Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 330 There is no proof, but do you have an IOU?

See the picture poorly.

The eldest mother finally showed her fox tail.

She was going to ask Silly Zhu to follow her to the police station to bail Yi Zhonghai out.

He had no intention of resolving the matter at once, so he just blamed Yi Zhonghai for doing something immoral to Sha Zhu. Sha Zhu would not easily let go of this rare opportunity to deal with Yi Zhonghai.

If it were a aunt in the position of Silly Pillar, she would have to do the same thing.

This is a trick to kill with a borrowed knife.

The reason why she said so.

It's just a matter of trying to make some gains if there are no dates.

It became.

Yi Zhonghai came out safe and sound.


does not matter.

According to the instructions of the deaf old lady, the neighbors in the courtyard are all evil spirits who are eager for your misfortune and want to spread rumors in every aspect.

Simply use the mouths of the neighbors to tell what happened in the courtyard tonight, and confirm the fact that He Daqing borrowed money from Yi Zhonghai.

As long as the fact of borrowing money is confirmed, it is not a crime to withhold living expenses.

The pressure was instantly put on Si Zhu.

The neighbors present all looked at Sha Zhu intently, wondering whether Sha Zhu would really go to the police station to take Yi Zhonghai back to the courtyard as his aunt had told him.

I saw the neighbors waiting for me to express my opinion.

Silly Zhu shook his head helplessly. He knew that Yi Zhonghai and his wife would not give in easily and would fight to the death.

It is better to die than to live.

to live.

Yi Zhonghai and his wife can do anything, including making up lies.

The excuses given by the aunt were impeccable and her logical thinking was clear. She kept insisting that this was borrowing money.

The reason for borrowing the money was that He Daqing was competing with Tu Sanpao for the top spot in Chuihua House, and was blackmailed by Tu Sanpao for a large amount of money. When he couldn't get the money together, he asked Yi Zhonghai to borrow fifty yuan from Xian Da Yang.

Due to the large amount.

We are in that special period again.

He Daqing, who followed the widow to Baocheng, adopted a monthly repayment method, paying ten yuan this month and twenty yuan next month. It took ten years to pay off the loan.

It's dead without any evidence.

Silly Zhu remembers clearly that after Tu Sanpao died and the army came in, Tu Sanpao continued to be arrogant and domineering, bullying the neighbors, and was shot to death even though he was killed.

It's equivalent to no more suffering masters.

As for the people in Chuihua Building, there is no hope. After these people were educated, they lived their own lives incognito.

If you want to find a person involved, you can't find one.

Unless, like in the fairy tale, a spiritual master can summon the ghost of Tu Sanpao and ask about the situation at that time, whether He Daqing really borrowed the money.

Otherwise, Si Zhu would admit it even if he didn't recognize it, and it would have no effect if He Daqing came back to confront Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

Yan Fugui proved that he indeed opened the door to He Daqing that night. The neighbors knew that He Daqing stayed in Bada Hutong.

It's fair to say it's fair.

The mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law is reasonable.

There is only one way to start a war of words. In a hurry, the deaf old lady can serve as the third witness for He Daqing to use Yi Zhonghai to discover the ocean.

Silly Zhu's helplessness also comes from this.

Don't know how to deal with it.

Xu Damao, who was watching the show in the crowd, saw Sha Zhu's frowning face under the dim light. His heart instantly became extremely miserable. He felt that he should stand up for Sha Zhu, so he intervened.

"Auntie, you said that He Daqing lent money to your family because of Tu Sanpao, so he really lent money to your family? Unless you can come up with an IOU."

The speaker has no intention.

The listener is interested.

Shazhu, who was worried about not knowing what to respond, took the olive branch from Xu Damao and gave Xu Damao a "thank you" look.

Xu Damao raised his head, as if you are stupid and have to rely on me, Xu Damao.

So what if I marry a beautiful wife.

Why don't I, Xu Damao, come to your rescue?

Silly Zhu was not in the mood to pay attention to Xu Damao's little thoughts. He asked Aunt Ma in a serious manner: "Auntie, although Xu Damao is full of tricks, he is unreliable and talks nonsense."

Xu Damao's face.


Good guy.

If you want to praise me, praise me. Why do you want to add the sentence "Full of tricks, unreliable and unreliable" in front of it.

Is he praising me, Xu Damao?
  You bastard who harms others without benefiting himself, thanks to me I still come to your rescue.

"Xu Damao's words are on point. You just said that our old man has a grudge against your Yi Zhonghai and they don't want to deal with it. In this case, borrowing money is nonsense. No matter who it is, it will be useless. You have to be careful. You really have to take out this IOU. If you get fifty yuan in cash, you can buy a quadrangle with half a yard."

Just now Xu Damao suddenly mentioned borrowing money.

The eldest mother felt a little unhappy.

Feel like things are going to be worse.

But because of her quick thinking, when Silly Zhu asked Aunt Ma about the IOU, Auntie had already thought of an excuse in her heart. As for whether the neighbors believed it or not, it didn’t matter. The important thing was that she had to give it as quickly as possible. In response, any hesitation, hesitation, no answer, or late response will be suspected by the neighbors, making them disapproval of the explanation given by the aunt for borrowing money.

This is not good.

It's not even the result the aunt wants.

As soon as Shazhu finished speaking, Aunt Ma gave the answer based on the draft she had made in her heart.

"It stands to reason that there should be an IOU. After all, it was a matter of getting fifty yuan into the ocean. But the situation at that time was extremely tense, and Tu Sanpao was urging us. We first lent the money to He Daqing, and asked He Daqing to give Tu Sanpao the money." The debt has been cancelled, and the neighbors don’t know who Tu Sanpao is."

"So there is no IOU?" Silly Zhu's tone was a bit ridiculing, "There is no IOU. You touch your upper lip to your lower lip and say He Daqing lends you fifty yuan in cash. This thing is a bit unreasonable, thanks to He Daqing now. I mailed the money to you. If there is no mailed money and you are asking me for it, should I give it to you? Give it to me. There is no IOU and I don’t know whether it is true or not. If you don’t give it, it will appear that I have become a beast and refuse to accept my debt.”

"Tulu Sanpao was still armed at the time. If he hesitated for a moment, He Daqing might have taken someone else's gun."

A mother backhands the shit basin without an IOU.

Buttoned it on He Daqing's head.

I saw that the neighbors were doubtful.

He quickly added something.

"Although there is no IOU, it is true that He Daqing has been mailing money. I still said what I just said. The money He Daqing mailed is evidence that he lent money to our family. If it is for living expenses, why not mail it to you directly."

"Xu Damao." Silly Zhu saw Xu Damao hiding in the crowd and kept winking at him. With the thought that I would be in trouble and you, Xu Damao, would also be in trouble, he directly ordered Xu Damao's general, "Do you believe this?"

"Only a ghost can believe it. If I really followed Auntie's wishes, I would have said that you Silly Zhu owes me a bicycle." Xu Damao accidentally fell into Silly Zhu's plan and gave his opinion without thinking. He confidently asked Shazhu to buy him a bicycle, "If you give me my bicycle back, it must be a Feige brand bicycle."


who won't.

Add fuel to the fire.

Being immoral.

Xu Damao said first, who dares to say second?

"Auntie, you've seen it too. What you said is ridiculous. Without an IOU, I can't follow your wishes and go to the police station to bring Yi Zhonghai back. We have to believe in people. If Yi Zhonghai is fine, then he is fine. But if something happens, something will happen." "Zhuzi, I'm worried that your uncle won't be able to hold on."

"First Mom, you are worried about the Second Uncle, and Silly Zhu has nothing to do, unless someone can prove that all this is true, such as Tu Sanpao."

"Tu Sanpao is dead, where can I find him?"

"Silly Zhu, Tu San Pao."

Xu Damao looked straight at Silly Zhu.

He found that Shazhu had really forgotten Tu Sanpao.

He pointed at Silly Pillar with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Where did your nickname of Silly Zhu come from? Isn't it Tu Sanpao who caused the trouble? You were selling buns on the street, Tu Sanpao led the rebels to snatch your buns. When you came back, the buns were not lost. Your father said that you It’s silly Zhuzhu, have you forgotten this?”

"Does this have anything to do with borrowing money?"

"it does not matter."

"It doesn't matter. You mentioned him?"

"I asked you not to forget Tu Sanpao." Xu Damao suddenly focused his eyes on Jia Zhang with an ecstatic expression, "Isn't it just Tu Sanpao's matter? We have a great grandma here. Ah, Grandma Bangge needs to take action on this matter."

Everyone around was in an uproar.

All laughed.

not stupid.

I know the meaning behind Xu Damao's words.

Jia Zhang also has a nickname in the courtyard, the Summoner of the Undead. A few years ago, when she got angry, she would call Lao Jia to stand up for her from time to time. As Jia Dongxu got older, he was worried that Jia Dongxu would not be able to marry a wife, so he gradually gave up this bad practice. Following the death of Jia Dongxu, there were rumors of remarrying Qin Huairu in the courtyard, and Jia Zhang, the undead summoner who had been silent for many years, came online again.

A few days ago, I called Lao Jia and Xiao Jia, saying that I would take those who have ill intentions towards the Jia family's widow downstairs to have a chat and show them the majesty of the Jia family.

"Xu Damao, what are you talking about? Don't you know that we are cracking down on these things recently?"

"Second uncle, I'm not talking nonsense. I think Grandma Banggeng can really help with this matter. In the past, Grandma Banggeng would either call Lao Jia or Xiao Jia. What's wrong with helping Tu Sanpao? First of all. Ask Lao Jia and Xiao Jia if they have seen Tu Sanpao down there."

"Okay, stop talking, let's break up the meeting." Liu Haizhong was worried that if he continued talking, he would send Jia Zhang down below. As the second uncle in charge, he hurriedly announced the end of the compound meeting, "Everyone has gone home."

The neighbors dispersed one after another.

Silly Zhu also returned to his home with Li Xiuzhi one after another.

Just about to close.

A humanoid with a big tail came in from outside.

Astonishingly, it was the turtle grandson Xu Damao.

"How did you get in?"

"Why can't I come in?"

Xu Damao didn't regard himself as an outsider at all. He sat down on the stool and saw that Silly Zhu was still standing there stupidly, looking at him with a questioning expression of disbelief.

Wave your hand.

"Silly Zhu, why are you standing there? Pour me some tea."

"We don't even have boiled water. We still need tea. What time is it? I don't want to sleep."

"Let's talk."

"What are you talking about?"

"We can talk about anything, and there is nothing we can't talk about."

"You two don't meet, but if you do, I'll get you some water."

Li Xiuzhi took the big teapot and went to fill it with water.

I don’t know if there is no boiling water in the thermos.

In the end, the big tea vat in my hand turned into a half bottle of Erguotou.

Xu Damao took out a small bag of peanuts wrapped in brown paper from his pocket and drank with Sha Zhu.

The two of them ate together.

while chatting.

Talk about women.

Mainly because Xu Damao said that Silly Zhu and his wife were the audience.

According to the statement given by Xu Damao, he actually wanted to marry Liu Yufeng. He was extremely secure and could maintain a calm attitude towards Xu Damao's mess.

However, the family members disagreed. Xu's father, Xu's mother, and Xu's sister all agreed that Xu Damao should marry Lou Xiao'e, the daughter of Lou Bancheng, the shareholder of the steel rolling mill.

Xu Damao is quite conflicted.



Deaf old lady's house.

Ever since Liu Haizhong announced the end of the courtyard meeting, the aunt hurriedly came to the deaf old lady to report what happened in the courtyard.

It was different from what she expected.

The expression on the face of the deaf old lady was exceptionally calm, and she did not become excited because Silly Zhu used the IOU to deny the loan.

From start to finish.

There was an expression of indifference on his face.

The deaf old lady can remain indifferent.

But the aunt can't.

On the way to the backyard just now, I overheard a complaint from a neighbor, saying that Yi Zhonghai had probably cut off Hu Zhu's living expenses, otherwise Auntie wouldn't have put all the evidence on the dead man, and said that Yi Zhonghai It’s impossible for Aunt Ma not to know about China Shipping’s withholding of money.

Couple for many years.

Sleeping in the same bed.

More or less know the truth about some money.

He said that if Yi Zhonghai died because of this incident, Auntie would probably die as well.

Don't want to die.

want to live.

This is the root knot.

I want to make an idea with the deaf old lady.

I'm afraid she doesn't know that all this is a trick of the deaf old lady. In the plan of the ancestors of the compound, this matter was done by the aunt. Yi Zhonghai has no idea at all. The reason why he doesn't tell is because he wants to protect the aunt from the thunder. .

The persona of a good man who would do anything for his wife was established.

For today's plan.

It was to make Yi Zhonghai have the same idea as him.

Deliberately hanging the aunt like a fisherman.

Realizing that the fire was almost done, he raised his eyelids and spoke.

"You, you are in your early fifties, why are you so unsteady when doing things? After holding a courtyard meeting, you will run to my old lady and make irresponsible remarks. You are too anxious to eat hot tofu. There are some things that must be done. Take it slow."

"Old lady, I'm anxious too."

"I know you are worried about Zhong Hai. What is true is true and what is false is false. You go back now and have a good sleep. Early tomorrow morning, my old lady will go to the police station in person to find a way to meet Zhong Hai and listen to what he means. Pay attention , you can’t come forward casually. You are a couple and have a relationship. My old lady is also a five-guarantee household, and she is an outsider who has nothing to do with Zhonghai. Those people should not stop me and prevent me from following See you in China." (End of chapter)

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