Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 331 In order to survive, Yi Zhonghai shirks the blame

As Zhang Shihao's insider placed in the courtyard.

Pian Chunhua reported everything that happened in the courtyard to Zhang Shihao that night.

I heard that the eldest mother suddenly described the mailing living expenses as repayment, and even gave the so-called witnesses of Tu Sanpao and Chuihua Loutou Da Yuer.

Zhang Shihao felt confident instantly.

Cases of withholding money.

If things go wrong, the case can be closed tonight.

It was a pleasant surprise.

The starting point for the high-profile arrest of Yi Zhonghai tonight was that there was no evidence to prove all this, so we had to use a plan to scare the enemy away and force the other party to take action. By arresting Yi Zhonghai, we forced some people to make a fuss, and then something happened. Got clues.

Things were indeed as Zhang Shihao expected, and there was a witness to testify to all this.

Tu Sanpao is dead.

But Da Yuer, the top star of Chuihua House, did not die.

At that time when the poor people in Bada Hutong were being renovated, Da Yu'er, the top star of Chuihua House, entered a textile factory after studying for more than half a year and got married as a textile factory worker.

Outsiders don't know where Dayu'er is.

Zhang Shihao knew it.

He led people to the courtyard overnight and blocked the aunt who had just come out of the deaf old lady's house in the backyard at the door. As He Daqing and Tu Sanpao competed for Da Yu'er, the sign on the top of the Chuihua building, He Daqing was forced to borrow it from Yi Zhonghai. Regarding fifty yuan found in the ocean, a second inquiry was made.

After getting the exact answer from the aunt, I asked the aunt to sign and stamp the confession and press the red thumbprint.

The neighbors in the courtyard were also called out one by one for questioning. At the courtyard meeting just now, these people had heard what Aunt Ma said and had to be witnesses.

Facing Zhang Shihao.

Don't dare lie at all.

Regarding the argument that Auntie had with Silly Zhu and his wife, as well as the remarks that Auntie gave about borrowing money, the bald Sanpao, the big Yuer of the Chuihua Loutou brand, etc., he swore to make a promise, and put it on the bangs With the help of the steward, they put their fingerprints on the confessions one by one.

After doing all this, Zhang Shihao took people back to the police station.

Liu Haizhong, who had been specially warned by him, turned to the neighbors present with a hundred and twenty percent excitement and said a few words that were just out of his head, such as harmonious courtyard houses, military-civilian cooperation, and the inability to tell lies, etc. wait.

Stop talking.

He walked into his home shaking his head.

He pulled off his belt and beat Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu violently.


Big Mom's house.

Ever since Zhang Shihao left with his people, Aunt Ma became uneasy.

I always feel like something bad is going to happen.

The dangers of twitching eyelids.

It frightened her.

I walked around the table a few times, feeling uneasy, so I came out of the house and walked towards the deaf old lady's house in the backyard. After entering the house, I saw the deaf old lady and told me my worries.

"Old lady, please give me an idea. What if this happens..."

At that time.

It's a wise act of desperation.

I had no choice but to come up with such an excuse, and even gave the names of Tu Sanpao and the top leader Da Yu'er, thinking that there would be no proof, but when I thought of Zhang Shihao's identity, I felt as if I had done something wrong.

Everything is afraid of an accident.

In case of uncontrollable accidents.

A mother's words have become synonymous with lies.

Borrowing money also becomes a withholding of living expenses.

This is a fatal thing.

After listening to the aunt's story, the deaf old lady didn't know what to say, so she comforted the aunt with a few words and asked her to go home and sleep, saying that if she had a good sleep, she would be fine the next day.

How can I sleep with everything on my mind?

The eldest mother simply didn't go home and stayed with the deaf old lady in the backyard.


Red Star Police Station.

Zhang Shihao, who came back from the courtyard, raised his confession to several leaders, made a victory gesture, and ordered Yi Zhonghai to be brought to the interrogation room.

The money-withholding drama.

To stage a climax.

must be taken seriously.

Zhang Shihao interrogated Yi Zhonghai personally. Next to him sat two deputies, one responsible for supervision and one responsible for recording.


There are related processes.

After Yi Zhonghai was brought in, Zhang Shihao pointed to the stool and asked Yi Zhonghai, who was already sitting on it, to sit down.

It's a bit unnecessary to take off your pants and fart.

Yi Zhonghai didn't show any trouble at all.

When he was brought here just now, he had a fight with Miao Wenhua. Both sides saw each other, and there was a hint of shock in their eyes.

Yi Zhonghai was shocked and Miao Wenhua was handcuffed.

Miao Wenhua was shocked that Yi Zhonghai was brought here, and wondered if there were some missing links in his answer just now.

to be frank.

Although Yi Zhonghai was full of anxiety, he also maintained some composure.

I was in another room at that time.

He thought about a lot of excuses for himself, thinking that as soon as he was interrogated, he would quickly complain to others and prove his innocence.

Sitting on the stool, thinking about how to speak, he heard Zhang Shihao asking him to sit down. Without thinking much, he subconsciously replied.

"Comrade, I have already sat down."

On second thought.

I have already spoken. If I don't strike while the iron is hot, I would be sorry for myself.

He kept saying that he was innocent, and in order to prove the importance of his words, he brought up his unpopular title of eighth-level worker.


Workers are in charge.

Senior workers are the overlords among workers.

Revered by countless people.

"My name is Yi Zhonghai. I am the steward of the Red Star Courtyard. I have done a lot of things for the neighbors. I am a worker in the steel rolling mill. Last year, I was awarded the eighth grade of the steel rolling mill during the steel rolling mill employee competition. I have the honorable title of being a worker, and I still have a big tea vat at home as a reward from the factory. We workers have always been responsible for our duties and do things honestly. It is impossible for me to do such illegal things."

"You mean we were wrong?" Zhang Shihao broke Yi Zhonghai's defense as soon as he opened his mouth. Yi Zhonghai was speechless and didn't know how to respond to Zhang Shihao's question.

After being silent for a while, he finally came to his senses and said something to beg for mercy.

"Comrade, I don't mean to say that you are wrong. I just think that you have misunderstood or that you are trying to catch a bad guy with the same name as me. I know that your work is relatively difficult. To be honest, we are also working hard. , there are slogans on the realization of the four modernizations hanging in the factory, calling on us to march towards the modernization of the courtyard, without wasting any time. If anything happens, let’s discuss it, and I can go back to work in the factory, that’s what it means.”

"Without evidence, we won't catch you here." Zhang Shihao knocked on the table and unnaturally increased his tone, "Do you understand?"

"I understand."

Yi Zhonghai racked his brains to think about it.

The cause of the matter.

very clear.

Money brings trouble.

He had known about this before. What he was not sure about now was how much Zhang Shihao knew, whether he had met his aunt, or what he had said to him after meeting his aunt. If the answer he gave could be compared with If the answer given by the aunt is consistent, there will be no errors.

I'm just afraid that the two of them are talking about different things.

This would bring them both together.

Not worth the candle.

"Does He Daqing know?"

"I know, our neighbor in the courtyard followed a widow named Bai to Baocheng in 51. I despised him. I didn't want my son or daughter. He ran away with the widow. Who is he? At that time, I was stupid. Life with his sister was not good, but I took care of them."

Yi Zhonghai looked like he was asking for credit.


"The fact that He Daqing ran away with the widow has nothing to do with it. If we don't talk about it, we will just talk about mailing the money."

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

Mentioned throat.

He knew the important play was coming.

"You say."

"Why did you withhold the living expenses mailed by He Daqing to the He Yuzhu brothers and sisters?"

"No, I gave the money that He Daqing mailed to Shazhu, a total of [-] yuan. Shazhu didn't want it at first, but I also persuaded Shazhu, saying that this is not your money, Shazhu alone. There is Yu Yu, saying that Silly Zhu can’t make decisions for He Yu Yu, so he has to ask Yu Yu what he means.”

"What I'm talking about is not this, but the scattered remittances from before. On the fifth of every month, the remittances were mailed from Baocheng to Beijing. The payee was you, Yi Zhonghai, and the remitter was written as He Daqing. , sometimes it is ten yuan, sometimes it is twenty yuan, don’t think about denying it, we are giving you a chance now, we are saving you, we have obtained the testimony of He Daqing, he proved that it was mailed to He Yuzhu, brother and sister My living expenses have been withheld by you. You are committing a crime, do you understand?"

Zhang Shihao slapped the table.

Taking advantage of the situation, he placed some confessions with red handprints on the table.

Grab it in your hand.

He raised his head towards Yi Zhonghai.

"This is the testimony, do you want me to show it to you?"

Yi Zhonghai had countless similar thoughts floating in his mind.

Admit it.

They obtained He Daqing's confession and sought leniency.

Lest the body die and the Tao disappear.

But the moment the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly realized that there was a possibility of exculpation in this matter, and shook his head.

"I don't know about the remittance order. If you ask me now, I'm still confused. I just received a remittance order from He Daqing. It was the large amount with the figure of [-] yuan written on it. Remittance slip. I was still wondering why He Daqing mailed the money to me, and I had to hand it over to Shazhu. Instead of doing this, why not mail it directly to Shazhu? I handed the remittance slip to Shazhu that night. Comrade, you Think about it, I am an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill and the steward of the courtyard. I have a certain consciousness and cannot do such immoral things."

Zhang Shihao did not expect that Yi Zhonghai would deny all this.

Pushing the envelope that he didn’t know about it.

He couldn't help but squint his eyes.

"If I get greedy, I won't give the remittance slip for [-] yuan to the Silly Zhu brothers, and they might not know about it. I gave it to them, which shows that my character can withstand the test."

Use the reason that you are not short of money.

Excuse yourself.

Yi Zhonghai now had an idea, to put the matter on Auntie's head and let Auntie die.

"When I was an eighth-level worker, my salary was less than [-] yuan a month. When I was a seventh-level worker, it was more than [-] yuan, and when I was a sixth-level worker, it was [-] yuan. We have no children, so we have no shortage of money. And He Daqing is doing well. Silly Zhu is also fine. When they meet each other, they know everything. In this case, if I withhold other people’s living expenses, I am asking for trouble. I didn’t withhold Silly Zhu’s living expenses, and I don’t know about this either. thing."

Yi Zhonghai cherishes Yi Zhonghai who wants his mother to resist the thunder.

Now I have a reason to kill.

He doesn't know anything.

In order to convince Zhang Shihao.

Don't hesitate to make up all kinds of lies.

"From 51 to now, I have always been the technical backbone of the factory. I am indispensable for the technical processing work in the factory. I go to work in the morning and do not come back at noon. I have lunch in the factory and come back from get off work in the evening. Tiandu It's dark and busy with the affairs of the neighbors in the courtyard. I really don't know about He Daqing's mailing of money."

"So, this matter was all done by your wife Li Yulan from beginning to end?"

"It's not that she did it by herself, but we have a division of labor. She is responsible for things at home, and I handle things outside the home. She never told me about the remittance order, and I didn't know about it. If you don't believe it, ask the Miao postman to see if I, Yi Zhonghai, took the remittance slip from him. If so, I will admit everything. He should be shot or buried alive."

During the interrogation of Miao culture just now.

A very important piece of evidence was obtained.

In the past ten years, the person who received the remittance slip from Miao Wenhua has always been an aunt. At the bank, it has always been an aunt exchanging the remittance slip. Yi Zhonghai said that he did not know about this and could barely explain it. of pass.

Zhang Shihao thought for a moment and casually asked Yi Zhonghai a few non-question questions. What was the situation in the courtyard, what was the situation in the steel rolling mill, and why not adopt a child? Just when Yi Zhonghai relaxed his vigilance, Zhang Shihao quickly I asked him a question.

"Has He Daqing ever borrowed money from your family?"

Yi Zhonghai was not given any time to think about it.

It's nothing more than being caught off guard.

What Zhang Shihao didn't expect was that after he asked Yi Zhonghai the question, Yi Zhonghai quickly gave the answer.

"I borrowed money, but it was still a big sum of money."

Zhang Shihao looked at the watch on his wrist.

Sixteen seconds.

From the time he asked the question to the time Yi Zhonghai gave the answer, only sixteen seconds passed.

too fast.

It was so fast that Zhang Shihao was shocked.

Apart from the real answer, it seems that the only explanation is that they discussed it in advance.

"How many?"

"Fifty dollars are now in the ocean."

The numbers are not bad, they are exactly the same as the numbers given by the aunt, and the money is clearly stated. It is not a first edition coin, but a current coin.

"Why are you borrowing money from your family? I have read your family's information, and it says that you are an ordinary urban citizen. If your family has fifty yuan in the ocean, you are a wealthy family."

"Some of the property in my hometown, no more, no less, was sold for fifty yuan, and I wanted to hand it over to the organization, but because it was borrowed by He Daqing, the matter was not done. However, I have been doing it all these years. He is the production pacesetter in the factory." (End of chapter)

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