Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 301 The lost Zhang Shihao, He Yuyu who guessed the truth

Gangs and couples work together to commit crimes.

This is a typical example.

Once solved, those involved in solving the case will be rewarded, and may even be used as a lesson plan to promote advanced experience across the country.

As the person who discovered the clues and the person who solved the case, his name will spread all over the country, he will be praised by countless people, and he may be received by the elderly.

The latter is the honor.

Seeing this, Zhang Shihao's face became a little triumphant.

He unnaturally increased his tone and asked Tang Wenjie who was in the bank.

"Is the person who exchanged the remittance order an elderly woman? She claims to be the daughter-in-law of the steward of the Red Star Courtyard. What is her name?"

Tang Wenjie, who was holding the phone, almost threw it away.

Well stuff.

Big mom?

He is obviously an older man.

I complained about Zhang Shihao in my heart.

Told the truth.

"What a aunt, she is obviously a man."

When Zhang Shihao heard that the person exchanging the remittance order was not an aunt but a man, he subconsciously thought it was Yi Zhonghai.

I also thought of a reason for the other party.

He must have found that the amount on the remittance slip was too large. He was worried that something might happen to Auntie during the exchange process, so Yi Zhonghai came in person.

Just when Zhang Shihao was about to ask something, Tang Wenjie, who had done enough to tell the truth, told the truth.

"It was a remittance order that was exchanged by a person named He Yuzhu. He said that his nickname was Shazhu. I saw his ID and it was fine. The notes on the remittance form also proved that this was He Yuzhu's remittance order. I Now we can only exchange the remittance order for him according to the relevant bank regulations."

Tang Wenjie hung up the phone.

Take a long breath.

He calmed down his mood as much as possible, straightened his clothes with his hands, stepped out, and found that Shazhu was still guarding the window stupidly.

He smiled politely at the other party.

He bent down and took out 120 large unity sheets from the cabinet.

The highest denomination bill at the moment is ten yuan a piece.

He handed it to Shazhu and asked Shazhu to sign the stub.

Silly Zhu wanted to leave directly with the money. When he walked through the gate, he suddenly came to his senses and turned back to Tang Wenjie. He asked Tang Wenjie to open two passbooks for him. One passbook had 600 yuan on it and the other one had 300 yuan on it. It's [-] yuan.

A bankbook of 600 yuan is prepared for rain.

He Daqing made it clear that half of the money was due to Shazhu and half to Rainwater.

The remaining three hundred is going to be given to Li Xiuzhi.

With the three hundred left in his pocket, Silly Zhu prepared to buy a bicycle.

The last time I was exposed to the rain, the factory leader gave Si Zhu a lot of receipts, including bicycle tickets.

When Yu Yu entered college, Shazhu bought her a bicycle, a curved-beam bicycle specially designed for women. The bicycle she is planning to buy now is also a women's bicycle. She plans to buy it for Li Xiuzhi so that Li Xiuzhi can ride it to and from get off work. I love my wife more.


Red Star Police Station.

Zhang Shihao, who was hung up by Tang Wenjie, felt bad all over. His mind went blank and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Money order thing.

There was an accident.

Instead of following the steps envisioned by Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang, it was one of Yi Zhonghai and his wife who came to exchange the remittance order.

The original plan was that as long as Yi Zhonghai and his wife exchanged the money, it would be proved that Yi Zhonghai and his wife were greedy for the money, and they would follow the clues to arrest them.

Unexpectedly, Yi Zhonghai gave the remittance slip to Shazhu, which was the remittance order that Shazhu exchanged.

Zhang Shihao was a little stunned for a moment.

Thinking about what went wrong, Yi Zhonghai and his wife became alert, and secretly wondered if they had sent someone to inquire about Yi Zhonghai, but Yi Zhonghai had discovered it.

He would never have thought that what made Yi Zhonghai alert was actually He Daqing's clever messages. Without these naming names and saying that the money was for Silly Zhu and Yu Yu, Yi Zhonghai would have acted without conscience. Got greedy for this money.

It wasn't the roundworm in He Daqing's stomach. Zhang Shihao could only find the reason from himself.

It is also difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

The new leaders from Beijing and Baocheng sent all the old stubs to the pulp factory, saying that they wanted to use their remaining energy, which made Zhang Shihao unable to prove some things.

Word of mouth is useless.

This is relying on.

There is no evidence and you just say something with red lips and white teeth. Who the hell are you?

dog day.

Zhang Shihao, who swore a curse word in his mouth, said hello to the leaders of the institute and said that he was going out to look for clues, and then he came to the vicinity of Miao Wenhua's house.

Miao Wenhua sent remittance orders to Aunt Ma for ten years. She should remember some things very clearly. Zhang Shihao hoped that Miao Wenhua could remember some things related to the remittance order, such as whether it was written on the remittance order that it was for brother and sister Shazhu. Human handwriting notes.

If so, it can be proved that Yi Zhonghai withheld the money.

The amount is less.


The important thing is that the years are long enough.

When he arrived at Miao Wenhua's home, he found out that Miao Wenhua had not returned from his visit to relatives. Zhang Shihao had no choice but to put away some small thoughts and wondered whether he should take a trip to Baocheng.

Of course.

first premise.

It is to report to the leaders in the institute.

For such a long time, Zhang Shihao had always been a puppet soldier and did not tell his leader that he suspected that Yi Zhonghai had withheld Si Zhu's living expenses and was busy investigating.

The leaders don't know.

Business trip.

When you go to a foreign place like Baocheng, you need to talk to the other party about the letter of introduction, whether you need the cooperation of the person on the other side, etc.

With authorization.

Good job.


Silly Zhu stood stupidly at the door of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

The door in front of him was neither brilliant nor tall, but it looked a bit old, but it gave Shazhu an unprecedented sense of oppression, as if there was a giant standing in front of him, giving Shazhu a strong feeling. Depressed.

But I go to school here because of the rain.

Under the pressure, a faint smile appeared on his face.

My sister is a college student here, and I raised her to be a college student.

With this feeling, Silly Zhu walked towards the gate, but was finally stopped by the responsible guard.

"Comrade, who are you looking for?"

"Comrade, this is my work ID. Please take a look." While identifying himself, Shazhu showed his work ID to the guard at the door. "I am the monitor of the No. [-] canteen of the steel rolling mill. My name is He Yuzhu. My sister He Yuzhu She is a college student this year. She hasn’t been back for a long time. I miss her very much. My wife entrusted me to come and look at the rainwater, see what the rainwater needs, and deliver it in a few days.”

Jinbiao felt that this rhetoric was somewhat familiar.

It seemed like I had heard it somewhere.

I can't remember for a while.

It was only after being reminded by Jia Gui next to him that Huang Jinbiao realized why he was so familiar with this saying.Co-authored he had heard.

Some time ago, Yi Zhonghai, the hypocrite from the steel rolling mill, came alone and said that he was ordered by the ancestors of the Siheyuan to take a look at the rainwater and see if there was any need for it. If necessary, he would deliver the things in a few days.

Because he was a neighbor, not a relative, and he was suspected of being smart, he was eventually detained by the security department for a day and a half.

Jin Biao's gaze subconsciously fell on Silly Zhu.

I looked up and down a few times.

He thought to himself: What is going on in the Red Star Courtyard? How do they maximize their talents? They all say the same words, and they are full of risks of routines.

Originally, he wanted to reject Sha Zhu's proposal, but considering that Sha Zhu was Yu Yu's biological brother, he also had the documents in hand to prove it.

no way.

We can only inform He Yuyu.

Silly Zhu waited at the door for five or six minutes when a beautiful girl in school uniform flew towards him from inside the campus.

When he arrived, he stopped his body like a brake.

A look of surprise on his face.

She probably didn't expect Silly Zhu to come see her.

After looking at Shazhu for a while, he reached out and took the green satchel from Shazhu. He turned it over like he did when he was a child. When he saw that there was nothing inside, he deliberately rolled his eyes at Shazhu.

Silly Zhu stretched out his hand, wanting to touch He Yuyu's little head and make his hair into a chicken coop like he did when he was a child, but he was concerned about Yu Yuyu's status as a college student, so he stretched his hand back.

College Students.

Big girl.

Pay attention to image.

"Stinky girl, you're already a college student and you're still so crazy. How can you get married in a few years?"

Put yourself in your brother’s shoes.


I'm afraid Sha Zhu didn't even notice that his last words were completely like an old father's advice.

Raised Rainwater from the age of six.

Said she was a sister.

In fact, she is just a daughter-in-law.

"I have you. I want you to support me for the rest of my life, but you are my brother." Rainwater made a joke and asked why Silly Zhu appeared, "Why are you here? Don't you go to work?"

Just now, the guard notified He Yuyu that Silly Zhu was waiting for Yuyu at the door. Yuyu was stunned and couldn't believe it at all. He even thought it was the people in the courtyard who were causing trouble again.

Last time, Yi Zhonghai came to trick He Yuyu.

I hid in the distance and secretly observed that if it were other people in the courtyard, the rain would not go out. After being admitted to college, I joined the club and had certain goals for the future.

To serve the motherland.

Those people in the courtyard had no role other than holding her back. Some people were still thinking about how to take advantage of He Yuyu's bonus after graduating from college.

But he didn't expect to find Shazhu's figure. He rushed towards Shazhu like a little swallow, and then cast doubtful eyes on Shazhu.

"There's something I need to talk to you about. I just found out about it last night."

"Brother, come here, it's quiet here."

Rainwater led Shazhu to a quiet corner, pointed to the rocks aside, and asked Shazhu to sit down and talk to him.

Silly Zhu looked at the stone and found that it was quite smooth, so he guessed that someone must be sitting on it frequently. He didn't mind it, so he followed Yuyu's instructions and sat on the stone. Yuyu sat next to Silly Zhu.

"You know our dad, right?"

Silly Zhu just started talking about something.

Yu Yu's face was unhappy, with a bit of resentment and hatred in his eyes.

"Why mention him so easily? He doesn't want us, and we don't want him either."

Shazhu knew why Yuyu had such emotions. At the age of 16, he took Yuyu, who was six years old, all the way to find his biological father. He thought that the father and daughter could be reunited, but he did not expect that the rejection was staged, and He Daqing was not even allowed to see him. When she saw her, she was driven back to the capital by the White Widow.

The rain at that time.

Crying incessantly.

Back in the capital, I stayed with Sha Zhu all day long. When I was sleeping, my hands were holding on to Sha Zhu's clothes. I was worried that when I woke up, Sha Zhu would abandon her like He Daqing and ignore her.

Rainwater is the most insecure person in the courtyard.

Why does Silly Pillar hit people?

He has to hit people. Only by beating people continuously can he establish a character for people who is not afraid of trouble and dares to hit others, which indirectly plays a role in establishing authority.

"Yu Yu, if I told you that dad abandoned us, it was because he had no choice but to do it for his own reasons, would you believe it?"

Silly Zhu's eyes, with some seriousness, focused on Yu Yu.

It was the first time I saw such a serious Silhu.

Yuyu's originally conflicted heart began to become serious.

She replied.

"Brother, I don't believe him, I believe you. If you say he has difficulties, then she has difficulties. If you say he has no choice, then it is a last resort."

"Now is not the time to talk about some things. Remember what I said. It's not that dad doesn't want us. Some people forced him to leave us behind. He didn't ignore us either."

Smart He Yuyu.

I immediately thought of some people.

The ancestors of the courtyard are the deaf old lady and the moral god Yi Zhonghai. Apart from these two, there is no one else.

After all, when Yu Yu was so hungry that he couldn't stand it anymore, he asked the deaf old lady for help. The deaf old lady hid the noodles and lied to Yu Yu that she hadn't eaten either, so she asked him to find Yi Zhonghai and his wife. The rain is waiting for a day.

Only such beasts can do such immoral things.

"Is it those people?"

Silly Zhu touched Yuyu’s little head with his hand.


"Little girl, you are quite smart. Now is not the time to talk. You will know it by then." He took out a passbook and stuffed it into Yu Yu's hand, "Take it."

Rain opens.

I was shocked by the numbers above.

600 yuan.

so much money.

Silly Zhu's current salary is more than 40 yuan.

This amount of money is equivalent to what it would take Shazhu to save for a year and a half without eating or drinking.

He declined: "I don't want it. You gave me a passbook last time and I didn't spend a penny. I'm in school now and I get a monthly subsidy. I can support myself. I don't want your money."

"What are you thinking about?" Shazhu rolled his eyes at Yuyu, "Do you think I'm giving you money behind your sister-in-law's back? Do I dare?"

Rain heard this.


A good Siheyuan invincible God of War.

After marrying a wife.

She has become a well-known strict wife. Li Xiuzhi has the final say in all matters in the family. When outsiders ask Sha Zhu for help, they usually say something like this, "You have to tell my wife, and my wife agrees, and then I can help."

"Whose money does this belong to?"

"This is the money dad gave you. This time he mailed a total of 200 yuan. Half for me and half for you. It's said to be your dowry. Just accept it. Wait a few days and find a way to use the remaining money. I’ll make up for it and send you some more.” (End of Chapter)

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