Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 313 What?It's Yi Zhonghai again

Following Zhang Shihao's instructions, Shazhu walked out honestly.

He also had to go to work at the steel rolling mill.

It’s not all about going to work.

Shazhu still had to complete the tasks assigned by Zhang Shihao. What he said to him just now clearly meant that Shazhu would tell someone about the money order inquiry.

Some people here can guess with their toes.

There was no one else except Yi Zhonghai.

After all, Yi Zhonghai's name was written on the remittance slip, and the remitter was Shazhu's father, He Daqing.

Mysteries in the mind.


According to the old theory, this kind of thing is done secretly without evidence, for fear of alerting the enemy and ruining the other party's plan.

But he didn't expect that Zhang Shihao would use Silly Zhu's mouth to tell this matter.

Aren't you worried about alerting the enemy?
When Silly Zhu walked to the door, he stopped and hesitated whether he should remind Zhang Shihao.

Eventually reason prevailed.

Thinking that Zhang Shihao asked him to do this, he must have the intention to do so, and he would just execute it honestly, which made Zhang Shihao unhappy.

He let out a long sigh.

Go in the direction of the street.

Just now, Zhang Shihao was forced to call the street, but Shazhu was still a little worried and felt that he should talk to Li Xiuzhi in person to save Li Xiuzhi from worrying.


Zhang Shihao looked at Shazhu's leaving figure.

He also let out a sigh of relief.

this matter.

Actually used silly pillar.

This was an undesigned part of Zhang Shihao's plan.

Want nothing.

I just hope that Shazhu’s mouth can tell the truth just now.

Otherwise, how could Yi Zhonghai and the others reveal their flaws?

He looked at the assistant next to him.


With a wave of his hand.

The two of them walked towards the courtyard again.

We need to ask the neighbors in the courtyard what they thought of He Daqing at the time, and prove from the side the truth about the mailed money, whether it was living expenses or arrears, no matter what, there must be a result.

It also means beating.

He wanted to make Yi Zhonghai busy.



Silly Zhu stood at the door.

Looking at Li Xiuzhi at work infatuatedly.

This was the first time he saw Li Xiuzhi working seriously.

Don't say it.

It really has a heroic flavor.

If equipped with weapons.

It’s simply a modern Mulan.

"Xiuzhi, your family is looking for you."

Just when Shazhu was looking at it, a call with a little ridicule sounded in Shazhu's ears.

Shazhu was frightened and trembled.

He looked like an erring primary school student who was caught by his teacher for being naughty in class. His whole body was in a panic.

"How did you come?"

Li Xiuzhi stood up from her seat and ran to Shazhu. After asking, she took Shazhu's hand and came to the corner of the courtyard.

A couple of more than a year.

Both parties are aware of each other.

It must be the matter of being taken away by Zhang Shihao. I have some inside information and I need to talk to myself.

"Are you okay?"

Li Xiuzhi, who pulled Si Zhu to a secluded corner, had a look of concern on his face.

She knew that Silly Zhu would be fine.

"What are those people doing looking for you?"

"You won't believe it even after I told you. I was scared at the time. Guess what they wanted to do with me?"

Silly Zhu this pass.

It's better not to sell.

Li Xiuzhi was not given any time to think.

Just a few seconds.

Silly Zhu told the truth.

"It was about the remittance order. The comrade named Zhang Shihao took me to the conference room and asked me a lot of questions I had asked before, such as why my father left and whether I hated my father. I told the truth. Later he told me, He said that his father had been sending us living expenses by mail, and he showed us six remittance slips. The payees on them were all Yi Zhonghai, and the remitters were all He Daqing. I found that three of them were in my father's handwriting, and the other three were not, right. Well, Zhang Shihao also asked his father if he had ever borrowed money from people in the hospital."

Li Xiuzhi frowned.

She seemed to have thought of something.

"People say that this money can't be proven to be for me and Yuyu's living expenses. They say it may be to repay Yi Zhonghai's debt, unless a witness can be found."

"that's it?"

"That's all. Now that I'm done, let me tell the truth and tell those people who asked about my living expenses."

"If I ask you to say it, just say it. Is there anything else?"

"No, I was going to work. I was worried that you were anxious, so I came here to tell you."

"Okay, I understand. You go to work quickly. Don't forget what Zhang Shihao told you. I guess if you show up in the canteen of the steel rolling mill, Yi Zhonghai will definitely come to you to find out something. This shows that he has a guilty conscience. "

"I'll report to you tonight."

Silly Zhu left the street and walked towards the steel rolling mill.

On the road.

He carefully considered Li Xiuzhi's instructions and Zhang Shihao's explanation just now.

I vaguely remember that He Daqing was good at cooking, was also a big spender, and seemed to have been an opera singer.

No shortage of money.

Otherwise, he would not lend money to Jia Zhang.

dog day.

This matter, when He Daqing last saw him, He Daqing didn't tell Si Zhu, and he didn't know if the money had been paid back.


Rolling mill.

There are rumors everywhere that Silly Zhu was taken away by the police.

Thanks to Yi Zhonghai.

The co-workers are going viral.

Yi Zhonghai, who witnessed Si Zhu being taken away, accidentally being late, and being reprimanded by his leader, thought about how he had been harassed by countless rumors for more than a year.

Resentment arose from Si Zhu's disinterest in him.

In Yi Zhonghai's heart, all of this was Sha Zhu's fault. Didn't he ruin more than twenty blind dates with Sha Zhu just to provide for his retirement? In order to make Qin Huairu feel better, he arranged for Sha Zhu to marry a widow and become the father of his child. .

It was not some sworn blood feud that prompted Si Zhu to beat Yi Zhonghai several times, turning the majestic Yi Zhonghai in the courtyard into a rat crossing the street.

The old man has become the fart man.

No idea.

Just one thought.

I, Yi Zhonghai, have become a stinky rat in the steel rolling mill, and you, Silly Zhu, have to follow in my footsteps.

After being trained, Yi Zhonghai deliberately sat on the stool with a frown on his face. When others asked him why he was worried, Yi Zhonghai said in a tone of voice that I have not educated Sha Zhu well, and took Sha Zhu away. He even He even told me about showing off his handcuffs, and said it in a more acrimonious manner.

As long as Yi Zhonghai can think of any crime, he can put it on Silly Zhu's head for free.

After marrying a wife, he became depraved, cold-blooded, and no longer loving. He did not help the neighbors in the courtyard, nor took care of the lonely elderly people. He completely abandoned the teachings Yi Zhonghai had given to Silly Zhu in the past.Yi Zhonghai was very disappointed with Silly Zhu, with the expression of hating that iron cannot become steel.

Say it all.

This is purely what Silly Pillar asked for.

Take advantage of the opportunity of stepping on the stupid pillar to cleanse yourself.

He said that if Silly Zhu listened to his words and married Qin Huairu honestly, not only would he have a son to call him daddy, but he would also get two ready-made daughters for nothing, and it would also fulfill the regret of Silly Zhu's young mother's death. The stepmother will protect Silly Pillar.

Countless good things happen in one fell swoop.

Shazhu not only did not think well of Yi Zhonghai, but also beat Yi Zhonghai, ruining Yi Zhonghai's reputation.

At the end of the story, Yi Zhonghai let out a helpless sigh, vividly showing the appearance of a kind old man who was willing to compromise for the sake of Si Zhu's future, but was misunderstood by people.

Those workers who didn't believe it at first went to other neighbors to ask for confirmation and asked Shazhu if he had been arrested.

The neighbors in the courtyard, led by Liu Haizhong, were a little shocked at first and confused. They didn't know where they heard about this incident.

Li Xiuzhi works on the street, thinking that Li Xiuzhi might be their leader.

You should give Li Xiuzhi some face.

After going to work, I didn't take it seriously.

After questioning, I found out that it was Yi Zhonghai who said this. While they were scolding each other, they also corroborated Yi Zhonghai's words. This incident suddenly caused a fuss.

The leaders of the steel rolling mill also knew about the commotion.

Silly column is an indispensable part of the steel rolling mill.

Entertaining is inseparable from Shazhu. Those inspection colleagues or superiors who come and go eat the food cooked by Shazhu.

The leader made a special call to the Hongxing Police Station to inquire about the matter. After receiving the exact information, he knew that this was a complete mistake.

Silly Zhu has nothing to do with it.

I just went to the police station and cooperated with them.

This is a manifestation of the love between the police and the people.

Without praise, I could no longer explain myself, and I was even slapped with shit. When word spread outside, I thought the leaders of the steel rolling mill were just stupid bugs.

The factory leaders intervened and sent special personnel to investigate and find out who was adding fuel to the fire.

Check one by one.

Ask one by one.

The source of this incident was finally found to be Yi Zhonghai.

The leaders who already had a very bad impression of Yi Zhonghai discovered that Yi Zhonghai had turned into a bastard who added insult to injury.

Dogs are not too poor.

The son does not think the mother is ugly.

As a member of the steel rolling mill and the only remaining eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill, when faced with the arrest of an employee of the steel rolling mill, what I wanted to do was not to save the reputation of the steel rolling mill, but to worry about adding fuel to the fire without making the incident a big deal. , talk about this matter in a fuss, what are you going to do!
There is really no sense of ownership of the steel rolling mill.

The factory leader suddenly remembered the evaluation of the steel rolling mill by the senior leader some time ago, saying that all other jobs in the steel rolling mill were fine, but the humanistic and spiritual work was not good.

I thought it was a slap from my superiors to tell me not to raise my tail.

Unexpectedly, the superior leader was right.

Yi Zhonghai ruined several years of civilized construction work in the steel rolling mill.

Not bad.

Guo Dapai was called on the spot and asked to bring Yi Zhonghai to meet the leaders.

Guo Dabo, who knew the ins and outs of the matter, had already planned to kill Yi Zhonghai, and it was Yi Zhonghai. For more than a year, Guo Dabo, who was transferred to the ninth workshop director, did most of all, is to wipe out Yi Zhonghai. Ass, clean up all kinds of unfinished business.

Yi Zhonghai is here.

Don't even think about going further.


Cursing Guo Dapizi, he stepped into the ninth workshop.

The scene in front of you.

Make him happy.

Yi Zhonghai was surrounded by a group of workers, listening to Yi Zhonghai's random rumors about Sha Zhu being arrested.

See Guo Dapizi.

Say hello.

"The director is here?"

"Come and see, what are you talking about?"

"Talk about silly pillars."

"What's wrong with the silly pillar?"

"Director, you don't know about such a big thing, and you still ask us what happened. Silly Zhu was arrested."

"Don't talk nonsense. I just came back from the security department, and there is no Shazhu anywhere. Besides, in these days, the security department is so strict, it is impossible for Shazhu to bring a lunch box."

"Director, Shazhu didn't end up in our security department, but was taken away by the police from another police station. I heard from Master Yi that the police showed his handcuffs. It must be Shazhu who did something that no one can see."

"Have you ever seen Silly Zhu do anything shameful?"

"Director, I was late for work today just because I saw Sha Zhu being arrested. I want to talk to the co-workers so that they don't make the same mistakes as Sha Zhu."

Mom D.

Guo Dapizi cursed in his heart.

I discovered that Yi Zhonghai has an advantage.


I even reminded Yi Zhonghai in a subtle way, but I still managed to smooth things over with lies, and under the guise of thinking about the co-workers.

"Master Yi, you are also an old man in the factory. Even if Si Zhu is taken away by the police, can you decide whether Si Zhu has committed a crime? Whether Si Zhu has committed a crime or not, the evidence will speak for itself." He waved his hand towards Yi Zhonghai, "Factory If the leader is looking for you, go and see the factory leader as soon as possible.”

Yi Zhonghai was confused.

The factory leaders are looking for themselves.

whats the matter?
For more than a year, every time the factory leaders approached Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai had no luck. The fate of the factory leaders was that they were either evaluated or punished.

It was such a commotion that Yi Zhonghai had a conditioned reflex to ask the factory leader to ask for you.

He hesitated.

"Why are you standing there? Go quickly! Don't delay the leader's business!"

Guo Dapizi is also a villain.

I knew that Yi Zhonghai would be scolded as a result.

As Yi Zhonghai's workshop director, if he goes along with him, he will definitely be implicated.

Going crazy.

Go up there and scold him?

Shrewdly, Yi Zhonghai went to meet the factory leaders alone.

Worried that Yi Zhonghai would run away on the road, Guo Dayou simply escorted Yi Zhonghai to see the factory leader. The moment Yi Zhonghai entered the door, Guo Dayou ran away with oil on his feet.


Two canteens.

Liu Lan burst in furiously.

He shouted to the workers who were frowning: "Don't be nervous, Silly Zhu is fine. I have the latest news here."

The workers focused their attention on Liu Lan.

Inside the rolling mill.

Who is the best informed.

The first recommendation is Liu Lan.

Liu Lan can often make a rough guess about things that the factory leaders are still deciding on.

Believe Liu Lan.

They don’t want to see Silly Pillar in trouble either.

Because of the existence of Silly Pillar, the Second Canteen is the number one canteen in the steel rolling mill.

In terms of materials.

The second canteen has always been given priority.

If Si Zhu is caught or in trouble, Er Canteen will no longer have a good life.

"I just went to the toilet and saw Guo Dapizi from the ninth workshop taking Yi Zhonghai to meet with the factory leaders."

"What does this have to do with Silly Pillar?"

"It's not like you don't know what the relationship between Sha Zhu and Yi Zhonghai is. Yi Zhonghai has always disliked Sha Zhu. The better Sha Zhu's life gets, the more resentful Yi Zhonghai feels. This means that he let Sha Zhu marry Qin Huairu in the first place. He, Yi Zhonghai, is not right. Moreover, the news of Si Zhu being arrested came from Yi Zhonghai. The factory leader asked Yi Zhonghai to go. Can Yi Zhonghai get something good to eat? Just wait, it will probably be related to Yi Zhonghai soon. The punishment will be broadcast." (End of chapter)

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