Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 325 Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi discuss reporting the deaf old lady

The deaf old lady in He Daqing's narration.

The background is sky-high.

In the year of great changes, many local gangsters went underground, but the deaf old lady could still stay in the courtyard as her ancestor.

The reason why Silly Zhu is so afraid of the deaf old lady is not only He Daqing's narration, but also the description of the fate of the deaf old lady in the script.

Silly Zhu clearly remembers that the outcome of the deaf old lady was stated in the script of "Qin Man".

She died of illness in the past seven years. After her death, her house was given to Sha Zhu, but because Sha Zhu licked Qin Huairu crazily, it eventually became the property of the Jia family.

Someone who can get away with being in a script.

Silly Zhu had to be afraid.

According to the content of the script, Liu Haizhong will suddenly rise in the next few years and become a profitable general under Director Li, serving as the captain of the workers' picket team at the steel rolling mill.

With the support of Director Li, the entire steel rolling mill was frightened. When they heard the words "bang haizhong", even the crying children did not dare to be naughty again.

Silly Zhu was caught by Liu Haizhong because he committed some taboos and was imprisoned in the security department of the steel rolling mill.

The neighbors in the courtyard were all afraid of Shazhu and regarded him as a scourge, fearing that Shazhu would harm them and cause them to be caught by Liu Haizhong.

Only the deaf old lady never left Si Zhu. On the night when Si Zhu was arrested, she smashed the glass of Liu Haizhong's house with a brick, then broke into Liu Haizhong's house and howled at Liu Haizhong at the top of her lungs.

Liu Haizhong asked Liu Haizhong where he had caught Sha Zhu, and asked Liu Haizhong to release Sha Zhu quickly, and said harsh words. If Liu Haizhong didn't release Sha Zhu, the deaf old lady would never finish with Liu Haizhong.

Liu Haizhong didn't dare to offend the deaf old lady, so he let Si Zhu out that night.

At that time, Liu Haizhong was one person below ten thousand people in the steel rolling mill, but just such a person was forced to let go by the deaf old lady.

It may be that the deaf old lady is there because of her age.

But Shazhu thought it was the background of the deaf old lady that scared Liu Haizhong.

A person who led Xu Damao to ransack Xu Damao's former father-in-law's house could make him fearful. How powerful his power would be.

A very important situation.

When the little devil was there, Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong and the others were already living in the courtyard.

He Daqing was very jealous of the deaf old lady, and it was not without reason.

The person that Silly Zhu and his wife are afraid of is also a deaf old lady.

According to the plan of the couple, they should have come forward in this matter, but it was Zhang Shihao who initiated the incident. This behavior put the Silly Zhu couple in a passive situation.

The initiative is not in your own hands.

My heart always feels empty.

Think this is a trap.

Silly Zhu feels this way, and Li Xiuzhi also feels this way, both of which feel unreal.

The scene where the aunt was wandering around the courtyard just now was caught in the eyes of the couple.

The door is locked.

The curtains are drawn.

The couple murmured quietly.

It was mainly Li Xiuzhi who was talking, and Silly Zhu played more of a listener role.

"Master, what do you think about us writing a letter of report against the deaf old lady and letting people from the department check it out?"

"Anonymous report?"

"Do you dare to use your real name?"

"I dare not." Silly Zhu looked at Li Xiuzhi and said, "The question is why should we report the deaf old lady?"

"What else are you reporting? Just make up a few excuses and that's it, isn't it?"

The words just came out.

Li Xiuzhi was stunned.

She looked at Shazhu in front of her and was stunned.

After marrying into the courtyard for more than a year, I knew that the deaf old lady was not a good person, and I also learned about the evil deeds of the deaf old lady in the past from the neighbors.

Such behaviors as ancestors in the compound, greedy and gluttonous, relying on one's elders and selling off one's elders, ganging up with Yi Zhonghai to run amok in the courtyard, pretending to be deaf and dumb when they disagree with each other, etc., are all done openly, but secretly, Maybe there are other activities that are invisible to people.

As an old man in the courtyard, Silly Zhu should know this.

Ask yourself the result.

Isn't this just plain funny?
With a look of disgust, he glared at Si Zhu fiercely.

"You shouldn't ask me about this."

Silly Zhu understood the meaning of Li Xiuzhi's words.

He patted his head with his hand, showing an expression of realization.

"My brain isn't working very well. Why am I asking you? You don't know this."

He moved his head closer to Li Xiuzhi.

The sound is very low.

"I know how to do it."

Regarding the deaf old lady’s reselling of grain.

Say it.

"The old lady in the backyard has been squandering food for the past few years. Let's start from this point and report the deaf old lady to her reputation as a five-guarantee household and do mischief outside, leaving her unable to eat."

"how do you know?"

Li Xiuzhi had already thought of something in her mind.

Before she married into the courtyard house, Shazhu was obedient to the deaf old lady's advice. He was called the deaf old lady's great grandson. He believed deeply in Yi Zhonghai and was called Yi Zhonghai's biological son, not his son.

In the courtyard, show off your power and show off your power.

With the support of the immortal deaf lady and the moral god, he became the prince of the courtyard.

I guess Silly Zhu is more or less involved in the deaf old lady's reselling of grain.

Pull out the radish and bring out the puree.

If the deaf old lady is caught, can she be safe if she is regarded as a fool among the deaf old lady's accomplices?
What's more, Li Xiuzhi is now the temporary acting clerk of the street, so she must be strict with herself.

"Don't tell me you were involved in this."

"I didn't participate. I did it behind the back of the deaf old lady."

Listen to the answer given by Silly Zhu.

Li Xiuzhi felt half-hearted.

How is this different from participation?
Carrying a deaf old lady with limited mobility to do such a thing is an even greater crime.

Melancholy filled Li Xiuzhi's heart.

If this matter is not dealt with, it will be exposed sooner or later.

Silly Zhu was not stupid. Looking at Li Xiuzhi's increasingly worried face, he guessed what Li Xiuzhi was worried about and said something that was an explanation.

"The deaf old lady had difficulty moving. Yi Zhonghai asked me to carry the deaf old lady out for a walk. Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui were both beside her at that time. Liu Haizhong also stood from Yi Zhonghai's point of view and persuaded me several times, asking me to respect her elders. Love the young, otherwise he would criticize me as the second steward. I listened to the three stewards of the courtyard and went out behind the back of the deaf old lady. What was wrong with me? Moreover, the deaf old lady was always asking for debts. "

"What if the deaf old lady bites you and tells you the truth?"

"It's cool. Anyway, I'm a complete fool. If you call me Silly Zhu and say that I was fooled, some people must believe it."

They say Shazhu is a bit silly.

In fact, beneath the honest appearance.

Smarter than ghosts.

At this time, the word "silly" is not a derogatory term, nor is it a curse word, but a synonym for sincerity, which means that you are a person who is not frivolous and is a human being.

Be an honest person, speak the truth, and do honest things.It is the benchmark for measuring a person's morality.

Silly Zhu said that he didn't know the inside story of the deaf old lady reselling food, and he could really explain it.

Otherwise, Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady would not be plotted together.

With the revelation of the sabotage of the blind date, everyone from the small courtyard to the large steel rolling mill knew that Yi Zhonghai had done something sorry for Silly Zhu, and also knew that the deaf old lady did not regard Silly Zhu as one of her own.

The matter of reselling food.

Make a big fuss.

It's really a life-threatening thing.

It has to be hidden from someone.

It is impossible for a deaf old lady to tell a fool something fatal.

This is equivalent to having a reason to excuse Silly Zhu.

"Be careful, don't be caught by someone else. If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about me."

"I'm thinking about you right now."


"I'm going to find some pen and paper."

Silly Zhu rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to search.

As soon as I opened the drawer, I heard a mother's voice calling the door.

"Zhuzi, Zhuzi's wife, I'm an aunt, can I come in?"

Silly Zhu straightened his back.

He turned his gaze to the door.

Through the dim light, I could vaguely see a figure standing at the door.

The weasel paid New Year's greetings to the rooster, but he didn't mean well.

Regarding the things that Yi Zhonghai did in the past that were sorry for Sha Zhu, all fools knew that Sha Zhu would not give him a good look. What happened again was that Yi Zhonghai was arrested for intercepting the money that He Daqing mailed to Sha Zhu. With just a few guesses, you can guess what Silly Zhu's attitude is towards Yi Zhonghai.

Change to someone else.

No more visits.

The aunt just did the opposite.

Silly Zhu instantly looked at Li Xiuzhi.

Li Xiuzhi was also confused. What she was thinking was different from what Sha Zhu was thinking. Li Xiuzhi was more worried about whether what she just said to Sha Zhu was overheard by her aunt.

Seeing Silly Zhu looking at himself.

I was confused, but I still walked towards the door.

The lights in the room were turned on and the curtains were half drawn. I must have seen Sha Zhu and his wife through the glass just now, and knew that Sha Zhu and his wife were not asleep.

At this time, turning off the lights and saying that he fell asleep was simply coaxing people to death.

Moreover, Li Xiuzhi also saw the scene where the aunt was all over the courtyard begging for help, and wanted to hear what the aunt would say and what was going on with them.

Know yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end.

to the door.

Use a little force.

The door of the room was opened by her.

The figure that caught his eye was an anxious aunt.

"Auntie, we're not sleeping, please come in."
As a street clerk.

It was destined that Li Xiuzhi couldn't get angry at Auntie.

He politely invited the aunt into the house.

This is a performance for the neighbors in the courtyard house.

The moment she opened the door, Li Xiuzhi was keenly aware of several pairs of eyes focusing on her.

Treat it as something you didn't see.

"Xiuzhi, I'm sorry to disturb you so late." The aunt who stepped in the door saw a red-covered book in Shazhu's hand. Her heart skipped a beat and nodded towards Shazhu, "Zhuzhu ,I'm sorry."


A dissatisfied snort came from his mouth.

Silly Zhu turned his head to the side.

He is not Li Xiuzhi, and he does not need to worry about the reputation of his neighbors.

Auntie also knew that she would not be liked by Silly Zhu when she arrived, but there was nothing she could do about it, and this was what the deaf old lady meant.

In order to save Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady did whatever she asked her to do.

"Zhuzi, I know that we have done something sorry for you. We thought about not coming to visit you, but we couldn't. How could I be Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law? I have not given birth to a boy and a girl to Yi Zhonghai for so many years. Let's Yi Zhonghai couldn't hold his head high in front of the neighbors. In order not to be wiped out, he made all kinds of calculations and evil plans."

The eldest mother was crying.

It gave Li Xiuzhi a faint resonance.

A woman who cannot give birth to a child.

She will be looked down upon by all sides, made things difficult for her by her father-in-law, bullied by her mother-in-law, manipulated by her sister-in-law, and beaten violently by her brother-in-law.

This is also the basis for Auntie to follow Yi Zhonghai's wishes in everything.

I felt that I couldn't hold my head high in front of Yi Zhonghai and had done something sorry for Yi Zhonghai.

"I cut off the incense of the Yi family. I can't helplessly watch Old Yi die while I cut off the incense of the Yi family. I know what I say is poking Zhuzhu into your heart, but I I still have to say it.”

Tearful eyes.

He looked at Li Xiuzhi.

"Xiuzhi, we are all women. Zhuzi doesn't know my pain. As a woman, you know more or less. I really can't help it. What should I do if there is something wrong with Lao Yi? I'll give it to you two. Kneel down.”

There was a "pop" sound.

The aunt knelt in front of Li Xiuzhi.

I'm worried that if word gets out, people will gossip about me.

Li Xiuzhi used all her strength to pull the aunt up from the ground.

"Auntie, what do you want to say? You tell me first!" Li Xiuzhi, who joined the street, has significantly improved her knowledge and experience compared to a year ago. "You can't just leave us alone without saying anything. Do you agree? If it's something good, we as a couple will definitely support it, such as you and your wife adopting a child. On the other hand, if something bad happens, like you two getting divorced or Yi Zhonghai marrying Jia Madam Zhang, even if you kneel down until tomorrow, we both cannot agree to such a thing."

The aunt was told by Li Xiuzhi.

It was a bit confusing.

What do you mean by divorcing me and marrying Jia Zhang? Why didn't you say Yi Zhonghai married Qin Huairu?

Looking at the serious Li Xiuzhi in front of her.

Open your mouth.

Make your purpose clear.

After meeting with the deaf old lady just now, the deaf old lady didn't know why, but she suddenly said a way for the aunt to seek Si Zhu's forgiveness overnight.

It can be regarded as a way to clean up.

He admitted that the interception of the money was a fact and sought help from Sha Zhu and his wife. However, the money was not the living expenses mailed by He Daqing to the Sha Zhu brothers and sisters, but the repayment of the money He Daqing owed Yi Zhonghai.

To use the words of the deaf old lady to describe it, as long as Shazhu personally admitted that He Daqing owed Yi Zhonghai a huge sum of money, and because the amount was too large to be repaid at once, he adopted the method of monthly repayment.

I paid off the debt of 250 yuan every day for ten years.

The aunt didn't think much, but she really took the method given by the deaf old lady as the truth. (End of chapter)

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