Noisy courtyard house.

It was as if the pause button had been pressed.

Everyone was so angry that they didn't dare to take a breath, and each of them focused their stupid eyes on Zhang Shihao who got off the carriage.

Thinking about whether it was coming towards them, thoughts came to mind.

The first to bear the brunt are Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai.

Who put shit under their butts?

Yi Zhonghai thought that the money interception incident had been exposed. He thought that he had given the thousand-yuan remittance slip to Shazhu, so why did he attract the police? He wondered whether the evidence in the post office or bank supported the fact of his crime.

The head is as big as a bucket.

I don't want to die like this, still carrying the stinky hat of withholding money.

But Jia Zhang is worried that Liu Jianguo's arrival will be the follow-up to her causing trouble in the steel rolling mill.

The police station was notified by the steel rolling mill. The police wanted to arrest Jia Zhang and arrest her because she had affected the daily production of the steel rolling mill and restricted the future development of the steel rolling mill.

I was thinking about how I could atone for my sins after I went in.Is it necessary to tell the police that Yi Zhonghai and his wife are Dieters, that the deaf old lady in the backyard is Dieter, and that Qin Huairu may also be Dieter, so that he can clear his name and at the same time be rewarded for his meritorious service?

Liu Haizhong regarded Zhang Shihao's arrival as an opportunity for him to show off as a master in charge.

He is closest to Zhang Shihao.

Instead of imitating the leader's behavior and holding his hands behind his back, he slightly tilted his body toward Zhang Shihao and stretched out his hands.

Shake hands.

He spoke words that indicated his identity.

"Hello, comrade, I am Liu Haizhong, the steward of the courtyard."

Zhang Shihao didn't answer Liu Haizhong's words, he focused on Silly Zhu.

in the crowd.

It’s best to recognize Silly Pillars.

After all, he has an unprecedented face.

"He Yuzhu?"

The hearts of the neighbors.


The moment I saw Zhang Shihao just now, I was wondering if I had made any mistake.

In the current month and year, materials are scarce. In order to fill their stomachs, the real Eight Immortals have shown their magical powers across the sea. Just like the saying goes, they have done something that violates the factory regulations more or less. Some rolled steel The factory stuff went out and was sold.

Upon hearing Zhang Shihao named Silly Zhu's name.

The neighbors thought that they had no problem, and with the thought of smiling at fifty steps and a hundred steps, they figured out the reason why Zhang Shihao was looking for Silly Pillar.

The steel rolling mill found out about stealing materials from the canteen of the steel rolling mill and reported it to the police station.

In the past few years, when they didn't have enough to eat, they became more and more envious and jealous of Sha Zhu's work, and wished they could take Sha Zhu's place to cook in the cafeteria.

I was a little confused.

Even if the steel rolling mill knew about Silly Zhu's stealing supplies from the canteen of the steel rolling mill, the security department should have intervened. Why did people from the police station come?

Want to ask.

But dare not.

They can only communicate with each other through their eyes.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a hint of schadenfreude in the eyes of the neighbors, as if Silly Zhu's misfortune can make them profit.

Typical of not wishing you well.

Not only the neighbors were confused, but Silly Zhu, who was named by Zhang Shihao, was also confused, wondering why Zhang Shihao was looking for him.

He glanced at Li Xiuzhi, who was also confused, and shouted out his doubts as he jumped over the crowd.

"Comrade, I am He Yuzhu, do you have anything to do with me?"

"I have a case and I need your cooperation."

Zhang Shihao's voice.

Full of serious flavor.

Let Shazhu completely become a monk of Zhang Er, and he is confused.

His stealing of supplies from the canteen is a thing of the past.

After marrying Li Xiuzhi, and through Li Xiuzhi's education, Shazhu realized that he was wrong in stealing supplies from the canteen of the steel rolling mill. According to Li Xiuzhi's instructions, for more than a year, he went to work with an empty lunch box in the morning and returned to work in the evening. When he gets off work with an empty lunch box, the lunch box in his bag is the prop for him to eat in the cafeteria at noon.

Faced with Zhang Shihao's remarks that there was a case that required his cooperation, Si Zhu really couldn't imagine the ins and outs.

The situation at hand.

see clearly.

There is clearly no right to refuse.

The comrade following Zhang Shihao had already shown his handcuffs.

The shiny handcuffs have added fuel to the fire, making the already troubled neighbors even more like ants on the hot pot. Thinking that things have developed to the point of handcuffing Silly Zhu, guessing that Silly Zhu will One mistake is a big deal.

But because Zhang Shihao was at the scene, I had doubts in my heart, but I didn't dare to say anything.They were worried that their remarks would be regarded by Zhang Shihao as an accomplice of Silly Pillar.If they were taken away together, the gain would outweigh the loss.

He could only use his eyes to pay attention to the development of the situation.

"Liu Zi, no need." After Zhang Shihao waved his hand to stop the comrade next to him from handcuffing Sha Zhu, he said sternly to Sha Zhu: "He Yuzhu, come with us."

Silly Zhu blinked at Li Xiuzhi, comforted Li Xiuzhi, and followed Zhang Shihao out of the courtyard.

The neighbors came out together.

Probably because of the rarity.

Neighbors from several nearby compounds gathered around the gangzi and watched as Shazhu sat on the gangzi and was carried to the Hongxing Police Station by Zhang Shihao and others on their motorcycles.

Li Xiuzhi hesitated for more than a minute and walked towards Hongxing Street. Although she didn't know what happened, she still chose to believe in Silly Zhu.

He ignored those careless people.

The mouths are on those people's heads.

Let them go.

The moment Sha Zhu returned safely to the courtyard, these rumors were self-defeating.

After Silly Zhu, Li Xiuzhi and others left one after another, the quiet courtyard immediately became lively. The neighbors who were afraid to speak out because of Zhang Shihao could no longer suppress the raging fire in their hearts and the enthusiasm for his words. Discuss.

"Si Zhu is riding on a government motorcycle. This is his first job. Can you tell me what did Si Zhu commit? They showed off the handcuffs. It must have been a murder."

"It's a murder case. Silly Zhu is just a cook. He doesn't have the guts to kill anyone. He just kills fish and chickens. My old lady must say that Silly Zhu stole the lunch box from the canteen of the steel rolling mill, and the steel rolling mill found out about it. Reported to the police station, this is a typical behavior of poaching the steel rolling mill, and it will take at least 20 years to start."

In order to express his contempt for Silly Zhu and the attitude of the Jia family and Silly Zhu to have no contact with each other until death.

Jia Zhang spat.

I picked up the shit basin for Silly Zhu.

He told those things at the beginning as if they were jokes.

"Si Zhu deserves to be arrested. During the time when our Dongxu's accident happened, Lao Yi held a meeting for our Jia family to donate money and materials. Si Zhu, who earns about thirty yuan a month, donated two cents to us. You guys To say he is cold-blooded or not? He is simply an unloving person."

Yi Zhonghai, who was watching over Silly Zhu's arrest, was filled with suspicion. When he heard Jia Zhang's words, his heart was frightened.

He muttered something dirty.Mud can't hold up a wall.

How can such things as donating money be discussed in public?

This is the street.

Not in the courtyard.

There are many people talking.

More than a year has passed, but private donations are still something that cannot be brought to the fore, and have never seen the light of day.

Who decided that the Jia family was a poor household in need of donations?

this one.

Let Yi Zhonghai sit on the wax.

Go big.

Yi Zhonghai is putting himself above the organization.

Talk to the small.

This is to regard the courtyard as a single hall, to dominate and run rampant in the courtyard.

Word has spread to the ears of the streets that Yi Zhonghai, the initiator of the donation, will he be able to reap the benefits?
With so many people around, there was no way to explicitly remind Mrs. Jia Zhang to shut up.Yi Zhonghai coughed to remind Jia Zhang to be a little more careful about the impact and not to say anything out loud. If you say this, it will kill me, Yi Zhonghai.

Jia Zhang heard the meaning of Yi Zhonghai's reminder, but understood it in the opposite direction of Yi Zhonghai's original intention, thinking that Yi Zhonghai was asking her to reveal the embarrassing things about Silly Zhu.

In the courtyard, who doesn't know that Yi Zhonghai hates Sha Zhu so much that if it hadn't been for what happened to Sha Zhu, Yi Zhonghai would still be a respected steward now. It was Sha Zhu who tore Yi Zhonghai's disguise apart and beat him in public. He beat Yi Zhonghai several times, which made Yi Zhonghai disgraced, miserable, and no longer as golden as before.

Thinking that Sha Zhu was going to jail, Sha Zhu couldn't do what he asked Sha Zhu to do, so he could only hug Yi Zhonghai's thigh tightly.

"Our family Dongxu was paralyzed and needed nutrition. The first uncle asked Shazhu to bring some nutritious meals back from the canteen. For this reason, our family also gave Shazhu a new lunch box, but Shazhu took our new lunch box. He never brought food to our family, and my old lady even checked his lunch box, but there was nothing in it."


"His uncle, why are you coughing? I know what you mean. Our Dongxu killed himself in order not to harm our Jia family. The first uncle kindly asked Silly Zhu to help our Jia family. Silly Zhu not only refused to help, but also Beating up the uncle is retribution, and he deserves to be arrested. There is no longer a figure like Silly Zhu in the courtyard."

The speaker has no intention.

The listener is interested.

It was originally an unintentional complaint from Jia Zhang, but in Qin Huairu's ears, it had another meaning.

Silly Pillar is going to jail.

Li Xiuzhi has been married to Sha Zhu for more than a year, and she will definitely divorce Sha Zhu.

If Qin Huairu were in Li Xiuzhi's position, she would also have to divorce Si Zhu.

Unlike Jia Dongxu who died, Qin Huairu had to worry about a reputation of filial piety.Silly Zhu is a criminal. If he breaks with the criminals, he will not only not be criticized by people, but he will also be recognized by people.

Fight against criminals.

This is a common thought among people nowadays.

Li Xiuzhi married into the courtyard and soon took away Qin Huairu's throne as the most virtuous daughter-in-law in the courtyard, leaving Qin Huairu to live with her tail between her legs for more than a year.

The widow is obsessed with taking back the throne of the most virtuous daughter-in-law in the courtyard. This is Qin Huairu's status blessing project. With this project, she can better plan and scheme.

did not speak.

Look at the people who are speaking with certainty.

Suddenly he interrupted.

"Li Xiuzhi used to be a very virtuous daughter-in-law. But when Zhu Zhu was arrested, she didn't follow her and didn't tell her. She went straight to work on the street without even thinking about it."

A sudden word.

Let the neighbors think of Li Xiuzhi.

Qin Huairu immediately abdicated her responsibility.

He just wants to take the opportunity to label Li Xiuzhi as a cold-blooded person who doesn't care about the life and death of stupid people.

to be honest.

Destroy Li Xiuzhi's reputation.

As Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, how could Jia Zhang not know Qin Huairu's thoughts and immediately agreed.

"Li Xiuzhi is a temporary worker on the street. Even though she is a clerk, there is also the word "agent" in front of it. If she doesn't go to work on the street, she is not working properly. Yesterday, she pretended to have a green onion stuck in her nose and talked to my old wife about being a widow. Regarding the remarriage, for the sake of a neighbor, my old lady didn’t kick her out, bah, why didn’t she tell the old lady in the backyard about it.”

"What Jia Zhang said is on point. Li Xiuzhi must be worried that she won't be able to get a regular job, but even if she goes to work regardless of Si Zhu's safety, she still won't be able to get a regular job. No one would want a woman whose husband is in jail."

"So Li Xiuzhi can't work on the street?"

"For example, your child is dating a partner whose parents have been in prison. Are you willing? I'm definitely not willing to do it anyway."

Listening to the neighbors' discussions.

Yi Zhonghai didn't speak.

He turned his head and walked towards the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai always felt that there was something he didn't know about Silly Zhu being taken away by Zhang Shihao. He thought that the deaf old lady was well-informed and could see it more thoroughly than him and help analyze the secrets. , be sure not to capsize in the gutter.


It's better to ask the deaf old lady for an idea and see if this matter can be used by him again.

Sha Zhu was arrested and imprisoned, which proved the fact that Sha Zhu was a bad element.

As the chief steward of the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai saw through the bad nature of Si Zhu and couldn't bear the good girls to fall into Si Zhu's fire pit. He spoke ill of Si Zhu behind Si Zhu's back, thus saving the future of these girls. Half a lifetime.

This is a good thing.

Thinking about it this way.

Yi Zhonghai was highlighted instantly.

The pace couldn't help but speed up a lot.


Red Star Police Station.

Silly column getting off the motorcycle.

My heart calmed down slightly.

He followed Zhang Shihao's footsteps and entered the police station.

At first, I thought I was going to be taken to the interrogation room, but I didn't expect that I was led to a nearby conference room halfway.

Someone also poured a glass of hot water for Shazhu.

It was boiling water and something else, which greatly comforted Silly Zhu's heart.

His heart, which had been hanging in the air all this time, could finally fall to the ground.

It's fine.

It's fine.

He grabbed the water glass, took a sip of hot water, and asked Zhang Shihao urgently.

"Comrade, why did you call me here? I racked my brains along the way, but I couldn't come up with a reason."

"I'm sorry for scaring you. At that time, there were many people in your courtyard, so it was inconvenient to talk about some things. I had no choice but to bring you here."

"And I showed off the cuffs just now just to make this scene look more real." (End of Chapter)

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