Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 304: Broken clues, righteous idiot

Buy a car with a ticket.

No ticket to see the bus.

A very simple truth.

Zhao Zhihong stretched out his hand to Silly Pillar.

Silly Zhu knew what Zhao Zhihong wanted and handed the bicycle ticket to Zhao Zhihong.

Zhao Zhihong took the bicycle ticket, checked it, and yelled.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. You, He Yuzhu, really changed the gun. This is a bicycle ticket from the steel rolling mill. What kind of bicycle do you want? Different brands have different prices."

The emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch.

Seeing the hesitant look on Silly Pillar's face, Yan Fugui next to him became anxious, as if he was buying a bicycle, and put forward one, two, or three suggestions: what are the advantages and disadvantages of Flying Pigeon, and what are the advantages of Phoenix? , where is the bad part, and why is it called forever?

He hesitated for a few minutes.

Silly Zhu chose Feige brand bicycle.

After giving the bicycle ticket, Shazhu paid the other party another 180 six yuan and took the brand new Feige bicycle as his own.

Once you buy a bicycle, it is not yet yours. You have to take the receipt issued by the supply and marketing cooperative to the police station to number it. Once you number it, it becomes your bicycle.

It’s the same as the need to get a license plate when buying a car in later generations. However, the bicycles at this time need to have a steel number. Take a special tool and punch a series of numbers directly on the handlebar of your bicycle. After the steel number is engraved, the police station will also give you a number. This bicycle certificate has your name, workplace, and bicycle number on it.

Bicycles are big items.

Something went wrong, such as losing it.

You take your bicycle ID to the police station to report the crime. The police officers will check one by one according to the steel number on the bicycle handlebar, and finally find your bicycle.

The steel number on the handlebar and the bicycle certificate are important means of protecting your bicycle.You should carry your bicycle permit with you in case the certificate is inspected.

Get out of the police station.

Silly Zhu was about to ride his bicycle for a spin.

As a car owner, you have to show off on the street.

In the streets of Beijing in the 60s, if you were riding a brand-new bicycle and completely released your hands from the handlebars while riding, you would be riding a white horse in the torrent of cars. Let's become famous on the Internet.

I pressed the bicycle bell with my hand.

The crisp ringtone made Shazhu feel a qualitative leap in his body and mind. He stepped across the beam, but before his butt touched the car seat, the anxious voice of the police came from behind.

From what they said, there was a case somewhere and they needed to get to the scene of the incident as quickly as possible.

before doing it instead.

Silly Zhu most likely pretended not to have seen it.

Now he is also a family member of a street clerk. Although Li Xiuzhi, a street clerk, has the words "acting temporary" in front of him, Shazhu still insists that he is a family member of a cadre.

I thought that as a family member of a cadre, I couldn't discredit Li Xiuzhi.

There is also the idea of ​​​​using this incident to give Li Xiuzhi extra points and let Li Xiuzhi get rid of the words "agency temporary" hanging on her head as soon as possible.

He pushed his new bicycle directly in front of the two comrades.

The two comrades were a little stunned.

This is a new bicycle. I rode it from the supply and marketing cooperative to the police station to get a call, and the distance was only more than 100 meters. I didn't ride it much, and the roads in that place were not easy to walk, and it was in the countryside.

In case there is any good or bad.

How to do?
New car!
"Comrade, thank you for your kindness, we'd better run."

while talking.

Both took running steps.

Silly Zhu grabbed the oldest comrade.

"Comrade, I'm sorry, the situation between the army and the people is not just a simple talk. Your matters are important, so ride my bicycle and don't delay things."

Seeing that the two comrades were still hesitating, Shazhu directly threw his bicycle to them and walked towards the courtyard.

The two comrades suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when they saw Silly Zhu giving them a show of killing first and then showing off. The older one sat on the car seat, and the younger one sat on the back seat of the car. , riding towards the crime scene outside the city.

Go half way.

Worried Silly Pillar.

I looked back.

Seeing the two comrades riding away on his bicycle, he had a faint smile on his face.

To outsiders, this is just a brand-new bicycle, but to Silly Zhu, it is purely a means of transportation. When he encounters a rare opportunity that the other party needs a bicycle, he has to seize it no matter what.

Want to get close to the other person.

Many friends, many roads, many enemies, many walls.

When the plot against Yi Zhonghai failed again, he wanted to lay a solid foundation for the relationship between the two parties first, and then find a way to get the other party to help him.


Zhang Shihao waited for Tang Wenjie on the cruise ship in Beihai Park.

Originally I didn't want to trouble Tang Wenjie.

Plans have gone awry.

Because Yi Zhonghai gave the remittance slip to Si Zhu, and Si Zhu exchanged the remittance slip, there was no way to convict Yi Zhonghai through this matter, and naturally he could not arrest Yi Zhonghai.

At the post office, there is no previous stub.

No clues could be found at all.

Zhang Shihao had no choice but to worry that his inquiry would make people in the bank suspicious.

He had always suspected that the interception of money was a gang crime. He guessed that some of the people in the bank were Yi Zhonghai's associates. He was afraid that if he came to inquire, he would alert the other party.

It would be bad if Yi Zhonghai was alerted.

How can you receive awards for meritorious service?

So I entrusted this matter to Tang Wenjie and used Tang Wenjie's mouth to ask. Colleagues usually don't have their guard up.

The two parties decided to meet on the cruise ship.

this place.

Tang Wenjie was very unhappy.

Looking at the people around me, I really want to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

This is all a mess.

Good guy.

They were a couple or friends who were dating and were rowing together on the same boat. It was an accident that they were the only two of them. Both of them were grown men. No wonder when I bought the boat ticket just now, the aunt who sold the ticket kept looking at it strangely. The two of them made Tang Wenjie's heart tremble when they saw it.

He covered his face with his hands and complained to Zhang Shihao in a hateful tone.

"You damn old Zhang, I'm really embarrassed by following you. Look around you, then look at us. Why did I get on your Zhang Shihao's pirate ship?"

"You know what the hell, this is called the defense wall having ears."

"The wall has ears and hammers. How big of a case have you handled, and someone is following you?"

"I call it just in case." Zhang Shihao pointed to the people on a boat not far away and said, "Look there, there are two men rowing too."

Tang Wenjie looked in the direction of Zhang Shihao's finger.

There were actually two men rowing too.

These two people are none other than Jin Biao and Jia Gui.

The two people who came out to investigate the clues under Wen Zhengming's order thought together with Zhang Shihao and thought it would be safer to discuss the matter on the ship.

I was embarrassed at first, but when I saw Tang Wenjie and Zhang Shihao, I subconsciously waved towards them.

I want to hug each other for warmth.If you want to be embarrassed, let’s be embarrassed together.

Zhang Shihao responded to the other party generously, and then said to Tang Wenjie: "You are mentally unhealthy. Forget it, I can't dwell on these details. How are you doing with the things I told you?"

Seeing Zhang Shihao bring the topic down to business.

Tang Wenjie swept away his shyness just now.

I looked around and saw that everyone was rowing and no one was paying attention to them, so I put my heart in my stomach and lowered my voice.

"When have I never done anything you asked me to do for you?"

"There are just clues."

"I asked several colleagues and learned from them that from 51 until this year, people from Hongxing Siheyuan came to redeem remittance orders on a monthly basis. The person who redeemed the remittance orders every time was the Siheyuan you mentioned. The daughter-in-law of the manager is called Aunt Ma. Sometimes the remittance slip she exchanges is ten yuan, sometimes it is 20 yuan. The name of the remitter is He Daqing. What do you think about the remittance slip from Baocheng? has a problem?"

"No problem, I won't let you check." Zhang Shihao looked at Tang Wenjie, "Do you still have the stubs in your bank?"

"As of this month, all the previous stubs are gone."

"Why is there no more?"

"I'm so excited!"

Tang Wenjie was full of complaints.

The new leader saw that the leader of the Red Star Post Office was praised by his superiors and appeared in the newspaper for sending the stubs from the post office for more than ten years to the paper mill to be used as pulp raw materials.

I remembered the stubs in the bank for more than ten years.

There is something to learn.

These stubs were also sent to the paper mill.

Zhang Shihao’s heart.


Another clue broken.

It means that the important evidence is gone.

Seeing Zhang Shihao's expression, Tang Wenjie thought Zhang Shihao was angry with the top leader's bureaucracy and continued to complain.

It was purely a face-saving project. In order to gain praise from superiors and be advanced in the reuse of materials, someone arranged a large number of manpower to remove the discarded wire gloves one by one and made a mop for mopping the floor.

Seeing that Tang Wenjie misunderstood the expression on his face, Zhang Shihao did not point out. He thought about it. Without the stub to prove it, if he wanted to prove that the Yi Zhonghai gang intercepted the money mailed by He Daqing, he could only use circumstantial evidence. Means, using a lot of clues that are not evidence to support the crime.

"Old Tang, Aunt Ma exchanged the remittance slip mailed back by He Daqing, and it has been the same for ten years. Didn't your bank staff have any suspicion?"

"Who said there was no doubt?"

"What did the eldest mother say?"

"The person who first asked about the relationship between Auntia and He Daqing was an old employee of our bank. He retired last year. He asked why He Daqing mailed money to Auntie. The Auntie responded like this, saying that He Daqing owed them money. Money, such a big sum of money, I can't get it all at once, so I pay it back every month, sometimes ten yuan, sometimes 20 yuan, because no one raises objections, so this matter is okay. It’s over.”

Zhang Shihao was completely helpless.

did not expect.

Another unexpected one.

Money owed law!
Don't say it.

What a good excuse to solve it.

It is natural to pay back debts. No matter where this lawsuit goes to God, it will be in his favor.Unless it can be proven that this is not a debt, but the living expenses of the Si Zhu brother and sister, Zhang Shihao is worried about this matter. Since this is a gang crime, and the statement of owed money is given, then the so-called borrowing of money has naturally been arranged. Being a witness means that Yi Zhonghai has been certified.

Things are a little difficult.

Zhang Shihao bit his lower lip subconsciously.

Tang Wenjie took out a note from his pocket.


"The address of the retired senior's home. If what you said is true, I believe him. You can find him to find out more."

"Brother, thank you."

Zhang Shihao's hand.

On Tang Wenjie's shoulders.


"If you really thank me, don't play such tricks again in the future. I'm really embarrassed to see people, two grown men rowing a boat."


Zhang Shihao grabbed the oar and rowed forward with all his strength. When he arrived at the place where the boat was returned, he returned the boat to the manager. When he was about to leave, the manager looked at Zhang Shihao, then at Tang Wenjie, and finally Unable to hold it any longer, I said a few words.

"You two little comrades, I am a few years older than you. Don't be resentful if I say a few words. You are still young and have a lot of good years left. You cannot do those bad things that have been abandoned. If you believe it, Come to me, and I will introduce you to two good wives."

Zhang Shihao is in front.

Tang Wenjie is behind.

He ran away in a hurry.

The manager shook his head speechlessly, then looked at Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui who were following closely behind him. He stretched out his hand directly and asked to hand over the ship's certificate when returning the ship.

In fact, it is a sign indicating the time to board the boat. Boating is charged based on time.

Jia Gui handed the ship certificate to the administrator.

After the administrator paid the fee, he signaled to the two of them that they could leave.

Huang Jinbiao was a little unhappy. He clearly saw the administrator talking to Zhang Shihao and Tang Wenjie, but why it was their turn, he waved them away and left.

He doesn't take the security captain seriously.

"Comrade, don't you say something?"

"Leave quickly."

"You are meaningless."

Jia Gui took Jinbiao away.


A bunch of idle old ladies gathered around and started chatting.

When he was talking happily.

A neighbor with a loud mouth hurriedly ran to these people from outside. She said breathlessly: "Did you know? We have cadres in our courtyard!"

Among the aunties present.

The one who had the strongest reaction was undoubtedly the second aunt.

Liu Haizhong's dream is to pursue an official career, but because of his lack of education and lack of IQ, he can only live out his career as an official in compound meetings.

In the courtyard, the person who least wants a neighbor to be a cadre is Liu Haizhong.

When the compound meeting comes, how will he, the second uncle in charge, face this cadre? Will the neighbors listen to the cadre or Liu Haizhong?

I'm back.

The person who most wants to turn neighbors into cadres is also Liu Haizhong.

Near the water tower first get the month.

The neighbor is a cadre. As the second uncle in charge, as long as he pleases the other party and flatters the other party, can he be given an official position by the other party?

A combination of contradictions.

Even the second aunt became conflicted.

He looked at the woman who spoke without saying a word.

"Liu Ziniang, don't talk nonsense. The biggest cadres in our hospital are the three stewards. Is it possible that there is a fourth steward now?" (End of Chapter)

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