Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 326 Get out, you are not welcome in our home

I came all night to look for stupid pillars.

I just want to use Silly Zhu’s mouth to confirm the fact of arrears.

Save Yi Zhonghai’s life.

As long as the money that Si Zhu bites to death is not living expenses, but He Daqing's debt to Yi Zhonghai, the money interception incident will become a major matter and a trivial matter.

The supporting evidence is the thousand-yuan remittance note that Yi Zhonghai gave to Shazhu and his wife some time ago.

To summarize, I will borrow the original words of the deaf old lady who brainwashed the aunt.

If Yi Zhonghai really wanted to intercept the living expenses that He Daqing mailed to Silly Zhu's brother and sister for money, why would he not intercept the thousand-yuan remittance slip instead of intercepting the scattered money of ten or twenty yuan? In ten years, he would be exhausted. Just one thousand and two hundred and fifty yuan.

The aunt who was persuaded by the deaf old lady, after entering the door, started to cry and act pitiful. She kept talking about her difficulties, how she was wronged, how she was so angry, how she couldn't straighten her back in the Yi family, and let Yi Zhonghai How embarrassing.

In order to make Li Xiuzhi sympathize with her, she focused on the fact that women cannot have children.

I thought I would achieve my goal easily.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiuzhi foiled Aunt Ma's plan with just a few words.

The response of "You tell me first" made the aunt not know how to deal with it.

Looking at Li Xiuzhi in front of her, then at Si Zhu, she finally revealed her intention.

"Zhuzi, Zhuzi's daughter-in-law, how is Lao Yi? You all know who he is, and the neighbors also know that he is not the kind of person who has evil intentions."

The eldest mother was also anxious and confused.

I said some unthinking things.

If Yi Zhonghai is a good person, Aunta can say it in front of anyone, but she can't say it in front of Sha Zhu. Anyone in the courtyard is Yi Zhonghai's victim.

He calculated Sha Zhu's money and asked Sha Zhu to help support the deaf old lady, but his good reputation was lost to Yi Zhonghai, a hypocrite. People who didn't know the inside story used their praise on Yi Zhonghai.

In order to provide for his retirement, he teamed up with the deaf old lady to sabotage Si Zhu's blind date, trying to get Si Zhu to marry a woman who was grateful to Yi Zhonghai as his wife.

After Qin Huairu became a widow, Yi Zhonghai wickedly wanted to let his eldest daughter Silly Zhu marry a slutty widow with three children and a mother-in-law.


one piece.

These are not things that humans can do.

Silly Zhu's expression changed drastically in an instant, and he let out a squeak.

"Yes, yes, yes, Yi Zhonghai is a good man, a very good man, a good man who ruined my blind date, calculated my money and supplies, made me marry a widow, and made me homeless."

The aunt paused on the spot.

His hand subconsciously covered his mouth.

He looked at Silly Zhu aggrievedly.

A wry smile.

"Zhuzi, it's not what you think. I know that our Lao Yi has done something sorry for you, but it has already happened, so we can't hold on to it, right? You also beat your uncle several times, so this matter should be done It’s time to turn the page, if you feel angry, hit me until your anger subsides.”

"You are not welcome in our home, get out."

Silly Zhu really didn't save face for Auntie.

He pushed the aunt out of the house forcefully, and the door was slammed shut by him.

In the quiet courtyard.

The sound of a mother crying and shouting could be heard.

"Dad, Mom, I am Yulan, I am sorry for you, I am sorry for your old Yi family..."

Everyone said that if something happened to Mr. Jia and Zhang, they would call Lao Jia and Xiao Jia to come up and talk to you. Unexpectedly, the eldest mother was also such a person. She didn’t call Lao Jia and Xiao Jia, but Lao Yi’s parents. She didn’t let them know. Lao Yi's parents came up to take Silhu away, but instead expressed their dissatisfaction, saying that they were sorry for Lao Yi's parents and that the Yi family was extinct.

It's obviously none of the neighbors' business.

But the neighbors all came out.

Looking at the aunt in front of her who was comparable to the Jia Zhang family, the expressions on her face were mixed. The gene in the Chinese people's bones that likes to sympathize with the weak was stimulated to the maximum at this moment. She felt that Silly Zhu had gone too far. Just now Neighbors who were fetching water from the water faucet in the middle courtyard told the story again, hoping to watch the excitement and not take it too seriously. They said that Auntie went to Sha Zhu's house and she didn't know what she said and was pushed out by Sha Zhu. .

Guess with your toes.

I can also make a rough guess.

When Zhang Shihao kidnapped Yi Zhonghai, he said harshly that Yi Zhonghai had withheld for a long time the living expenses mailed by He Daqing to the Shazhu brothers and sisters.

Shazhu, with his rain, lived a precarious life with no food left, and the neighbors all saw this. Replace them.

It has to be like Silly Pillar.

But the sight of the crying aunt in front of her really made the neighbors hate her.

An inability to have children ruined the reputation of the Yi family, and made the neighbors feel infinite sympathy for the aunt. Thanks to the current environment, if we push it forward 20 years, a woman who cannot have children will not be able to have children. , it will be returned by the husband's family, and it cannot be returned to the parents' home, and the parents' family will not want it.

Most people have gone through that period.

I really hate my aunt.


It was Yi Zhonghai who did the thing, what does it have to do with Aunt Ma?

One moral deity fell down, and countless moral deities stood up.

A bunch of people.

It was categorically said that Sha Zhu did not respect the elderly, and some people used the fact that Li Xiuzhi worked in the street as an excuse. They bluntly said that Sha Zhu's behavior of pushing out the aunt was Li Xiuzhi's behavior to discredit the street.

Everyone was chattering away.

They are all accusations against Silly Pillar.

Even Liu Haizhong, who was thinking about how to be a good steward of the quadrangle in the backyard, was alarmed and appeared at the scene of the incident with his hands behind his back and a pace of [-] to [-].

First, he gave some words of reprimand to the aunt.

"Daughter-in-law Lao Yi, why are you crying so late at night? What are you calling for? Do you think you are Jia Zhang?"

Jia Zhang's expression froze.

It’s none of my business.

Why did you mention my name?

She glared fiercely at Liu Haizhong.

"Si Zhu, are you here? Come out and talk. Let's take a look at what you did. What is this thing? Respecting the old and caring for the young is the tradition of our courtyard house."

Facing the stupid pillar in the room, he said a few words in the bangs, and then started to tell Li Xiuzhi in a soft tone.

"Xiuzhi, why don't you come out too?"

A tone of discussion.

"After all, Auntie was pushed out of your home. Let's explain clearly what happened in front of the neighbors. One is one, and two is two, right?"

in the crowd.

A pair of vigilant eyes could not help but look back and forth on Liu Haizhong, Da Ma, Sha Zhu and the others.

The master of the gaze.

She is a sidekick who has no name at all in the courtyard. Her surname is Pian and her name is Chunhua. She is not a woman, but an old man with a beard.

He was given a special order by Zhang Shihao.


Whatever happened in the courtyard, what some people said, and what they did must be reported to Zhang Shihao in detail.

In return.

Zhang Shihao will send some bills to the other party.

It's nothing important, just two pounds of local stick noodles.

If done well.

These two kilograms of stick noodles will be directly turned into stick noodles.

For this bit of food.

Pian Chunhua paid close attention to the situation in front of her as much as possible. He also felt that there was something unusual about the eldest mother, and thought this was a sign of his meritorious service and receiving an award.

According to Zhang Shihao's instructions, let him focus on the deaf old lady.

Pian Chunhua looked around the courtyard, but was surprised not to find the deaf old lady. (End of chapter)

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