Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 317 Silly Zhu beats Yi Zhonghai

The shrewd Qin Huairu would not take the initiative to say which department he wanted to work in.

Stay in the Nine Workshop.

Yi Zhonghai is protecting her.

While working in the second canteen.

Qin Huairu understood a truth, either you have the strength or you have a backer, otherwise it will be difficult every step and every aspect will be difficult.

She knew how much she weighed, and Yi Zhonghai had taught her diligently, but Qin Huairu didn't know anything about it. Looking at the drawings and the data, her head was as big as a bucket. paste.

You can only rely on others.

Yi Zhonghai was an eighth-level worker. Although his reputation was discredited, it did not prevent him from protecting Qin Huairu. She knew the bitter consequences of not having a backer, so she had one idea in her mind: She would not leave the ninth workshop unless she was transferred with Yi Zhonghai.

And Qin Huairu didn't believe what Guo Dapi said.

In departments such as the Publicity Department and Finance Office, even if Guo Dayi kowtows to the factory director for a month, he still won't let Qin Huairu in.

This place requires professional knowledge.

Qin Huairu only has some experience in being a widow, so she should stay in the Ninth Workshop honestly.

did not speak.

Keep crying.

No sound came out of his mouth, just like she was crying silently.

This is a unique trick that the old widow Jia Zhang taught Qin Huairu based on her beauty.

Qin Huairu did it several times.

The effect is good.

When she cried, Guo Dabao didn't know what to say.

After all, the delicate widow is crying with you.

It was a little hard to explain, so I finally left the ninth workshop cursing.


Same people different lives.

Qin Huairu relied on crying to make Guo Dayao helpless against her. Yi Zhonghai, who was in the second cafeteria, received a solid punch from Silly Zhu.

The penalty notice has just been issued.

Silly Zhu sneered and questioned Yi Zhonghai.

"I just said that I just came to the steel rolling mill. Why are so many workers looking at me, and some well-meaning workers are asking me, are you okay? I was confused. I thought about what was going on, and the fuss lasted for a long time. , it’s you, Yi Zhonghai, who is spreading rumors to me, saying that I was arrested and that I will go to jail for how many years.”

He changed his tune.

"Yi Zhonghai, in the steel rolling mill, you and I are both co-workers of the steel rolling mill. This is at least a bit of a romantic relationship, right? You don't have the friendship of co-workers in the steel rolling mill! But in the courtyard, you and I live in the same middle courtyard and are neighbors. As the old saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. It would be better for you to look down and see each other. I am afraid that if the world is not in chaos and I am fine, you will say something is wrong. You have also lived for decades. Why are you so mean? Yi Zhonghai, let me ask you, are you a human? Are you wearing human skin? Why do I think you are just a beast!"

Yi Zhonghai was a dead duck.

Still don't admit it.

Still looking for reasons for myself.

"Zhuzi, things are not what you think. These are all rumors."

The words just came out.

Yi Zhonghai knew that he had said the wrong thing.

If this reached the ears of the leader, he would think that Yi Zhonghai was dissatisfied with the punishment and dissatisfied with the leader's conclusion, so he quickly changed his tone.

"That's not what I meant, Zhuzi. Please listen to my explanation. Things are different from what you think. I didn't mean to add insult to injury. It's really a misunderstanding."

No matter how sweet the words are.

Facing a big slap.

He also has to be blinded.

Shazhu deliberately wants to fight Yi Zhonghai.

Otherwise, where would he put his name as the God of War in the courtyard?
Yi Zhonghai responded with a big slap from Silly Zhu.

Silly Zhu slapped the hypocrite hard on the cheek.

Those people in the second cafeteria heard a crisp snapping sound, and saw that Yi Zhonghai was covering his cheek and looking at Sha Zhu stupidly, probably because he didn't expect Sha Zhu to really hit him.

One has two.

Where there is a beginning, there is a sequel.

Silly Zhu is also a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder. He thought that he had hit Yi Zhonghai's right cheek, making Yi Zhonghai's cheek unbalanced and unsightly. Taking advantage of Yi Zhonghai's daze, he helped Yi Zhonghai's left cheek again. A clear five-finger imprint was engraved.

have to.

Finally balanced.


In response to Yi Zhonghai.

It was still the violent beating from Silly Pillar.

He pushed Yi Zhonghai to the ground and beat him severely.

The people in the second cafeteria were all human beings, and they were not in a hurry to start a fight at first. They all knew that Sha Zhu was angry, and Yi Zhonghai came to the door again to seek revenge. They had to satisfy Yi Zhonghai’s wishes no matter what. Waiting for Sha Zhu’s inner feelings When the anger was almost vented, they worked together to pull Shazhu aside.

Someone helped Yi Zhonghai up from the ground and kindly helped him onto a stool.

"I'm not telling you, Master Yi, it's you who are wrong in this matter. You are twice as old as our Master He, but the things you do are really stupid. How can you spread rumors to Master He? He also said that Master He was caught after he attacked Qin Huairu Overlord! You, you really don’t blame Master He for beating you. If it were us, we would have beaten you too. We beat Master He harder than Master He. You are the only one. After receiving a beating from Master He, you can have some fun on your own."

Yi Zhonghai moved his lips.

I don't know what to say.

The shit pot is coming.

Not even if you don’t open your mouth.

Who made him hit the muzzle of Silly Pillar.

"Si Zhu, calm down. Yi Zhonghai is not a human, but a beast. This is a fact."


Why doesn't Yi Zhonghai like to hear it so much?

What's the difference between pointing at the nose and greeting his eight generations of ancestors?
"We can't have the same understanding as Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai is a bastard. We can't do the same things as bastards. You beat Yi Zhonghai and you've got a bad breath. You should give me some face. Let's forget it. Don’t be like Yi Zhonghai.”

Yi Zhonghai wanted to die.

It's all there.

This is all a mess.

Before he could recover, he felt someone helping him and walking towards the door of the Second Canteen.

At the beginning.

My head is confused.

Later he came back to his senses.

He came to see Silly Zhu himself, but he had something to ask, but he didn't ask anything. He returned to the ninth workshop with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and received a beating in vain.


Whatever you say, you have to gain something.

He forcefully shook off the two workers who were supporting him, turned around, and asked Silly Zhu a question from a long distance away.

"Zhuzi, whether you believe it or not, I really didn't mean it."

"Okay, okay, I did it on purpose, okay?"

"Zhuzi, let's not be vindictive. Let me ask you, why are the police looking for you?"

"Yi Zhonghai, I answered this question for Sha Zhu. We asked Sha Zhu just now when he came back. The matter is very simple. The police came to Sha Zhu to ask if Sha Zhu had received the money mailed by his father He Daqing. No. The matter of 1000 and two hundred yuan happened in the past, like before this year, did you receive a remittance order from He Daqing and ask him these questions."

Yi Zhonghai felt as if he had been hit in the head.

People are going crazy.

The answer given by Liu Lan.

she letter.

If it wasn't true, it could be mentioned on the money order.

He didn't know how to explain the pain in his heart. His mind went blank, and he didn't even know how he left the Second Canteen.

Just one thought.

Things are going to get worse.

Something unexpected happened.

How can this be good?

Yi Zhonghai was eagerly thinking of countermeasures. He was not the kind of person who would give up easily.

Return to workshop nine.

The miserable scene frightened the workers in the ninth workshop. They mistakenly thought that Yi Zhonghai had been taken care of by the security department, or that some well-informed people had found out the truth of the matter.

When he learned that Yi Zhonghai had found Sha Zhu, he was beaten up by Sha Zhu in front of the people in the second cafeteria.They all felt that Yi Zhonghai had been kicked in the head.

The front leg spreads rumors to others and is reported to the whole factory. The back leg runs to the stupid pillar to show off, and deserves to be beaten.

Don't say it.

The beaten Yi Zhonghai looked a little different from other people. He looked like he had a pig's head on his neck.


get off work at night.

Yi Zhonghai returned to the Yi family.

A mother's exclamation greeted her.


It was fine in the morning, nothing happened, but when I came back at night, I turned into a pig-headed monster.

It can be considered as gaining experience.

It was obvious that he had been beaten.

He shouted quickly.

"Master, who hit you?"

Yi Zhonghai first looked at his aunt sheepishly, then turned to look at the neighbors who heard the noise and wanted to watch the fun, and hurriedly closed the door.

Face the aunt.

There are some things that cannot be said.

"Foolish pillar beat me."

"Why should he hit you? I went to find him. It's because he is addicted to beating you. He thinks he is Liu Haizhong, so he can beat his son whenever he wants? Besides, you, Yi Zhonghai, are not his stupid son."

Yi Zhonghai grabbed the aunt who was about to go out to seek justice from Si Zhu.

It's embarrassing enough.

Just don't add fuel to the fire.

"It's my fault. I saw Si Zhu being taken away in the morning, so I went to the factory to spread rumors that Si Zhu was arrested and would have to sit in jail for as many years as he wanted. But Si Zhu is fine. I'm in trouble."


The aunt didn't know what to say.

Good face.

Don't admit defeat.

This is Yi Zhonghai's advantage, but it is also his shortcoming.

I have to compete with Silly Pillar.

More than a year later, it was finally proved that Yi Zhonghai was no match for Sha Zhu. He was obviously looking for trouble for Sha Zhu, but in the end, Yi Zhonghai ended up in embarrassment.

Remember to eat but not to fight.

"I really don't know what to say about you. Silly Zhu is no longer the same Silly Zhu as before. He married a wife and raised his sister He Yuyu to become a college student. You, you must look at Silly Zhu with the old eyes, factory What's your attitude?"

"The factory wants to settle accounts after the fall. They say that I, Yi Zhonghai, have ruined the humanistic work of the steel rolling mill for several years. They asked me to clean the toilets for three months. Starting from tomorrow, I will still use my lunch break to clean the toilets. I Where can I go to reason?"

"What's the matter with the police looking for Shazhu? They've already shown the handcuffs, why did Shazhu come back without any trouble?"

"I asked Shazhu, and Shazhu said that the police were looking for him to ask him if he had received a remittance order from He Daqing before."


The aunt felt like she heard a bolt from the blue.

The whole person instantly turned into a wooden man.

Panic on the face.

You can't fake it.

"Why did you ask about the remittance slip? Is it the complaint filed by He Daqing? Or is it the complaint filed by Silly Zhu?"

"do not know."

Yi Zhonghai racked his brains to think about it.

Something is not quite right.


When encountering such a thing, you must check it slowly.

Those who enter the village are allowed, but those who shoot guns are not allowed, and those who work secretly from home are not allowed.

But the other party took Sha Zhu away with great fanfare, asked Sha Zhu some questions, and released Sha Zhu, without telling Sha Zhu not to tell these things.

Yi Zhonghai, who considered these things based on common sense, found a lot of things he couldn't figure out.

The more I can’t figure it out.

The more panicked he became.

How did things get to this point?


"Huai Ru, my eldest mother just said that Yi Zhonghai was beaten. What on earth is going on?"

Jia family.

Jia Zhang asked Qin Huairu.

The most important member of the courtyard.

Mrs. Jia Zhang seemed particularly enthusiastic.

some things.

Jia Zhang felt that she had to find out.

With the return of Shazhu, Jia Zhang also discovered many things about Shazhu that she could not understand. She wanted to know what happened here.

"Foolish pillar beat me."

"Si Zhu beat Yi Zhonghai, and Yi Zhonghai just stood there and let Si Zhu hit him. Tell me, what happened?"

"What am I telling you, that Yi Zhonghai spread rumors about Si Zhu, saying that Si Zhu was arrested and not only was he reprimanded by the leader, but he was also beaten by Si Zhu?"

"Why are you angry with me? Mom also thinks about our Jia family. Okay, let's eat."


"I was sitting on the tower watching the mountain scenery, and those coming from the distance were Sima's soldiers..."

Liu Haizhong hummed the words in the play quietly.

see it.

He is in a good mood.

Such behavior also made Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu put their hearts into their stomachs. Looking at Liu Haizhong's virtue, they didn't need to be beaten.

"Dad, is this a good thing?"

"I estimate that the manager, Yi Zhonghai, will be kicked off tonight."

"Isn't it?"

"When did I tell you a lie? When I got off work, I heard one of my apprentices tell me that when he went to the toilet, he met Xiao Zhang from the factory office. Xiao Zhang told him that the factory leader As for Yi Zhonghai spreading rumors about Sha Zhu being arrested in the steel rolling mill, he sent a work letter to the street. Think about it, even if you have sent out documents, can Yi Zhonghai get some good results?"

"So, Director Wang is coming?"

"Definitely coming."

Speaking of bangs here.

Suddenly I came back to my senses.

He turned to the two unfilial sons and warned them.

"Guangtian, Guangfu, you are going door-to-door to inform me, just like what Liu Haizhong said. After dinner, we will hold a courtyard meeting in the middle courtyard, focusing on Yi Zhonghai's rumor to Shazhu."

Liu Haizhong wanted to leave a good impression on Director Wang.


The aunt who got the notice of the compound meeting from Liu Guangtian knew that the other party came with bad intentions and obviously came towards Yi Zhonghai. After a brief discussion with Yi Zhonghai.

Walk towards the backyard.

At this critical juncture.

The all-powerful deaf old lady from the courtyard came to the rescue.

Feed the old lady for a thousand days.

I used the deaf old lady for a while.

The deaf old lady has to show her worth.

When he got to the backyard, he told what happened to Yi Zhonghai Steel Rolling Mill and was beaten by Silly Zhu. Now Liu Haizhong is going to hold a compound meeting.

The deaf old lady patted her chest and promised that she would also attend the compound meeting to see how Liu Haizhong would embarrass Yi Zhonghai in front of the deaf old lady. She really thought that the deaf old lady was in her hands. The cane is a vegetarian. (End of chapter)

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