Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 321 The deaf old lady gave the idea and killed the loan

When the aunt saw that Yi Zhonghai was about to be taken away, her lungs exploded with anger. She hurriedly chased Zhang Shihao, but was stopped by the neighbors in the courtyard who were worried about getting angry.

There are different opinions.

Anyway, I won’t let the aunt chase her out.

No matter how hard Auntie struggled, she couldn't break free, and finally had no choice but to give up. Just like Jia Zhang called Lao Jia and Xiao Jia, she collapsed on the ground and cried loudly, saying that she could not live. Okay, I sighed secretly that if something happened to Yi Zhonghai, what would she do?

Like a deflated balloon.

The whole person was wilted.

He couldn't lift it up at all, as if all the strength in his body had been drained out of him.

Yi Zhonghai had three advantages and two disadvantages. She could only sell Yi Zhonghai's job and return to her hometown in the countryside with Yi Zhonghai's savings. She also had to figure it out from the Jia family.

After all, Qin Huairu's job was paid for by Yi Zhonghai.

This matter is so big that Yi Zhonghai will have to squat for decades even if he doesn't die.

While the aunt was crying, she could only plan for herself.

With the corner of his eye, he glanced around at the people around him, and saw that Silly Zhu and his wife were still standing there like stupid people. They had the same thoughts as the deaf old lady, thinking that Silly Zhu and his wife had never known about this matter from beginning to end. , Zhang Shihao said clearly just now, it was Yi Zhonghai and his wife who exposed themselves.

Seeing that the deaf old lady who was laying out the ancestral genealogy at the scene just now, she became a mouse in front of a cat and hid in the backyard.

Cursing a few words in his mind, he turned over and got up from the ground, running towards the backyard, with words begging the deaf old lady to come forward to rescue Yi Zhonghai.

The whispers of the neighbors also echoed in the middle courtyard.

Everyone is talking about Yi Zhonghai's arrest.

Liu Haizhong took the opportunity to say a few words. Now he got what he wanted. Director Jia hurriedly followed Zhang Shihao after he took Yi Zhonghai away.

There was such a big mess in the courtyard, and Director Jia had to understand the situation no matter what.

Before leaving.

He threw off Yi Zhonghai's hat as the steward and promoted Liu Haizhong to the top of the courtyard. However, Liu Haizhong felt that Yi Zhonghai had made a mistake in the position of steward, which was a bit unlucky, and because the neighbors were used to calling him Er. Uncle, the external title is still the second eldest son of the courtyard, and Yan Fugui is still the third uncle, but there is no longer the chief steward Yi Zhonghai.


The identity of the ancestor of the courtyard.

After all, some things cannot see the light.

Seeing Zhang Shihao and the two men fully armed appearing in the courtyard, they knew that there was a big mess in the courtyard.

When Silly Zhu was taken away in the morning, Zhang Shihao flashed the handcuffs.

When they captured Yi Zhonghai at night, they were all equipped with weapons.

Knowing that some things were beyond her control, the deaf old lady ran back to her home. Instead of sitting cross-legged on the bed as usual, she stomped the three-inch golden lotus and walked around the house.

Turn your brain as much as possible, thinking about how to solve the problem.

The moment Yi Zhonghai was taken away by Zhang Shihao, the deaf old lady stopped Yi Zhonghai and gave him a few words. It seemed that she was telling Yi Zhonghai to confess frankly, but in fact, she was secretly warning Yi Zhonghai not to say something. After all, Yi Zhonghai still has a chance to survive. If anything, Yi Zhonghai will die.

Yi Zhonghai understood the warning in the deaf old lady's words and replied that he was innocent and that Zhang Shihao must have caused a misunderstanding. It seemed that he was responding to the deaf old lady, but in fact he was threatening the deaf old lady. Yi Zhonghai can not tell certain things, but the prerequisite is that the deaf old lady helps Yi Zhonghai get through this difficulty. If Yi Zhonghai ends up in jail for the rest of his life because of the money interception incident, there is no need for him to keep the deaf old lady's secret. .

Yi Zhonghai is not stupid, he knows how to atone for his sins.

The deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai each have their own tricks in each other's hands.

Zhang Shihao just explained the reason why Yi Zhonghai was arrested.

The crime was to withhold the living expenses of the Si Zhu brother and sister.

this thing.

The deaf old lady never knew.

According to the deaf old lady's understanding of Yi Zhonghai and his wife, Yi Zhonghai, who was taken away by Zhang Shihao, did not defend himself, but lowered his head.

Withheld money incident.

One hundred percent true.

What the deaf old lady couldn't understand, looking at Yi Zhonghai, who was smart and always prepared for things, why did he do things for children, to withhold the living expenses that He Daqing mailed to Silly Zhu, starting from knowing that it was nothing more than doing something to flatter and despise. Yi Zhonghai's supportive and enthusiastic personality highlights Yi Zhonghai's activities of belittling He Daqing.

Do it.

Nothing wrong with that.

It's just that He Daqing is not dead, Shazhu is also alive and well, and Baocheng is not far from the capital. As soon as the two of them meet, the matter of Yi Zhonghai's interception of money will become a big deal.

The post office has a stub.

The bank has a stub.

What a quibble.

It is a problem with no solution at all, but because the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai are two grasshoppers tied to a rope, neither one can escape. Even if it is a dead end, the deaf old lady has to find a way to get the best of both worlds. Unless she doesn't want to live anymore.

Knowing that the matter was difficult to handle, the deaf old lady secretly returned home when Director Jia announced that Liu Haizhong would be the second uncle in charge.

Thinking about how to do things.

Just when she was in a mess, a eldest mother ran in from outside crying.

With a "pop" sound, he knelt down in front of the deaf old lady, as if his brain no longer belonged to him, and banged his head.

"Old lady, it's not good. Lao Yi was taken away by the police. You have to save him, otherwise I will live. Please, save Lao Yi. As long as Lao Yi is rescued, we will save you." As a biological mother, I promise to serve you till I get rid of you in the future. Old lady, I kowtow to you. Considering that we have served you with all our heart and soul for so many years, you can’t ignore it. ah."

The strength to kowtow.

Makes it a bit big.

The aunt felt vaguely exhausted.

"Yulan, get up."

Auntie’s real name is Li Yulan.

Because Yi Zhonghai has been a eldest father for many years, many people call him aunt, which makes aunt's real name not known to the neighbors.

"How do you two treat my old lady? My old lady knows it clearly. Without you two, my old lady would have died a long time ago. The matter between you two is my old lady's matter. My old lady cannot ignore it. , now that things have happened, my old lady has no good solution."

The deaf old lady thought with her toes, knowing that the eldest mother was planning something of her own.

Suffering from nothing.

I can only use kind words to stabilize Auntie first.

It’s not like I’m a fairy. If something happens on the front foot, there will be a solution on the back foot. There won’t even be 10 minutes in between.

"Tell me first, is what that comrade said true?"

Of course the aunt knew what the deaf old lady was talking about.


The aunt sighed quietly in her heart.

This issue.There was nothing she could do. When Yi Zhonghai first had the idea of ​​embezzling money, his aunt told Yi Zhonghai not to do such a mindless thing.

Unless there is no proof of death.

But Yi Zhonghai refused to listen and insisted on withholding the money.

it's good now.

There is no airtight wall in the world, and there are no eternal secrets.

The person involved, Sha Zhu, didn't know, but the police comrades knew about it, and they also had the evidence. They took Yi Zhonghai away in handcuffs in front of the neighbors. The job of the manager was gone, and he might not even be able to keep it.

The aunt is tired.

The results of Yi Zhonghai's many years of hard work were destroyed in an instant.

Some things simply cannot be hidden.

I organized my words in my mind and spoke out the matter.

"Old lady, I can't tell you. Anyway, if you don't save Lao Yi, Lao Yi will go in for the rest of his life. This is all my thinking about the good things. If I think about the bad things, I can only run to the ground. Went down..."

The deaf old lady said nothing.

She stared at the eldest mother.

If eyes could kill.

Big Mom has died countless times.

As the ancestor of the compound, I don't believe that the aunt didn't know the seriousness of this matter. She and Yi Zhonghai are a perfect match. She did the deed in 51, and only told the deaf old lady after she was taken away in 61.

In the years when He Daqing went to Baocheng, the poor life lived by the Silly Zhu brothers and sisters was really seen by the deaf old lady of the compound's ancestor.

She also has the idea of ​​​​using Silly Pillar and tricking Silly Pillar.

Faced with Yi Zhonghai's behavior of being stupid and stupid, he adopted a default posture.

Sha Zhu is a man with a dead brain and a weak heart. In the first two years after He Daqing left, Yi Zhonghai deliberately made things difficult for him. Sha Zhu suffered a lot in order to take care of He Yuyu and went hungry every three days.

The deaf old lady remembers these things, and so does Silly Zhu.

The deeper the calculation at the beginning, the greater the backlash he faces now.

It can be said that these miserable past events were caused by Yi Zhonghai.

If it were the deaf old lady herself, she would hate Yi Zhonghai with gnashing of teeth, wishing that Yi Zhonghai would die without a burial place.

The only thing that the deaf old lady couldn't figure out was that neither Shazhu nor He Yuyu knew about it. Instead, the police from the police station knew about it and arrested Yi Zhonghai in front of the neighbors.

This is also the root cause of the deaf old lady's helplessness.

If Silly Zhu discovers the truth behind the interception of the money and a stalemate breaks out, the deaf old lady can still rely on her peddling to force Silly Zhu to keep the matter from making a big deal, and deal with the matter internally by paying Yi Zhonghai an extra part of the money to make it a smaller issue. It's a trivial matter.

The problem is that Zhang Shihao found the clue. When he handcuffed Yi Zhonghai and explained what Yi Zhonghai had committed, Si Zhu was still confused.

in this way.

The deaf old lady didn't know how to end it.

This is backlash.

In order to gain a good reputation, Yi Zhonghai deliberately deducted the living expenses sent by He Daqing to Si Zhu's brother and sister. When Si Zhu and Yu Yu were starving, he appeared as a kind uncle and gave Si Zhu food and drink. The brother and sister had suffered so many injustices and had misunderstood He Daqing's abandonment of them. For more than ten years, they had hated He Daqing until the very end of their teeth.

Now that Zhang Shihao knows the inside story and has captured Yi Zhonghai, it is like a dynamite with a fuse burning. The longer it burns, the more frightening and powerful it becomes.

Life is at stake.

"Old lady, I know that we did something wrong in this matter, and that we failed to live up to your expectations of us. I still say the same thing, for the sake of our future care for you in your old age, save Save Lao Yi."

The aunt saw the deaf old lady staring at her for a long time.

Don't speak for a long time.

I also know what the deaf old lady is thinking.

"Yulan, my old lady is not telling you, what kind of thing do you two do? You have been hiding it from me for ten years. If you just tell me, can I let you do such a thing? He Daqing is living well. , Silly Zhu is also living well, they just ask you to hand over your living expenses, do you really think that everything is perfect?"

The eldest mother was a little unhappy.

According to what the deaf old lady meant, all the fault was placed on Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

If the deaf old lady hadn't wanted Sha Zhu to be his private chef, Yi Zhonghai wouldn't have followed the deaf old lady's wishes and plotted against He Daqing.

Injustice has a head.

The debt has its owner.

The prerequisite for withholding the money is that He Daqing ran away, and the deaf old lady was the root cause of He Daqing's escape.

This is a bit of a complaint.

I feel very angry.

I won’t complain and choke the deaf old lady.

Instead, he accepted the matter.

Personality is important.

"Old lady, it's too late to say anything now. It's important to save Lao Yi. I heard that there is a letter of understanding. It's such a big thing in the courtyard. As long as there is a letter of understanding, you can be given a lighter sentence and even be safe. You can Tell me, if Sha Zhu writes a letter of understanding to Lao Yi, and we return the money to Sha Zhu, can this matter be settled? Sha Zhu’s letter of understanding has no effect, then let’s let Rainwater will issue one, and since she is a college student, the letter of understanding will definitely be effective."

The eldest mother gave her own solution.

She also heard Jia Zhang yelling loudly just now.

If there are dates but there are no dates, how many strokes will be made?

What if there is something to gain?

"Old lady, I don't have much face, and because Lao Yi did some things that caused misunderstandings with Silly Zhu, in the past, people didn't talk to us two. You have to come forward to deal with the letter of understanding. You are from our courtyard. Dinghai Shenzhen, there is nothing that you can't handle. If you take action, one can defeat two others. Do you think this is true?"

"A letter of understanding?"

The deaf old lady snorted coldly.

Look at Big Mom.

"According to your opinion, you can kill someone as soon as the letter of understanding is issued? Zhonghai committed the crime of beheading. He embezzled the person's living expenses for ten years. It counts as ten yuan a year. Ten yuan At the end of the year, I will have to pay 100 yuan, 100 yuan, do you think it is a small matter? A small letter of understanding can turn this matter over. What good things do you want?"

"If I hadn't said that you are the ancestor of our compound, the matter would have been solved at a glance." The aunt, who flattered the deaf old lady a little, moved towards the deaf old lady, "You have to come forward for the Zhonghai matter. .”

"It's easy to come forward, but it's difficult to solve the problem. This is because the police found clues. I asked you, why did you go to the post office every day in those days and there was shit under your buttocks? I asked you, you also said you were looking for waste newspapers and paper baskets. "

Facing the complaints from the deaf old lady.

The eldest mother could only smile.

"There is no way." The deaf old lady looked at the eldest mother and said word by word: "If you don't admit that this is the living expenses for the Silly Zhu brothers and sisters, just say that it is He Daqing's debt to you. The prerequisite is that There was no third witness present in this matter." (End of Chapter)

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