What the deaf old lady meant was obvious.

It’s about changing the nature of sending money in the mail.

As long as He Daqing is blamed for owing money, the withheld living expenses will become a repayment.

Repaying debts is justified.

Who dares to accuse Yi Zhonghai.

The only flaw in this solution is the presence of a third person.

This is the worry of the deaf old lady. What she said to the aunt was a double entendre. It not only meant asking about the inside story at that time, but also had the connotation of asking the aunt to deal with the witness.

The aunt who understood the meaning of the deaf old lady gave her a guarantee.

"Old lady, you can rest assured. Zhong Hai told me that when He Daqing discussed things with him, there was no third person present at all."

"My old lady thinks the same way. She ran away with the widow. After all, it will not be exposed to the light. It is impossible for a shrewd person like Zhong Hai to make himself unhappy."

"Old lady, I'm still a little worried. You said the matter is so big, what if people don't admit it? I'm actually just worried..."

The eldest mother thought for a while and expressed her worries.

They can claim the money is owed.

He Daqing could also say that it was the living expenses for Silly Zhu and the other two.

He Daqing is a good cook, but he is not short of money.

The neighbors probably didn't believe it when He Daqing borrowed money from Yi Zhonghai.

The deaf old lady smiled.

He glanced meaningfully at Auntie.

I said something in my heart.

Still have little knowledge.

"No one has proven that He Daqing borrowed the money from your family, and naturally no one will prove that it was for the living expenses of the Silly Zhu brothers and sisters. Don't forget, there is such a saying, red mouth and white teeth, without evidence, in fact, there is There are different opinions about the evidence. At least Zhonghai will not die. After thinking about it deeply, he might be released after a few days of detention. He Daqing's son and daughter-in-law live in our courtyard. His daughter has become a college student again, and Lao Yi's wife, Do you think this is true?"

"Old lady, I understand what you said, but." The aunt told Zhang Shihao about Zhang Shihao's visits to the neighbors in the courtyard these days, "Forget it, let me tell you the truth, these days, who brings The police officers from Lao Yi wandered around our courtyard for several days asking the neighbors about their affairs."

A deaf old lady sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

He immediately changed his face.

Everyone is conflicted.

Why didn't she know about such an important thing?

Although the deaf old lady seems to be stuck in the front door, she still knows a little bit about the law.

Side evidence.

The deaf old lady and the aunt came up with an excuse to borrow money, but as long as the neighbors proved the fact that He Daqing was not short of money, the basis for borrowing money would no longer exist.

Why do rich people borrow money?

Even if you borrow money.

There has to be a normal reason, you can't just borrow money just because you say you want to.

"What are you still doing?" Seeing that the eldest mother was still sitting in front of her in a daze, the anxious deaf old lady shouted to the eldest mother, "Go out and ask the neighbors, which police officer asked them what , what they said, come back and tell me."

"Okay, okay, I'll leave now." The anxious aunt stood up from the stool and walked outside. After walking a few steps, she turned back and asked the deaf old lady: "Old lady, what should I say?"

"Do you still need me to teach you? Just say that Zhong Hai has been arrested. You are worried about Zhong Hai's safety and want to save Zhong Hai. Please tell the neighbors to tell the truth and tell them whether something was wrong."

"What if they didn't say that?"

"Is it okay to kneel down and kowtow to them?"

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving now."


On the way from the courtyard to the police station.

Yi Zhonghai was thinking about it.

What a good plan, but something went wrong.

He was thinking about how to solve this matter.

Don't want to die.I also want to live well.

Yi Zhonghai must find a reason to highlight everything tonight.

He racked his brains and couldn't figure out why Zhang Shihao was the one who got the thunder and not the stupid couple who had been paying attention to Yi Zhonghai.

Then Zhang Shihao said that the crime they arrested Yi Zhonghai was that Yi Zhonghai withheld the living expenses that He Daqing mailed to Shazhu.

Sitting on the motorcycle, Yi Zhonghai had a head as big as a bucket.

to the police station.

I thought I would be interrogated on the spot.

But he didn't expect that Yi Zhonghai was left in the interrogation room, and nothing happened. No one paid attention to Yi Zhonghai at all, as if they brought back a piece of air.

Yi Zhonghai thought this was an insult to him.

Cheng Yaojin's three-axe.

Who doesn't know.

Do you really think that he, Yi Zhonghai, is an ignorant countryman?

Take advantage of this opportunity to think carefully about how to excuse yourself.

I was detained from [-]:[-] to [-] o'clock.

Still no one paid attention to Yi Zhonghai.

It's not like nothing. Some sneaky bastards were caught among them. During the interrogation, Yi Zhonghai was taken out and locked in a nearby room.

Except for the fact that the door is closed, Yi Zhonghai cannot leave, and there are no restrictions on his behavior in the house.


This is Yi Zhonghai's understanding of Zhang Shihao.

He took a lot of trouble to take himself out of the courtyard and handcuffed himself, but in the end he treated Yi Zhonghai like a fool.

Maybe not even as good as a fart.

If it's a stinky fart, people will be more or less disgusted with it.


next door.

Yang Jiguang looked at Zhang Shihao with a depressed look.

I really can’t figure out what kind of medicine Zhang Shihao sells in his gourd.

I just saw the posture of Yi Zhonghai being brought back, with handcuffs on, thinking that the next step must be to ask Yi Zhonghai how to withhold the money, but Yi Zhonghai didn't say anything, and the two sides battled wits and courage.

Waited for hours.

Yang Jiguang found that he had thought too much.

Looking at the expression on Zhang Shihao's face, it was clear that he was teasing Yi Zhonghai like a monkey.


Waiting a little impatient.

He patted Zhang Shihao on the shoulder.

"Old Zhang, you said that I am the special non-staff member tonight. You want me to watch a good show. You want me to watch the northwest wind. You caught him back. You should ask him. I have seen too many bastards. , if you don’t ask, he won’t tell at all.”

Zhang Shihao looked at Yang Jiguang.

He replied with a smile.

"I brought Yi Zhonghai back today, and I didn't plan to ask him, because I knew that even if I asked, this guy wouldn't admit it, and he would put all the blame on others. You said that if he bites He Daqing to death, what is the mail? It’s not the living expenses for Shazhu, but the debt owed by Yi Zhonghai, what should I do?”

Yang Jiguang made a gesture.

Zhang Shihao shook his head.

"Now there are regulations that prohibit this, so I have to scare the snake out. If Yi Zhonghai doesn't catch it, how will her wife move?"

"I understand. As soon as Yi Zhonghai's wife moves, there will be a clue." (End of Chapter)

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