Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 302: Security Section Chief Wen Zhengming suspects the deaf old lady

Silly Zhu seemed to have nothing to say.

But he explained everything.

The smart He Yuyu vaguely guessed the truth from the words of advice that Sha Zhu gave her before leaving. Knowing that Sha Zhu was worried about her, he pretended not to know anything, watched Sha Zhu leave, and asked her to leave. Silly Zhu be careful on the road and say hello to Li Xiuzhi for her.


It also reassures Silly Zhu.

She stared blankly at Sha Zhu's leaving figure, and involuntarily clenched the bankbook in her hand.

Some bad memories for her came to mind.

"What's going on with you? Why are you still chasing me here? Can you be more selfless? Are you happy because your father has been working for you all your life? Can't your father have his own life? I I am a widow, but I can make your father happy. What are you looking at? Go back quickly, I tell you, there is no door even if you want to come in."

"Dad, come out. I am Yu Yu. Those people in the courtyard say you don't want us anymore. I don't believe it. I want you to tell me yourself."

Responding to the rain.

It was soundless silence.

At that time, Yuyu thought that He Daqing no longer wanted the two siblings.

Think about it now.

There is most likely no He Daqing in the White Widow's house.

He Daqing's people are not here, the rain is suffering, and her father can't see her, so she can only end up being useless.

all of these.

It was a trap designed by White Widow and Yi Zhonghai.

Yuyu remembered clearly that when she followed Shazhu back to the courtyard from Baocheng, Yi Zhonghai cursed the first person who greeted them.

He scolded He Daqing for not being worthy of being a father. His son and daughter traveled thousands of miles to find him, but they didn't even meet him. He was just a bastard.He then spoke softly to Shazhu and Yuyu, saying that the Siheyuan would not ignore the Shazhu brothers and sisters, saying that he was the steward of the Siheyuan, and that Shazhu and Yuyu were not hungry, so he asked Auntie to give Yuyu and Shazhu money. Two bowls of batter for the sticks were brought.

At that time, Shazhu and Yuyu were completely moved.

Some things I couldn't understand at first.

Now I understand everything.

When he came back from Baocheng, he didn't say anything to Yi Zhonghai. Why did Yi Zhonghai know the fact that Silly Zhu and the two were rejected by the White Widow, and put a hat on He Daqing's head.

there is only one truth.

Yi Zhonghai knew White Widow, and even this move was Yi Zhonghai's idea for White Widow.

The people Silly Zhu mentioned just now can only be Yi Zhonghai.

He Yuyu sighed and thought of the deaf old lady again. She didn't believe that there was no handwriting of the deaf old lady in this matter. How could an old lady who still clamored for good food and good food in a year of famine be such a good thing? !
I really think of myself as Empress Dowager Cixi.

One time, Yu Yu was so hungry that he went to the deaf old lady to beg for food. Through the rainwater on the glass, he clearly saw the deaf old lady eating noodles. Silly Zhu brought noodles made from white flour. As a result, the deaf old lady hid the noodles and opened her eyes. She lied to Yuyu that she hadn't eaten either and asked Yuyu to find Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

Moreover, Yuyu heard with his own ears that the deaf old lady discussed with Yi Zhonghai and helped Yi Zhonghai to drive He Yuyu out of the courtyard in order to eat and drink.

A logic appeared in He Yueyue's mind. Yi Zhonghai and White Widow collaborated to scheme against He Daqing, and they also did ideological work for Silly Zhu and Yuyu, making them resent He Daqing.The deaf old lady is the person behind Yi Zhonghai. On the one hand, she helps Yi Zhonghai give advice, and on the other hand, Yi Zhonghai obeys the deaf old lady.

the latter.

It is undoubtedly built on a strong foundation.

Perhaps something fell into the hands of the deaf old lady, and Yi Zhonghai had to listen to the deaf old lady's words and serve the deaf old lady to eat and drink.

Other than these two answers.

There is no other explanation.

Yu Yu couldn't figure out why Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady did this. He felt that Silly Zhu was quite pitiful because he was targeted by the two bastards in the courtyard.

Thinking of Li Xiuzhi's virtuousness, she was worried that Silly Zhu wouldn't be able to handle it alone.

I feel like I should help Shazhu.

Silly Zhu's brain was still helping people count their money after being sold, saying that they were good people, otherwise they wouldn't have been plotted against by Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady for nine years.

She is a college student. Nowadays, college students are the true pride of heaven, and everyone is a pillar of the country.

Holding the bankbook and thinking about the rain for a long time, she found her mentor and told her mentor the instructions that Silly Zhu told her in detail.

Some events from the past.

I said some key points.

She said that she suspected that those in the courtyard were plotting against her through Silly Pillar.

The instructor had a bad impression of Yi Zhonghai. When he heard what Yuyu said was so reasonable, he hurriedly took Yuyu to find the secretary. After the secretary learned about it, he also felt that it was full of mysteries and ignored him for more than ten years. His biological father suddenly mailed 1000 and two hundred yuan. He must have learned about this from someone who was familiar with He Yuyu or knew about He Yuyu's situation, which meant that someone was paying attention to He Yuyu.

Even if this person is his biological father.

Not at all.

Who made He Daqing not contact He Yuyu for ten years?

The sudden contact itself is full of conspiratorial surprises.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

I made a phone call and called Wen Zhengming from the security department.

In the secretary's office, several people held a brief meeting.

It was said to be a small meeting, but it was actually the scene of the inquiry where Wen Zhengming asked He Yuyu, and He Yuyu answered truthfully. The secretary and the instructor testified.

According to He Yuyu's answer.

Wen Zhengming also felt that this incident was full of weirdness.

Because He Yuyu covered his chest with his hands and swore in front of the old man that his words were not false in the slightest.

Wen Zhengming can not trust He Yuyu, but he can't help trusting the old man.

Who dares to make fun of an old man!
From a professional perspective, I gave some instructions to the secretary and tutor, and then led Yu Yu back to his office.

Some links.

Still have to think about it carefully.

Soon they were the only two people left in the room.

Wen Zhengming asked Yuyu to sit opposite him, and poured Yuyu a cup of tea, telling Yuyu to moisten his throat first.

He looked at the rain with a bit of appreciation.

Experts stretch out their hands to know if there is one.

He Yuyu's eyes were very clear. This kind of clear eyes was not the kind of eyes that told lies.

After being the chief of the security department for so many years, I have experienced too much right and wrong. Some people can tell their character at a glance.In the eyes of others, Yi Zhonghai's kindness is like the kind of sincerity of a kind man that makes you unguarded against him, but in the eyes of Wen Zhengming, it is clearly hypocrisy.
Too saintly.

There is only one saint today, and that is the old man.

Moreover, what happened to Yi Zhonghai also proves that he is not a saint, but a calculating villain. With all his abilities, he only accepted one apprentice, and he only accepted this apprentice because he was broke and needed someone to support him in his old age. .

But such a person always looks at you with a kind and selfless look from time to time.

He also believed in what He Yuyu said.

After He Yuyu took a sip of tea, Wen Zhengming asked a few questions. How was Yi Zhonghai in the courtyard? Did he always like to be high-profile? When Jia Dongxu was alive, did he not care much about Silly Zhu? After Jia Dongxu's death, he became inexplicably concerned about Si Zhu.

Rainwater tells the truth and says whatever he has to say. In the courtyard of Yi Zhonghai, he looks like a moral sage. In the steel rolling mill, I heard people say he likes to put on airs.

Wen Zhengming nodded slightly.

This is in line with his view of Yi Zhonghai.

Suddenly he changed his tone and asked about the situation of the deaf old lady.

"Classmate He, you just said that you heard this old lady order Yi Zhonghai to find a way to drive you out in a commanding tone?"

"During that time, for some reason, my brother suddenly stopped interacting with Yi Zhonghai and the others. He also stopped giving the lunch boxes he earned from private work to the deaf old lady. They suspected that I asked my brother not to bring them food. They wanted to kick me out, but I told my brother afterwards, and my brother told me to stay away from the deaf old lady, because he said the old lady didn't look like a good person."

"Can you tell me?"

"The old deaf lady likes to eat very much. The times are bad at the moment. As a cook, my brother is trying to save money and food as much as possible. But this old deaf lady still wants to eat good food, the kind that eats all kinds of meat. Yi Zhonghai’s daughter-in-law, let’s call her aunt, cooked meat dishes for the deaf old lady. The deaf old lady was picky and said the color was wrong. She lost her appetite just by looking at the appearance of the dishes. She lost her appetite, but she still ate it cleanly.”

He Yuyu recounted the glorious past of the deaf old lady.

Mainly talking about gluttony.

In He Yuyu's mind, the deaf old lady's greediness proved that she was not a good person.

"The staple food is to eat fine grain steamed buns. The white flour steamed buns are said to make you feel weak. If you bite them in your mouth, you will have endless aftertaste and say that these are fine grain steamed buns. Moreover, the sizes of the steamed buns must be consistent and the appearance should be good-looking."

Wen Zhengming's heart.

There were countless huge waves.

Yu Yu's story made him more suspicious of the deaf old lady's identity.

At a time when supplies are scarce, an old lady from a five-guarantee household has to eat meat and white-flour steamed buns every day. The key is that she has certain requirements for meat dishes and steamed buns.

these requirements.

It doesn't quite match the identity of the deaf old lady.

Suddenly I remembered a case that was solved a few years ago. A nobleman with pigtails was in despair and started stealing in order to eat and drink.When he was drinking rice porridge, he had to drop some oily flowers into the white porridge. The oily flowers had to be even and nice-looking.

Subconsciously, he connected the deaf old lady with the down-and-out braided aristocrat.

At this time when we eat white flour dumplings during the Spring Festival at the end of the year, white flour steamed buns are a delicacy to people, but this deaf old lady has the confidence to dislike the appearance of white flour steamed buns, which are not good-looking and inconsistent, which affects her appetite.


This is a desperate old lady who is said to be helpless.

The tone is really unusual.

"Any more?"

"I heard what my brother said, but I don't know if it's true. One time, my brother went out to take private jobs. The money and food he earned from taking private jobs at that time were all given to the deaf old lady. I don't know what happened that day. It seemed like My brother forgot about it. When the deaf old lady heard that my brother didn’t bring her a lunch box, she drooped on the spot. My brother had no choice but to steam some buns for her when he went home, cut some pickles, and then gave them to the deaf old lady. My wife sent it to me, guess what the old lady said to my brother when she saw this."

"Don't you think the steamed buns are not sliced? Cut them into slices and bake them slowly over fire into dry steamed buns. Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top. The pickles must be cut into thin strips of the same size and sprinkle some sesame oil and chives on top. Hua, it would be better if there is braised shrimp oil."

He Yuyu's eyes.

Stare round.

What Wen Zhengming said was similar to what she was going to say next. There wasn't much difference. They were just fine details.

"You must be thinking, how did I guess it, because I have encountered such a thing, okay, nothing happened, you go back first, we will handle the things you told us, for your safety, also In order not to alert others, you should know what you are going to do.”

Rain nodded.

Of course she knew what she was going to do next.

That is to wait.

Professional matters must be left to professionals.


She's good at it.

Solve the case.

Wen Zhengming is good at it.

After He Yuyu left, Wen Zhengming called in his right-hand man.

Jinbiao and Jia Gui.

"Which of you two knows someone who runs the black market or ghost market?"

Jin Biao and Jia Gui looked at each other.

Suddenly I felt a little confused. I couldn't guess what kind of medicine Wen Zhengming was selling in the gourd. I instinctively thought it had something to do with the courtyard house.

When He Yuyu went out just now, he was bumped into by them. They knew that He Yuyu and Wen Zhengming had been talking to the waiter for 10 minutes in the office.

He Yuyu's matter is also an matter in the Siheyuan. Yi Zhonghai was originally arrested by Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui. It was the two of them who went to the Siheyuan to inquire about the news. They knew that the water in the Siheyuan was very muddy.

But what does this have to do with people on the black market?
Due to the lack of supplies, in order to eat, drink, and fill their stomachs, people really cross the sea to show their magical powers and deal with people in the black market or ghost market. This is normal.

Worried that if you tell the other person, it will bring bad luck to the other person, which will in turn implicate you.

A bit uneasy.

He looked at Wen Zhengming.

As their leader, seeing the expressions on Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui's faces at this time, how could Wen Zhengming not know what these two guys were thinking? He stood up from the stool, walked around the table and came to Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui. Gui kicked each of their butts from behind.

It's also a shame.

Got kicked.

Become honest.

"Section Chief, we know people, but you can't tell us. We are all neighbors in the same compound."

"We don't know them very well. We just bought a few things. Gold Label can vouch for me."

"Jia Gui can also prove that I don't have much contact with them."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. I don't know what you are doing. Why are you trying to separate your relationships one by one? Are you worried that I will settle accounts in the future? I'm not that narrow-minded. You two should keep your hearts to yourself as much as possible. Inside, things are not what you think. I have a task for you, and this task is related to supplies." (End of Chapter)

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