I didn't look at Li Xiuzhi at first, but I tried to figure out everything about Li Xiuzhi. I always thought that Li Xiuzhi, a village girl, couldn't complete the tasks assigned by the street. Even if she could complete it, there would still be loopholes in all aspects, and he would need to fix them.

Face difficulties.

Li Xiuzhi gritted her teeth and completed the task assigned by Wang Jianchun flawlessly. She conquered Wang Jianchun and made Wang Jianchun apologize to herself in front of all the comrades on the street.

This guy doesn't hold a grudge against Li Xiuzhi either.

On the contrary, he was a little clingy to Li Xiuzhi and wanted to share everything with Li Xiuzhi. He also called out Haikou, where Li Xiuzhi could come to him for help no matter what happened.

Li Xiuzhi smiled and agreed.

Wang Jianchun is a bit of a high-minded but low-handed guy, but if you make him submissive, he will be honest with you. If you can't conquer him, this guy will always dislike you and fight against you in every aspect.

That stubborn donkey temper.

Hearing what Li Xiuzhi said so politely, Wang Jianchun's face flashed with anger and he suddenly became unhappy.

"Comrade Li Xiuzhi, you are looking down on me, Wang Jianchun. You and I are both street workers. I am only one year older than you. You call me your name. I don't know if you are afraid. Anyway, I am worried about losing my life." , why don’t you just call me Wang Jianchun, or you can call me Comrade Wang, please don’t call me like Clerk Wang, it’s awkward.”

"Then I'll call you Comrade Wang!"

"Better than Clerk Wang."

"Comrade Wang Jianchun, what did you just say?"

"The director just answered a call and asked me to call you to find her." His voice suddenly dropped, and he whispered to Li Xiuzhi as if he was playing tricks, "I think you will be reused. It's done. The word "agent" in front of you Just removed it.”

When she heard that the director was calling her, although Li Xiuzhi didn't know what happened, she knew that the matter was related to her, or that she could come forward to solve it.

Otherwise, Director Jia would not send someone to call her.

After helping the street for so long, he also understood Director Jia's nature. When encountering problems, he should find someone who can solve them instead of just leaving them to his subordinates to deal with.

The mantra is that professional matters should be solved by professionals.

Li Xiuzhi put down the information in her hand.

He got up and walked towards Director Jia's office.

Looking at Li Xiuzhi's leaving figure, Wang Jianchun had a smile on his face and nodded his head slightly.An old street man who was over 40 years old and named Liu Niudan appeared beside Wang Jianchun at some point. Following Wang Jianchun's gaze, he saw Li Xiuzhi entering Director Jia's office.

said a word.

"Don't think blindly. I'm getting married. My husband is the monitor of the second cafeteria of the steel rolling mill. He is a superb cook. Many hosts who hold wedding banquets like to let Silly Zhu take charge of the cooking. Director Jia was the matchmaker for Li Xiuzhi's marriage."

Wang Jianchun glanced sideways at the speaker.

A bit of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Liu Niudan felt furious at the sight and yelled.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Don't use your dirty thoughts to tarnish my, Wang Jianchun's, appreciation for Li Xiuzhi."


"Liu Niudan, I really didn't expect you to be thinking about these things all day long. When did I say that I like Comrade Li Xiuzhi?"

"Does that even matter?"

"Like is like, appreciation is appreciation. I only have the kind of appreciation for Comrade Li Xiuzhi that admires the strong, and I don't have the kind of love that men have for women. Besides, Li Xiuzhi is my sister. As a younger brother, how can I show my affection towards my sister? Unreasonable thoughts.”

Liu Niudan was dumbfounded.

He seemed to be confused by Wang Jianchun.

Isn’t appreciation the same as liking?

"Your surname is Wang and her surname is Li. How come she is your sister? Moreover, you are older than Li Xiuzhi. Even if they are relatives, you are the brother and she is the sister."

"In my place, Wang Jianchun, whoever has the ability is my elder. As long as an eight-year-old child can convince me, I will be his younger brother. As for the matter between me and Li Xiuzhi, when did I recognize her as my sister? I announced unilaterally Li Xiuzhi is my sister, Liu Niudan, so I’m warning you, don’t use your dirty thoughts to tarnish my admiration for sister Li Xiuzhi, you can’t afford the consequences.”


Inside the office.

Li Xiuzhi looked at Director Jia in front of her in shock.

Mainly because what Director Jia just told her was too unbelievable.

He sucked in a breath of cool air.

Looking stupidly at the street.

It took a while to react.

"Director, you just said that you received a call from the office of the steel rolling mill. They informed you on the phone about what happened in the courtyard. Jia Zhang and her two children made a big fuss in the steel rolling mill, saying that Qin Huairu was out of business at the steel rolling mill. The steel rolling mill will give him a satisfactory answer. The steel rolling mill said that Qin Huairu's fainting was caused by long-term lack of nutrition. Do you want me to handle this matter? "

"I don't want you to handle it, but I want to ask the Jia family what's going on. Why did the comrade at the steel rolling mill office say on the phone that Jia Zhang's vampire daughter-in-law is the vampire daughter-in-law? By the way, I heard some time ago , before I was transferred here, someone specifically called Jia Zhang?"

"Director, I married into the courtyard house after you were transferred to the street. You were the matchmaker for my marriage to our head of the family."

Director Jia slapped his forehead.

Too busy and confused.

Forgot about it.

He rested his chin on his hand.

thought for a while.

Then he asked Li Xiuzhi about some things about the courtyard house.

Li Xiuzhi did not hide anything. She told Director Jia every word about what happened in the courtyard.

Why does Jia Zhang not work all day long, just sitting and waiting to eat Qin Huairu? How about making a pair of cloth shoes for two or three months? Why does Qin Huairu come back from work and cook for Jia Zhang? After dinner, Qin Huairu washed the dishes and tidied the house. When the neighbors were sitting in the yard chatting, Qin Huairu would wash clothes in the water cage in the middle yard. At around ten o'clock in the evening, he would mend the children's clothes under the light. .

Director Jia bit his lower lip with his teeth.

This matter is not easy to handle.

He heard the meaning in Li Xiuzhi's words, with a tone of speaking the truth.

The steel rolling mill will soon send a letter to the street, requesting the street to assist in the investigation and report on the case of Jia Zhang, a resident of the area, who fainted from hunger and fainted from the steel rolling mill employee Qin Huairu.

It is equivalent to handing over the disposal power of Jia Zhang family to Director Jia's hands.

A large steel rolling mill with thousands of people.

Director Jia didn't dare to ignore others.

They are counting on the steel rolling mill to provide them with holiday benefits.

"As long as you know about this, in a few days, I will take people to your courtyard to have a look. If the situation is really like what the steel rolling mill said, Jia Zhang is so lazy that she treats Qin Huairu as a slave to support the Jia family, we The streets also need to show their attitude.”

"Listen to you."

"Is Mrs. Jia Zhang making a lot of noise in your courtyard?"

"She is a widow. Her son is dead and her daughter-in-law is also a widow. She is worried about changing her situation."

Li Xiuzhi spoke objectively and factually about Jia Zhang.

Director Jia also knew that Li Xiuzhi was right.

Heart to heart.

Think for a second.

This may not be the case.

"Xiuzhi, I remember that there was an old man named Li Tou in our street whose old lady died. He lived in the courtyard at which number."

"The old man whose wife died, his surname is Zhou, passed away last month. The old man you mentioned, Mr. Li, beat his wife away."

"I remember that he is about the same age as Jia Zhang. What do you think if we bring them together?"

Even if you suffer hardship, you still need to be pushed by evil people.

Li Xiuzhi guessed what Director Jia meant.

It's just that Mrs. Jia Zhang has caused the street to lose its reputation and wants to find a bad man for Ms. Jia Zhang who will beat up her wife.

Don't say it.

The fat and white Jia Zhang.

I guess I can resist being beaten.

Moreover, Director Jia's thinking is also relatively lively. Anyone who would think of the idea of ​​remarrying Jia Zhang first would remarry Qin Huairu first.

"I can't give you an answer."

"Xiuzhi, how do you feel now?"

"Today is my first day at work, so I'm a little nervous."

"It's all the same. When you go out later, help me look through the single mother's remarriage statistics table. Last time I seemed to see an application form for Jia Zhang's remarriage in it."

Li Xiuzhi was a little stunned.

I'm not convinced that someone like Jia Zhang would take the initiative to remarry.

He looks like he's in his early fifties.


It will definitely get poked in the back.

The expression on Director Guan Jia's face didn't look like he was telling lies. He fired the cannon randomly and nodded towards the street. After chatting for a while, he opened the door and came out.

I saw Wang Jianchun standing in front of his work station like a wooden stake.

I was stunned.

this kid.

Really lacking in brains.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you waiting for?"

"I want you to be my sister, and I want to be your brother."

"What did you say? Do I think you are your sister?" Li Xiuzhi, who was still smiling one second, changed her face the next second, and rolled her eyes at Wang Jianchun angrily, and righteously refused Wang Jianchun to recognize her as her sister. "I don't have a brother like you!"

(End of this chapter)

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