Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 319 Yi Zhonghai feels humiliated

Faced with Yi Zhonghai's apology.

Silly Zhu responded with a big fight.

In front of the neighbors of the first courtyard, in front of Director Jia, in front of the deaf old lady who is the ancestor of the courtyard, he mustered up all his strength and slapped the hypocrite viciously on the cheek.

Dog days of bastards.

I asked you to spread rumors about me.


A spit of incomprehensible hatred was spat at Yi Zhonghai's feet.

Silly Zhu felt a little regretful.

Forget about earth attraction.

The accuracy is not very good.

This spittle was originally spitted towards Yi Zhonghai's cheek, hoping to let the hypocrite taste his saliva. On the one hand, the force was not strong, and on the other hand, gravity was at work. It landed on Yi Zhonghai in a non-standard parabola. At the foot of Zhonghai.

The people at the scene looked at this strange scene and kept making gasping sounds.


Silly Zhu was in front of so many people.

He slapped Yi Zhonghai.

Some neighbors felt that Silly Zhu had gone too far, so Yi Zhonghai even apologized to him and even beat Yi Zhonghai, obviously not giving the deaf old lady face.

Some neighbors felt that Sha Zhu did this, which was very satisfying. Who made Yi Zhonghai do such immoral things as Sha Zhu did? If it were them, they would have to fight Yi Zhonghai to the end.

No matter what they were thinking in their hearts, they all focused their eyes on Yi Zhonghai, wondering if Yi Zhonghai would fight with Silly Zhu.

Emotions suddenly became intense.

There is a certain seniority gap between the two.

Silly column is young.

Yi Zhonghai is old.

Young people can do what they want without any scruples, including greeting Yi Zhonghai's mother, but Yi Zhonghai has to worry about his age and dare not say some things and do some things.

Both sides compete.

See you soon.

Silly Zhu is the famous invincible god of war in the courtyard.

But there are also people who are not afraid of him.

The deaf old lady from the courtyard!
Because of his age, he doesn't take Silly Pillar seriously.

I thought that if I came forward, the matter would be dealt with internally. Unexpectedly, when Yi Zhonghai followed the deaf old lady's request and apologized to Sha Zhu, he slapped Yi Zhonghai in public. , and spit.

This is a demonstration against the deaf old lady.

He didn't take the ancestors of the courtyard seriously.

The crutch in his hand poked the ground viciously.

"Stupid pillar."

The tone was a bit angry.

Feeling violated.

If Director Jia and the others hadn't been there, the crutch in the deaf old lady's hand might have hit Silly Pillar.

"Your uncle has already apologized to you, and this incident has not caused any actual harm to you. Why do you still slap your uncle? Over the years, your uncle has taught you the principles of life and taught you Regarding the rules of life, my old lady has also helped you a lot. If you don’t talk about giving face to the uncle, you should also give face to my old lady. How did you become such a selfish person? The courtyard helps each other. Have you forgotten all the good rules? Do you still have any sense of honor in the courtyard? You..."

Director Jia narrowed his eyes.

What the deaf old lady said.

There is another connotation.

An uninformed person cannot tell it at all.

There is a living example before our eyes.

Liu Haizhong, compared to what the deaf old lady said, Liu Haizhong is a scumbag.

One set of great principles follows another.

A little careless.

It fell into the opponent's trap.

Households with five guarantees.

This is the first time he has seen this aggressive five-guarantee household.

"Old lady, you are old. I will give you face, but I will not give Yi Zhonghai face. The neighbors all know what happened today. They are almost calling me, He Yuzhu, a heinous beast. They say that I will be shot. , and said that I should be treated as a model."

Facing the difficulties of the deaf old lady.

Silly Zhu chose hard steel.

He angrily retorted to the deaf old lady.

"I just want to ask you, old lady, and the neighbors will also listen. If one day I spread rumors to you, old lady, that you are from Sichuan or something, you will be so anxious that you will go to bed and even be admitted to the hospital. I look like I'm going to die, I apologize to you, say I'm sorry to you, say I did this stupid thing without considering the consequences clearly, will you forgive me generously?"

The deaf old lady's throat.

I was suddenly choked up.

He almost choked her to death.

He is really cruel.

What's going on?

Do you think my deaf old lady talked too long?

His scalp also became numb at this moment, and the hairs on his body could be used as needles. He looked at Silly Zhu with a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

The words were said unintentionally.

Still intentional.

If it's the former.

It doesn't matter.

The key is to be afraid of the latter, which means that Silly Zhu knows the biggest secret of the deaf old lady.

How can this be good?

This secret can cost lives.

The deaf old lady looked straight at Shazhu, trying to see some clues from Shazhu's body, and then confirm her guess.

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

The deaf old lady who was looking at Silly Zhu didn't expect that someone was also looking at herself for an excuse. This person was Director Jia.

When Silly Zhu said those words about Sichuan, Director Jia was also frightened, but he quickly understood the reason. It must be that Silly Zhu was confused by what the deaf old lady said and threw him away. The big hat was still thinking about how to comfort the deaf old lady, but he saw a bit of panic in the deaf old lady.

There's something wrong with this old lady.

If you think about it for a moment, you will find that the identity of the deaf old lady cannot withstand any scrutiny.

He has gone through several stages of pigtails, bald head, and brat, but he is still alive and well. He is called the ancestor of the courtyard and loves to eat all kinds of delicacies.

There is no flaw in the deaf old lady's household registration information, and all the testimonies are logical.

There is such a saying.

Too perfect is imperfect, and excessive perfection is actually a flaw, which may be intentional.

Add the word intentional.

It seems that everything can be traced.

He said nothing.Just watching Silly Zhu fight against the deaf old lady, I hope Silly Zhu can give him too many surprises.

Silly Zhu did not disappoint Director Jia. He snorted angrily when he saw the deaf old lady standing still like a wooden stake.

"You won't forgive me. Why should I forgive Yi Zhonghai? I slapped him to teach him to remember a lesson. Some words should not be said nonsense. If I forgive Yi Zhonghai today, tomorrow I will give him all the advice in the courtyard. The neighbors spread rumors, saying that Guangtian and Guangfu were not the children of the second uncle, and that the third uncle and the Jia Zhang family were involved, causing trouble in the second uncle's house and the third uncle's house. I said sorry to them, co-authored The price for spreading rumors is too small. Isn’t the courtyard in chaos?"

Yan Fugui pointed at Silly Pillar.

In the end nothing was said.

He wants face.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, however, took it as the truth and racked their brains to remember the tragic experiences of the two of them. It seemed that in addition to being beaten by bangs, they were also beaten by bangs, sometimes with a feather duster. Beating, sometimes with a belt, a small amount every three days, one beating every five days, with the second aunt also helping to beat him.


But Liu Guangqi didn't do anything wrong. He made a mistake and didn't talk about it until he was beaten. Liu Haizhong also wanted to educate Liu Guangqi by beating Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

What do you mean by killing the chicken to scare the monkey?

The entire capital.

Such a weird education method and such a weird father are hard to find.

There is no other reason other than adoption.

The two brothers nodded towards each other when no one could see them, their eyes filled with determination as if they were looking for their biological father.

I was also grateful to Shazhu in my heart, feeling that Shazhu had solved the mystery that had troubled the two brothers for a long time.

The co-author is not Liu Haizhong’s biological son.

No wonder Liu Haizhong beat them to death.

As for who their real father is, if you ask the second aunt, you can't even know who the old man is.

Silly Zhu, who didn't know that he had gained two little fans, continued to talk about his reasons. This was also a method he figured out from Yi Zhonghai's moral kidnapping routine.

Hold the flag high.

Make you unable to resist.

"My wife just went to work in the street and has not been regularized yet. She is just an agency temporary worker. At this juncture, Yi Zhonghai said that I was arrested and wanted to be shot. She was also arrested for bringing food from the canteen. I was arrested. My wife Are you going to be caught too? Even if this turns out to be a false accusation, won’t my wife’s future be ruined?”

Silly Zhu really feels sorry for his wife.

"I don't feel sorry for my wife. It doesn't matter whether she has a good future or not. The neighbors all know who my wife is, and the neighbors on the street also know that she is thinking about the neighbors. I am worried that Yi Zhonghai is here for my wife. , to destroy my wife’s opportunity to serve her neighbors.”

Yi Zhonghai stared with big eyes.

Looked at Silly Zhu in horror.

to be frank.

When he spread the rumor, he really didn't consider Li Xiuzhi. If he had considered Li Xiuzhi, such a thing would not have happened.

A well-known truth.

When Li Xiuzhi went to work in the streets, the organization conducted comprehensive verification on Li Xiuzhi, proving that Li Xiuzhi was innocent and trustworthy.

This allowed her to go into the streets to serve the neighbors.

If the accusation that Yi Zhonghai made against Li Xiuzhi by spreading rumors and plotting against Li Xiuzhi really escalated, it would mean that Yi Zhonghai was going against the decisions made by his superiors and questioning their employment decisions.

Yi Zhonghai is a qualified eighth-level worker.

Lend him two hundred courage.

I don’t dare to be aggressive with my superiors.

spread out.

Not bad.

The steel rolling mill didn't like some of Yizhonghai's practices. If this was the case, Yi Zhonghai would probably be fired.

In this day and age, no company would dare to use Yi Zhonghai after he was fired from a large steel rolling mill with tens of thousands of people.

All we can do is sit back and eat.

Yi Zhonghai also wanted to use money to impress Qin Huairu and let Qin Huairu take care of his biological father in his old age. He had no choice but to have no money, otherwise the Jia and Zhang family would tear Yi Zhonghai apart.

Yi Zhonghai was in a state of confusion, and the sweat on his head was visible to the naked eye.

"Silly Zhu, I didn't, you're talking nonsense."

He forced himself to explain.

However, because there was no evidence, the explanation given was weak and unconvincing. Instead, the neighbors had a sophistical perception of him.

The deaf old lady subconsciously glanced at Yi Zhonghai, wanting to remind him of the hypocrite.

It is a pity.

Yi Zhonghai didn't even see the look from the deaf old lady.

He spoke in a parrot-like manner.

"You are trying to blame me. I have no intention of targeting your wife. I just created rumors about you. You are just talking nonsense."

"Yes, yes, I'm talking nonsense. You didn't say such a thing, but you have done such a thing." Silly Zhu turned to look at the deaf old lady, "Old lady, do you still think that I should give you face and accept Yi Zhonghai's offer?" Apologize? Maybe you mean to say a few innocuous words, it’s no big deal, but don’t forget that there are rumors.”

"Three men make a tiger."

"The third uncle is educated, and an idiom puts it to the point. I still said what I said just now. If you think the rumors are not important, the person who spread the rumors can just apologize casually and the matter can be settled. The mouth is always on the person, so what are you talking about? If you can’t say it, just say it to Jia Dongxu, if someone spreads the rumor that the First Master killed Jia Dongxu for some reason.”

"Silly Zhu, you fart."

in the crowd.

Qin Huairu couldn't hold it any longer.


This refers to Sang scolding Huai, saying that in order to occupy Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai killed Qin Huairu's man Jia Dongxu. If word spread, he would be punished. It would be a life-threatening consequence, and he would be infamy for thousands of years. Think about Ximen Qing, Pan Jinlian and Wu Dalang. This is all It's been so many years, but when I mention them, some people still criticize them.

There was a remark about Da Lang getting up to drink medicine.

Qin Huairu doesn't want to become Qin Jinlian.

"You must be right. I didn't say anything. Qin Huairu is anxious. I don't care about others. Anyway, I won't give Yi Zhonghai face, and I won't accept Yi Zhonghai's apology."

He walked up to Yi Zhonghai.

raised his hand.

Someone among the crowd at the scene exclaimed.

Thinking that Sha Zhu was too angry, he wanted to beat Yi Zhonghai violently.

Even Yi Zhonghai thought so. When he saw Silly Zhu raising his palm, he subconsciously moved a step back and put his hand on his cheek.


He is really no match for Silly Pillar.

Boxing is afraid of young and strong.

Silly Zhu also has some brute strength.

"Yi Zhonghai, I won't slap you. I said I slapped you because you apologized to me. I don't accept your apology, that's all."

Silly Zhu who is talking.

He poked Yi Zhonghai's forehead with his finger.

He said word by word: "Yi Zhonghai, you have also lived for decades and have eaten more salt than I have eaten. Today, in front of the neighbors present, as well as the street director Jia and others, I advise you. Just tell me, stop doing some bad things. In the past, you held up the banner of helping, but in fact you didn’t do anything. But you have gained a good reputation. Can you be down-to-earth and do some practical things, and stop doing things that plot people behind their backs? ”

Yi Zhonghai felt humiliated.

He was ashamed.

"I know why you did this. Isn't it just about providing for the elderly? What's the big deal? There is a department in the steel rolling mill that is responsible for the funeral affairs of employees. If you die, you will not be thrown into the wild and let dogs eat you. , I should buy you a coffin, and I have to buy you a coffin so that you can leave in glory. If you feel uneasy, you can adopt a child. I think Director Jia will definitely help you with this matter. It’s better than you calculating this calculation.” (End of this chapter)

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