Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 329 1 Auntie bites her to death. That’s the debt, not living expenses.

According to the neighborhood's perception, Auntie should completely deny that He Daqing mailed remittances to Yi Zhonghai, refuse to admit it, and kill Zhang Shihao for accidentally arresting Yi Zhonghai.

A very simple truth.

Only a dead duck with a tough mouth can have the possibility of explanation.

Otherwise, Yi Zhonghai has only one dead end.

Even Si Zhu and his wife, who were standing in the crowd, thought so.

Unexpectedly, things turned out unexpectedly.

I thought that the aunt would deny the money order, and tried her best to beautify it all. From the old bangs to the small ones, she misunderstood everything.

The aunt admitted about the remittance order.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly solidified. Many people were wondering what the motive behind Auntie's actions was. She couldn't possibly want to run away with the Yi Zhonghai family's property.

Think about it.

There is such a possibility.

The old saying goes well.

Husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

Yi Zhonghai is dead. With Yi Zhonghai's savings, it is really possible for Auntie to marry a nice old man and continue living her small life.

Thinking of this, the expressions on the faces of the neighbors were suddenly full of strangeness. They looked at the aunt one by one, waiting for her response.

It's a mule or a horse.

You have to pull it out.

Seeing that the neighbors were looking at her, the aunt told Yi Zhonghai the excuse the deaf old lady had given to escape.

"We, as a couple, have not fallen to the point of telling lies in the courtyard. One is one, and two is two. We often say this, what is false cannot be true, and what is true cannot be false. The neighbors must have been thinking just now, I wonder why I didn’t acknowledge the remittance order.”

Big Mom's voice.

Unnaturally improved.

She wants to use her loud voice to show her confidence.

"It's true, I admit it. It's not true, and I definitely won't admit it. In front of the neighbors, Zhu Zhu and his wife are also here. I want to make the matter of the remittance note clear and save the neighbors from their wild thoughts. , saying that Yi Zhonghai was not a good person and withheld the living expenses mailed by He Daqing to the Zhuzhu brothers and sisters."

See the picture poorly.

What a big mom means.

It was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

speak up.

The interception is still not recognized.

In the last sentence, "Yi Zhonghai is not a human being and intercepted the living expenses mailed by He Daqing to the Zhuzi brothers and sisters." Even a fool knows what Auntie is going to do.

Silly Zhu wanted to know how Auntie could clear Yi Zhonghai's name in this situation, or what excuse she could make up to convince the neighbors.

Under his concerned gaze.

The eldest mother slowly spoke.

"No matter how human or bastard our family is, Lao Yi knows that there are some things that can be done and some things that cannot be done. When He Daqing left the capital for Baocheng, Zhuzi was 16 years old and Yuyu was six years old. Although it is said that 16-year-old children can stand up to their own family. In fact, he is just a furry child without even full hair. Neighbors often describe him as hairless and unable to do things well. He lives a hard life with one meal and no next meal. If the living expenses are mailed to them, , was intercepted by our Lao Yi, this is a murderous business. If he does this, I will not let him go!"

"Hey!" Yan Fugui, who didn't want to interrupt, sighed, "Auntie, stop talking. The neighbors all saw what happened at that time. I remember Yu Yu kept crying because of hunger, and Silly Zhu took Yu Yu with him. After picking up rags for a while, I reluctantly changed to a steamed bun. I couldn't bear to eat it myself, so I gave it to Yu Yu, who ate less than half of it. He said he was full and let Silly Zhu eat it. It's our neighbors who feel guilty."

The atmosphere of the scene.

It became very depressing in an instant.

I feel like I can't even lift my head.

During the time when He Daqing ran away, Shazhu and Yu Yu depended on each other. In another compound, two children without parents would have to help take care of them anyway.

The Red Star Courtyard is better.

Everyone is afraid of it.

For fear of being stuck by the Silly Zhu brother and sister.

That period of time can be regarded as the most memorable period for Shazhu.

A warm little hand suddenly slipped into his palm.

He turned around and looked around and found that it was Li Xiuzhi.

Silly Zhu smiled at Li Xiuzhi, said it was okay, and then focused his eyes on the aunt again.

By dim light.

I found that the aunt's face looked a little uglier than before.

Silly Zhu quickly understood the reason. What Auntie said just now was nothing more than taking the opportunity to highlight Yi Zhonghai and her morality, and to use morality to smooth over the matter of withholding the money. However, because of Yan Fugui's words, It reminds the neighbors of the hard days that Shazhu and Yuyu lived.

Once it can't be washed away.

This is the evil done by Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai estimated that he would be drowned alive by the spittle of the neighbors.

In order to put aside the bad past, the neighbors will deal with Yi Zhonghai harder. The more they deal with Yi Zhonghai, the more innocent they appear.

Seeing Silly Zhu here, he suddenly wanted to cry, but also wanted to laugh. He said a few words to smooth things over and ease the atmosphere at the scene.

After all, I still want to hear what the aunt is talking about.

You have to let the aunt speak out.

The eldest mother didn't think too much, just followed Silly Zhu's words and continued to tell lies.

"The neighbors who watched the show must be very confused after watching the show. Since the living expenses were not mailed to Si Zhu and his sister, then why did He Daqing mail money to our family? I didn't want to say this at first, but I couldn't do it without saying it. We can’t just watch our family, Yi Yi, be deducted from his living expenses and end up in a state of infamy.”

Take a breath.

I looked at the neighbors present.

"The money He Daqing mailed to our Lao Yi is a debt owed to our Lao Yi."

There was an uproar at the scene.

among the surrounding crowd.

From time to time there was a sound of gasping for air.

I guess they were all frightened. Young people may not know, but older people know a little bit that the He family is the leading wealthy family in the courtyard.

The reason is He Daqing's cooking skills.

Otherwise, where would He Daqing get the money to win the role?
I heard that I went to listen to Boss Mei's show, and I even sat in the front row. When I heard something exciting, I casually threw Dayang out and said it was a reward.

This shows the generosity of He Daqing.

He subconsciously thought that it was impossible for He Daqing to borrow Yi Zhonghai's money.

On the other hand, Yi Zhonghai borrowed He Daqing's money and it was almost the same.

There has never been a case in the Siheyuan where the rich took care of the poor and borrowed money.

Because borrowing is also in vain.

What the aunt said is highly questionable.

Looking into the expressions of the neighbors, the aunt sighed secretly in her heart, knowing that the neighbors did not believe it, but it was just that the matter had come to this point, and she had also said that she wanted to borrow money. Even if the neighbors doubted it again, they would have to grit their teeth and deal with it. He held on forcefully.

"I know that the neighbors don't believe it. To be honest, I don't believe it either, but it is indeed true. Neighbors, please think carefully about why He Daqing mailed the money to us if he hadn't borrowed the money from our family. Lao Yi, why don't you mail it directly to Zhu Zhu? At 16 years old, he is already an adult! Mail it to our Lao Yi, and then ask our Lao Yi to hand it over to Zhu Zhu. Isn't this taking off his pants and farting? If it were me, I would definitely not do this. The neighbors won’t do things like this with so many procedures. Isn’t this the truth?”

Some neighbors were nodding.

This is in recognition of what the aunt said.

If you think about it carefully, there is a certain logic in it.

My son is fine, so instead of mailing it to my biological son, I mail it to my neighbor. This is not stupid.

Logically it doesn't make sense either.

It can't be explained by the reason that Silly Zhu is 16 years old.

What doesn’t a 16-year-old know?
"Our family, Lao Yi, had a conflict with He Daqing. There was a estrangement between them. How could we mail money? If it were you, how dare you mail money to your enemy?"

Because of the position of the steward of the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing had conflicts. At first, the steward was He Daqing, but later, for some unknown reason, it was changed to Yi Zhonghai, and then He Daqing followed the widow to the bailiff. Things happened in the city.

Before this incident, Yi Zhonghai had several conflicts with He Daqing. According to rumors, He Daqing was planning to sleep with Jia Zhang.

A bachelor.

a widow.

Perfect match.

But Yi Zhonghai didn't know what was going on. He seemed to have taken a liking to Jia Zhang and was planning to get involved with Jia Zhang behind Aunt Ma's back.

In order to compete for the famous fat woman in the courtyard, the two fought many times overtly and covertly.

The aunt told this as a reason to persuade the neighbors.

"The two Zhuzi brothers may not know about the things about our Lao Yi and He Daqing. Lao Liu, Lao Yan, and Jia Zhang all know it. Even if He Daqing wants to entrust someone to take care of the Zhuzi brothers and sisters, he can't entrust it to his enemies. Besides, No matter how wicked we are, we can’t do the same thing as starve the two Zhuzi brothers to death. We have no children, and we don’t even have time to see our children. How can we force our children to go to a desperate end?"

He changed his tune.

Youyou sighed.

"The neighbors are probably even more confused now. Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing are enemies, so how did they borrow this money? Are you telling lies? Listen to my explanation! This is what happened!"

Big Mom's voice.

ringing in the ears of the neighbors.

"The neighbors in the courtyard all know that Xu Damao and Zhu Zhu don't get along. Our Lao Yi and He Daqing are the equivalent of Xu Damao and Zhu Zhu. I remember that the bald head was still there at that time. One night, around three o'clock in the middle of the night, someone knocked on the door. I thought It was a scoundrel who came to cause trouble, and later I found out that it was He Daqing who knocked on the door."

The aunt kicked the ball to Yan Fugui.

"The third uncle also knows about this. During that time, the city was in chaos, and gangsters were everywhere. For the safety of the property of the neighbors in the courtyard, the door was locked at around nine o'clock in the evening. It was He Daqing who knocked on the door forcefully and asked The third uncle helped open the door and he came in."

His heart can be punished.

In an attempt to use Yan Fugui to confirm the truth of borrowing money.

Unexpectedly, Yan Fugui is smarter than a monkey.

Seeing Auntie suddenly mention what happened that night, I instantly guessed what Auntie was thinking.

He cursed a few times.

Use words to block the aunt's escape route.

Yan Fugui didn't want to get involved in the matters between Sha Zhu, Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing. On the one hand, there was no benefit, and on the other hand, if things went wrong, people would die.

He is not Liu Haizhong, and he has no thoughts and ideas about becoming an official.

"It was indeed He Daqing who knocked on the door that night, followed by people from the security team, but I don't know what happened. I just locked the door to the compound again after 10 minutes. "

"Old Yan, that night was the night that He Daqing borrowed money from our family. We are not afraid of embarrassment. Anyway, our family's Lao Yi's life is important. We all know that He Daqing is a big spender. He has held the role of an opera singer and rewarded three or four times a day. A bag of flour costs [-] cents. Think about it, is He Daqing short of money? He is not short of money, but he did borrow money from our family that day. Why did he borrow money?"

The eldest mother increased her tone.

He Daqing was labeled as visiting the eight major alleys.

"He Daqing's wife died early, and she died just after the rain was full moon. It was He Daqing who fed the rain with corn paste, which is also the reason why the rain is lucky. Otherwise, there would be no college students in our courtyard."

"It's business, it's business to borrow money."

"Listen to what the second uncle said, let's get down to business. He Daqing was alone with no women around him and had nothing to do at night, so he went to Chuihua Building, ordered the popular number one card, and then had a conflict with a bully named Tu Sanpao. "

"Tu Sanpao, he was shot."

"This is what happened before Tu Sanpao was shot. He beat He Daqing and didn't say anything. He also forced He Daqing to write an IOU and pay 50 yuan in cash. He didn't have so much money. Most of the neighbors in the courtyard None of them are rich, but I heard that our family, Lao Yi, had sold the land and house in the countryside, so he searched for them overnight and even wrote an IOU."

“What’s going on with the money transfer?”

"He Daqing didn't have the money to pay back, so we talked for a few days and delayed until he followed the widow to Baocheng. He mailed ten yuan a month, sometimes 20 yuan, and it took ten years to pay back the money he lent to our family. "

The expression on the aunt's face.

He became aggrieved, and his tone became one of praising Yi Zhonghai.

"The money sent by He Daqing is true, but it is not for the living expenses of the Zhuzi brothers and sisters, but to pay back the debts owed by our family. I don't know how it spread that our family's Lao Yi withheld the living expenses, causing trouble with the police. He also arrested Lao Yi. I found Zhu Zhu at that time just to make this matter clear. After all, the story about He Daqing visiting Bada Hutong was not very nice. I didn’t expect Zhu Zhu to resent what our Lao Yi did to him. , before I could say these words, he pushed me out."

The expression on the face.

It turned into an expression like I was thinking about He Daqing’s face.

What's more, you don't accept my kindness.

"This is what happened. I explained it clearly in front of the neighbors and Zhu Zhu and his wife. The neighbors in the province are suspicious. If possible, I hope Zhu Zhu can come with me now. At the police station, let’s explain the matter clearly to them. It’s not living expenses, but a loan. Let them release Lao Yi and delay it until tomorrow. Maybe some bad gossip will spread.” (End of Chapter)

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