Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 305 Someone actually wants to remarry a deaf old lady

Seeing that none of the people present believed her words, the second aunt even sarcastically mocked herself, saying that she had too many things and the fourth uncle was in charge.

A bit of displeasure flashed across Liuzi's face.

Finally, he said a harsh word in a serious manner.

"I knew you wouldn't believe it, but this is true. Our courtyard really has an extra cadre working on the streets."

Look at the expression on Liu Ziniang's face.

It's not like he was joking and telling lies.

The aunts who originally didn't believe it became suspicious.

Could it be true?


"Si Zhu's wife Li Xiuzhi."

Liu Ziniang went to the nearby courtyard to borrow medicine jars, but because Li Xiuzhi joined the street yesterday, she became a temporary acting clerk of the street.

It's a test.

Was given the important task by Director Jia.

Count the number of widows who have not remarried in the jurisdiction, and ask why they do not remarry. Is it because of the mother-in-law or the father-in-law?

In this case, the streets will come forward and the Women's Federation will intervene.

A hat that turns history backwards.

No matter what, let them wear it.

If you want to remarry but cannot do so due to family reasons, the street will find ways to solve these problems.

Reasons such as these must be clearly counted.

In the courtyard next door, there was a widow who was about the same age as Qin Huairu. Her surname was Wang, and her parents-in-law were still alive.

The family where Liu Ziniang borrowed the medicine jar happened to be Widow Wang's house, and by chance she encountered Li Xiuzhi coming to collect data.

She was also a talkative woman. Seeing that Li Xiuzhi had become a cadre of the street, she hurriedly ran back to the courtyard to show off to the old ladies.

Seeing that the neighbors didn't believe it, they pointed their fingers to the sky and swore.

When everyone present saw Liu Ziniang moving out of the old man's house, they had to believe that they all had mixed feelings.

On the second aunt's mind, Yi Zhonghai was infamous and was about to be stripped of his title of chief steward. Li Xiuzhi suddenly became a street clerk.

When the time comes, it will be Liu Haizhong or Li Xiuzhi who has the final say on matters in the hospital. When the neighbors encounter problems, they should look to Liu Haizhong or Li Xiuzhi to come forward.

Looking for Liu Haizhong to come forward made the neighbors seem not to take Li Xiuzhi, a street cadre, seriously.

After all, they are the people of the street and represent the face of the street.

Looking for Li Xiuzhi to stand out made Liu Hai feel unhappy. It meant that she, the boss in charge, had become a decoration. How could she use the compound to live up to her addiction to being an official.

The rest of the neighbors did not have much consideration for Li Xiuzhi's transformation into a street cadre because they were not involved in the interests of being an official.

It's just that the aunt is a bit weird.

When Yi Zhonghai was sleeping last night, he unconsciously uttered a few words in his sleep. The deaf old lady was dissatisfied with Li Xiuzhi and was preparing to plot against Li Xiuzhi.

If you don't become a cadre, you'll just have to make plans.

There was too much waves in Silly Pillar.

This has become a street clerk. When the calculation fails, the deaf old lady will steal the chicken but lose the rice.

It's a simple truth. Before appointing Li Xiuzhi as a clerk, the street must have found out Li Xiuzhi's identity.

Li Xiuzhi’s origin as a poor peasant of three generations was confirmed.

this identity.

The real roots are blooming.

He frowned out of habit, worried that the deaf old lady would implicate the Yi family, and thought about how to remind the deaf old lady not to do such a thing to seek death.


The courtyard next door.

Li Xiuzhi left Lao Wang's house full of thoughts.

Her husband's surname is Wang, and her maiden name is also Wang. People who are familiar with her call her Widow Wang. When the two got married, the comrades of the Civil Affairs Bureau were very surprised. They asked the couple repeatedly if they were related, and finally... With the support of letters of introduction from both parties, I realized that I had made a mistake and that the two parties were not related in any way.

Widow Wang’s family and Jia’s family.

It's two extremes.

She was widowed one after another with Qin Huairu.

No upper ring.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law did not agree with Widow Wang's ring. The old couple expressed their attitude to Widow Wang a hundred days after their baby was born. They said that Widow Wang was young, only in her early thirties and had a lot of good days to enjoy. They said she was a new couple now. There are new things and a new atmosphere, and there is no longer the idea that widows cannot remarry.

I hope Widow Wang will remarry.

Don't worry about the old couple. They say that the old couple can still move and support several children, so Widow Wang can remarry with peace of mind and don't worry about family affairs.

Widow Wang refused, saying that since Old Wang was gone, she, as his widow, had to support the Wang family, take care of her father-in-law and mother-in-law, and raise several children.

In order to express my sincerity, I also thought about going to Sheung Wan, but my parents-in-law refused.

How can I remarry after getting a ring?

The reason given was that people married Widow Wang just to carry on the family line. After marrying her, she had to give birth to a child. If she was pregnant and asked to help the Wang family, the Wang family would be stabbed in the back by the neighbors.

During this year, the father-in-law and mother-in-law regarded Widow Wang as their daughter and personally arranged for her to remarry.

But Widow Wang has always refused to remarry.

The two sides are deadlocked here.

It was under such circumstances that Li Xiuzhi came to the Wang family's door. The two parties had a straight-to-the-point conversation, explaining clearly to Li Xiuzhi the reasons why she did not remarry.

Li Xiuzhi was moved by the inside story.

When she was about to go out, Widow Wang's mother-in-law held Li Xiuzhi's hand, praised Widow Wang for her goodness, and entrusted Li Xiuzhi with the matter of remarriage.

Ask Li Xiuzhi to help find a man who is good in all aspects, regardless of his age or family conditions. As long as the other party does not dislike Widow Wang as a widow, and Widow Wang can be happy after marrying him, the old couple will agree to the marriage, and they will A dowry is given as a dowry.

Thousands of warnings and ten thousand instructions not to let Widow Wang know about this.

Li Xiuzhi smiled and agreed.

As soon as she came out of the backyard and before she reached the street, she was stopped by Widow Wang.

Facing Li Xiuzhi, Widow Wang also stated her intention straight to the point.

Do not remarry.

She said that if she remarried, the Wang family would no longer be the Wang family. She said that her father-in-law and mother-in-law had no intention of reversing the course of history. They also knew that the country was promoting the remarriage of widows, but because of the situation at home, she did not want to leave the Wang family and asked Li Xiuzhi not to Following the words of her mother-in-law and father-in-law, she arranged for Widow Wang to find potential partners. She bluntly said that she did not need them and hoped that Li Xiuzhi would not do useless things for her.

Before Li Xiuzhi could give an answer, Widow Wang walked towards the backyard.

Looking at the leaving figure of Widow Wang, and thinking about the expressions and words of Widow Wang's mother-in-law and father-in-law just now, I subconsciously compared them with the Jia family.

They are both widows, and both have dead sons. The Jia Zhang family has a different attitude towards the remarriage of widows than the Lao Wang family has on the remarriage of widows.

Not even qualified to carry shoes.

Lao Wang and his wife were older than Jia and Zhang, and they still wanted to find work to support their family. Jia and Zhang, who were many years younger than Lao Wang and his wife, had become a parasitic manure-making machine.

And Qin Huairu, Li Xiuzhi's feeling when facing Qin Huairu was different from the feeling when facing Widow Wang.Qin Huairu gave Li Xiuzhi a feeling of pretending, always pretending to be virtuous, pretending to be a high-profile person who was willing to sacrifice everything for the Jia family.What Widow Wang made Li Xiuzhi feel was sincerity, sincerity to the Wang family, sincerity to her mother-in-law and father-in-law, and gratitude to Li Xiuzhi for her care.

"Hey!" A slight sigh came from his mouth.

shook his head.

He stepped out of the courtyard and walked towards the Red Star Courtyard.

The Red Star Courtyard is the highlight. The Jia family in the middle courtyard has two widows. The younger widow Qin Huairu is 28 years old, the old widow Jia Zhang is 52 years old, and the deaf old lady in the backyard is also an old widow.

As soon as she reached the entrance of the courtyard, Li Xiuzhi was surrounded by a group of old ladies.

The person at the front.

Astonishingly, she is the mother of six sons.

Pointing at Li Xiuzhi, he started telling the old ladies around him.

"Xiuzhi, I just told the neighbors that you are now a street cadre. The neighbors don't believe it. They say that I lied and deceived them. You can tell the neighbors whether you are a street cadre or not. cadres.”

"Xiuzhi, did you really enter the street?"

"I remember you have been helping on the street before. When did you join the street?"

The old ladies present were a little unhappy.

Call it jealousy.


There were several old women who went to help in the streets, including two in Hongxing Siheyuan, the third aunt and the second aunt.

Because there was no benefit and it was just a waste of duty, the third aunt gave up at first and found a reason to quit.When the second aunt saw that the third aunt didn't work, she felt that if she followed Li Xiuzhi, she would be gossiped by the neighbors, saying that she had been kicked in the head by a donkey, so she never went there again.Only Li Xiuzhi has been fulfilling her duties on the streets for several months.

If they had known that after working for nothing for so many days, they could become street cadres, they would have gritted their teeth and persevered.

I'm full of bitterness and complaints, and I don't know how to vent them.

I could only ask Li Xiuzhi angrily what was going on.

Li Xiuzhi Haolai has also been helping on the street for more than half a year. She is used to seeing all kinds of people. When she sees the expressions on the faces of the women present, she can tell what they are thinking.


said a word.

"As for what happened yesterday, I am now the temporary acting clerk of the street. If I do a good job, I can remove the words "agent temporary" in front of it. If I don't do it well, I will probably be kicked out. As for the matter of cadres not being cadres, I can't Counting cadres, they all serve the neighbors.”

"You're worthy of being a street clerk. Look at his words. He's really good at it."

"Second aunt, you are joking. I also learned it by reading books when I had nothing to do."

"I agree with what Xiu Zhi said. One time I got up at around [-] o'clock or almost [-] o'clock in the evening. When I went to the toilet, I saw that the lights were still on at Xiu Zhi's house and the curtains were not drawn. I saw Xiu Zhi through the glass. Zhi is reading, and with this drive to study hard, it would be impossible for a female to get the top prize."

"Aunt Liu, you praised me."

"No praise, no praise at all. By the way, Xiuzhi, what are you responsible for on the street now?"

"I say I am a clerk, but I actually do all the work. I complete the tasks assigned by the leader with due diligence and serve the residents of the jurisdiction better."

Li Xiuzhi said a few words for the occasion.

Then I wanted to take a step into the courtyard.

But he was grabbed by the aunt.

"Xiuzhi, I heard from Liu Ziniang that you just came out of Widow Wang's house?"

The meaning in the words.

They were asking Li Xiuzhi why she went back to the courtyard during working hours, and whether there was something related to the neighbors in the courtyard.

Worrying about my own family.

There's shit under the ass.

It’s still shit that kills people.

"Now the country has an activity for single mothers to pursue a happy life. Considering that I have just joined the job, Director Jia gave me this job. I am now responsible for collecting information on all single mothers in the Hongxing Street area. Why don't they remarry? Mainly To prevent things like reversing history from happening, I don’t know about other streets. Anyway, our street strictly prohibits such things from happening. Once discovered, we will deal with it seriously."

Li Xiuzhi said this.

Neighbors present.

Put your heart completely into your stomach.

Co-authorship is a matter of the Jia family and has nothing to do with their neighbors.

Even the aunt became dull in an instant. She knew that Qin Huairu was Yi Zhonghai's daughter, and Yi Zhonghai had been looking for Qin Huairu with someone who could make Qin Huairu happy.

I'm optimistic about Silly Zhu, and Silly Zhu is getting married.

He wanted to find someone else, but because of the short time and the fact that the Jia Zhang family was still there, Qin Huairu had not been able to remarry.

There was a little hope in my heart.

If Qin Huairu remarries, it will eliminate some of Yi Zhonghai's unrealistic ideas.

She hoped that Li Xiuzhi would find a man for Qin Huairu who would slap Qin Huairu every day and make Yi Zhonghai feel as distressed as possible.

Feeling that things are a bit strange, Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady and Qin Huairu want to plot against Silly Zhu and destroy the marriage between Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi. Under such circumstances, Li Xiuzhi becomes a street clerk, responsible for the remarriage of widows.

have to say.

This is really an irony for Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, and the deaf old lady.

"Then go and do your business, don't delay your business."

"Then I'll go and get busy. You guys can chat first."

Li Xiuzhi was about to leave, but before she could take a step forward, an old woman present suddenly brought the topic to the deaf old lady. She didn't know what she was thinking.

"Xiuzhi, let me ask something, does a single widow have to remarry?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"That's what I think. Qin Huairu is not the only widow in our courtyard, there are three widows in total." The woman raised three fingers, "There are only two widows in the Jia family. Is Jia Zhang a widow? She is!" You are only in your early fifties, you can remarry, and there is an old lady in the backyard. Can the street deal with the old lady's matter together?"

People present.

There is one, count one.

They were all shocked by this aunt's words.

Good guy.

Really nice guy.

According to this aunt, the deaf old lady is also a widow, an old widow, and she also meets the relevant policies of the street widows remarrying.

Except being older.

No other bad habits.

In fact.

Li Xiuzhi also considered the issue of the deaf old lady remarrying. Putting aside the issue for the moment, as a widow, it was necessary to compile her information.

If I didn't collect the information and went back to the street, I was scolded by the street director.

This matter needs to be considered in the long term.

Li Xiuzhi did not give a specific answer and went directly into the courtyard.

Behind him are those people who are looking at each other. (End of chapter)

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