Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 299 Yi Zhonghai threatens the deaf old lady

in the dark.

Yi Zhonghai walked towards the backyard.

Now, he was really helpless. Faced with the embarrassment in the steel rolling mill and the despair in the courtyard, he didn't know how to deal with it.

He can only rely on the deaf old lady to help him.

Both of them are members of a pension group, and the deaf old lady will have to rely on Yi Zhonghai for her pension.

This is the value of Yi Zhonghai.

When I got to the backyard, I didn't go in immediately. Instead, I stopped at the door of the deaf old lady for more than ten seconds, trying my best to create a feeling that I wanted to find the deaf old lady, but I didn't want to trouble the deaf old lady. The artistic conception comes out.

Finally, the deaf old lady in the house heard the footsteps.

He shouted something.

"Is it Zhonghai?"

Taking advantage of the steps given by the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai borrowed the donkey down the slope. While opening his mouth to respond, he also opened the door and moved his body from the courtyard to the house.

under the light.

I saw an old deaf lady sitting cross-legged on the bed.

His turbid eyes fell on himself.

He didn't know whether it was because he knew the background and ability of the deaf old lady, or because Yi Zhonghai felt that he wanted something from the deaf old lady. Being noticed, he felt a little conflicted in his heart.

He brought a chair casually and sat not far from the deaf old lady.

Thinking that I had already lost face today, I gave up the idea of ​​pushing back and forth, and simply got straight to the point.

"Old lady, me."

words behind.

Yi Zhonghai deliberately didn't say anything.

The two of them have been working together for so many years, and they know each other well. Some things don't need to be said clearly, they can just be pointed out.

In the courtyard, there is a mixture of good and bad, just like in the backyard, Liu Haizhong, an official fan, and Xu Damao, a movie projectionist, have a fuel-efficient lamp, and the deaf old lady shouted so loud just now that she was worried that Liu Haizhong would come out and listen to the wall.

It's not like this never happened.

happened before.

Caution is the boat.

Just think about it.

The deaf old lady looked at Yi Zhonghai who looked worried and knew that Yi Zhonghai was in a bad mood.

This life has been about saving face, but tonight's courtyard meeting has ruined Yi Zhonghai's reputation. He himself is a poor man, so he just wants to use the idea of ​​​​building a high-profile personality to find a way out for his own retirement.

There is nothing left now.

Only bad reputation.

"My old lady knows what you want to say. Some things should not be taken too seriously. All kinds of trivial things, such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Who can pay attention to those things all day long? After a while, things will get better."

"What you said makes sense, but I still can't swallow this breath. Liu Haizhong is a dirty person and stepped on me tonight."

Upon hearing what Yi Zhonghai said, the deaf old lady suddenly remembered something.

The words Liu Haizhong said were impossible to say at Liu Haizhong's level.

When I came back, I guessed that Yan Fugui helped write it. Later, after careful consideration, it was very unlikely that Yan Fugui helped write it. The biggest source of suspicion was in the steel rolling mill.

Those words were clearly full of the atmosphere of official fighting.

What she was afraid of was not that Liu Haizhong was competing with Yi Zhonghai for the seat of the steward of the courtyard. She was worried that someone was doing Xiangzhuang's sword dance with the intention of targeting Pei Gong. They were obviously targeting Yi Zhonghai, but actually they were targeting her, the deaf old lady.

"Zhonghai, did Liu Haizhong react at the steel rolling mill today?"

As soon as Yi Zhonghai heard the deaf old lady say this, he knew what the deaf old lady was referring to.

To be honest.

Today at the steel rolling mill, he had always been the boss with his tail between his legs, and he was not in the same workshop as Liu Haizhong, so he couldn't answer the deaf old lady's questions.

Seeing that she couldn't get the answer from Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady also gave up her plan to inquire. She changed her tone and said some sincere words to Yi Zhonghai, "My old lady beat you, it's for your own good, Yi Zhonghai." At that time, I can only kill you, Yi Zhonghai. Don't bear any grudge against me.

Yi Zhonghai also kept promising to the deaf old lady, saying that he knew the deaf old lady's painstaking efforts and would not resent the deaf old lady because of this matter.He said that his relationship with the deaf old lady was still that kind of relationship, and he would provide for the deaf old lady until she died.

The deaf old lady was satisfied.

Just as he was about to wave Yi Zhonghai out, he was shocked by the content of Yi Zhonghai's next words.

"Old lady, this is what I do now, whether in the hospital or in the factory."

Yi Zhonghai stretched out his right hand.

The thumb and index finger are bent, but the little finger is raised.

He also put his little finger upside down.

The deaf old lady's expression changed, and she knew that Yi Zhonghai was begging for her.

Before the change, the deaf old lady had many ways to make Yi Zhonghai as high-profile as possible, take care of the lonely elderly people who were not related by blood, help the neighbors in the courtyard who were living in difficulty, and organize the neighbors in the courtyard to clean up.

These are all ways to highlight Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

This moment.

For a while.

Over the past year or so, the deaf old lady knew what had happened to Yi Zhonghai. Either there were rumors that he was fooling around with the old widow Jia Zhang, or there were rumors that Yi Zhonghai had slept with Qin Huairu. Later, there were also rumors that Yi Zhonghai was arrested, The rumors of despising the eldest mother, coupled with the bad facts such as ruining Silly Zhu's blind date and letting Silly Zhu marry the widow Qin Huairu, etc., the character design has already been broken beyond measure.

Walking on the street, people were poking Yi Zhonghai in the back and calling him a bastard.

In this situation.

How to whitewash the design?

Unless it was something like capturing Dieter and being seriously injured, Yi Zhonghai could shine again and smash all the bad facts about him in one fell swoop.

With the aura of a hero, who dares to question Yi Zhonghai?
The deaf old lady's gaze, with some keenness of seeing through people's hearts, was directed towards Yi Zhonghai. She knew what Yi Zhonghai was planning.

There are some contradictions in my heart.

Yi Zhonghai, who had been observing the expression on the deaf old lady's face, saw that the deaf old lady's face suddenly became extremely solemn, and knew that the deaf old lady had guessed what he meant.

He sighed deliberately and spoke in a helpless tone.

"Old lady, I really have no choice. You have seen Liu Haizhong's aggressiveness tonight. To put it bluntly, if I don't have the title of steward, you won't have a good life either. In the eyes of the neighbors, I, Yi Zhonghai, and you, the old lady, are two grasshoppers tied to the same rope. I can't escape, and neither can you."

in tone.

With a bit of threat.

The deaf old lady hummed and pointed to the door.

The intention of expelling guests is vividly displayed.

Yi Zhonghai was not in a hurry to leave, and he still had to explain some things clearly.

"I know you have difficulties, but no matter how difficult it is, you have to help me, just once. I only need you to help me this time, so that I can get through this crisis safely. There are always one or two of your people. A person who doesn't like you, and even disrespects you, they were captured by my hands, hello, me."

The deaf old lady pointed towards the door again.

Yi Zhonghai did not hang around this time. He nodded towards the deaf old lady, got up and left, and closed the door thoughtfully.

You have to give the deaf old lady time to think about it.

He was sure that the deaf old lady would help him.

With the matter of capturing Dieter's injury, he became a hero.At that time, he, Yi Zhonghai, was the pride of the steel rolling mill.With such a glorious event taking the blame for Yi Zhonghai, the street dared to strip him of his title of chief steward.

When he reached the middle of the backyard, Yi Zhonghai suddenly stopped and turned his head to the southeast.

That's Liu Haizhong's home.

If Yi Zhonghai saw it correctly, there was a big-faced man disappearing quickly on the glass of Liu Haizhong's house.

Among the dog-like bangs, he actually leaned on the glass and peeked.

If you want to step on top of me, Yi Zhonghai, your bangs are still a bit tender.

He deliberately let out a cold snort and walked towards the middle courtyard.


The deaf old lady in the house misunderstood Yi Zhonghai's cold snort and mistakenly thought it was an ultimatum given by Yi Zhonghai to her. She could not help but grit her teeth.

Go back more than ten years.

Just by threatening Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady would make Yi Zhonghai regret living in this world.


Today is not what it used to be.

The deaf old lady has to keep her tail between her legs, and her former subordinates also have to keep their tail between their legs.

Over the years, the deaf old lady has never contacted them. It's not that she doesn't want to contact them, but she simply doesn't dare. She is worried that she will get burned and her identity will be exposed.

As the years go by.

The deaf old lady is getting older day by day.

Other old people, as they get older and take everything for granted, should buy longevity materials for themselves.

The deaf old lady is an exception. She is extremely afraid of death and wants to live forever. Anyone who says the word "death" in front of her face will be scolded by the deaf old lady. What is disrespectful to the elderly and what is expected. Big hats like death of an old man and so on are slapped on you one after another.

When Silly Zhu didn't pick up the script, the deaf old lady was really the invincible existence in the courtyard. Silly Zhu struck first, and then Yi Zhonghai favored Silly Zhu. In the end, the person who was beaten by Silly Zhu was not only punched but also kicked. I also have to apologize to the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady had to consider Yi Zhonghai's proposal.

Yi Zhonghai knew what happened back then. The deaf old lady invited the young devil to dinner, and the young devil fell in love with the deaf old lady's maid. The deaf old lady handed over her personal little girl to the young devil without saying anything. After a while, Oh my God, the little girl died tragically in the little devil's military camp.

I am worried that Yi Zhonghai will become unscrupulous without the restrictions of the title of "Big Boss".

Those with bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes.

The deaf old lady then seriously considered Yi Zhonghai's proposal.

Dieter didn't.

There was actually a traitor who worked for the little devil back then, and he still had a life in hand.

Also a ruthless person.

In order to evade responsibility, he deliberately damaged his voice to the point of hoarseness and even cut a big scar on his face. If the deaf old lady hadn't accidentally seen the man counting money while reselling food stamps a few years ago, she would have also Won't recognize that bastard.

He thought about telling Yi Zhonghai the news about the other party in a few days.

It is very simple to reveal the other party's whereabouts to Yi Zhonghai. The deaf old lady knows where the other party lives now and what he is doing. The difficult thing is how to arrange for Yi Zhonghai to be injured successfully without losing his life, and then catch the other party. The process of Zhonghai discovering the identity of the other party also needs to be further discussed.

The slightest loophole can arouse the other party's suspicion and increase the risk of exposing the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady was lost in thought in the darkness.

He also had to discuss with Yi Zhonghai a specific explanation, including how to discover the other party's identity, how to fight with the other party, and why not to report it to the security department.


Liu Hai sat on the stool angrily.

Subconsciously, he wanted to hit his son, but in his mind, he remembered what that person had told him.

If you want to become a master, change your bad habit of beating your son.

Dutiful sons emerge from under the stick. This is feudal dross, a bad habit that has been abandoned and not worth promoting.

Yi Zhonghai will definitely not give up his title of chief steward willingly. Once Liu Haizhong cannot get rid of the bad habit of beating his son violently, the hypocrite will make a big fuss about this matter and go to the streets and children's association to accuse Liu Haizhong of abusing children. , beating his own son to death.

When the time comes, Liu Haizhong just can't bear the consequences of walking around in circles.

The title of "Master Steward" also needs to be removed.

For the sake of the throne of the first uncle, Liu Haizhong can only set his sights on the second aunt. I can't beat my son, but I can educate my mother-in-law.

Specially pick out the thick places and beat them.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, who were hiding next door, suddenly felt that they were being hit by a pie from the sky. The two brothers looked at each other and thought that it was a good idea to hit the second aunt in Liu Haizhong. They hoped that the second aunt could take their brother's place and become the second aunt. Domestic violence subject in bangs.

Completely unaware of the thoughts in the bangs of the two boys next door, after spanking the second aunt, he felt much better. He sat on the stool and remembered the scene he had just seen.

In fact, I regret it.

Hearing what the deaf old lady shouted towards Yi Zhonghai, he wondered if he had gone out to eavesdrop.

Inside the courtyard.

Who doesn't know that Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady are in cahoots with each other.

But I feel ashamed.

Instead of going out to eavesdrop, he pressed his big face against the glass and secretly stared at the house of the deaf old lady diagonally opposite.

He listened to the sound with his ears open, but he didn't hear anything, until Yi Zhonghai came out of the deaf old lady's house and saw Liu Haizhong looking at him.

Can't wait to give myself a slap.

What's more important than the boss in charge, is face.

Of course it is the former.

I made up my mind that from now on, I would eavesdrop on anything I say.


Xu Damao quarreled with his parents.

Because of women.

Silly Zhu asked Xu Damao to face his heart.

After listening to Sha Zhu's words, Xu Damao really looked into his heart and felt that Liu Yufen was his perfect match. He was two meters tall, weighed more than 200 kilograms, and was frighteningly strong.

when off work.

Everyone else had to wait for the security department to lift the railing before they could get out.

Liu Yufen directly raised her legs and fell over. She also used her hands to help some people and lifted them directly over. Silly Zhu was lifted and slipped over.

The force is strong.

Who would dare to cause trouble for Xu Damao after marrying such a wife?

back home.

So I told my parents that I was right about Liu Yufen.

I thought my parents would agree.

Freedom of love can now be promoted.

Unexpectedly, Xu's father was so frightened that he fell to the ground, and his face became extremely pale. (End of chapter)

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