Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 333 The past events are brought up again, Yi Zhonghai is confused

Under conclusive evidence.

There was no way to survive.

An aunt who knows she won't survive.

Suddenly, she realized that the fact that Yi Zhonghai asked her to collect the remittance order and go to the bank to exchange the remittance order was a conspiracy, so that she could use this matter to escape her death.

What a ruthless Yi Zhonghai.


Quan must be taking revenge on Yi Zhonghai.

Auntie did two things.

The first thing he did was to raise the money intercepted from Si Zhu from one thousand two thousand to three thousand as a criminal party.

It also shows that the money went into the stomachs of Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

this money.

Yi Zhonghai is going out, and the deaf old lady is going out.

Can the two of them fall out?

The aunt didn't know, but she knew that the two of them were really going to feel uncomfortable for a while, and giving out three thousand yuan at once would really hurt their bones.

Second thing.

She revealed the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, but did not tell how the two were messing around. She told the truth that the two were father and daughter.

Qin LaoShi, who was cuckolded by Yi Zhonghai, was a ruthless person. Looking at Lao LaoShi, he couldn't even kick him out.

But he is particularly concerned about women's reputation.

Being cuckolded by Yi Zhonghai, he also raised Yi Zhonghai's daughter for so many years.

This anger.

It's hard to say what will happen to Yi Zhonghai once it breaks out. She probably has to go down there.

Yi Zhonghai is dead, who will the deaf old lady rely on to support him in his old age?
  Before Zhang Shihao took her away, Aunt Ma told her exactly what she had learned.

It is said that when Yi Zhonghai was engaged in supporting counterpart construction in Qinjia Village, he accidentally met Qin Huairu's mother, and saw the birthmark on Qin Huairu's body. He recognized Qin Huairu as his daughter, and was recognized by Qin Huairu's mother. He couldn't bear to let Qin Huairu in After suffering in the countryside, he matched her with Jia Dongxu. After Jia Dongxu died, he was worried about his daughter's life and bought a job for Qin Huairu. Then there was the matter of marrying Silly Zhu to marry a widow with three children.

The most miserable person on the scene.

It is Qin Huairu.

Yi Zhonghai is actually her biological father.

I was scared for a moment.

If these words reached the ears of Qin Huairu's father, he would probably use a butcher knife to chop off Yi Zhonghai's head. He didn't want Yi Zhonghai's head to be chopped off, and he didn't want his father to die, so he retorted.

"Auntie, you are talking nonsense. I am not Yi Zhonghai's daughter. My father is Qin Laoshi from Qinjia Village. The first uncle takes care of me because my man, Dongxu, is his apprentice."

"Qin Huairu, am I talking nonsense? Think about it carefully, if you were not Yi Zhonghai's daughter, why would Yi Zhonghai give you a sewing machine, why would he buy you a job? Why would you want to send your mother-in-law to her hometown in the countryside? Qin Huairu, You must be wondering how Yi Zhonghai became your biological father. Let me tell you, Yi Zhonghai cuckolded your father in the vegetable patch behind your house. Your father was drunk at the time. , slept in the back room, and Yi Zhonghai cuckolded him in the vegetable patch separated by the wall."

Yi Zhonghai looked a little angry, but more surprised.

The eldest mother grinned.

He glanced at Qin Huairu.


"If you were not her biological daughter, how could Yi Zhonghai be willing to buy a job for you? Don't use the excuse of master-disciple relationship to fool the neighbors. Who would believe it? And when you first married into the courtyard, Jia Zhang always disagreed. , it was Yi Zhonghai who forced the Jia Zhang family to agree to your marriage to Jia Dongxu as a master and a steward. The neighbors all know about this, and your mother-in-law is even more aware of it. She resents you for destroying her Jia family. A dual-career dream.”

Qin Huairu's brain.

There was a buzzing sound.

The body moved back unnaturally.

It seemed that her two fathers, Yi Zhonghai's father and Qin Laoshi's father, were about to die, and even Qin Huairu's mother would die with them.

Things got bigger.

Three lives.

"Qin Huairu, if you are not master and apprentice, you are just messing around. Yi Zhonghai has taken out the ashes! If this is the case, Jia Dongxu's coffin cannot even be covered! The three children, Banggan, Xiaodang, and Huaihua, may be Yi Zhonghai’s children, let’s take a look, Xiaodang looks the most like Yi Zhonghai! Mrs. Jia Zhang, the good grandson you always miss is Yi Zhonghai’s child. You want to call Yi Zhonghai daddy! Yi Zhonghai, you are so disgusting! Your disciples and wives are both Don't let it go! No wonder Qin Huairu didn't cut her hair when she entered the factory. Qin Huairu with long hair looks more like a widow in front of you, Yi Zhonghai."

A real dead end.

Yi Zhonghai found that although he had put the responsibility on Aunt Ma's head, she had dug quite a hole for him before she left.

If Qin Huairu is admitted as his daughter, Qin Laoshi will chop off Yi Zhonghai's dog's head.

If he doesn't admit that Qin Huairu is his daughter, what should he say about Yi Zhonghai being too kind to Qin Huairu?
  It is a fact to buy Qin Huairu a job.

For Qin Huairu, it was also true that Shazhu was allowed to marry a widow with a baby.

If you admit it, you will die.

Yi Zhonghai looked at the deaf old lady for help. He showed the deaf old lady a smile that was uglier than crying.

Grandfather of the compound.


But because of the deaf old lady's waving action, she could only walk towards the steel rolling mill dejectedly, with Yi Zhonghai followed by Silly Zhu.

He is such a warm-hearted person. By the time Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu arrived at the steel rolling mill one after another, the news about what happened in the courtyard had already spread.

Why did the aunt withhold Si Zhu's living expenses, why did Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady spend the money to withhold Si Zhu, why did Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu have a father-daughter relationship, why did Yi Zhonghai fall out with Jia Zhang in order to dominate Qin Huairu, etc. Rumors like this are flying all over the sky.

The hottest rumor is the latter.

They are all spreading.

As long as someone opens his mouth, he has to ask a few questions and say a few more words.

Following what everyone else said, the fact that Yi Zhonghai was Qin Huairu's biological father gradually deviated from the original course.

What the aunt was talking about was that Yi Zhonghai took advantage of Qin Laoshi to drink too much and messed around with Qin Huairu's mother in the vegetable field separated by the wall, and then they had Qin Huairu.

However, people in the steel rolling mill spread the news that Yi Zhonghai had handled Qin Huai's mother-in-law's matter in front of Qin Laoshi, and each one of them patted their chests and assured them that he had witnessed this matter with his own eyes.

Finally, it reached the ears of the leaders, and Shazhu, who was being asked about the reason by Liu Lan and others in the second cafeteria, was also called to the front of the factory leaders.

He guessed it was a matter of living expenses being withheld.

Wait until Silly Zhu arrives at the leadership office.

Was surprised.

Everything in the room made him feel like he was in a three-room meeting. The leaders of the steel rolling mill were sitting on the stools opposite. There were books and pens in front of them. On the wall behind them, there were red letters written on black background. The words "Humanistic spirit promotes the work of the steel rolling mill".

Relieved of all this.

No wonder the leaders look ugly.

The work of improving the spiritual civilization of workers in the steel rolling mill has been carried out vigorously, and many people are holding their breath and want to show off their talents.

As a result, it was ruined by Yi Zhonghai again.

When Silly Zhu came in, there were already Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu in the room. The two people stood there honestly, looking like they were listening to the instructions attentively.

Didn't think much about it.

Silly Zhu stood next to Yi Zhonghai.

Unexpectedly, Deputy Director Li pointed to the stool next to him and asked Silly Zhu to sit on the stool.

He knew that the future leader of the steel rolling mill would be Deputy Director Li, but that wasn't the case yet. The current steel rolling mill also had a secretary and a director. They were all there, and Silly Zhu couldn't get too close. He looked at the secretary and the director. Long, the two of them nodded towards Silly Pillar. Silly Zhu looked at Deputy Director Li again, nodded towards him, and followed his instructions and sat on the stool.

this behavior.

Yi Zhonghai was very unhappy.

I also knew why I was called here. It must have been caused by the withholding of living expenses. I thought that they were all involved in the incident. How could you, stupid Zhu, still be allowed to sit down by the leaders? Why should I, Yi Zhonghai, have to stand? With.

This posture of sitting and standing gave Yi Zhonghai the feeling of being stepped on by a stupid pillar.

I looked at the silly column.

Did not dare to speak.

If you dare to speak, you will have to be disciplined.

"Several leaders, are you looking for me?" Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to speak, but Silly Zhu asked why. It was past ten o'clock, and he would have to cook soon, "It's almost time to cook."

"Stupid column."

The title of Deputy Director Li Shazhu.

In an instant, Silly Zhu gained sympathy points from the leaders present.

When I think of the name Sha Zhu, I feel that Sha Zhu is an honest person. Otherwise, how could he have been deceived for ten years about such an important matter as his own father mailing living expenses.

It was a comrade from the post office who saw Li Yulan going to the post office for many days in a row to ask if there was a remittance slip from Baocheng. He felt that something was wrong and reported to the police station. Only then did the comrades at the police station find out the clues and knew that Li Yulan had been intercepting people every day for ten years. Baocheng He Daqing mailed the living expenses to Shazhu.

I heard that the comrades at the post office and the comrades at the police station have been praised.

It's a big case after all.

In sharp contrast, the steel rolling mill was once again humiliated.

Although Yi Zhonghai pushed the matter out and the evidence proved Yi Zhonghai's innocence, what the aunt said before leaving made the steel rolling mill with tens of thousands of people burst. Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai's daughter. Yi Zhonghai married his daughter-in-law in front of his father. This is one rumor, and another rumor is that the reason why Yi Zhonghai is so good to Qin Huairu is not because Qin Huairu is his daughter, but because they have an abnormal relationship. Relationships between men and women.

Belongs to the dust removal series.

The timing of this incident was also wrong.

By coincidence, we were on the day of the "Work for [-] Days to Improve Humanistic Spirit" event at the steel rolling mill.

That's it.

"Silly Zhu is a good comrade."

Yi Zhonghai was stunned.

Silly Zhu is a good comrade.

I am a bad comrade.

"Deputy Director Li, I am just an ordinary cook. I can't do anything else except cooking."

"Si Zhu, don't be humble. You are an honest comrade. The name of you, Si Zhu, is synonymous with honesty and honesty. You know what happened in your courtyard. The factory also heard some rumors and rumors and called you here. , I want to ask you, what should I do about this matter?"

Silly Zhu scratched his hair with his hand.

A confused expression on his face.

He looked around at the leaders present.

"Leaders, I don't know what to do about this matter. Yesterday morning, I was arrested. I was still thinking about what I had done. But they told me that He Daqing kept sending living expenses. I said that I had never seen the living expenses. , if I really had the living expenses, I wouldn’t have to live with Yuyu, picking up garbage to feed Yuyu. To be honest, I really resent He Daqing and feel that he is not worthy of being a father. He taught me cooking skills, but I entered our steel rolling mill. That time."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Violent coughing.

Attracting people's attention to Yi Zhonghai.

Don't know why.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai who kept coughing, everyone felt that Yi Zhonghai was faking it.

Thinking that Yi Zhonghai had something shameful, otherwise why would he interrupt Silly Zhu's story.

I guess the shameful thing must be related to Silly Zhu.

One by one, they expressed interest and withheld living expenses. This was what the aunt did. Yi Zhonghai said that he had no idea, and had not seen any clues in ten years. Now Shazhu said how hard it was for him back then. Yi Zhonghai coughed, and the leaders thought about it. Could it be that Shazhu's original suffering was also the same as that of Yi Zhonghai? There are relationships?
  In fact.

That's true.

He Daqing followed the widow to Baocheng. In order to take advantage of Sha Zhu, Yi Zhonghai found the then canteen director and gave him a generous gift. He treated Sha Zhu, who was supposed to be a full-time employee, as an apprentice, and even made a fuss about not being paid for the first half of the year. The routine of getting a salary for half a year is here.

Rainwater made him unbearable, and the neighbors in the courtyard ignored him. Silly Zhu's steel rolling mill didn't make any money, so he had no choice but to pick up garbage with him in exchange for some food.

Yi Zhonghai thought this matter had become a secret that would never be mentioned.

Unexpectedly, Shazhu talked about the difficulties of the past.

Worried that Sha Zhu would tell him about working in the steel rolling mill for half a year without wages, he interrupted Sha Zhu's story with a cough. Unexpectedly, he was so clever that he was mistaken for his cleverness. He had already understood what kind of virtuous factory leader Yi Zhonghai was. They suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Yi Zhonghai.

After exchanging their looks, they gestured towards Shazhu, asking Shazhu to continue speaking.

"I entered the steel rolling mill and worked as an apprentice for two years. I didn't become a full-time employee until the end of 53. After I became a full-time employee, I had a salary, so I didn't have to go hungry."

Shazhu’s cooking skills are inherited from his family. When he was thirteen or fourteen years old, he followed He Daqing to cook on the stove of the steel rolling mill. Among the people present, there was actually an old man who had eaten it twelve or thirteen years ago. Silly Zhu's meal.

Dragon begets dragon.

Phoenix begets phoenix.

Rat children are born with the ability to burrow.

Children of cooks are also born to cook.

He yelled.

"The cooking skills passed down from your family, you still worked as an apprentice in the steel rolling mill for one school year? I remember that in 50, your cooking skills were enough to make a small stove. The leaders at the time were full of praise, saying that the workers in the steel rolling mill It’s a blessing.”

Speaking of this.

Everyone knows the truth of the matter.

Someone must have taken advantage of Silly Pillar.

When I thought of Yi Zhonghai's cough just now, I couldn't help but connect the two.

"Yi Zhonghai, isn't this your handiwork?"

"Deputy Director Li, you really know how to joke." Yi Zhonghai, who felt guilty, refused to admit it. "I, Yi Zhonghai, am just an ordinary worker. I don't have such great ability to prevent Silly Zhu from becoming a full-time employee."

"Silly Zhu, even if you become an apprentice, your monthly salary of fourteen and a half yuan can still support you and your sister. Why did I hear that you still pick up rags to support your sister?"

Yi Zhonghai wanted to die.

It's all there.

Things have really come to a point where Yi Zhonghai's life is in danger.

Things of the past.


Yi Zhonghai had no choice but to repeat his old trick and once again used coughing to interrupt Si Zhu's story.

"Cough cough cough."

"Yi Zhonghai, should we find a doctor for you? Or should you just keep your mouth shut?"

The secretary’s reprimand.

Yi Zhonghai immediately became honest. (End of chapter)

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