Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 311 The confused deaf old lady: Shazhu was captured?

Show the cuffs.

It's to make the scene more realistic.

Avoid some unnecessary troubles.

this answer.

It really made Silly Zhu not know how to complain.

The neighbors were dumbfounded.

He himself was so frightened that on the way to the police station, he was still thinking about what crime he had committed, which was so serious that he had to be handcuffed.

Co-authorship is a mistake, a complete mistake.

Shazhu, who was relieved of all this, was suddenly filled with strong curiosity.

He was surprised that the other party encountered something difficult and actually wanted to invite him to the police station to cooperate with them in this way, thinking that he was a cook in the steel rolling mill.

Apart from cooking, I don’t know how to do anything else.

After hesitating for a while, the other party told the truth, how to deal with the situation when he couldn't do it, and he must not force himself to do it for the so-called face.

Silly Zhu stared with a pair of doubtful eyes.

Looking straight at Zhang Shihao.

Zhang Shihao was also looking at Shazhu, thinking about how he should ask so as not to appear abrupt.


next door.

The first hand is holding the relevant information of Silly Pillar.

big head.

Subconsciously, he recognized what Zhang Shihao said about being misappropriated living expenses.

He was called a fool when he rushed to the other party.

You can trust Silly Pillar.


Silly Zhu is not a word of contempt, but a proper word of praise.

One word, stupid, encompasses everything, including being a human being.

In the eyes of the top leaders, the title of Silly Zhu clearly means that he is honest, has no scheming, and is down-to-earth.

To Yi Zhonghai who embezzled Si Zhu’s living expenses.

Even more contempt.

This guy is bullying honest people.


Inside the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai heard some complaints from his neighbors.

be terribly upset.

At first, he was still a little sure, thinking that this was a good thing. He understood the reason why the widow of the Jia family had just plotted against Li Xiuzhi.

But as the neighbors' words became more and more out of tune, Yi Zhonghai's originally calm thoughts became chaotic.

The neighbors have anything to say.

From the beginning, it was said that Sha Zhu was caught stealing materials from the canteen of the steel rolling mill, and gradually evolved into the story that Sha Zhu was taken away in an unexpected way to cook for the leaders.

Yi Zhonghai didn't believe this rhetoric, but inadvertently thought of the time when Silly Zhu was taken by Director Yang to cook for the big boss.

I heard that the big boss was very satisfied with Shazhu’s cooking skills.

He was a being who even the top boss of the steel rolling mill wanted to fawn over, but he was full of praise for Silly Zhu's cooking skills.

What if Si Zhu accidentally mentioned it to the big boss that He Daqing left 16-year-old Si Zhu and six-year-old Yu Yu to go to Baocheng to stay and fly with the widow.

Don't be afraid that big leaders will take this matter seriously.

Such a big leader really manages everything on a day-to-day basis.

Yi Zhonghai was worried that those under the big leader would misinterpret the big leader's meaning and interfere in this matter.

Good to see Hades.

The little devil is difficult to deal with.

There is no foolproof plan in the world. Withholding money is the most unconsidered thing that Yi Zhonghai has done in his life. He feels that he must find the deaf old lady and discuss with the deaf old lady how to do things and let the deaf old lady Help with an idea.

Who told him and the deaf old lady to be two grasshoppers tied to the same rope?

Both are prosperous.

Lose all.

to the backyard.

I saw the eldest mother coming out of the deaf old lady's house with an empty bowl. I knew that the eldest mother had brought breakfast to the deaf old lady. When they met face to face, I asked her.

"Didn't you tell the old lady what happened just now?"

Auntie knew what Yi Zhonghai was referring to.

She didn't do it on purpose.

But I really forgot to tell the deaf old lady about it.

He shook his head slightly.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly felt a little disappointed and gave a warning.

"I'll tell the old lady."

Stop talking.

Open the door.

walked in.

I saw the deaf old lady sitting on a stool, drinking stick noodle porridge and eating steamed buns in one mouthful. The expression on her face was as uncomfortable as swallowing a dead fly.

I thought to myself.

The old lady is indeed an old lady.

While other people were not satisfied with their stick noodle porridge and stick noodle steamed buns, the deaf old lady regarded eating steamed buns and drinking stick noodle batter as a punishment.

He is worthy of being the master of the palace.

Just nobler than people like them.

"Old lady, are you eating?"

Yi Zhonghai made some opening remarks, and then sat down opposite the deaf old lady.

The act of sitting down without asking made the deaf old lady feel a little unhappy, but she didn't say anything serious. Instead, she followed Yi Zhonghai's words and mentioned things to improve her life.

"Zhonghai, it's not my old lady Jin Gui, but this stick noodle steamed bun. I can't taste the braised lion's head no matter how much I eat it. Also, this stick noodle porridge makes my throat hurt. Compared with bird's nest, it's far behind."

Yi Zhonghai complained in his mind, and asked for bird's nest porridge and braised lion's head. Which chef dares to cook them for you?
Elderly people regard eating braised pork as a way to improve their lives. An old lady in your courtyard who wants to eat bird's nest is just looking for bad luck.

I know what the deaf old lady means.

A sentence back.

"Old lady, I will ask Yulan to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to cut some meat when I get back soon. I will make you a zucchini fried pork slices and two thin-noodle steamed buns for you tonight."

The deaf old lady smacked her mouth.


Want to eat well.

But I'm not hungry for the food cooked by my aunt.

She is hungry for food cooked by professional chefs.

That's the enjoyment.

It would be even better if there is a private chef. You can just tell me what you want to eat.

"Zhonghai, you said let Shazhu help with cooking at night, is that okay? I don't know what happened recently, Shazhu's wife stopped interacting with me."

"Old lady, Silly Zhu's daughter-in-law has now entered the street and is busy working all day long. I heard that she came to our courtyard yesterday morning to do ideological work for Grandma Banggen and Mother Banggen. If a widow remarries, it will be history. The car was reversed, causing such a scene that Grandma Banggeng and Mother Banggeng didn’t know how to deal with it.”

"The rules handed down from our ancestors are all gone. If a widow remarries, she would have ended up in a pig cage before. If she remarries, it's all bullshit. Qin Huairu remarries, and people poke her in the back. Jia Zhang In a few years, a chastity arch will be built to let Jia and Zhang remarry. What is Li Xiuzhi thinking? Silly Zhu is the same, marrying a daughter-in-law without educating her and letting her run around outside. "

"Old lady, you are absolutely right, but your words cannot be spread outside, otherwise you will not be able to eat and walk around."

Yi Zhonghai's face.

There was a bit of panic.

This is not an alarmist statement, deliberately intimidating the deaf old lady.

But something like this.

He encountered it several times.

I don't want to get in trouble because of the deaf old lady.

"Look at your courage, are you still the steward of the courtyard? My old lady is not stupid, so I will say this in front of you Zhonghai."

The implication.If I get caught for this.

This is the black case you reported to Yi Zhonghai.

"Old lady, what you said, I and you are of the same mind." Yi Zhonghai, who understood the meaning of the deaf old lady's words, strongly expressed his anger, and then quickly told the story about Silly Zhu being taken away by the police. He told the deaf old lady, "Old lady, now is not the time to talk about these things. I have other things to ask you about. Yulan forgot to tell you just now that something big happened in our courtyard, and Silly Zhu was taken away."

"Clap" sound.

Wotou in the hands of the deaf old lady.

fell to the ground.

Looking at the expression on the deaf old lady's face, you can tell how the deaf old lady feels at this time.


"Zhong Hai, what did you say?"

The deaf old lady didn't believe it and repeated it.

Silly column was arrested.

How can it be?

Otherwise, he wouldn't be called a fool.

"I said Shazhu was arrested by the police."

"When did it happen?"

"Just now, two police officers came, riding on chariots."

Yi Zhonghai narrates the story of Wanzi.

It subconsciously reminded the deaf old lady of some bad past.

Several heavily armed Japanese soldiers arrived at the deaf old lady's house on horseback.

The bright bayonet was pointed at the deaf old lady.

Brought the deaf old lady into the house….

"Originally, I didn't believe that Sha Zhu was arrested. It's not like I didn't know what Sha Zhu was like, but one of the businessmen showed off the cuffs. Tell me, everyone showed off the cuffs. How could this be a trivial matter. "

The wind changed in Yi Zhong Haikou.

He talked about his purpose of coming.

"The neighbors have different opinions on Sha Zhu's arrest. Some people say that Sha Zhu was arrested because Sha Zhu's incident of stealing someone else's steel rolling mill canteen a few years ago was exposed."

The deaf old lady glanced at Yi Zhonghai.

A pun: "It was something that Silhu brought from the cafeteria after he got married. The steel rolling mill found out about it. Before, Silhu had enough to eat alone and the whole family was not hungry. But after he got married and had a family, his daughter-in-law didn't have a ration yet. Now, again." It was such a special year. In order to support his wife, Silly Zhu did some things that violated the professional ethics of chefs and the rules of the steel rolling mill. Even you, the steward of the courtyard, were kept in the dark."

Yi Zhonghai's hand.

He slapped his forehead.

No wonder people keep saying this.

Old people, ghosts.

In a word.

The suspicion on Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady was cleared.

It was like putting a shit basin on Li Xiuzhi's head.

"There are also some neighbors who say that Shazhu was not arrested, but that someone wanted to eat the food cooked by Shazhu and didn't want the neighbors to know, so they invited Shazhu away in a way that was not considered an invitation. There are also some people , saying that Sha Zhu’s beating of someone went viral, and they said anything, and some people even said that Sha Zhu had done something outrageous.”

"What do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything. I just feel that there are some inside stories that we don't know about Silly Zhu's arrest. I think you eat more salt than I eat rice, so I came to you specifically to make an idea. Please help me take a look."

Learned from Yi Zhonghai about Sha Zhu's arrest.

The deaf old lady was also full of doubts.

She too was intimidated.

Silly column was arrested.

It was different from what the deaf old lady expected.

Faced with Yi Zhonghai's request for help, the deaf old lady was at her wits' end and would not give an explanation casually. By the way, it would appear that the deaf old lady was inscrutable, but by mistake, it would show that the deaf old lady was not bullshit.

But the situation at hand.

It's okay if the deaf old lady doesn't say something.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai, he squeezed out a somewhat meaningful expression on his face, stared at Yi Zhonghai for more than thirty seconds, and said, "Why are you panicking?" Zhonghai was kicked out of the house.


Li Xiuzhi came to the street with her front feet, and then appeared in front of Director Jia with her back feet.

He reported to Director Jia that his man Shazhu was taken away by the police, and then asked Director Jia to suspend himself.

Active explanation and passive explanation.

There is a huge gap between heaven and earth.

This is called lenience.

Unexpectedly, Director Jia waved his hand with a nonchalant expression.

Just when Li Xiuzhi was stunned and moved by Director Jia's confidence in her.

Director Jia explained the situation and said that he had just received a call from the Hongxing Police Station. They made it clear to him on the phone that Shazhu was fine and innocent. He was taken away because of Shazhu's cooperation.

Li Xiuzhi's heart.

Only then did he fall to the ground.

Have faith in the organization.

She said a few words to Director Jia and left Director Jia's office.


This call.

It was Sha Zhu who strongly requested Zhang Shihao to fight.

Knowing that his wife was now a clerk in the street, he was worried that being taken to the police station would affect Li Xiuzhi's future.

After learning that he was brought here because of a case that required cooperation, Shazhu immediately thought of Li Xiuzhi, and then he made this reassuring phone call.

He looked distressed for his wife.

The comrades at the police station made fun of him, and after some discussion, they regarded Sha Zhu as a role model for them to learn from, and they categorically said that they should learn from Sha Zhu's behavior of caring about his wife, and strive to be a good husband who takes care of his wife.

These things.

It has nothing to do with Silly Zhu. He now wants to know what the case Zhang Shihao mentioned specifically refers to.

Probably seeing the eagerness in Silly Zhu's eyes.

Zhang Shihao, who had enough confidence, made a gesture to the comrade next to him. The comrade opened the paper notebook in front of him and unscrewed the pen.


This is for record keeping.

After making enough preparations, Zhang Shihao spoke.

"He Yuzhu, don't panic, just treat this place as your home. It's not that you committed anything, but this matter is related to you."

Silly Zhu thought of something.

But still a little unconvinced.

He also learned about the matter of withholding the money from the script. If he hadn't picked up the script halfway, Shazhu would not have known about it at all.

He only learned about this through a plug-in, how did Zhang Shihao and the others learn such inside information?

Could it be that there are also plug-ins?

"You say."

"He Daqing is your father?"

Zhang Shihao spoke up.

This corroborates Shazhu’s speculation about the case just now.

Co-authorship is really a matter of withholding money.

I didn't hear anyone ask He Daqing.

Apart from the fact that the money was withheld, Shazhu could not think of any other explanation.

"Your father has been gone since May 16st. It was you who raised your sister He Yuyu. A [-]-year-old child, facing a six-year-old sister, not only raised her sister, but also trained her to become the person in our street. The first college student is not simple, really, like a man."

Silly heart.

If it weren't for the blocking of the throat.

Maybe it has already flown out.

It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.

The money interception incident has undergone dramatic changes. (End of chapter)

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