Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 300 Xu Damao’s Difficult Love Foolish Pillar Exchange Remittance Order

Chapter 300 Xu Damao’s difficult love! Silly Zhu exchanges the remittance slip

Xu's father was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

Xu's mother, who was confused, helped her man up from the ground.


"Why are you so unsure? You're just Liu Yufen, and she's not a savage beast. You're so scared. Although I haven't met Liu Yufen, I think she is better than Lou Xiao'e."

She has no requirements for her daughter-in-law.

As long as she can give birth to a son, she can be a grandmother and raise grandchildren.

Xu Damao has a job.

Xu's father also has a job.

They are all projectionists.

The conditions at home are pretty good.

There is one house each in the courtyard and the courtyard. If a lesbian who does not have a job in the city marries Xu Damao, it is considered a high marriage.Marrying Lou Xiao'e is a high-level position in the Xu family.

The Lou family came from a bad background, but they were rich. The girl named Lou Xiaoe was born with a golden key in her mouth. She lived a life of covering her mouth with clothes and food. After marrying Xu Damao, it was Lou Xiaoe who served Xu Damao's family, or Xu Damao. The whole family serves Lou Xiaoe?

I heard that the dishes were not even washed.

Just like a charming lady.

He also had a bad temper and ran back to his parents' home if he said something wrong. Xu Damao wanted to apologize, and Xu Damao's parents were anxious and had to follow him to apologize.

Moreover, Xu's mother had seen Lou Xiao'e's photo. She was a bit pretty, but she was thin and had a small butt. At first glance, she looked like the kind of woman who couldn't give birth to a son.

So she supported her son.

Xu Damao's father didn't want to hear what she said. Do you really think he didn't know about Lou Xiao'e's shortcomings?Don’t you know the fact that Lou Xiao’e is a spoiled child?


But because of the Lou family's family business, these worries can only be forgotten as much as possible.

Let Xu Damao marry Lou Xiao'e because of Lou Xiao'e's family's property.

Lou Xiao'e's brother is not in the mainland, and it is said that he will not come back. As long as Xu Damao marries Lou Xiao'e, all these properties in the capital will definitely have the surname Xu.

Don't think about the steel rolling mill, it is a national thing. The small western-style house where the Lou family lives alone makes Xu Damao's father jealous. As for what is in the house, you can guess it with your toes. There must be countless yellow and white things. Antique calligraphy and paintings, these things belong to whoever marries Lou Xiaoe.

It happened that the silly son Xu Damao looked down on Lou Xiao'e, and the silly woman was still assisting Xu Damao.

You know an eggplant.

After glaring at his mother-in-law and seeing her turning her head aside with a guilty conscience, Xu's father began to do Xu Damao's ideological work.

"Is the Liu Yufen you are talking about Liu Yufen from Workshop [-]? If she is her, she will not be able to enter our Xu family until I am dead, your mother is dead, and your sister is no longer here. As long as we live for one day, You don’t want to be with her, the three of us won’t agree even if we die.”

"Dad! Now we advocate free love!"

"As long as you can marry Lou Xiao'e, I can call you Dad Xu Damao."

"Old man, are you confused? You call Damao dad, Damao calls me mom, and you are my grandson? What's wrong with Liu Yufen?"

"He is two meters tall and weighs over 200 kilograms. Even our bed collapses when we sleep at night. Do you want a daughter-in-law like this?"

Xu's mother turned her gaze pitifully to Xu Damao.

She wanted to get the answer from Xu Damao's mouth.

Xu Damao nodded, acknowledging Xu's father's words.

Upon hearing that Liu Yufen had big arms and a thick waist, Xu's mother instantly became worried.

"You can't get married. If you sleep at night, your bed will collapse. The neighbors will drown you with their saliva. How can we, the couple, see each other again?"

"Anyway, I fell in love with Liu Yufen, that Lou Xiao'e. She is the daughter of a wealthy family. If I marry her, I will only be an ordinary movie projectionist for the rest of my life."

"What's wrong with the projectionist? If it weren't for your father and I working so hard to show movies, would I be able to support you like this? You are being praised in the countryside now, isn't it because of your status as a movie projectionist? Pick up the bowl and eat, Is it not good to put down the bowl and scold your mother, and dislike the projectionist? With the Lou family's property, what can I do if I don't become an official?"


"You don't understand even after I tell you. Lou Xiao'e's family at least has this number."

Father Xu raised his right hand.

Looking at the five fingers raised by Xu's father, Xu's mother swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and she gritted her teeth and gave a figure that she thought was a sky-high price.

"5 yuan?"

Xu Damao's salary plus Xu's father's salary was less than 80 yuan. It took 50 years of hard work without food or water to save enough for Lou Xiaoe's family.

Xu's father rolled his eyes at Xu's mother.

said a word.

"Add two zeros at the end."

Fifty thousand has already scared Xu's mother out of her wits.

As a result, two zeros are added at the end.

"500 million, why so much money?"

"We are people who drive cars. Let's not talk about the dividends from the steel rolling mill. Let's just talk about the things hidden in the Lou family's house. If you take out any one of them, you can sell it for tens of thousands, or even more than 500. Five million in In our eyes, it’s an astronomical sum, but in others’ eyes, it’s just a drop in the bucket.”

His eyes fell on Xu Damao.

Used coercion and inducement methods.

"Son, after you married Lou Xiao'e, even if you didn't have 500 million, I think you should have 5 yuan. Just now your mother also said that it would take 50 years for us to save enough without eating or drinking. Think about it carefully. , I hope you marry Lou Xiao'e. Some of the things we are in short supply, eggs, beef, pork, and milk, are very common in Lou Xiao'e's house. Do you dare to imagine eating summer fruits in winter? If these resources give you Xu Damao, you Xu Damao will not be able to get up. ?joke!"

"Son, 5 yuan, why can't you do it? Stop being so petty and listen to your father this time."

Xu Damao looked at his parents' greedy faces.

Silly Zhu's words came to mind.

If you hold back your grandson, you have to face your own heart!

The same thing as Xu Damao's family is also happening in Liu Yufen's house.

After hearing that a gay man confessed to his daughter that he wanted to marry her, Mother Liu was so happy that she knelt on the ground without saying a word and kowtowed three times to the old man respectfully.

Bless the old man.

Then he asked Lao Liu what was going on.

The old couple were stunned because of Liu Yufen's marriage.

As a result, I learned from Lao Liu that Liu Yufen rejected the love of gay men.


He held a towel on the spot and wanted to send himself away.

But because Liu's father said Xu Damao's name, he immediately threw the towel aside.

Liu's mother suddenly changed her tune, brushing aside her previous attitude of standing on the same front as Liu's father and condemning Liu Yufen, and categorically said that Xu Damao was not a good match for her daughter.

Mother Liu knew more about her daughter's thoughts. She knew that she had taken a liking to a young man named Xu Damao, so she inquired about it.

If it was really good, my family would contribute some money to marry Liu Yufen and consummate the marriage.

But because he met Jia Zhang, he asked Xu Damao about Jia Zhang.

The Xu Damao in Jia Zhang's words is naturally full of tricks. He is the kind of person who is unscrupulous and unscrupulous. He is always disliked by the neighbors in the courtyard and keeps behind his back all day long. Scheming people.

Mother Liu, who was worried, asked several more people, including the deaf old lady in the backyard, the aunt in the middle courtyard, and the three aunts in the front yard. From these people, she learned that Xu Damao was really bad. It was similar to what Jia Zhang said, why did he not respect the elderly? If you don't care about your children, if you don't care about your children, and if you want food or drink, you can only use the idiom "do all kinds of evil" to describe Xu Damao.

I heard that every time I go to the countryside to play a movie, I have to have sex with the widows and sometimes tease the unmarried girls who want to go to the city.The character is flawed.

Liu Yufen was pretty good-looking, but because of her tall and strong body, big shoulders and round waist, she became the famous female version of Li Kui. Many matchmakers stayed away from her, saying that Li Kui held a double axe, while Liu Yufen held a double cutting gun.

If Xu Damao really cares about good looks and likes pretty girls, even if Liu Yufen marries Xu Damao, she will not be happy after marriage.


Everyone will change their mind.

Everyone will feel that the yellow-faced woman in the family is not very good.

Instead of crying all day long, it would be better to sever the relationship now.

Suddenly figured it out.

Knowing that Liu Yufen has grown up, things that she, as a mother, can figure out, Liu Yufen, as a daughter, cannot figure out.

It was also because of my appearance that I felt that I was not worthy of Xu Damao.

this marriage.

Don't talk about it.

At worst, I'll find a son-in-law who comes to my house in the future.

I can’t find it in the city, can’t I find it in the countryside?
Seeing that Father Liu was still chattering away, Mother Liu's eyes widened and she choked.

"My daughter's marriage is for her to live with her son-in-law for the rest of her life, not for you to live with her for the rest of her life? I believe that my daughter, that Xu Damao, let it be said, is not a good match for our daughter."

Father Liu has no status at home.

The wife has the final say in the family.

I could only sigh and go out to look at the stars.


Zhang Shihao has a comrade working in a bank.

Yang Jiguang also knew him.

I grew up with a bare butt.

Ever since he learned that He Daqing mailed 1000 and two hundred yuan to Shazhu, he took it seriously and specifically asked this comrade to help pay attention. He said that if someone brought a thousand yuan remittance slip to exchange, let him pay attention to see what the other person's name was and how old he was. Age, where you work.

Comrades also knew that Zhang Shihao was a police officer at the police station.

So warned.

Of course he has his reasons.

He didn't ask anything, but honestly did what he had to do. When Silly Zhu took the remittance slip to exchange the money, he instantly remembered Zhang Shihao's advice.

He reached out and took the remittance form from Shazhu, and was shocked by the numbers on it.

This is equivalent to his total salary of two to three years.

Look at the names above.

I found that the name written on it was Yi Zhonghai.

Putting the remittance slip on the counter, he looked up at Shazhu. He was over 40 years old and was wearing work clothes from a steel rolling mill. He knew that Shazhu was an employee of the steel rolling mill.

The vigilance in my heart relaxed a little.

He is not a homeless person, he has his own job.

"Your name is Yi Zhonghai?"

It was also the first time that Shazhu came to the bank to exchange a remittance order. When the other party asked if his name was Yi Zhonghai, he quickly told the truth.

"My name is He Yuzhu."

If Si Zhu admits that he is Yi Zhonghai, the remittance order will be exchanged.

In later generations, some relatives and friends took the passbooks of their deceased relatives to the bank to withdraw money or clear the numbers.

The other party will definitely handle it for you easily.

If you say that so and so is gone, and the other party is worried that you did not obtain the deceased's bankbook through formal channels for security reasons, even if you know the password, they will ask you to provide necessary proof.

Silly Zhu told the truth because it was the first time he had done such a thing and he had no experience.If it were a aunt, she would admit it directly.So Silly Pillar has some additional programs.

prove yourself.

To prove how this remittance slip got into the hands of Silly Zhu.

After all, it says Yi Zhonghaishou.

There is reason to suspect that Shazhu picked up or obtained this thousand-yuan remittance note through other means.

"Are you an employee of a steel rolling mill? Can you let me see your work permit?"

"This is my work ID. I am the monitor of the second canteen of the steel rolling mill."

Silly Zhu took out his work certificate from his coat pocket, opened it, and handed it to the other party through the small gap under the window.

Tang Wenjie took the work permit handed over by Sha Zhu.

After looking at it carefully, I found that the work permit was genuine.

Proved the identity of Silly Pillar.

"Yi Zhonghai's name is written on the remittance slip, but your name is He Yuzhu. How did you get this remittance slip?"

"Comrade, Yi Zhonghai is the steward of our courtyard. He is responsible for all matters in the courtyard. I am a neighbor of the courtyard. This remittance slip was handed over to me by my father He Daqing. It was sent by city mail, and in the note, my name and my sister Yu Yu’s name were written, and each of us got half of it.”

"The rain you said is fine, but this stupid pillar?"

"Silly Zhu is me. It's the nickname given to me by my father. A few years ago, the capital was not at peace and there were still kidnapped gangsters. I was selling steamed buns on the street and encountered rebels who were snatching the steamed buns. In order to protect the steamed buns, I led I ran away with the buns, and in the end I took them back to the courtyard without losing any of them. I was less than ten years old at that time, and my father said that I was such a stupid person that my life was gone, but I still ran with the buns, and later I was called Shunkou Now, call me Silly Zhu, everyone in the courtyard calls me that, if you don’t believe it, go to our courtyard and ask around, the steel rolling mill also knows about it.”

See what Shazhu said is reasonable and well-founded.

There are also documents to prove your identity.

Tang Wenjie had no choice but to exchange the remittance slip for Silly Zhu. He found an excuse that he didn't have much money and wanted to wait, and turned to the back room.

Called the Hongxing Police Station.

Today's phone calls are push-button phones. Instead of calling directly, an operator needs to transfer the call for you.

Waited for more than thirty seconds.

Zhang Shihao's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"I am Zhang Shihao."

"I'm Tang Wenjie."

As soon as Zhang Shihao, who was at the Hongxing Police Station, heard that Tang Wenjie had announced his family status, his heart was raised in his throat. He knew that the case was progressing.

Now we just need to prove who will redeem the remittance order.

A candidate subconsciously emerged in my mind.

Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law.

Hypocrite goes to work.

The matter of exchanging the remittance order can only be left to his wife.

Not to mention whether the crime was committed by a gang, it was still committed by a couple.

(End of this chapter)

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