Deputy Director Li, who disliked Yi Zhonghai, responded to the lunch box suspicion raised by Yi Zhonghai as the deputy director of logistics.

"I didn't expect that our Master Yi was more concerned than us factory leaders. He could see directly through the lunch box with his eyes and see what was in the lunch box. He decided that He Yuzhu had made a principled mistake."

He changed his tune.

A tone that poked Yi Zhonghai's heart.

"I reviewed to Comrade Yi Zhonghai that as the deputy director in charge of logistics, Comrade He Yuzhu was allowed to carry lunch boxes in and out of the steel rolling mill all day long. The cause of the matter, Comrade Yi Zhonghai also said just now, was because of the lunch box that Comrade He Yuzhu left behind. This is easy to handle. Several of our factory leaders will issue a letter soon. From now on, workers in the steel rolling mill will not be able to bring lunch boxes, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles. At the same time, I would like to thank Comrade Yi Zhonghai for helping us people. It solves such a big problem.”

Yi Zhonghai was dumbfounded.

Lunch boxes are what workers use for lunch.

No lunch boxes allowed.

How do the workers eat at noon?

You can't eat it with your hands.

Those meals can be extremely hot.

According to Deputy Director Li, this matter should be broadcast.

How can this be good?

Workers in the steel rolling mill have to eat out of lunch boxes at noon. If there is good food and good food, they will save it and go home in the evening to feed their children at home.

No lunch boxes allowed.

It's like stopping everything.

When the time comes, he, the instigator, must be eaten alive.

He moved his lips.

Just about to say something.

I heard that the deputy director in charge of security work also began to follow the lead of deputy director Li and began to conduct self-examination.

"As the deputy director of the factory in charge of security work, I failed to fulfill my role of strict compliance and careful supervision. This is a dereliction of my duty. Here, I am making a self-criticism and hope that Comrade Yi Zhonghai can be more dedicated. Try your best to help our security department point out and verify the shortcomings in daily work."

There are several deputy directors with real power in the steel rolling mill.

Deputy Director Li, who is in charge of supplies, counts as one.

Deputy Director Zhao, who is in charge of security work, is one of them.

They were all offended by Yi Zhonghai.

Some of Yi Zhonghai's welfare is under the responsibility of Deputy Factory Director Li, and the business such as in-and-out inspections is the responsibility of Deputy Factory Director Zhao.

They are all people who cannot be offended.

Don't say anything else.

Let’s just talk about the Security Department. What I said just now is obviously talking about the Security Department’s dereliction of duty.

If it reaches the ears of the security department, Yi Zhonghai will get good results.

When I go to and from get off work every day, if I deliberately check you, I can make you walk around without food. If you have a hundred courages, you don't dare to force yourself against other people's security departments.

Do you really think the weapon in his hand is a fire stick?
Yi Zhonghai groaned secretly in his heart.

Things were going well, but why did it reach a point he didn't expect? It was obviously Si Zhu who was caught, but it was Yi Zhonghai who was responsible.

"Director Yang."

no way.

Yi Zhonghai could only seek help from his backer, the director of the steel rolling mill.

I don't know.

At this time, Director Yang had already planned to kill Yi Zhonghai. For the sake of the deaf old lady, he gave Yi Zhonghai a lot of conveniences.

I thought Yi Zhonghai was a talent.

I don’t know what happened in the past year or so. It may be that Yi Zhonghai became an eighth-level worker and thought he could read people with his chin. He made a lot of jokes in the steel rolling mill, with Qin Huairu, Jia Zhang, Even with the deaf old lady, it was like a dog fight.

Some things are still big things. If the deaf old lady hadn't held Director Yang's handle in her hands and didn't dare to confront the deaf old lady, Director Yang would have kicked Yi Zhonghai away like a ball.

Things that are not enough for success and more than failure.

You still have the nerve to ask me to stand up for you in front of all these leaders.

I don’t even want to think about who can excuse you and how you can excuse what you Yi Zhonghai did.

A hat without working-class sentiments is already too much for Yi Zhonghai.

Silly Zhu was arrested. As Silly Zhu’s neighbor and also Silly Zhu’s co-worker, you spread rumors about Silly Zhu’s arrest all over the factory. What is your behavior?
If this thing is true.

Yi Zhonghai has merit.

The key point is that Silly Zhu is okay, and Yi Zhonghai suddenly seems to have become a real villain, a wicked villain who does not care about the friendship between neighbors and colleagues.

Because of this attitude of adding insult to injury, Director Yang did not dare to have a close relationship with Yi Zhonghai. Who knew whether Yi Zhonghai would betray him for profit.

"Yi Zhonghai, why did you spread the rumor that He Yuzhu was arrested?"

These words were like telling Yi Zhonghai that Silhu was fine and that he was fine.

The person in trouble now is you, Yi Zhonghai. As long as you think of a better reason and sincerely realize your mistake, the matter will be settled.

Rolling mills may have experience dealing with rumors.

But he didn't expect that Director Yang's hard work was for the wrong purpose. Yi Zhonghai heard what he meant, but he didn't want to give in and repeated what he just said again.

He still looks like he's showing off his merits.

"Director Yang, you know who I am, Yi Zhonghai. I am a conscientious person and I never do anything illegal. I am the steward of the Red Star Courtyard. When I saw Shazhu being arrested, I thought What I'm thinking of is not my own personal gain or loss. Why is Yi Zhonghai, the manager, so incompetent? The neighbors in the courtyard were arrested. That's not what I'm thinking about. What I'm thinking about is that the alarm bells are ringing for the workers, but they can't make the same mistake as Silly Pillar. Exactly the same thing.”

"Yi Zhonghai, when did you take up a post at the police station?"

Yi Zhonghai looked at the secretary in confusion.

I don’t understand what the secretary means.

But he still answered honestly.

"Secretary, I don't work at the police station?"

"First of all, you are not working at the police station, and secondly, you are not a police officer at the police station. You are just a steward of a courtyard. How can you decide that He Yuzhu committed a crime? Or do you, the stewards of a courtyard, have the right to convict people? You guys in charge can just jump to conclusions about things that even the police comrades don’t know about?”

Yi Zhonghai broke into a cold sweat.

I'm really scared.

In the words of the secretary.

But there are several big hats that can kill people.

"Director Yang."

Factory Director Yang, who was named by Yi Zhonghai, cursed Yi Zhonghai's eighth generation ancestors and bastards in his heart. You should answer. If you can't answer, why did you ask me?

Do you want me to carry the gun for you?grass.

Director Yang ignored Yi Zhonghai. You have caused the trouble yourself and you have to fight it yourself.

When Yi Zhonghai saw Director Yang turning his head to the side, the panic in his heart became even stronger.

How to do?
What should I do?
"Yi Zhonghai, tell me, so that I can learn more."

"Secretary." Yi Zhonghai did not dare to flatter himself as before, so he explained bravely, "We, the stewards, are here to serve the neighbors. What you just said was too big. I was wrong about Silly Zhu, I shouldn’t have made random remarks without investigating.”

A good man does not suffer from immediate losses.

Yi Zhonghai admitted a mistake.

But he changed his mind and excused himself.

The reason is that he was frightened.

Lost a square inch.

"This is the first time in my life that I have seen someone being taken away from the courtyard in handcuffs. If I say that I am not afraid of your laughter, I would wet my pants. All the co-workers know about the matter between Silly Zhu and me. I wanted to teach Silly Zhu a lesson, so I said some things that I shouldn’t have said. When Silly Zhu was arrested or when Silly Zhu was going to jail, I just wanted to vent my anger.”

"Among the words you said, only the last sentence is from your heart, because of the disputes between you and He Yuzhu, such as letting He Yuzhu marry a widow with children, and so on. Yi Zhonghai, He Yuzhu's I won’t comment on his appearance, just his conditions. He is a seventh-level cook with a monthly salary of 43 yuan and [-] cents. He has his own ancestral home in a courtyard and has no parents."

The secretary's tone.

Suddenly it calmed down.

"With such good conditions, even if lesbians in the city can't marry, unmarried lesbians in the countryside can still marry. It's such an era now. People are rushing to marry cooks just to have food and drink. And I I believe Comrade He Yuzhu thinks so too. Yi Zhonghai, what exactly do you think, or what are your psychological thoughts, why do you want He Yuzhu, an unmarried gay man, to marry a widow with three children and a mother-in-law? You tell me."

several leaders.

All turned their gaze.

gathered on Yi Zhonghai.

A widow with three children and a mother-in-law let a young man with good conditions marry.

If you say there is nothing fishy here, they won't believe it to death.

some words.

It’s hard to say it, but you can think about it in your heart.

Is it true that as people spread rumors some time ago, Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai's woman, and the three children Banggan, Xiaodang, and Huaihua are Yi Zhonghai's children, and she wants to use Shazhu's cooking skills to help him raise his children.Or maybe Jia Zhang is Yi Zhonghai's woman and Jia Dongxu is Yi Zhonghai's son, so Li Daitao stiffly decided on Sha Zhu and asked Sha Zhu to raise his grandson and granddaughter for him.

After all such things.

It's too unbelievable.

The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

Yi Zhonghai also heard the meaning of the secretary's words.

He looked a little embarrassed.

He didn't want to tell that Qin Huairu was his daughter. Old Qintou was still alive. If the news got to Old Qintou's ears, he might really be able to go to the city and chop up Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai looked at the secretary.

He drooped his head.

Factory Director Yang was so angry when he saw Yi Zhonghai's expression. With the support of the deaf old lady, he always looked like an eighth-level worker in front of Director Yang.

in front of other leaders.

Become a good grandson.

to be frank.

He also wanted to know why Yi Zhonghai wanted Si Zhu to marry Qin Huairu. Is it related to the Jia Zhang family or Qin Huairu.

"Yi Zhonghai, look at you, you can't explain anything. You were very good before, hardworking and uncomplaining, and your bloody rumors were not heard in the factory. A year ago, you were promoted to level eight, The wind direction suddenly changed, and there were endless rumors about you, Yi Zhonghai, in various aspects. After a batch of rumors were suppressed in the factory, a new batch of rumors came. And the things you did cannot withstand scrutiny. How can a shrewd person make a living by doing nothing but killing people?"

The secretary reprimanded Yi Zhonghai.

He was really pissed off.

A piece of stinky meat ruined a pot of delicious soup.

Yi Zhonghai is that piece of rotten meat.

The reputation of the steel rolling mill was thrown out.

"Even if you are embarrassed, you will be left in the factory and cannot be spread. But what you did last time, went to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to find He Yueyue, and said that the deaf old lady entrusted you to deliver supplies to He Yuzhu, what did you and He Yuzhu do? Don’t you know the relationship? Do you really think that these reasons you made up can be hidden from everyone? "

Raise your hand.

An investigation report.

The secretary severely threw him in Yi Zhonghai's face.

"Look at it, open your eyes and see what's on it. This is the investigation notice sent by the University of Posts and Telecommunications to the steel rolling mill today. Your name, Yi Zhonghai, is clearly written on it. It's not easy for a college student to be born now. You Why did you go to the University of Posts and Telecommunications? Since it was to offer love, why was there no movement afterward? Do you think the University of Posts and Telecommunications is like your courtyard house, and what you say is what you say? Do you think they won't investigate?"

He slammed his hand on the table.

Huge sound.

Yi Zhonghai was shocked.

"Still think you, Yi Zhonghai, are an eighth-level worker and can do whatever you want? Even if something goes wrong, the factory will stand up for you. I tell you Yi Zhonghai, your thoughts are too beautiful! Yi Zhonghai, I warn you, you'd better pray. You are innocent, if you have something ulterior motives, just wait to go to jail."

Looking at the investigation report in his hand.

Listen to the secretary's reprimand.

Yi Zhonghai seemed to be in a freezing cold weather, with strong shivers all over his body.

The date written on it is today, and the official seal on it is the official seal of the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications.

"Why can't you meet others? He Yuzhu trained his sister to become a college student, and the steel rolling mill got the approval of the superiors because of this. But you, Yi Zhonghai, are not happy, and you have repeatedly made trouble for He Yuzhu, What are you thinking about causing trouble for He Yuzhu?"

Said so much in one go.

The secretary was also furious.

"I really want to give you two slaps to wake you up from this stupid car. Yi Zhonghai, what is in your brain? Is it all paste? Can you use your brain? I tell you clearly, He Yuzhu was taken to the police station This matter is a mistake because the police comrades need He Yuzhu’s cooperation. Just before you came in, He Yuzhu had already returned to the Second Canteen.”

Yi Zhonghai's mind was buzzing.

The head is as big as a bucket.

I didn't expect the outcome.

It will look like this.

I'm afraid that no matter how hard you think, Wen Zhengming and Zhang Shihao have thought of it together, and they are doing something to alert the snake and deal with the problem.

Zhang Shihao deliberately took Sha Zhu away in front of the neighbors and asked Sha Zhu to tell the truth.

However, Wen Zhengming used a co-investigation notice stamped with the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications to force Yi Zhonghai into chaos.

"The comrades from the police station were afraid that this matter would have a bad impact on He Yuzhu, so they called to explain. An outsider can consider the reputation of the workers in the steel rolling mill. You are an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill and you are also a quadrangle. The boss in charge is doing things that undermine class sentiment. Do you think you are worthy of wearing the work clothes of the steel rolling mill? Are you still an honorable steel rolling mill worker?" (End of Chapter)

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