Pian Chunhua, who didn't see the deaf old lady, cast his eyes on Liu Haizhong, wondering if there was any handwriting from Liu Haizhong in this matter.

After all, there are many things going on in the courtyard.

The three stewards have always advanced and retreated together.

I feel it is necessary to help Zhang Shihao keep an eye on Liu Haizhong.

I don’t know that I have already been included in the blacklist of Pian Chunhua.

I really regarded myself as an onion.

He shook his head and said: "Shazhu, Xiuzhi, you come out, in front of you, let's have a good talk, talk about it, and see how the matter can be solved."

Liu Haizhong wanted to lift Auntie up from the ground with his own hands.

It's just that the aunt didn't give him face, and she slumped on the ground like a stubborn donkey. The harder she pushed her bangs, the less she wanted to get up, and she repeated the words she just said again. repeat.

Liu Haizhong saw that he had no way to get Da Ma, so he also gave up his thoughts, released his hand holding Da Ma's arm, and started talking to Silly Zhu and his wife.

Mainly for Silly Pillar.

Li Xiuzhi was deliberately ignored by Liu Haizhong.

Big and small kings.

He can still tell the difference clearly.

"Second uncle, you are now the main person in charge of our courtyard. I will give you face. The neighbors are also here. In front of the big guys, let's speak clearly to avoid spreading it and saying that I, He Yuzhu, bully others and that my wife takes advantage of her power to bully others. .”

Silly Zhu took a breath.

He explained the whole story clearly to the neighbors present.

Just when the neighbors were recalling it.

Silly Zhu suddenly raised his voice.

"They all commented on me. Yi Zhonghai sabotaged my blind date behind my back and said bad things about me in various aspects. This is one of the reasons. Second, he encouraged me to take care of the old lady in the backyard with both money and things. I didn't even think about it. My wife is a five-guarantee household, does she need me to take care of her? What should I take care of? I take care of the old lady’s food and drink, where is the old lady’s food rations?”

Li Xiuzhi finally knew the supplies that the deaf old lady was reselling.

How did it come about?

The co-author is Vampire Silly Pillar.

"Yi Zhonghai and his wife have been taking care of the deaf old lady for so many years. They have a good reputation, but I have done actual work. Am I, He Yuzhu, the co-author, a big fool?"

The people around him nodded silently in their hearts.

Yi Zhonghai really fooled Sha Zhu into thinking he was a fool. Under the guise of the neighbors in the courtyard helping each other, he engaged in blood-sucking and plotting against Sha Zhu, using Sha Zhu as a spare chess piece for his old age.

If Silly Zhu had been smarter, he wouldn't have been tricked by Yi Zhonghai until now.

Then again.

Silly Zhu is also a fool.

If he hadn't been tricked by Yi Zhonghai in all aspects and delayed marrying a wife in the city, he would never have become Li Xiuzhi's man.

Married for over a year.

Li Xiuzhi's reputation as a virtuous person has already rushed out of the courtyard and towards the streets.

Li Xiuzhi's good reputation as a virtuous daughter-in-law is praised everywhere in Hongxing Street.

Qin Huairu, the widow of the Jia family, cannot be compared with Li Xiuzhi.

The reputation of being unwilling to cut off her pigtails has already made Qin Huairu notorious for thousands of years. He has become a widow. He still has big pigtails that only grown-ups wear. What do you want to do?

The beautiful little widow with specially long hair is a super topic in itself.

They are all coming here.

Who doesn't know who?
The virtuous Li Xiuzhi contrasts with the shitty Qin Huairu. Neighbors often say this in private, saying that Yi Zhonghai is smart but his cleverness makes him misunderstood, which makes Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai become mortal enemies.

A mother was pushed out.

Deserve it.

He still has the nerve to cry in public.


Everyone wants to hear what Silly Zhu can say.

Encouraging Silly Zhu with his eyes.

Flirting to the blind man, in the dark environment, the stupid Zhu was so angry that he had no extra energy to pay attention to the neighbors' attention to him.

He expressed his views emotionally and told some of Yi Zhonghai's past scandals.

This was also the result of Li Xiuzhi's discussion with him just now.

Auntie wanted to win the sympathy of the neighbors by pretending to be pitiful and weak, but Silly Zhu used the things that Yi Zhonghai had planned against him to poke fun at Auntie.

"I have two ancestral houses in the courtyard, and I work as a cook in the steel rolling mill. I earn 40 to [-] yuan a month. Even if I can't marry a girl in the city, I can still marry a yellow girl in the countryside."

Silly eyes.

Looking at the aunt who was still crying.

"Everyone in the neighborhood knows that because Yi Zhonghai and his wife have no children, they are worried that they will be deprived of their family in the future. They plan to let me provide for them in their old age. People who know me well know that I have a straight heart and can't hide things in my heart, so I rush to the house. When He Daqing left me and Yuyu, and Yi Zhonghai gave me two steamed buns, how could I not support them in their old age? It was just a pair of chopsticks. At worst, I could add an extra ladle of water to the pot when cooking, and everything. ”

Yan Fugui snorted in his heart.

Silly Zhu said it nicely.

Add an extra ladle of water.

What Yi Zhonghai wants is the kind of pension that he can do whatever he says. Yi Zhonghai has the final say on what he eats and drinks. He even has to be the patriarch of Sha Zhu, controlling Sha Zhu’s life after marriage and who he associates with. As a friend, Yi Zhonghai would have a hand in whatever he did.

The kind of pension that Silly Zhu mentioned was not the kind of pension that Yi Zhonghai wanted at all.

Yi Zhonghai doesn't want to look at other people's faces to earn a living.

Yan Fugui guessed that Silly Zhu had seen the essence of Yi Zhonghai's old-age care. He said this deliberately, which was equivalent to putting Da Ma on the fire. Everyone knew that Yi Zhonghai had done some unethical things to offend Silly Zhu, and there was Zhang Shihao. Call out that Yi Zhonghai was caught withholding Si Zhu’s living expenses.

A aunt pretending to be pitiful.

Silly Zhu's accusation was broken.

Yan Fugui's eyes instantly moved from Sha Zhu to Li Xiuzhi. As the third uncle, he knew a little about who Sha Zhu was and what his character was. He was a reckless man who did things without considering the consequences.

Such philosophical and logical words should not come out of Silly Zhu's mouth.

I'm guessing whether Li Xiuzhi taught me.

Marry Li Xiuzhi.

It was like smoke was rising from the ancestral graves.

"But Yi Zhonghai plotted against me and tricked me in every way. My aunt came to our house just now. She didn't say anything as soon as she entered the door. She asked me and my wife to forgive them and promise them something. If it were the neighbors who were present, , the enemy came to the door and asked you to agree to his unsaid request regardless of it. Can you agree? I am too lazy to complain to my aunt. I asked her to go out, but she refused to leave and stayed in our house. I pushed her out. , am I wrong?"

The wind direction at the scene.

It changed all of a sudden.

The change was in favor of Silly Pillar.

The neighbors who stood and talked without pain in their backs took the opportunity to teach the aunt a lesson.

"Si Zhu is right, you can't blame Si Zhu."

"How can you still have the nerve to come to your door? If it were us, we would just find a piece of tofu and hit him to death." (End of Chapter)

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