Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 332 Knowing the end of the road, Aunt 1 exposes the secret of the past

Although Yi Zhonghai was completely consistent with the answer given by his eldest mother on the matter of finding the ocean for fifty yuan, when some facts were placed in front of him.

The hypocrite realizes that he has thought something wrong after all.

Who would have thought that Zhang Shihao found an important witness who could prove that Auntie was lying.

Da Yuer, the head of the Chuihua Building in Bada Hutong.

In the end, it was proved that the story given by Yi Ma that He Daqing fought with Tu Sanpao for the number one oiran Da Yuer in Chuihua House, and that He Daqing was blackmailed for fifty yuan and had no money to borrow money from Yi Zhonghai, was false. Lies are a aunt deliberately deceiving people.

Under the double banner of forging family backgrounds and committing gang crimes to deduct people's living expenses.

Yi Zhonghai collapsed.

I don’t dare to act like a monster anymore.

In order to survive, he put everything on his mother's head, saying frankly that it had nothing to do with him, and that he was also a complete victim.

And because of the evidence given by postman Miao Wenhua and bank teller Zhao Tianshao against Aunt Ma, Aunt Ma became the culprit of this incident.

After spending a whole night's work, I finally found out these things.

After reporting to the leader.

Zhang Shihao took Yi Zhonghai back to the courtyard on a three-wheeled motorcycle at [-]:[-] the next morning, when everyone was going to work.

Lively courtyard house.

It became silent for a moment.

Neighbors who were either going to the toilet or calling their children to get up and get dressed came out of their houses one after another and looked at Yi Zhonghai who got off the motorcycle without saying a word.

Thinking about the whole story.

Why are people back?

Is it identification or something else?

Some neighbors believed that this was the place where Yi Zhonghai was brought to the Siheyuan to accuse the hypocrite of his crime. Some neighbors felt that it was not that Yi Zhonghai was pointing out the crime, but that Yi Zhonghai was let out without cuffs on his hands.

Just when everyone was thinking about it.

The aunt who saw Yi Zhonghai coming back through the glass hurriedly ran out of the house. She was so anxious that she didn't even put on her shoes. The aunt ran to Yi Zhonghai in three steps and two steps, grabbed Yi Zhonghai's hand, and said, He cried and said a few words.

"Old man, are you okay? I knew you were okay. It's impossible for our family to do such immoral things as withholding people's living expenses. I knew it was the comrades who made a mistake. Don't worry, they will restore your reputation."

"Li Yulan?"

Zhang Shihao’s questioning voice.

The neighbors at the scene felt like they had been given a wake-up call.

His eyes subconsciously focused on the aunt.

I thought about how the matter had something to do with Auntie. If Auntie was innocent, people wouldn't call Auntie's name in public.

I remember the character of Auntie in Siheyuan. She was the kind of person who had no say in the family, obeyed Yi Zhonghai's advice, and took care of the deaf old lady in the backyard.

Is it going to overturn?
  "Comrade, this is my wife Li Yulan. If you have any questions, ask her." Yi Zhonghai pointed at Li Yulan and sighed, "It's because I didn't educate her well that she did the trick of withholding other people's living expenses behind my back." I act like a master in charge of things."

"Lao Yi, you are no longer the steward of the courtyard. I, Liu Haizhong, am the steward. This was the decision of Director Jia of the street after you were taken away by Comrade Zhang Shihao last night."

Yi Zhonghai was taken aback.

Well stuff.

I was stripped of my title of chief steward.

That's not bad.

The courtyard is one-third of an acre of land owned by Yi Zhonghai. Without the title of steward, who will care about Yi Zhonghai.

On second thought.

What happened last night was such a big fuss that even Yi Zhonghai himself felt that he was going to die. It was reasonable for Director Jia to replace him with someone else as the manager.

What level of bangs.

Yi Zhonghai knew.

Regarding the matter of regaining the throne of the chief steward of the courtyard.

Have very strong confidence.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the neighbors and felt that it was necessary to explain the situation, so he followed up on what he had just said and said a few words.

"Yulan, I didn't expect you to be such a person. How could you do such a thing? It was the living expenses mailed by the Qing Dynasty to the Shazhu brothers and sisters. You actually intercepted the living expenses mailed by the Qing Dynasty to the Shazhu brothers and sisters behind my back. Are you still a human being for the living expenses of the two of you? What is the difference between you and an animal by doing this? Are you still worthy of being my wife, Yi Zhonghai? Why did I, Yi Zhonghai, marry such a vicious wife like you? Is that living expenses? That is fate. Fortunately, Si Zhu and his sister are fine, otherwise I would not close my eyes even if I died."

A mother immersed in the joy of Yi Zhonghai's return.

It was like being splashed with cold water.

The whole person was stunned for a moment. It was as if someone had stuffed an alarm bell into her brain, and then she was hit many times with a stick, making a buzzing sound.

He subconsciously moved his steps back a few steps.

Put as much distance between her and Yi Zhonghai as possible.

He cast his eyes on Yi Zhonghai, looking at Yi Zhonghai's kind and hypocritical face, and his eyes filled with indignation towards her, there was something else that Auntie didn't know.

By now.

How could she not understand the truth of the matter? It was not nothing, but something was wrong, and it was a life-threatening matter. Yi Zhonghai put everything on his own head.

The body softened.

Almost fell to the ground.

this moment.

She finally understood what Yi Zhonghai was like.


This is asking me to help him fight lightning.

"Yulan, if you withhold living expenses, you will withhold living expenses. If you know your mistakes, correct them. There is no such thing as good. No one is a sage, and no one can do anything wrong. Just explain it honestly and strive for leniency."

Yi Zhonghai's voice sounded in Aunt Ma's ears.

It was a tone that sounded like righteousness and annihilation of relatives.

"What nonsense are you making up? You said that He Daqing and Tu Sanpao were competing for the top spot in Chuihua Building in Bada Hutong. He Daqing was blackmailed. When he couldn't get the money, he found us and borrowed fifty yuan from us. The money is now a lot of money, and they say that the money is now saved by me, Yizhonghai, from selling land and property. I, Yizhonghai, don’t have much money, I am just an ordinary city citizen, where can I find [-] yuan now?”

I saw the figure of the deaf old lady in the backyard appearing in the distance.

Yi Zhonghai knew what he was going to say.

He changed his tune.

"In order to deceive the big guy, you made up lies. The sky is wide and the network is vast. Comrade Zhang found Da Yu'er and asked, and everything became clear."

This is tantamount to telling Auntie the truth.

Of course.

Yi Zhonghai didn't just want to say this.

She also wants to take the opportunity to refresh her character and show off her highlights. "Last night, after I was arrested at the police station, I didn't understand it at first. I thought it was Comrade Zhang who made a mistake. After all, I only handled one remittance slip, and I gave it back to Shazhu. I thought how could He Daqing make a mistake? The remittance slip was mailed to me, Yi Zhonghai. Later, I saw Comrade Zhang asking the postman Miao Wenhua. Miao Wenhua said that the remittance slip was always Yulan and you were picking it up. The bank teller Zhao Tianshao proved that it was you who was exchanging the remittance slip. No matter how I fight for you, I can't do anything. I can only say, hey, I can't say anything anymore, it's my fault, it's my fault."

"Are you going to fight for me?" Auntie sneered and looked at Yi Zhonghai with a sarcastic face, "Didn't I fight for you? Do you dare to say that you didn't know about this?"

"Yu Lan, what are you talking about? At that time, I thought that if I admitted all this, you would be fine. But all the evidence pointed to you, and I couldn't help you fight against the thunder. Please tell me, What are you thinking? How could you do such a thing? Am I, Yi Zhonghai, still a human being? I am a beast."

Yi Zhonghai raised his hand.

He slapped himself three times.

Great strength.

Visible to the naked eye.

His cheeks turned into pig heads.

In order to perform the bitter meat trick, he also risked his life.

"Zhong Hai, this matter has nothing to do with you. This is all the evil done by Yulan alone. Last night, she wandered around the compound and tricked the neighbors into helping to prove it. She just wanted to drag the neighbors to die together. No If you believe it, Comrade Zhang should ask the neighbors if this is the case."

The words of the deaf old lady.

became the straw that broke the camel's back.

The aunt suddenly had an epiphany.

I know why the deaf old lady asked me to do those things, and why she had that sly smile on her face when Zhang Shihao was gathering evidence in the courtyard.

Co-authorship is waiting for myself here.

The eldest mother suddenly felt that she was worthless. She had worked hard to serve the deaf old lady for so many years, but she didn't expect that the deaf old lady was giving in to her.

"Old lady, you will not end well. I, Li Yulan, said you will not end well."

As if she had accepted her fate, she said a few cruel words to the deaf old lady, and then admitted that she withheld the living expenses mailed by He Daqing to the Silly Zhu brothers and sisters.

It doesn't work if you don't admit it.

Post office Miao Wenhua and bank teller Zhao Tianshao were witnesses. They had never dealt with Yi Zhonghai.

"I cut off the living expenses that He Daqing mailed, but the amount was not one thousand two hundred yuan, but a full three thousand yuan. On the day when He Daqing ran away with the White Widow, he was worried that Silly Zhu and the others would not be able to survive, so he gave me one thousand yuan. Eight hundred yuan, let me transfer it to Shazhu, and I also pocketed this money."

"Li Yulan, are you crazy?"

Yi Zhonghai's voice.

It showed his impatience at this time.

people on site.

It’s all clear.

There is no such thing as [-] yuan in living expenses, it's just a aunt talking nonsense.

It's just that Auntie was the party involved in withholding the money, so she said this in front of the neighbors, and there was a self-confession to admit the crime before.

The yellow mud fell off my crotch.

Not shit.

It's also shit.

This money must be handed over no matter what.

Many people became jealous.

Silly Zhu got [-] yuan in vain.

The widow of the Jia family, who was hiding in the crowd, looked directly at Silly Zhu, wishing she could snatch Silly Zhu's money into her arms, three thousand yuan, this is three thousand yuan.

I cursed the aunt a few times in my mind.

In Jia Zhang's eyes, Bangge was the son of Yi Zhonghai's apprentice Jia Dongxu. Yi Zhonghai had no son and was a poor family. Naturally, she had to rely on the Jia family for her pension.

Yi Zhonghai's money is also the Jia family's money.

The rest of the people pretty much thought the same way.

As soon as the money was intercepted, Shazhu became a wealthy household worth three thousand yuan in the courtyard.

"I'm not crazy, I'm fighting for leniency. When He Daqing left the money, he said that he would never come back in this life, and asked me to help Si Zhu find a wife. He said that this was the money for Si Zhu to marry his wife and buy a family business. I squandered all the money I spent on my child's first birthday and the new year's money I gave him. I bought meat and noodles, made dumplings and steamed buns, and fed them to you Yi Zhonghai. I also fed the old lady in the backyard, those chickens. Duck and fish meat were all bought with this money.”

"Magnolia, you."

Deaf old lady who wanted to say something.

In the end, not a word was uttered, and he could only watch Zhang Shihao handcuff the aunt.

Thinking that this would be the end of it.

It is considered complete.

At least Yi Zhonghai doesn't have to die.

The deaf old lady doesn't have to worry that Yi Zhonghai will reveal some of her past secrets and let her die.

Money is something outside the body.

If you don't have it, you can earn it.

He comforted Yi Zhonghai with a few words, asking him to think more openly and stop worrying about these things.

Yi Zhonghai could only find relief on his own. The aunt even shouted about withholding the money and gave a figure of [-] yuan. He couldn't admit it.

Just when Yi Zhonghai thought that he was unlucky, the aunt who was escorted by Zhang Shihao to the door of the courtyard suddenly stopped in her tracks.


In front of countless people, he looked at Yi Zhonghai.

This smile made Yi Zhonghai feel a little panicked. Just when the hypocrite was thinking about comforting the aunt, he heard the aunt scolding Yi Zhonghai.

"Yi Zhonghai, you are really a complete hypocrite. Regarding the matter of withholding Si Zhu's living expenses, God knows that you know it and I know it. The old lady in the backyard also knows it. But I didn't say anything. I admit it. This matter is mine. The biggest mistake I made in my life was to marry you, a vicious hypocrite with a hypocritical smile on your face. Don’t think I don’t know what happened between you and Qin Huairu, I’m so disgusted.”

Qin Huairu was watching the show in the crowd.

Instantly dumbfounded.

Why does it still have to do with me?

After thinking about it seriously, she found that she and Yi Zhonghai had nothing to do with each other.

He didn't want to be labeled as fooling around with a male master, otherwise the fact that Yi Zhonghai helped Qin Huairu buy a job would make Qin Huairu unable to hold his head high in front of the neighbors for the rest of his life.

The stick is getting bigger.

I also know a little bit about it.

I wanted to speak up and explain a few words for myself.

But Jia Zhang took a head start.

"Li Yulan, what are you talking about? Our Huairu and your old Yi are innocent and nothing has ever happened. Don't grab people's shit basins randomly. You have withheld the living expenses that He Daqing mailed to Shazhu. You want to eat them. When the gun is fired, you bite people randomly, and your heart becomes dark."

"Ms. Jia Zhang, I'm like this. I still need to tell lies. I know what will happen to me. There is no way to survive. Even when people are about to die, they can speak well. The relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, even if you think about it, you will break your head. If you don’t understand, I will tell you now that Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai’s daughter and biological daughter, and Yi Zhonghai is Qin Huairu’s biological father. Think about it, without this relationship, why would Yi Zhonghai..." (End of Chapter)

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