Forced Yi Zhonghai to adopt a child.

It was an idea that came to Shazhu.

This is also a major doubt among the neighbors in the courtyard, and it is also a problem that the workers at the steel rolling mill cannot let go of.

Yi Zhonghai, who had no children and knew that he was no longer in the family, did not want to be deprived of his family, but instead of adopting a child, the compound was filled with schemers to help him take care of him in his old age.

Such an immoral method.

It's actually the first time I've encountered it.

There are different opinions.

According to Liu Lan's explanation, the reason why Yi Zhonghai did not adopt a child was actually that Yi Zhonghai did not want to pay in vain.

to be honest.

Want to eat ready-made.

There is nothing so cheap in the world.

Whoever you rely on will die.

Let Jia Dongxu help with old age care, Jia Dongxu died.

After plotting against Sha Zhu, Sha Zhu broke up with Yi Zhonghai again.

Taking advantage of Director Jia's presence, no matter what he said, he had to force the hypocrite to make Yi Zhonghai adopt the child unwillingly.

Treat your children well.

Yi Zhonghai, who was used to eating ready-made meals, felt unhappy, worried about money and things.

Not treating children well.

Director Jia was the first to let Yi Zhonghai go.

Liu Haizhong was once again watching from behind, waiting for Yi Zhonghai to make a mistake.

Good or bad, the person sitting on the wax can only be Yi Zhonghai. This is the greatest revenge on the hypocrite.

Director Jia, who was very dissatisfied with Yi Zhonghai, saw that Sha Zhu brought the topic to adopting a child. After watching the show for a while, he decided to quit and cooperate with Sha Zhu.

"Our street can help with the adoption of children. To be honest, there are many good children in orphanages who have lost their parents. If Master Yi really adopts children, it will be a win-win situation. It will not only solve the problem of the street, but also let these good children With support, I have experienced the warmth of family. As for my background, I assure you in the name of the director that I have a pure background, a good foundation, no other relatives, and there will be no such thing as any relatives coming to look for me."

Liu Haizhong realized.

This is his chance to gain Director Jia's approval.

No matter what the neighbors do, as the future steward, he must respond to Director Jia's call.

Yi Zhonghai is looking for someone to take care of him in his old age.

In the courtyard.

It's a public fact.

When Jia Dongxu was alive, Yi Zhonghai, in order to allow Jia Dongxu to devote himself to his retirement, blocked Jia Zhang's broken mouth, and favored the Jia family in many matters, either openly or secretly, forever. It's the Jia family's fault, and they'll pay for the Jia family's compensation and apologize.

If he really adopts a child, it will cut off Yi Zhonghai's way of finding someone to help him take care of himself in old age.

It will be of great help to the harmony and stability of the courtyard, and will allow Liu Haizhong to sit more securely in his position as the steward.

A matter of self-interest.

You have to shout a few times to say anything.

"Lao Yi, what else are you thinking about? Promise to Director Jia quickly. If you adopt a child, it will save you a lot of people in the compound to provide for you in old age. It will also help the street and give the children something to rely on. , getting the warmth of family, this is a good thing that kills three birds with one stone, but you can't make mistakes."

Yi Zhonghai stared blankly at the bangs that forced him into the palace.

This is just adding insult to injury.

in speech.

It was clearly full of schadenfreude.

Things were just as Silly Zhu had expected. Yi Zhonghai was in trouble, so he agreed. If he wasn't happy, then he didn't agree. The situation at the scene made it impossible for him to get off the stage, and he couldn't tolerate not agreeing.

He looked at the deaf old lady.

If you adopt a child yourself, you will lose the interests of the deaf old lady.

According to the nature of the deaf old lady, she should have said something to stop her, but she didn't expect that the deaf old lady still hadn't come to her senses because of Silly Zhu's words just now, "What the hell are you, the deaf old lady?" Seeing Yi Zhonghai's eyes asking for help.

no way.

Yi Zhonghai can only fight alone.

After thinking for more than ten seconds, just when Yi Zhonghai was about to give an answer, Zhang Shihao, the living bodhisattva who rescued the suffering, appeared at the compound meeting with his deputies.

The atmosphere is even weirder.

this morning.

It was these two people who captured Sha Zhu, and then caused Yi Zhonghai to spread rumors and be accused of disregarding the friendship between workers and comrades. When he saw Zhang Shihao and two people coming again, he was stunned for a moment, wondering what happened to Sha Zhu's arrest. It's not that there are other developments, such as things that have no evidence suddenly have evidence, and Silly Zhu, who was fine at first, also has problems and is doomed.

Yi Zhonghai didn't care whether the neighbors thought so. Anyway, he thought so and regarded Zhang Shihao and Zhang Shihao as his life-saving straw.

Bright and expectant eyes fell on Zhang Shihao and the two of them.

I thought that if these two people put handcuffs on Si Zhu in front of the neighbors of the first hospital and the street director, then pressed Si Zhu to the ground, and shouted loudly, "He Yuzhu, we now have definite evidence to prove that you You have been stealing materials from the canteen of the steel rolling mill for a long time. In order to prevent the loss of state-owned assets, you are now arrested and brought to justice. It would be better if you honestly explain your criminal process in front of everyone.

He, Yi Zhonghai, is not only a sinner in the steel rolling mill, nor a sinner in the courtyard, nor a sinner in the streets.

in contrast.

Yi Zhonghai was a hero, a great contributor to the steel rolling mill, the courtyard, and the street. Not only did he want to restore his reputation, but he also had to apologize to himself in public. At that time, in the steel rolling mill and the courtyard, who dared to say that he had disregarded the friendship of the neighbors and the street. A beast of friendship between workers.

Color appeared on Yi Zhonghai's face.

Inexplicably highlighted.

He smiled and looked at Zhang Shihao, who was walking towards him step by step, thinking that since he had such a big position in Zhang Shihao's heart, he had to ask for his opinion in arresting Silly Zhu.

I started drafting, thinking about what to say when people ask for my opinion, how to show my level, on the one hand to leave a good impression in front of Director Jia, on the other hand, it also means to ridicule Liu Haizhong, let Liu Haizhong Look, no matter how much he plots, official fans can only hear Yi Zhonghai’s big stinky fart.

Zhang Shihao and the other two were also confused.

Many bad guys have been arrested, most of them are very flustered, crying and saying that they were wronged and innocent, but a few of them will remain silent.

The only exception was Yi Zhonghai, who had a smile on his face from beginning to end.

Zhang Shihao wondered if Yi Zhonghai was mentally unhealthy. He appeared in the courtyard with his deputy for the second time, and he was really arresting people. It was just not the second arrest of Sha Zhu as the neighbors thought, but for the second time. Yi Zhonghai is here.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai greeted him with a smile.

He was not polite either.

There is no such thing as hitting someone with a smiley face.

Taking out the handcuffs from his pocket, there was a "click" sound, and a pair of shiny white bracelets appeared on Yi Zhonghai's hands.

The atmosphere at the scene instantly entered an even weirder scene. The neighbors present did not dare to take a breath, as if their mouths had been covered by someone.

In the eyes.Showing intense shock.

Silly Zhu was fine, but Yi Zhonghai was in trouble and was handcuffed in public.

This is a treatment that even Shazhu has never received this morning.

As the chief steward of the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai was a well-known moral sage. The neighbors racked their brains and couldn't figure out what Yi Zhonghai had committed.

He showed off his handcuffs.

It could be a small thing.

Some people's imagination was really extraordinary. They suspected that Zhang Shihao was called here by Silly Zhu, and they let out a faint gasp in their hearts.

According to the tradition of the Siheyuan, small matters should not be left outside the house and should be dealt with internally. Big issues are usually treated as trivial matters and big matters should not be left outside the Siheyuan.

What about the honor of the compound?

Silly Zhu is ruining the tradition of the courtyard house.

Some people are still wondering, is the cost of spreading rumors so high now?
Straight to the cuffs!
Yi Zhonghai himself thought the same thing. After a brief period of confusion, he noticed that there was something extra on his wrist. He looked down and saw a pair of handcuffs appearing on his wrist, and his mind was buzzing.

He was still waiting to put handcuffs on Silly Pillar.

In the end, the person who was handcuffed was himself.

What made Yi Zhonghai want to cry even more was that he had thought of a lot of words that could be used to modify himself and at the same time step on his bangs. With the handcuffs, they all came to nothing and there was no use for them.

He was not liked by the steel rolling mill, and now that he was caught, the gossip among the neighbors in the courtyard will spread like wildfire tomorrow.

If things go wrong, you will be kicked out.

Looking at Zhang Shihao pitifully, thinking about how to excuse himself.

When Yi Zhonghai was thinking of a way, the aunt watching the show felt that the sky was falling. She didn't like that Yi Zhonghai was fooling around with Qin Huairu's mother behind her back. With Qin Huairu, he also deceived the aunt with lies, saying that he He was from a poor family, so he accepted Jia Dongxu as his apprentice for the sake of his future retirement.

Hate to hate.

It doesn't mean that Auntie is happy to watch Yi Zhonghai get caught.

light or heavy.

The aunt knows the difference clearly.

He lives on Yi Zhonghai.

If Yi Zhonghai is in trouble, Auntie will have no way to make money. The house is a steel rolling mill house, so she will definitely take it back.

This is also the result of returning to my hometown in the countryside.

He walked up to Zhang Shihao and asked.

"Comrade, have you made a mistake? Our leader is the steward of the courtyard. He has done a lot to help the neighbors. He is also an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill. The steel rolling mill cannot do without him."

"You can't arrest an eighth-level worker? Are you, the steward, above the law?"

Yi Zhonghai and his wife have a ghost in their hearts.

My body is very weak.

Zhang Shihao's scolding had already told them the answer. Yi Zhonghai was arrested because he did something that violated the law.

What is against the law.

There is no other explanation other than withholding the money.

Seeing that the matter was getting bigger and she couldn't take the initiative to reveal the withholding of money, the aunt decided to target the deaf old lady.

The aunt who relied on the deaf old lady began to plead to the deaf old lady beside her who seemed to be in a daze but was secretly observing the expressions of Silly Zhu and his wife.

Neighbors present.

Only the deaf old lady can save Yi Zhonghai.

"Old lady, please say something."

The deaf old lady was convinced now.

Neither Shazhu nor his wife knew about the fact that Yi Zhonghai was handcuffed by Zhang Shihao.

Because the moment Yi Zhonghai was handcuffed, the deaf old lady was the first to realize that something was wrong, and a scene she didn't want to see happened.

The only people who have a grudge against Yi Zhonghai are Shazhu and his wife in the courtyard.

As for Liu Haizhong, if he were to die, he would be a villain fighting for power with Yi Zhonghai, and he would not risk his life.

She gave priority to observing Sha Zhu and Li Xiuzhi, and found that Sha Zhu's mouth was slightly open, with a look of unbelievable shock, and Li Xiuzhi's eyes revealed full of doubts.

I knew this was not the work of Silly Zhu and his wife.

Therefore, the arrest of Yi Zhonghai should be caused by someone else.

Did he come simply to capture Yi Zhonghai, or did he do Xiang Zhuang's sword dance with the intention of targeting Pei Gong, and used Yi Zhonghai to target the deaf old lady with his sword.

Yi Zhonghai is the deaf old lady's hope for retirement and knows some of the deaf old lady's past.

Anyone can watch Yi Zhonghai being taken away, except the deaf old lady.

human nature.

If Yi Zhonghai reveals something, the deaf old lady will not be able to be the ancestor of the courtyard, unless Yi Zhonghai dies in front of the deaf old lady now.

With so many pairs of eyes looking at Yi Zhonghai and Zhang Shihao, the two policemen, unless the deaf old lady turns into an eagle, Yi Zhonghai will die on the front foot and the deaf old lady on the back foot.

Yi Zhonghai is very important.

Even if the aunt doesn't beg the deaf old lady, the deaf old lady will come forward.

"This little comrade, let me ask my old lady, what on earth did Zhonghai commit? Why did you move the handcuffs? It would be bad if it spread. He is an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill, with an apprentice. Is there something wrong here? If there is any misunderstanding, tell me and let the neighbors comment."

He changed his tune.

Speaking of Yi Zhonghai's great achievements.

That is, what happens in the courtyard and what happens in the steel rolling mill.

"As the steward for so many years, I have been responsible for the affairs of the neighbors in the courtyard. Zhonghai is responsible for the parents of the East family and the shortcomings of the West family. Liu Haizhong, it's not that my old lady is looking down on you. You have become the steward. It’s not as good as Zhonghai. It’s not like my old lady is giving credit to China Shipping. For a factory as big as the steel rolling mill, we only have an eighth-level worker at Zhonghai.”

"Old lady, right? You said that Yi Zhonghai committed something. You originally wanted to save some face for Yi Zhonghai. Since you asked, let's talk about it so that it won't spread out and say that we bully people. We now have the exact information The evidence proves that Yi Zhonghai embezzled the living expenses mailed by He Daqing to He Yuzhu and He Yuyu for a long time."

people's eyes.

Gathered on Shazhu's body.

Seeing the big guy looking at him, Silly Zhu scratched his hair.

"Today I was taken to the police station by Comrade Zhang and told me about the remittance slip. I said that I received one some time ago and it was handed over to me by my aunt. I really don't know anything else. Comrade Zhang, let me ask, Yi Zhonghai Did you really steal the living expenses my father gave me?"

"Without evidence, we will not arrest people casually. We found the stubs from the bank, and also learned from Miao Wenhua that your aunt in the courtyard received remittance orders from him every day for ten years. The remitter was He Daqing. , the payee Yi Zhonghai, do you still have any questions? If not, we will take Yi Zhonghai away. "

While the neighbors were digesting the news, Zhang Shihao took Yi Zhonghai away. (End of chapter)

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