Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 312: Ask Silly Zhu to prove the inside story of the money

Silly Zhu wants to break his head.

I also couldn't figure out what happened here, why my own wing was broken, but Zhang Shihao had an unexpected gain.

He stared at Zhang Shihao without saying a word, his confused eyes full of confusion.

Big head.

Zhang Shihao was surprised when he saw Sha Zhu's expression, and became more and more convinced that Sha Zhu was kept in the dark.

Known as Silly Pillar.

One silly word encompasses everything.

Didn't know about this at all.

Feeling that the burden on him had inexplicably become heavier, he had to help Si Zhu recover the money, bring Yi Zhonghai who had withheld the money to justice, and give Si Zhu a break. justice.

In order to liven up the atmosphere.

Zhang Shihao grabbed the kettle and added some tea to the big tea vat in front of Silly Zhu.

A word of admonition.

"You drink water."

"Comrade, I won't drink any more water. If you have any questions, just tell me directly. Tell me something that won't make you laugh. From the time I left the courtyard to the time I sat in this room, I was confused. Just tell me."

An honest expression.

Paired with Silly Zhu's mature cheeks.

Just two words.

Simple and honest.

"Don't worry, let's talk about your father first. According to our investigation, we learned that when you were 16 years old, your father went to Baocheng to live with a widow named Bai, leaving behind 16-year-old you and you. Six-year-old sister He Yuyu."

"Comrade, you just said that."

"Repeat it to make it more important. Let me ask you something. You must tell the truth. Do you hate your father?"

"If I say I don't hate it, you won't believe it. I hate it! I'm 16, so it doesn't matter. But my sister is only six years old. As a six-year-old child, the neighbors poked me in the head and said your father doesn't want you anymore. Yu Yu cried for several days. , she would grab my clothes at night when she went to sleep, she was worried that I would abandon her, and I felt sorry for my sister. Later, as I grew older, I got married myself, and I no longer resented it so much. He passed on all his cooking skills to me. It gives me the capital to settle down and live a life. As for my father, I will not go to him. When he comes back, I will provide for him in his old age. If he doesn’t come back, he won’t come back.”

"Can you tell me the specific situation at that time?"

"I learned about this from the mouth of Yi Zhonghai, the steward of our courtyard. He told me that my father ran away with the White Widow. He said that he met my father on the way, and then hurried to the courtyard and followed him. I said, my father doesn’t want me anymore, and he doesn’t want Yuyu anymore, and from now on, I will be the leader of our He family, and he asked me to take good care of Yuyu, if anything happens..."

Seeing that Zhang Shihao was very interested in the previous events, Shazhu followed Zhang Shihao's instructions and explained the ins and outs of He Daqing's running away with the widow. He told the neighbors clearly how he knew about it. What was his reaction, what words Yi Zhonghai said at that time, and what he told Silly Zhu to do, all were told.

Also strange.

That happened ten years ago.

Silly Zhu remembered it very clearly. He could even recall the calculating and successful expression on Yi Zhonghai's face when he told him that He Daqing had run away with the widow.

The story is over.

Then he looked at Zhang Shihao stupidly.

Zhang Shihao nodded thoughtfully.

After Sha Zhu's narration, Zhang Shihao is now sure of one thing.

The so-called fact that He Daqing ran away from home and followed the widow was most likely a trap aimed at Silly Zhu. Although outsiders could not understand things, Zhang Shihao saw the inner plot at a glance.

First of all.

Silly Zhu learned about this from Yi Zhonghai.

According to the account given, Yi Zhonghai met He Daqing who was following the White Widow to Baocheng on the way. He Daqing told Yi Zhonghai that he was going to live in Baocheng.

This is the most doubtful point.

normal people.

Having been neighbors in the courtyard for so many years, even enemies would be reluctant to stop them when they abandon their young children.

Silly Zhu is 16 years old and Yuyu is six years old.

They say they have grown up, but in fact they are no different from orphans.

The courtyard is another courtyard where beasts are rampant.

If you leave two young children in a courtyard full of animals, don't you care about the safety of the two children?

I have learned about Shazhu’s past.

He was corrupted by Yi Zhonghai's teachings and became a courtyard overlord with a foul mouth and a penchant for beating people.

It was because of Yi Zhonghai's control over the neighbors in the courtyard that this matter was not exposed, otherwise Silly Zhu would have had to receive a period of education.

Tiger poison does not eat children.

Unless He Daqing is not the biological father of Shazhu and Yuyu.


Yu Yu was so stimulated by Jia Zhang that she wanted to die.

Shazhu originally wanted to take Yuyu to Baocheng to find his father the next day, but because of Yi Zhonghai's obstruction, this did not happen.

Instead, he delayed for a few days, waiting for Yi Zhonghai to help Shazhu buy the train ticket and go to Baocheng to find his father with rain and full of hope, but He Daqing was rejected.

Suppose He Daqing didn't want to see Silly Zhu and Yuyu, so he cruelly turned away the two children.

But how to explain the money sent by mail?
Sending money by mail proves that He Daqing has two children in his heart.

All this can only be supported by traps.

Someone is plotting against Silly Zhu, or He Daqing.

The deaf old lady was homeless, and so were Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

What are the people afraid of? They are afraid of being eaten out.

Before Yi Zhonghai went to Qinjiacun to provide support, he planned to force He Daqing away.

Now Zhang Shihao only has three exchange orders in his hand that cannot prove the source of the money. Even if He Daqing says that the money is for Silly Zhu's living expenses, Yi Zhonghai can respond by saying that He Daqing owes money.

Unless a third witness present can be found.

From a professional perspective, there was almost no third witness present, and Yi Zhonghai would not be stupid enough to leave an excuse for himself.

Just like a woman having sex with a man, she won't let a third person be present besides both parties.

Zhang Shihao, who had no choice but to invite Silly Zhu here with great fanfare, used a sensational method to create an effect of alerting the enemy.

Don't do it.

Why is Yi Zhonghai panicking?
Don't panic.

How to show off your flaws?

With the clues, we can easily solve the money interception case in front of us.

Zhang Shihao, who had figured out the cause and effect in his mind, asked Silly Zhu confusedly.

"He Yuzhu, have you ever thought that your father might have something else going on?"

"Comrade, what do you mean, my father left me with Yuyu because he had some reasons?"

Zhang Shihao nodded.

The reason why tiger poison does not eat its seeds is given.

Silly Zhu shook his head, with a tone of disbelief.

"I don't believe it. If Yuyu and I really existed in our hearts, Yuyu and I wouldn't have never seen him face to face. From the beginning to the end, it was the widow surnamed Bai who was telling me what he had raised me up and taught me. Cooking skills, saying that the eldest brother is the father, let me pull Yuyu. Yuyu is my sister, I pull her, it should be. But I don’t believe the insider statement you gave, there is really insider information, so many years, not even a letter Don't you know how to write?" "I know you can't accept it for a while. After all, a person you haven't seen for ten years suddenly tells you that he has you in his heart. If I were you, I would do the same. As you do, but that’s what it is.”

"Comrade, why am I getting more and more confused?"

"Let me put it another way. It's possible that your father, He Daqing, has been mailing you money over the years."


Silly Zhu who shouted three words.

Teng sound.

Lift your butt off the stool.

Standing directly in front of Zhang Shihao.

People are in shock.

"It's impossible to mail me money. There's not even a letter, and you're still mailing money. I don't believe it, and I wouldn't believe it even to death." Silly Zhu changed his tone, and his tone was full of helplessness, "Just as you said, They sent me money by mail, but where is this money? I, He Yuzhu, am also an upright man, and I can speak for myself every time I speak. If I get this money, I believe that if you don’t give it to me, you can give it to my sister, but My sister didn’t receive it either.”

Silly column thought of something.

Added a sentence.

"Except for the remittance order of 1000 and [-] yuan a few days ago."

Take a breath.

Tell me about Yi Zhonghai sending the remittance slip that night.

I explained it to Zhang Shihao.

"If Yi Zhonghai hadn't told me that this money didn't belong to me, He Yuzhu, and that there was half of Yui Yu's money in it, I really wouldn't have wanted the money. Yesterday I went to Beijing University and told Yu Yu about this. , Rainwater means, give this money to us, we will keep it, it is better than being spent by the White Widow’s children, so I kept this money, for the sake of the money, when he comes back, I will give it to He provides for his retirement.”

"In addition to this remittance of 1000 and [-] yuan, we have evidence that your father, He Daqing, has been sending money to you two siblings."

Zhang Shihao sent several remittance orders.

They were placed one by one in front of Silly Zhu.

"Look at it."

In front of Silly Pillar.

Six remittance orders were placed in a row.

The dates are different, but the content is the same. The payee is Yi Zhonghai and the remitter is He Daqing.

There are three.

It was forged by Zhang Shihao.

Do it.

To support some of his ideas.

Let's see if Silly Zhu can recognize He Daqing's handwriting, otherwise everything will be avoided.

Silly Zhu, who didn't know what kind of medicine Zhang Shihao's gourd was selling, stared at three of the remittance slips, looked at them carefully, then shook his head, and set his eyes on the remaining three remittance slips, looking at them After thinking for a few minutes, he pointed to the three remittance slips and replied to Zhang Shihao: "Comrade, the handwriting on these three slips must be the handwriting of my father He Daqing, and the remaining three slips must have been written by others. The money was mailed to Yi Zhonghai in the name of my father, He Daqing."

Zhang Shihao looked at the pile of receipts divided by Sha Zhu.

The stone in my heart.


The three remittance orders that Shazhu confirmed in He Daqing's handwriting were the evidence that Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang dug out from the abandoned warehouse.


His plan can be implemented.

To clarify a question.

Did Yi Zhonghai lend money to He Daqing?

This is related to the key to whether Yi Zhonghai can be captured.

"He Yuzhu, you have been selling steamed buns for your family since you were eight years old. Because of the rebellion, you got the nickname Silly Zhu. Am I right?"

Silly heart.

A little panic.

Think about it a little bit.


Some things are not decided by Shazhu. If he lies now, people will find out in a few days.

Instead of sitting on the wax then, it is better to tell the truth now and leave a good impression on others.

It's best to put things out there.

"You're right. I sold steamed buns. During that time, my father couldn't get any private work, so he just made steamed buns at home and sold them for money. I only sold them for half a month. On the one hand, I took the steamed buns to escape. Rebellious soldiers, but the buns were bought with fake money. On the other hand, the neighbors in the courtyard did not agree. In the words of my father, those who fight against the autumn wind fight against the autumn red, and those who are jealous are jealous. Anyway, in a large courtyard, everyone is He is not a good person, everyone does not expect good things from you, saying that it is better not to sell this bun than to be plotted against in the future."

"This shows that your family is not short of money."

"My father is a good cook, and many people come to him for banquets and private banquets."

"So, your family doesn't have to ask anyone to borrow money anymore?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Just tell the truth."

"My father is a good cook, and the price for private banquets is higher than other chefs. Neighbors in the courtyard would talk to my father if they couldn't leave. As for borrowing money or not, I don't know for sure, but I saw it once. It seems that my father gave tens of thousands of yuan to Jia Zhang."

"How many tens of thousands?"

The companion next to Zhang Shihao.


He was frightened.

If he is someone who lends tens of thousands of dollars casually, he is not a third-generation farmhand. There are such rich farmhands.

"What He Yuzhu is talking about is the exchange ratio between the first version of the currency we issued and the second version of the currency now in use is 1 to one. At that time, [-] yuan was equivalent to one dollar today, and tens of thousands of dollars was just a few dollars. .”

"Scare me."

"He Yuzhu, the reason we are asking this is to find out whether this money is mailed to you two brothers and sisters for living expenses, or whether it is to pay off Yi Zhonghai's debt."

"You mean, Yi Zhonghai withheld the money?"

"It doesn't count as withholding. If this money is your living expenses and Yi Zhonghai doesn't give it to you, he has violated the law. On the contrary, this money is not for you, He Yuzhu, nor for He Yuyu, but to repay Yi Zhonghai's debt. , there is no such thing as interception. There is an essential difference here. After what you just described, your father earns a living by selling his craftsmanship and is considered a farm laborer. However, because of his good craftsmanship, he has more spare money in his hands. We speculate that there is no debt. One thing to say. Of course, this is just our guess, and we need to conduct further verification. I hope you can understand us. "

Silly Zhu nodded angrily.

He seemed to do more than agree.

There is no other explanation.

"There's nothing wrong now, you can leave."

"Can I go?"

"Of course, we asked you to come here just to cooperate with the case. If you tell us everything you know, you can leave naturally."

"Ang." Silly Zhu raised his head. When he left, he turned his head and asked Zhang Shihao: "Then what should I say when I go back?"

"Just say that we came to you to ask about mailing money."

"Okay, I understand, then I'm leaving." (End of Chapter)

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