Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 289 Li Xiuzhi’s Li Dai Tao Jian

Chapter 289 Li Xiuzhi’s Li Dai Tao Jian
Li Xiuzhi's attitude.

Not only did Wang Jianchun be dumbfounded.

The people around him also became monks who were two feet tall.

I don’t know what happened here. Why did Li Xiuzhi, who had always been harmonious and always smiling, become so angry when Wang Jianchun proposed to recognize him as his sister? She coldly said, “I don’t like my brother.” talk.

The reason was that Wang Jianchun didn't know Li Xiuzhi's hidden past.

Li Xiuzhi's parents wanted to trade her for her brother in exchange for marriage. The other party was a fool who couldn't take care of himself. As for the remaining money, they wanted to give Li Xiuzhi's brother the capital to get a wife. As for Li Xiuzhi's feelings, they regarded Li Xiuzhi as a wife. goods.

My heart was completely broken.

Upon hearing that Wang Jianchun was going to be her younger brother, Li Xiuzhi immediately recalled the bad past in her mind. She glared at Wang Jianchun coldly and turned to the data room.

Follow the labels above.

I found the files related to the widow's remarriage, and found Jia Zhang's application for remarriage in it, and tried to calm down as much as possible.

Walked out of the reference room.

I met Wang Jianchun head-on.

Wang Jianchun nodded towards Li Xiuzhi with a humble expression and apologized.

Li Xiuzhi ignored him and said, "I'm not familiar with you, I'm not your sister, and you're not my brother." She pushed the door into Director Jia's office and placed the application form she found in front of Director Jia. in front of.

Director Jia picked it up.

Signaling Li Xiuzhi to go out.

He was not prepared to leave this job to Li Xiuzhi.

On the one hand, Jia and Zhang are a bit old when they remarry. Currently, there are policies related to widows remarrying. However, due to the old traditions passed down for thousands of years, people who remarry are often poked in the back by their neighbors. Even those who remarry lesbians My parents and relatives will also be criticized, and all kinds of bad remarks will be made all over the place.

On the other hand, it was because Li Xiuzhi and Jia Zhang lived in the same courtyard, the kind of neighbors who could not see each other when they looked down.

Li Xiuzhi dealt with the remarriage of Jia Zhang.

It's a bit of a rhythm that forces the two neighbors to fight each other.

Due to these concerns, Director Jia was ready to leave the matter to others.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiuzhi did not go out according to Director Jia's wishes. Instead, she waited for Director Jia to read the remarriage application in front of her. When she looked up, she realized that Li Xiuzhi had been present at the scene from beginning to end.

"Didn't I ask you to go out?"

"I'm not leaving. I know what the director means. He is just worried that I will be caught in the middle and it will be difficult to do the job. But I still want to take this job!"

Li Xiuzhi's impressive voice.

Director Jia seemed shocked.

Looking at Li Xiuzhi who was looking for a fight in front of him, Director Jia actually saw a bit of himself in her.

No answer.

There is no disagreement.

Instead, he moved the topic elsewhere.

"I understand your feelings, but I think you are not the best candidate for this matter, and this matter will not be dealt with now. You can go out, and I will send someone to call you."

Li Xiuzhi saw the other party say this.

There is no way to grab a job by force.

He turned out of the office and started doing his own work, reading information and reading. When he had nothing to do, he thought of Silly Zhu inexplicably and the bad things in the past.

She doesn't regret her choice.

People have to fight for themselves.

If she hadn't made a determined effort to run away, she wouldn't have the good life waiting for her now, marrying a husband who loves her, loves her, and has her.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He looked down at his belly.

I thought it would be great if I gave Shazhu a child.

For some unknown reason, they had been married for more than a year and no measures had been taken, but they still had no children. Silly Zhu didn't care, but Li Xiuzhi was a little anxious.


Huayuan Village.

The small mountain village where Li Xiuzhi lives.

It is also the place where her heart breaks.

this day.

A few hat uncles suddenly came to Huayuan Village, and with them were the village chief, the commune captain and the militia.

These people came directly to the courtyard of Li Xiuzhi's parents.

"Old Li, Old Li's wife." The village chief greeted Li Xiuzhi's parents who came out after seeing her figure. "These are comrades from the county. They came to your house to make inquiries."

Meet Li Xiuzhi’s parents.

He stood stupidly still, with a slight fear on his face.

I couldn't help but urge him.

"Why are you standing there? Hurry up and get some water for your comrades in the county."

After Li Xiuzhi's parents came to their senses, they found several bowls and a thermos bottle from the house. They unscrewed the lid and poured boiling water into the bowls.

No tea cups.

Just use a bowl to make do.

Uncle Hat did not drink water, but seriously questioned Li Xiuzhi's parents, elder brother and younger brother. One of the people accompanying him also took out a notebook, apparently wanting to take notes.


It gave Li Xiuzhi's family unlimited deterrence.

They all feel heavy.

The family knows their own affairs.

The farce a year ago is still mentioned by some people now, mainly because of the marriage exchange, which has become a joke for ten miles around, and the people from the marriage exchange family also come to make trouble.

Because Li Xiuzhi's parents did not return the money they received as gifts. Instead, they used the money to marry the boss a stupid wife.

Said to marry.

It’s no different than buying.

As the old saying goes, if you have shit under your butt, you can't see toilet paper.

"Village Chief, our old Li family are honest people and have never done such a harmful thing. Village Chief, you know this."

not stupid.

He even asked the captain to help intercede.

It’s just that now it’s the comrades in the county who make the decision.

"Don't talk for now. We've finished asking. Let's go. You can say whatever you want." The leading comrade stopped Li Xiuzhi's parents from gnawing and asked the first question, "Is there a [-]-year-old boy in your family?" A young girl?"

What to be afraid of.

But what happened.

Li Xiuzhi's parents looked at each other.

Just about to shake his head in denial.

I was warned by the only lesbian among them.

She is also the only lesbian not wearing a uniform.

"Think carefully before answering. There are some things that you can't just deny because you don't admit them."

In a word.

The thought of Li Xiuzhi's parents telling lies was instantly extinguished.

He answered honestly.

"Yes, I have a daughter." "What's her name?"

"She is from the country, has no education, and is a girl. Everyone in her family calls her a girl."

"Don't you have a formal name?"

"The name written on the household registration is Li Yatou." The village chief helped explain, "That's what everyone in the village calls them. The two girls are the eldest girl, the second girl, and the third girl. Some families don't even call them girl. , directly call it money-losing goods, big money-losing goods and small money-losing goods."

"Girl Li, are you there?"

The faces of Li Xiuzhi's parents.

It becomes even more difficult to look at.

under pressure.

His body also trembled slightly.

"Let me ask in another way. Li Yatou, your daughter, did she run away because of your so-called marriage exchange?"

Mention this matter.

Li Xiuzhi's parents, as if they had been subjected to the most aggrieved thing in the world, scolded Li Xiuzhi publicly in front of several comrades in the county.

In words.

There is no trace of love or memory for Li Xiuzhi.

Only resentment.

She felt that she had worked hard to raise Li Xiuzhi, but Li Xiuzhi ran away regardless, leaving a mess for Li Xiuzhi's parents to clean up.

Full of grumbling.

"Several comrades, the village chief also knows about our family's affairs. The family is poor and the eldest brother has physical defects. As the old saying goes, there are three worst unfilial piety and not having children. I can't just watch the incense of our Li family be cut off like this. Well, when we get down there, we still have to be beaten by my parents?"

The couple cooperated.

One finished speaking and the other continued.

"The head of our family asked someone to arrange a marriage. They didn't ask for any gifts. They said they had a son in their family and they were eager to get a wife. Based on the idea of ​​​​increasing marriage, they arranged a marriage exchange. The in-laws were good people, and they gave her a bride. He paid us dozens of dollars and asked us to buy a wedding banquet. Unexpectedly, on the night of the wedding, he ran away without even bowing to the court, and the in-laws became enemies. For more than a year, the gods came to cause trouble, not the court. While we are asking for people, we are also asking for people from them, and who knows where they got our girl."

"My mother-in-law is right. We have worked so hard to raise her to such a big size that she can urinate every time. Is it easy? She is like a white-eyed wolf and runs away regardless. Even feeding a dog is better than feeding her. This is because she is not in front of me. If she is in front of me, I will definitely beat her to death."

"You kill her, I'll shoot you."

"She is my daughter, I raised her."

Father Li's momentum.

Obviously insufficient.

One of the lesbians pressed the matter further while the iron was hot.

"I wonder if free love is available now? I don't know that arranged marriages are no longer allowed? You know that there is a policy in this regard, but you still do it? Who is the person who changed her marriage? Idiot! He can't even take care of himself. You guys are also her parents, so you just watched her jump into the fire pit? You even exchanged marriages and beat her to death. This is an era of waving red flags. This is not the old society. Your behavior is not the same as that of the landlords in the old society. What’s the difference between bullies?”

"Comrade, as parents, we can't even decide on our children's marriage?"

"Old Li, there is freedom in marriage and love. Parents can't arrange it, especially not marrying the girl to that fool. This is a wrong thing. If you do it again in the future, when you harvest the grain in the autumn, I will collect an extra bucket of grain from your family."

The village chief tried to smooth things over.

It seemed that Li's father and Li's mother had been scolded.

In fact, we are reducing big things to small things.

"Several comrades, I am really not interceding for Lao Li and his wife. Policies are policies, but the actual situation must also be considered. People in the village can't even write their own names. When choosing representatives, they know who to choose. Whoever invests in black beans is relying on the sky to make a living, and it is because we have not done our job well. This kind of thing will definitely not happen again in the future."

The leading comrade, from inside a green backpack.

He took out a hard-cover notebook.

He pulled out a photo from it and handed it to Father Li and Mother Li.

Father Li and Mother Li didn't know what they wanted to do, but they knew that they had to do what they wanted, so they reached out and took the photo.

A simple glance.

I discovered that it was a weathered floral cloth gown.

Feel familiar.

They looked at each other quickly.

Then I took a closer look.


This was clearly the gown her daughter wore when she got married.


"Where is she?"

"Are you sure these are your daughter's clothes?"

"I'm sure, there is a flower embroidered on it." Mother Li pointed to the upper corner of the photo and said, "It was embroidered by my daughter. She is very good at handiwork. This embroidered flower was accidentally damaged by me on her clothes. She felt distressed about the hole and spent several nights sewing it up with embroidered patterns."

"You are trying to identify these pictures."

The comrade took out a few more photos.

Three pictures are of pants.

Four are shoes.

Father Li and Mother Li pointed at two of them and determined that they were the clothes Li Xiuzhi wore on her wedding day. They kept saying that they were the clothes and shoes Li Xiuzhi wore on the day she got married.

The leading comrade took back the photos from their hands, and told Father Li and Mother Li, who asked where Li Xiuzhi was, the reason for their visit.

"Some time ago, someone went to the mountains to collect herbs and accidentally discovered a withered skeleton. These clothes were taken from the withered skeleton. I heard that your daughter ran away a year ago, so I came here to inquire about the situation. After your confirmation just now, this withered skeleton is that of the girl from your family who escaped from marriage a year ago."

Father Li and Mother Li.

It was like hearing a bolt from the blue.

Instantly passed out.

It wasn't until the village chief led the people away for a long time.

Father Li and Mother Li slowly woke up.

The couple looked at each other and felt their heads hurt, so they asked the eldest son beside them.

"When those people left, did they say they wanted to arrest their father and mother?"

"I didn't say it."

The hearts of Father Li and Mother Li.


Having fainted on the ground just now, I had the idea of ​​​​following the trend. I was worried that people would arrest the couple, so I simply pretended to be fainted by hearing the bad news of the girl's death.

Then I thought of something.

The second time he asked: "Where is your sister's body now?"

"Those comrades said they would bury her on the spot. They said she didn't want us to disturb her, and they also told her the specific place."

"It's bad, it's bad."

It was like hearing the worst news in the world.

Mother Li slapped her thigh.

He kept repeating the three words "bad thing".

Uncle Li's father raised his hand and gave Li's mother a big slap in the face and cursed.

"Shut the fuck up, what's wrong? This is a good thing. Do you think it's a bad thing for us as a couple to be captured and shot?"

"Daddy, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that the girl is already a member of someone else's family. Even if she dies, she is still a ghost of someone else's family. The in-laws have been making trouble and asking for people from our family. I am thinking about the future. Giving the girl's bones to them will put their family's worries aside, at least the fool won't be alone down there."

They are not worried about fools.

Instead, they continued to come to them to refund their betrothal gifts while worrying about others.

It's money.

(End of this chapter)

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