Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 316 Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were notified and punished

The secretary's questioning voice was like a heavy sledgehammer, hitting Yi Zhonghai hard, making Yi Zhonghai shiver all over.

You, Yi Zhonghai, did something that destroyed the class sentiments of brothers.

You, Yi Zhonghai, don't deserve to wear the work clothes of a steel rolling mill.

You, Yi Zhonghai, don't deserve to be a glorious steel rolling mill worker.

These three accusations made Yi Zhonghai sway on the spot.The feeling of impending disaster caught up with him, and he became extremely flustered.

He was speechless.

I don't know what to say.

By now.

I could only admit my mistake honestly and think about why I was so unlucky. I finally encountered the unfortunate incident of Si Zhu being arrested, but I didn't expect that the person who was shot in the end was Yi Zhonghai.

Secretly sighing that God is unfair.

Why is Silly Pillar okay?

not talking.

Drooping his head.

That attitude of resignation.

But it made the leaders present even more angry. Yi Zhonghai was so tough-talking just now, refusing to admit his mistakes, and even trying to put a quibble on his face, insisting on giving himself credit.Now that the facts and evidence are all there, I know that I can't make a comeback, so I start to pretend to be dumb again.

The anger didn't even hit one place.

Deputy Director Li and others were just watching the excitement.

Yi Zhonghai was labeled Factory Director Yang from beginning to end. He was embarrassed, and Director Yang, who was implicated, followed suit. At the right time, he deliberately tried to smooth things over, and the matter was reluctantly settled.

Yi Zhonghai, who left the conference room in disgrace, walked towards the ninth workshop with mechanical steps. Halfway there, he suddenly remembered what the secretary had just said.

Sha Zhu was taken to the police station by the police. There was a case that required Sha Zhu's cooperation, but it was not that Sha Zhu had committed a crime and was going to be arrested and imprisoned.

There's shit under the ass.

Very worried.

What can happen to Silly Pillar?
After trying his best to figure it out, Yi Zhonghai couldn't come up with a reason. He felt even more flustered and wondered if it had something to do with withholding the money.

He couldn't care less about his relationship with Silly Zhu.

He turned and walked towards the second cafeteria.


Two canteens.

Liu Lan stood on a high stool, imitating a storyteller, telling the surrounding steel rolling mill workers about the news she had just heard.

"The dust has settled on Sha Zhu's arrest. It turns out that someone was jealous of his talents and deliberately smeared Sha Zhu's head. Guess who this person is?"

Quegenxian and the others shouted Yi Zhonghai's name in unison.

After spending so much time with Shazhu, I have learned some of Shazhu's passive skills. Whenever something bad happens, I will definitely think about Yi Zhonghai.

The people in the Second Canteen also recognized Sha Zhu's point of view. When something bad happened to them, the first person they suspected was Yi Zhonghai.

Describe it in their exact words.

Yi Zhonghai is a wicked bastard who deserves to be left without children.

"Yes, it's Yi Zhonghai. When Yi Zhonghai saw Si Zhu being taken away by the police, he thought about the many embarrassing things that Yi Zhonghai had done before, so he prepared to drag Si Zhu into the water, and finally shot himself in the foot. Silly Zhu is fine, but something is wrong with Yi Zhonghai. I just heard the news that the factory leaders are very dissatisfied with Yi Zhonghai and want to report and criticize Yi Zhonghai."

As a rumor-mongering professional.

Liu Lan’s words.

That's right.

Clearly analyze Yi Zhonghai's motives for spreading rumors.

remaining workers.

He immediately agreed.

"Yi Zhonghai is really a person. He looks like a very honest person, but he is full of tricks."

"The more honest-looking a person is, the less of a thing he is. He might be doing something dirty behind his back."

"I suddenly remembered something. Why did Yi Zhonghai match up Master He and Qin Huairu a year ago? Why did he have to let Master He marry a widow with three children and a mother-in-law? Is it really like the workers? Rumors were spread in private that Banggan, Xiaodang, and Huaihua were Yi Zhonghai’s children, and that the two had an affair as early as in Qinjiacun, and Jia Dongxu was furious to death because he knew about it.”


"What's impossible? What can't Yi Zhonghai do? His face, just like an idiom, looks like an animal, but is worse than an animal, with a wolf-like heart and a dog's lungs."

Yi Zhonghai walked to the door of the Second Canteen.

Hear these things said about him.

I was stunned for a moment.

I don’t know if I want to go in.

He hesitated for more than ten seconds.

Still, the curiosity in my heart took over.

Yi Zhonghai was eager to know why the police were looking for Silly Zhu. He wanted to make targeted countermeasures and didn't want to be embarrassed when he went in. He deliberately coughed at the door and shouted towards the second cafeteria through the door. .

"Is Zhuzi here? I'm Yi Zhonghai, and I have something to do with you."

The lively second canteen.

It became silent for a moment.

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button.

Everyone paused on the spot.

You look at me, I look at you, there is intense confusion on my face.

Why are you a hypocrite?

You really don’t have any shame, you still have the nerve to come to Silhu at this time.

His eyes were focused on Shazhu.

They are looking for Silly Zhu, so they can't respond for Silly Zhu.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Shazhu thought to himself, Zhang Shihao really guessed it, and Yi Zhonghai couldn't help himself and came to him to inquire about the news.

After calming down, he shouted toward the door.

"I'm here. Come in and talk. Anyway, all the co-workers know what kind of relationship I have with you."

Yi Zhonghai saw that Silly Zhu's voice was calm, without anger or resentment, and he felt even more unsure. He let out a sigh of relief, opened the door and walked in.

Seeing that everyone in the second cafeteria was surrounding Liu Lan, he knew what these people were doing. After all, he was not deaf.

"Zhuzi, I have something to ask you."

He gestured towards the outside.

It means asking Silly Zhu to come out with him.

"You have something to talk about, what?" Silly Zhu changed the subject, "Anonymous? Or invisible? You need me to go to a secret place with you. If you can, just say it. If you can't, forget it."

Yi Zhonghai saw that Silly Zhu would not go out with him.

Can only bite the bullet and speak.

As soon as he said the word "I", Yu Haitang's voice came to his ears.

"Attention all workers in the steel rolling mill, I am Yu Haitang, the announcer of the Publicity Department, and I will read out the latest notice from the factory office! According to the investigation by the steel rolling mill committee, it was learned that Comrade He Yuzhu, the second cafeteria monitor, was circulated in our steel rolling mill. The fact that he was caught committing a crime is purely a rumor."

"Our factory has received a letter of explanation from the Hongxing Police Station, explaining the matter of He Yuzhu being taken away as follows: The Hongxing Police Station required the cooperation of Comrade He Yuzhu due to a case, so this morning, He Yuzhu was taken away by a three-wheeled motorcycle. We went to the police station. Unlike some people's rumors, it was Comrade He Yuzhu who committed the crime. After explaining the situation, He Yuzhu returned to our steel rolling mill safe and sound. Comrade He Yuzhu continued to serve the lunch meal in the second canteen. Comrade He Yuzhu, please Don’t listen to one side of the story! Believe in the facts!” Yi Zhonghai’s face.

Burning pain.

In front of Yi Zhonghai, he gave a special explanation of the situation in the form of a broadcast.

Just slap Yi Zhonghai in the face again.

But there was Silly Zhu and the workers in the second canteen in front of him.

Hypocrite need not think.

Everyone knows what will be broadcast next.

It must be a punishment notice for Yi Zhonghai.

What Yi Zhonghai cares about is not the embarrassment, but how he treats Silly Zhu. What if Silly Zhu hates him and beats him?

No one would say a bad word about Silly Zhu.

Who made Yi Zhonghai do things that were sorry for Silly Zhu?

Moreover, Yi Zhonghai also wanted to know the truth about the police station looking for Sha Zhu. He was worried that Sha Zhu would not tell him the truth.

This is troublesome.


It came to Yi Zhonghai's heart.


He smiled awkwardly at Shazhu, and nodded at the people in the second cafeteria.

"After investigation by the Security Section, we finally learned that the rumor of Shazhu's arrest originated from Yi Zhonghai in the ninth workshop. Here, we criticized Yi Zhonghai. As a member of the steel rolling mill, this comrade ignored the friendship of the workers in the steel rolling mill and did not The spirit of ownership of the steel rolling mill saw He Yuzhu being taken away by the police, and he made a subjective mistake. Without seeking truth from facts, he spread rumors in the ninth workshop without authorization, saying that He Yuzhu was arrested, and even gave the reason why He Yuzhu was arrested. , it was He Yuzhu who brought the lunch box."

"Lunchboxes are the utensils used by everyone in the steel rolling mill for lunch. It is not a reason for some people to attack their colleagues. After verification by the security department, Comrade He Yuzhu did not steal or steal materials from the canteen of the steel rolling mill. It was purely Yi Zhonghai's retaliation. This is an immoral act to slap He Yuzhu’s name randomly.”

"After study and decision by the steel rolling mill committee, Yi Zhonghai spread rumors indiscriminately without regard to the friendship of the workers in the steel rolling mill, which had a certain impact on Comrade He Yuzhu, and also affected the reputation of the steel rolling mill, which caused the spirit of our steel rolling mill for several years. It is a wrong and irresponsible act to destroy humanistic work."

The long-awaited punishment for Yi Zhonghai.

It's really coming.

"The following punishments will be imposed on Yi Zhonghai. Within the next three months, Yi Zhonghai will be responsible for cleaning the toilets in the steel rolling mill at noon every day, and he will be ordered to write a [-]-word inspection and apologize to the whole factory in the form of a broadcast. Also canceled Yi Zhonghai received the factory-wide moral individual advanced honor a year ago."

Yi Zhonghai's body.

Completely turned into a soft ball.

The punishment is too severe.

For the face-saving Yi Zhonghai, this is no less than killing him.

He actually asked him to clean the toilet, but he still used his lunch break to clean the toilet.

Even by guessing with his toes, he could guess how those people would deal with Yi Zhonghai. He estimated that the people on the toilet would be very diligent. After that, they would point at Yi Zhonghai, saying that this place was not cleaned well and that there was a flaw in that place.

Yi Zhonghai is worried that after this incident, your reputation as a good toilet cleaner will be left to the co-workers, which will really cost him his life.

What frightened Yi Zhonghai even more was that the factory leaders raised this matter to the level of honor of the steel rolling mill. He didn't hear the last sentence of Yu Haitang's broadcast, which was what he said.

It affected the reputation of the steel rolling mill and destroyed several years of spiritual and humanistic work in our steel rolling mill.

Coupled with the hats that Yi Zhonghai received before, such as not seeking advancement, backward thinking, and having a hedonistic style.

A life completely ruined.

Now Yi Zhonghai no longer asked the police why they were looking for Si Zhu. He just wanted to know what happened in the past year or so.

Everything that was planned has changed.

The old man Si Zhu ran away, and Yi Zhonghai's reputation was ruined.

What's this all about.

With a frozen face, he smiled at Silly Zhu, a smile that was uglier than crying.

Good guy.

Unexpectedly, Yu Haitang broadcast it five times in a row.

Just when Yi Zhonghai thought that everything would be settled, Yu Haitang's voice continued to sound.

Yi Zhonghai thought this was the sixth notification to him, but he didn't expect that the content had changed. This time it was not Yi Zhonghai, but Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu, a worker in the ninth workshop, made a principled mistake and listened to one side of the story. Instead of stopping Yi Zhonghai from spreading rumors, he cooperated with and promoted the rumors, which seriously violated the rules of the steel rolling mill. "We follow the rules and regulations of unity and friendship among the workers. Here, Qin Huairu, an employee in the ninth workshop, was named and criticized, and her salary was assessed for three months, and only the minimum living allowance of five yuan was retained."

Qin Huairu's current salary plus subsidies.

A monthly salary of 27 yuan.

22 yuan was deducted.

Silly Zhu wanted to know how Qin Huairu could support the five members of the Jia family with a salary of five yuan a month. You must know that Jia Zhang and Bang Gen are both accustomed to eating.

If he doesn't eat meat every now and then, he'll be in constant trouble.

Will Yi Zhonghai organize a meeting for the Jia family to donate money and materials because of this incident?
With Yi Zhonghai's current reputation, I'm afraid no one would agree with him even if he raised his voice.

Silly Zhu hopes that Yi Zhonghai will stand up for the Jia family and let the neighbors take a good look at Yi Zhonghai's embarrassing appearance.


In the ninth workshop.

Guo Dajiu is numb.

His ninth workshop became famous again.

It's still a shameful name.

One morning.

Two employees of Workshop No. [-] were named and criticized in public.

Really nice guy.


Pointing at Qin Huairu who said nothing.

I don't know what to say.

There was a ball of anger in my heart.

It’s impossible not to vent.

Suddenly seeing Qin Huairu's big pigtails, she became even more angry.

The ninth workshop is a transmission machine tool workshop. Qin Huairu has two big pigtails. What are you doing?
"Qin Huairu!"

A thunderous sound.

rang in Qin Huairu's ears.

Qin Huairu, who knew she was in the wrong, said nothing and looked at Guo Da Paizi cautiously.

"What are you looking at? There are flowers on my face? How many times have I told you that people in Workshop No. [-], whether men or women, are not allowed to have long hair. Why don't you remember it? What I told you yesterday Did you really not remember those things, or did you forget them on purpose? Did I ask you to cut off your long hair? "

Qin Huairu shed tears as big as beans.

welling up in his eyes.

I can only cry.

"You still have the nerve to cry? I'm about to cry. You want to die. Stay away from my ninth workshop. Qin Huairu, I beg you, can you change to another workshop? Just say you like that workshop, and I will kneel down. Even if you kowtow to the factory director, you will definitely be transferred to work. You said that you like that workshop and that department." (End of Chapter)

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