Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 323 1 Auntie is in action, arresting Miao culture

Catching Yi Zhonghai was like trying to beat grass with a stick.Taking advantage of the fact that Yi Zhonghai was caught, Auntie was forced to move. It was a snake hiding in the grass.

After alerting the snake, he naturally followed the clues and finally forced Yi Zhonghai and others to take the initiative to reveal their flaws, and then they were arrested.

Yang Jiguang needs to be used here.

This is also the reason why Yang Jiguang was set up as a special personnel.

Zhang Shihao patted Yang Jiguang's shoulder with his hand and whispered a few words in a low voice.

Yang Jiguang's expression changed drastically.

Strictly speaking.

This incident was both within his expectation and beyond his expectation.

As Yang Jiguang's predecessor, Miao Wenhua had been sending He Daqing's remittance orders to Yi Zhonghai and his wife for ten years. It was impossible for him to be without any suspicion.

Heart to heart.

Think for a second.

Yang Jiguang, who succeeded Miao Wenhua, noticed something was wrong the day after Auntie asked him about the remittance slip, and told Zhang Shihao about it.

Miao culture is a human being, a living person. How can they pretend to be deaf and dumb about remittance orders for ten years!
being doubted.

Also within reason.

Both Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang suspected that Miao Wenhua was an accomplice of the gang that Yi Zhonghai intercepted money from.

Tonight is not only the day to arrest Yi Zhonghai, but also the day to arrest Miao Wenhua, and Miao Wenhua will be deliberately brought to the interrogation room for questioning in front of Yi Zhonghai.

I don’t believe that Yi Zhonghai kept his secrets to himself.

When the news of Miao Wenhua's arrest is properly released, the aunt who is disturbed by Yi Zhonghai's arrest will become an ant on the hot pot.

There are clues.

This is the core premise of the entire operation.

In order to make things smoother, Yi Zhonghai deliberately treated himself like a big stinker.


"Old lady, it's bad, something big has happened."

Following the deaf old lady's advice, the aunt who filled the courtyard to inquire about the news from the neighbors stumbled into the deaf old lady's room.

Perhaps because she ran out of strength, she collapsed and knelt in front of the deaf old lady, with a look of death on her face.

The truth gathered from the mouths of the neighbors.

It makes the aunt feel very confused.

going crazy.

In the past few days, the police officers who filled the courtyard asked the neighbors about what happened to He Daqing in the past, what his personality was like, what his family conditions were, and so on. They asked them one by one.

The neighbors all chose to tell the truth.

The fact that He Daqing was not short of money was revealed from the side.

The idea given by the deaf old lady to turn living expenses into arrears is fundamentally untenable.

Unless you can think of a reason that can convince the neighbors.

Looking at the aunt in front of him, the deaf old lady sitting on the bed, even thinking with his buttocks, he knew that something was not going as he wanted.

Yi Zhonghai wants to save.

She didn't want anyone to show her mourning.

"Why are you so worried? Tell me! What happened?"

"Old lady, the police were inquiring about He Daqing's previous affairs. They asked Jia and Zhang, saying that He Daqing was not short of money. Jia and Zhang said that He Daqing had been an actor in those years. He asked the third aunt about He Daqing's family background. The third aunt said that he was in a courtyard. As for the house of Lao He's family, it was bought in the year of the great change. The remaining neighbors still live in the houses of the steel rolling mill. It is said that He Daqing will not be short of money to spend, and his family is very rich. He..."

The eldest mother didn't get up in a hurry.

Kneeling turned directly into sitting.

He sat on the ground, raised his face, and told the truth to the deaf old lady.

Ask the deaf old lady to help make up her mind.

"Things are a bit tricky, beyond my old lady's expectation." The deaf old lady said, "But it's okay. The soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth. There will be no obstacle that cannot be overcome under the sun."

In the heart of a aunt.

There was some hope.

From what the deaf old lady said, there seems to be a solution.

She raised an eyebrow.

"Old lady, do you have any idea? Just tell me, I will do it."

"Tell me everything in detail, including what the neighbors said and what happened with you and Zhong Hai withholding the money. Tell me honestly." The deaf old lady threatened sternly. The aunt said, "I missed something. Just wait until Zhonghai collects the body. My old lady also suffered the fate of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person."

Time has passed so long.

The eldest mother reluctantly adjusted.

She looked at the deaf old lady and told her what she heard from the neighbors tonight and the events in the past. Why Yi Zhonghai withheld the money in the first place and how he withheld the money? I told you all about my attitude on this matter.

The deaf old lady heard this.

His face instantly turned livid.

"You guys, do things without thinking about the consequences. He Daqing is not dead, and Silly Zhu is fine. There is no way you can die without evidence." The deaf old lady said with hatred: "The police intervened, and it was another clue discovered by others on their own initiative. And the amount is huge, even if a small amount is returned to Silly Zhu, Zhong Hai will not be able to escape jail."

"Old lady, what you said makes sense. What happened has already happened, and we both regret it. The key now is that you can only save our family, Lao Yi."

"How much money does your family have?"

"Now I have three to four hundred in cash at home, and the remaining money is deposited in the bank. I can't withdraw it this late at night."

The deaf old lady frowned.

Based on her understanding of Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai's family had to save 2000 yuan in cash.

The result was only three or four hundred.

"After Zhonghai was promoted to the eighth-level worker, he received benefits, subsidies and wages, which was 100 yuan a month. Why is it just such a small amount of cash? When he was a seventh-level worker, the salary was more than 80 yuan a month."

"It's not because of those things about the Jia family. When Jia Dongxu died, Zhonghai gave 1000 yuan to Jia Zhang without telling me in order to let Qin Huairu remarry to Silly Zhu. After Jia Zhang got the money, she just agreed to Qin Huairu's remarriage. , Silly Zhu married Li Xiuzhi, and he never got the money back. As for Zhonghai’s salary, he made all kinds of mistakes in the steel rolling mill for more than a year. His salary was deducted every month, and he also bought Qin Huairu a job. The money is deducted every month, so it’s only about ten or twenty yuan a month, which is impossible to save.”

The aunt told the facts in a hateful tone.

Hate Yi Zhonghai.

Hate Qin Huairu.

All of this was caused by Qin Huairu. If Qin Huairu was not Yi Zhonghai's daughter, Yi Zhonghai would not have supported Qin Huairu with both money and material things.

Let yourself be discredited.

The steel rolling mill has become synonymous with bad streets.

In the courtyard, it became a rat crossing the street.

Tonight, I went to the police station again.

He didn't think about the reason at all. If he had given the money to Silly Zhu, he wouldn't have been caught tonight.

All in all.

It's all Qin Huairu's fault.

If Qin Huairu died, Yi Zhonghai would not betray Aunt Ma or plot against Fool for money. All the mistakes he made were all Qin Huairu's fault.After hearing Auntie's explanation, the deaf old lady couldn't say anything else. She knew that Auntia must still have cash at home, but she couldn't force her too much.

This idiom is counterproductive.

She still knows.

"Three to four hundred in cash, just calculate it as three hundred. Now you go to Liu Haizhong and ask him to help go to the streets to inquire about Lao Yi's situation. You will always say good things, right? Liu Haizhong is a big-hearted and brainless person, but he is also conceited. Bufan, he always thinks that his talents are not recognized, and he wishes he could find a factory director to act as a director. He doesn't even bother to look after himself. Are he qualified to be an official? He has always been unconvinced by Zhonghai's appointment as the manager. You speak softly on behalf of Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong. Nature is towards you.”

"Isn't the money for Yi Zhonghai?"

"There is an idiom, which is to prescribe the right medicine to the case. If Liu Haizhong wants to be an official, he will be praised. The 300 yuan is actually for Yan Fugui. Yan Fugui is a person who wants to covet any profit as big as the tip of a needle. Give him 300 yuan. Yuan Qian must make him crazy with joy, do you know how to give it?"

"Give it to him."

"How dare he ask for 300 yuan? Just say that Zhonghai has caused a lot of trouble to the neighbors in the courtyard for more than a year. During the days when the courtyard cafeteria was opened, Shazhu borrowed Yan Fugui's bicycle and used it. Treat the neighbors to a meal with 300 yuan, and ask Yan Fugui to do it for you. The money will also be in Yan Fugui's hands. You can then entrust Yan Fugui to hand over the hosting to Liu Haizhong. The remaining two stewards of the courtyard are equal to Everyone has benefited, as the old saying goes, the one who takes the person has a short hand, and the one who eats the person has a short mouth. After eating our food, some things will not be said."

Take a sip of water.

Moisten the throat.

The deaf old lady continued: "In a day or two, let Liu Haizhong help organize a compound meeting and write a joint letter of guarantee to Zhong Hai. Zhong Hai's character will be established."

"Old lady, I understand."

"Understood, why don't you hurry up and do it? It's not like you don't know the truth about long nights and dreams."

"You're right, I'll do it now."

"Come back, I still have something to say." The deaf old lady looked at the aunt with disgust, "Tomorrow you can find a way to get some bills, go door to door to deliver some to the neighbors, say something nice, and correct your attitude. Siheyuan's It’s not like you don’t know that these neighbors are not good things. They are greedy for money and unjust for profit. They give money but don’t dare to ask for it. They give tickets secretly. They will rush to hold it in their hands. I have you. Regarding the benefits of China Shipping, we must favor China Shipping.”


"After this incident, we must learn from tonight's lesson." The deaf old lady took a deep breath and said coldly: "When encountering something, you must treat it with caution, and you must not act rashly. Even if you do something, you must not act rashly." Got caught."

"What about Li Xiuzhi?"

"Li Xiuzhi is a street worker. She wants to have a good reputation. Moreover, this matter was not discovered by Silly Zhu and his wife. I'm looking for a good word to say to Silly Zhu and his wife."

"I understand, I'll do it now."

The aunt hurriedly left the deaf old lady's room.

Watching the aunt's leaving figure.

The deaf old lady was silent.

Without Si Zhu and Yi Zhonghai, his deaf old lady could still be the ancestor of the courtyard.

If Yi Zhonghai also folded in.

Who would even look up to a deaf old lady?
The deaf old lady has her own energy, but because there are some things that cannot be seen in the light, there is no way to bring them to light.

A tiger without claws is nothing like that.

for myself.

I can only abandon my aunt.

In this matter, there is a doubt that Aunt Ma has never paid attention to, and this doubt is Yi Zhonghai's only way to turn around in this matter.

One push two six five.


Put all the faults on the big mother's head.

In other words, Yi Zhonghai intercepted the shit basin that He Daqing mailed to Shazhu, and finally put it on Da Ma's head, and Yi Zhonghai completely stayed out of the matter.

After all these ten years.

It’s always the aunt who collects the remittance orders, and it’s also the aunt who exchanges the remittance orders at the bank.

Said he didn't know about it.

A past that can barely be explained.


Jia family.

Through the glass, I watched the aunt hurriedly enter the house and then hurriedly came out.

Jia Zhang felt a little unnaturally happy in her heart.

Yi Zhonghai was arrested.

This gave Jia Zhang a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

The mountain pressing on her head was gone.

Regarding the matter of the deaf old lady, Jia Zhang saw it very clearly. Without the support of Silly Zhu and the support of the manager Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady was nothing.

Just a moment ago.

This gave Jia Zhang an illusion.

That was the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai, whom she had been afraid of for more than half a year. In fact, she was just that, and she didn't have much ability in essence.

Otherwise, Yi Zhonghai wouldn't have been taken away obediently, and the aunt wouldn't have been like a headless chicken all over the courtyard looking for someone to make decisions, and she even said a few words to soften her mind towards Jia Zhang.

This time Yi Zhonghai suffered a heavy blow, and there seemed to be a new solution to Qin Huairu's remarriage.

The deaf old lady has ceased her activities. Who is still her opponent in the courtyard, Jia Zhang?

so many years.

There is also the deaf old lady with Yi Zhonghai as her backer, who can make Mrs. Jia and Zhang afraid.

Think more deeply.

Something happened to Yi Zhonghai. As Jia Dongxu's mother, Jia Zhang can operate in many places.

Countless words are summarized into one sentence.

She, Jia Zhang, will become the god of the courtyard.


Police station.

Yi Zhonghai, who was thinking a lot, was taken out of the room again.

He doesn't want to think about anything now.

Thinking is futile.

Zhang Shihao didn't pay attention to Yi Zhonghai at all. He simply regarded Yi Zhonghai as nothing, which made all the excuses that Yi Zhonghai had racked his brains to come up with completely useless.

It was as if the fist he had gathered all his strength to hit hit the soft cotton.

There is no specific effect.

How can this be good?

It was as if he had accepted his fate.

Yi Zhonghai followed a comrade dejectedly and walked out of the room honestly. The moment he raised his head, a faint expression appeared on Yi Zhonghai's silent face.

in the eyes.

There was a flash of undetectable panic.

Miao culture was arrested.

This was Yi Zhonghai's first thought. The Miao Wenhua that caught his eye was crestfallen, with a pair of shiny handcuffs on his wrists just like Yi Zhonghai did just now.

Under the escort of Zhang Shihao and Tang Dajun, they walked in from the outside. The two sides passed each other in the narrow corridor. Their eyes met in mid-air, then they lowered their heads again, and then Yi Zhonghai watched with helpless eyes. Zhu Miao Wenhua was taken to the interrogation room by them, and several comrades with notebooks under their arms also walked in. (End of chapter)

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