When Liu Lan spread the news to everyone.

Silly Zhu walked in from outside.

The co-workers who were already gossiping about Sha Zhu's arrest suddenly gathered around Sha Zhu, like studious primary school students, focusing their eyes full of curiosity on Sha Zhu's body.


No one responded to Silly Zhu’s question.

On the contrary, Liu Lan, taking advantage of Silly Zhu's return, showed the firm expression towards the surrounding workers that my news was credible.

"Master, I don't know what happened in the factory just now. Rumors suddenly spread that you were arrested by the police. Many people were talking about it. We didn't believe it. We were thinking about how to refute those people. Here you are."

"I thought something was going on. It was because of this incident that someone called me to go to the police station. They just asked me about some previous things, whether I hated my father, and asked me if I had received the remittance slip from my father. Asked if the remittance slip was mailed directly to Yuyu, nothing else."

See Liu Lan.

Liu Lan's nickname suddenly came to mind.

Rolling mill loudspeaker.

Since Zhang Shihao entrusted this matter to Shazhu, Shazhu didn't think about how to carry out the tasks assigned by Zhang Shihao. He couldn't go out by himself. He told him one by one that I was called to the police station and it was nothing serious. People just asked me if I had received the remittance slip from He Daqing.

He took the initiative to explain the situation.

It's not beautiful.

It gives people the feeling of doing it on purpose, making people subconsciously think too much and mistakenly think it is a trap.

The best solution is to tell the matter through Liu Lan's mouth.

Professional matters must be left to professionals.

Liu Lan took action, and it was estimated that it would not take long. Zhang Shihao asked Shazhu if he had received the remittance order, and the news spread like wildfire, and it would naturally reach Yi Zhonghai's ears.

Liu Lan is his best tool.

"Liu Lan, you have to go out and talk to the co-workers. Just say that I, Silly Zhu, am fine and have cooperated with the police comrades. Otherwise, the co-workers may not know how to arrange for me. I will leave it to you, Liu Lan, to restore my reputation. Comrade."

Silly Zhu deliberately emphasized his tone towards Liu Lan. He guessed that Liu Lan understood what he meant.

But I didn't expect that the bull's head was right.

Liu Lan, who clearly understood Sha Zhu’s intention, after leaving the second cafeteria, what she said was clearly not what Sha Zhu told her, but turned into a matter of Sha Zhu riding a police motorcycle. She bluntly said that Sha Zhu was the number one in the steel rolling mill. A person who has ridden a public security tricycle.

These things.

It has nothing to do with Yi Zhonghai.

At this moment.

Yi Zhonghai, the only remaining eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill, was sweating profusely in the conference room and felt extremely weak.

I thought about it a lot, but I never thought that the factory leaders would get involved in this matter.

Yi Zhonghai's heart became unbalanced.

Secretly said: I, Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang have a bad reputation and were scolded as bastards worse than dogs by the workers in the steel rolling mill. You factory leaders did not come forward and punished Yi Zhonghai in the form of a broadcast notice. Let me Yi Zhonghai. Zhonghai’s reputation was in disrepute.Now that Si Zhu’s reputation has been discredited, your factory leaders are anxious and come out to support Si Zhu.In the minds of you leaders, I, Yi Zhonghai, am not an employee of the steel rolling mill, but Shazhu is.

Fortunately, the leaders were not roundworms in Yi Zhonghai's stomach. If they knew that Yi Zhonghai was thinking about the problem in this way, they would probably scold him bloody.

You, Yi Zhonghai, still have the nerve to mention the steel rolling mill. Can you do the same thing as someone else did?

One is embarrassing.

One is cooperation.

It's two different things.


Nine workshops.

Guo Dabozi stared at Qin Huairu in front of him without saying a word.

After sending Yi Zhonghai away.

He suddenly thought that there was a giant Buddha named Qin Huairu in the ninth workshop.


After finally sending Qin Huairu away, he did not expect that Qin Huairu returned to the ninth workshop. I don’t know who contributed to it. Qin Huairu, who was originally reporting to the cleaning team, became a member of the ninth workshop. And I just heard that the ninth workshop Employees in the workshop said that Qin Huairu also contributed to the incident.

She is indeed Yi Zhonghai’s good apprentice and wife.

Really good at it.

"Qin Huairu."

Hearing Guo Dapai's unkind tone.

The widow felt bad in her heart.

It really corresponds to the four words of being a thief with a guilty conscience.

First, I thought about what I had done to make Guo Dapizi unhappy again, or maybe I had done something wrong. After thinking about it for a while, I didn't do anything else except spread rumors.

Is there something wrong with spreading rumors?
Just now, when Yi Zhonghai was led by Guo Dabozi to find the factory leader, Qin Huairu seriously considered this issue, and in the end, she believed that she had no problem.

They showed off their handcuffs, how could this be a trivial matter?
Just like Yi Zhonghai said before leaving, spreading rumors is also for the consideration of the workers, so that they will not follow in the footsteps of Silly Zhu.

This is a good thing.

Why do you, Mr. Guo, make me angry?
"Director Guo, are you looking for me?"

"It's nothing. Tell me, what caught your attention in the Ninth Workshop, Qin Huairu, and made you want to stay in the Ninth Workshop? I, Guo Dabi, have no other abilities. It's okay to change these things, you tell me. "

Qin Huairu stared with a pair of big, pitiful eyes.

He looked straight at Guo Dapizi.

The black eyes seemed to have become sperm and were about to speak, showing the widow's grievance, pity, helplessness, cowardice and other emotions.

Guo Dayai thought of a word.

pretty widow.

The behavior Qin Huairu revealed at this time was not what a serious person should do.

"Come on, come on, are these the parts that you Qin Huairu processed? Look at the luster on it. You have been in the factory for more than a year. I estimate that a person who has only been in the factory for three months can produce workpieces that are... It's better than yours. I don't ask for anything else. At least it can be held in your hand and the smoothness can be guaranteed, right? You can't even guarantee the most basic smoothness. How dare you stay in my ninth workshop? You come to the ninth workshop just to drag it. The back leg of my ninth workshop?"

Guo Da Paizi has no intention of following the widow Wu Shan Yunyu.

To Qin Huairu.

Just a respectful attitude.


Deputy Director Li didn't dare to mess with the widow, even if Guo had the courage to do so, he wouldn't either.

"The burrs on this surface can be removed by polishing them with some sandpaper. How can you not make a living in such a small way? It has been two hours since you went to work. What have you been doing these two hours? Don't do it. Tell me, you just processed a workpiece."

Qin Huairu responded with silence.

Guo Dapizi changed his tone.

Exposed the widow's little trick.

"Let me guess what you have been doing in the past two hours. Did you spread rumors with this person that Si Zhu was arrested and committed something? Did you spread rumors with this person that Si Zhu was taken away in handcuffs? You have to stay in there for as long as you want."

"Pfft" sounded.

Someone laughed.

You are right.

Qin Huairu had done nothing in the past two hours. She was just spreading rumors about Silly Zhu to her coworkers. She was so carried away that she was so excited that she, a serf who had been a serf for many years, turned around and sang with excitement when Silly Zhu was taken away.The parts in Guo Dayou's hands were Qin Huairu's. Qin Huairu saw Guo Dayou walking towards the ninth workshop. She was worried that Guo Dayou saw that she hadn't processed a single workpiece in two hours, so she hurriedly followed Yi Zhonghai. Stolen from the workstation, these are parts processed by Yi Zhonghai.

"Who is laughing? You still have the nerve to smile? What Qin Huairu says is just that, don't you think about it at all? What do you need your brains for?"

"Director, we just took it as a joke. It was Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai who were telling the truth about Sha Zhu being arrested. We also want to know why Sha Zhu was arrested. Just like what Yi Zhonghai said just now, we need to wake up. Chang Ming, avoid making the same mistake as Silly Zhu."

"You just believe what Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu say. Who said that Shazhu committed a crime? He can still come to work after committing a crime? I just saw Shazhu coming to work at the steel rolling mill with a smile on his face. This is you Qin Huairu The said Silly Zhu was caught? Will he still go to jail?"

Qin Huairu's heart.

There was a click.

Well stuff.

Silly column is back.

how can that be.

They showed off the handcuffs and let Shazhu ride a three-wheeled motorcycle. After such a big battle, Shazhu came back without any trouble!
It's a bit unreasonable.

She stared at Guo Dapizi, trying to tell whether he was lying from Guo Dapizi's face.

Seeing Guo Dabo snorted disdainfully at him without any intention of backing down, Qin Huairu wanted to die.

Plans have gone awry.

When she saw Si Zhu being arrested, Qin Huairu's idea was very simple. She was to make a big fuss about Li Xiuzhi going to work on the street regardless of Si Zhu's life and death, and label Li Xiuzhi as a person who is unjust and has no regard for Si Zhu. Destroy the image of Li Xiuzhi as a virtuous little daughter-in-law in the courtyard, and then find ways to isolate Li Xiuzhi, compile all kinds of bad names for Li Xiuzhi, force Li Xiuzhi to divorce Silly Zhu, and take the opportunity to rob Silly Zhu's family of things.

Don't worry that Silly Pillar won't come out.

Qin Huairu had already made plans for Sha Zhu, and persuaded Yi Zhonghai to find the deaf old lady to come forward, and asked the deaf old lady to help rescue Sha Zhu.

Under Yi Zhonghai's indoctrination, the deaf old lady was like an omnipotent old lady in Qin Huairu's heart, and could handle everything, otherwise she wouldn't be alive today.

No way, the deaf old lady died while the little devil was there.

The plan is figured out.

Not implemented yet.

Damn you, tell me, Silly Zhu is fine, he came back safe and sound, and he even appeared in the second cafeteria.

how can that be.

If the expression on Guo Dayou's face didn't look like he was lying, Qin Huairu would have grabbed Guo Dayou's arm and shouted several times.

"No way, Silly Zhu can't just come out like this without any trouble."


She dare not.

On the one hand, he was not welcomed by Mr. Guo, and on the other hand, the current atmosphere had changes that Qin Huairu had not expected. The workers all looked at Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu's body.

He couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The expression on his face was a bit strange.

"Qin Huairu, I'm warning you, in my ninth workshop, you have to be honest and don't play tricks. By the way, there is also the hair on your head. If you don't want to die, cut off your long hair for me, a widow. , with the long braid of a little girl, what do you want to do? Cut it off."

Guo Dabozi who said harsh words.

Go outside.

Looking at his leaving figure, Qin Huairu thought of Yi Zhonghai. The rumor spreading started with Yi Zhonghai, and she was prompted by Yi Zhonghai before spreading the rumor.

Silly Zhu was fine and returned to the steel rolling mill.

Yi Zhonghai was called away at this juncture. Even if he guessed with his toes, he could guess that he must have been called to eat noodles.

Bad thing.

If you don't tell me that the thing didn't work out, it will arouse people's criticism.

How can this be good?

Widow's Heart.


"Qin Huairu, please, can you do something to help? Nothing has happened to Shazhu. You said that Shazhu will go to jail, and listening to your tone, it seems that Shazhu has done something that is outrageous and resentful. Is there any friendship between workers? ”

"Widow Qin, you have to focus on improving your technology now. Don't make a living that will hold us back. We still want to be rewarded with workshop rankings."

Qin Huairu was in a state of confusion.

Look at the person in front of you.


They were all coming towards me.


Factory leadership conference room.

Several heads looked at Yi Zhonghai standing in front of them without saying a word.

They had given Yi Zhonghai several minutes to think about it.

The time has come.

I want to know Yi Zhonghai’s answer.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai was silent, Director Yang urged him.

"Yi Zhonghai, don't be silent. Tell me, why do you say that? If you feel that there is not enough time, we will give you a few more minutes to think about it. We people will not do any work today and will accompany you to think about it until you Remember the answer."

Yi Zhonghai swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.

Although I thought that things might change, I also thought of countermeasures in my mind, but I didn't expect that the change would be so huge. The bosses of the steel rolling mill pressed Yi Zhonghai, insisting on asking what Yi Zhonghai was thinking and why he wanted to go to court. The people in the ninth workshop talked about Sha Zhu’s arrest.

I wanted to delay it as long as possible.

But I heard the tone of some leaders was not good.

Yi Zhonghai knew that there was no way to delay this matter, no matter what answer, right or wrong, he had to give it.

He calmed down his mood as much as possible.

He bit the bullet and gave an explanation.

"Several leaders, I just saw Shazhu being taken away by other police comrades. One of the police comrades even put handcuffs on Shazhu. I thought that Shazhu was in the canteen before and carried a lunch box to and from get off work all day. It was him. The matter of withholding lunch boxes was exposed. I had good intentions and didn’t want the workers to make the same mistake as Silly Zhu, so I mentioned it to the workers. I didn’t think it through clearly, but you can’t blame me for it. At that time Which formation was so big that I was frightened and confused."

A few heads.

Not satisfied with the answer given by Yi Zhonghai.

Whether the content is good or not.


important things.

It's about having an attitude of admitting your mistakes and being able to recognize your own mistakes.

On the other hand, the meaning of Yi Zhonghai's words is full of high-profile thoughts about his consideration for the workers, and Yi Zhonghai's meaning is not to blame him for this matter.

Embarrassing to use.

This is the evaluation of Yi Zhonghai by several heads.

Why did such a bastard appear in the steel rolling mill! (End of this chapter)

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