Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 334 Yi Zhonghai panics, Qin Huairu panics, 1 Auntie is dead

The secretary’s reprimand.

Let Yi Zhonghai just be a fool and not dare to make any more mistakes.

Silly Zhu took this opportunity to tell the story about his lack of wages as an apprentice for half a year.

"Leader, you just said that apprentices are paid [-] yuan a month. Is this something that has only happened in recent years? I think this policy is very good. It takes care of apprentices and prevents them from going hungry."

Several leaders present.

Each looked at each other.

Silly words.

They all understood. It was just that Silly Zhu was manipulated when he was an apprentice. They thought it was a simple matter of wearing small shoes, but they did not expect that money was involved.

This is a big deal.

Fourteen and a half yuan a month, ten months is a hundred and forty-five yuan.

No need to die.

His eyes subconsciously focused on Yi Zhonghai.

Silly Zhu's story was interrupted by coughing twice in a row.

This is the lice on the monk's head.

It’s obvious that she’s successful.

If it wasn't for a problem and a guilty conscience, he would be so frightened and didn't want Silly Zhu to continue talking.

Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai, is really the master of the steel rolling mill. He single-handedly destroyed several years of humanistic achievements of the steel rolling mill.

Also a tough guy.

"He Yuzhu, apprentices have always been paid, the lowest being fourteen and a half yuan. The old salary back then, I remember it was [-] or [-] a month."

"One hundred and fifty thousand, exactly three tickets. This matter was the result of a discussion between me and the person in charge at the time. They said that we are now new people, new things, and a new atmosphere. Everything must be reformed and we have become the real masters of the country. We can no longer be like before. In that way, the apprentice works for the master for three years in vain, and the master teaches you the most basic things, and works for another three years to teach you professional knowledge. After you graduate, you have to work for the master for three years in vain, saying that he wants to break these old habits. It’s a bad custom to set the wages of apprentices. But from the tone of your words, it seems that you have been working in vain for a while. When did you join the steel rolling mill? "

Yi Zhonghai stood there.

Upon hearing what the secretary said.

Suddenly there was a feeling of impending disaster.

There is an idea in my heart.

A dead end.

Just now, he was still complacent about killing his aunt, thinking that he could use this incident to sharpen his character. As a aunt's man, he publicly apologized to Silly Zhu, once again pointing out that he didn't know In this matter, when apologizing, be more sincere in your tone and attitude. Who can say that you are a hypocrite? Who can say that you and your aunt are wearing the same pants?

I didn’t expect that God couldn’t bear to see it.

This persona has not yet been established, and the past incident of colluding with the former canteen director to manipulate and covet the salary of the fool was mentioned again.

Moreover, Silly Zhu said this in front of the leaders of the steel rolling mill.


What is most important in a steel rolling mill?

Humanistic spiritual activities?
  This is equivalent to Yi Zhonghai ruining other people's activities.

He felt like killing Yi Zhonghai.

The hypocrite is so anxious that he will get angry.

When he was thinking about coughing, Silly Zhu's answer completely extinguished all Yi Zhonghai's thoughts.

"I started as an apprentice in Emei Hotel, and then I started learning from the great working class. Thinking about my cooking skills, I also became a apprentice, so I entered the steel rolling mill. That year was May 50, 5. I The day after my father, He Daqing, followed the widow to Baocheng, I entered our steel rolling mill. I thought that with my cooking skills, even if I couldn't become a squad leader, I could still be a second spooner. Unexpectedly, people said that I was young, only ten years old. When I was six years old, I was told that cooking was a big deal, so I was asked to be an apprentice.”

"What about the back?"

"I thought, I should be an apprentice as long as I can cook for the workers in the steel rolling mill and let the workers eat the food cooked by me, He Yuzhu, it will be worthwhile. But I didn't expect the canteen director to tell me that I have no salary. , but I could have a free lunch. I didn’t think much about it at first, but later I realized something was wrong. I still had a younger sister to feed. One day, I returned to the courtyard. I remember clearly that I was crying when I was hungry because of the rain. There was no food, and the neighbors didn’t help. I picked up garbage with rainwater for several days and exchanged it for some food, so I got through those days.”

The words are flat.

But the leaders present.

From Silhu's words, they all felt the difficulty he felt at that time.

His eyes focused on Yi Zhonghai again.

Feeling the gazes of the leaders, Yi Zhonghai felt uncomfortable. When Silly Zhu said those words just now, Yi Zhonghai had already thought of a way to escape.

Death does not admit it.

Does he know the consequences of admitting it.

The feeling of death is gone.

When I first did this, God knew that you knew and I knew, and there was no third person present at all. At worst, it would be said to be a frame-up against myself.

People are shameless.

Then there was nothing to worry about.

"Yi Zhonghai, you just told us that you have always been the steward of your courtyard house. The neighbors also believe you because you have done a lot to help the neighbors. Come on, come on, tell me about He Yuyu When you have no food to eat and are hungry, where are you, the boss in charge?"

The secretary holds the notebook in his hand.

He hit the table viciously.

Huge sound.

Yi Zhonghai was shocked.

It also made Silly Zhu a little happy.

When he interviewed He Daqing, He Daqing told him that this was the result of Yi Zhonghai's mischief. He bluntly said that Yi Zhonghai must have negotiated terms with the canteen director at the time, so that the canteen director risked beheading and embezzled money. Got Sha Zhu’s job.

This incident was originally implemented as a backup plan, further proving Yi Zhonghai's hypocrisy and wickedness.

Unexpectedly, Yi Zhonghai was so wicked.

He can even give up his wife who has been sleeping with him for decades.

When I think about the fact that in the past ten years, it has been the aunt who has been collecting and exchanging remittance orders, I know how mean and cunning Yi Zhonghai is.

Ten years ago, he thought about asking his aunt to protect him from thunder.

Silly Zhu had no choice but to use his former apprenticeship, which he had worked for half a year in vain, to drag Yi Zhonghai into the water. This time, Yi Zhonghai would have to lose his skin even if he didn't die.

Even if Si Zhu can't deal with Yi Zhonghai, the former canteen director can also deal with Yi Zhonghai.

I deliberately interjected.

"It seems like he's not home."

"Not at home, this is not a reason. If you are not at home, don't you have that aunt? Can't you tell the aunt to get some food for the rain? There are more than a hundred people in a hospital, watching a six or seven-year-old girl hungry. I kept crying, we are far away relatives as close neighbors, the courtyard is better, we have become enemies, cold-blooded enemies."

The secretary glared at Yi Zhonghai.


"Yi Zhonghai, you remind me of an idiom, with a human face and an animal heart, followed by the conclusion of a beast. The phrase "animal with a human face and an animal heart" is also an insult to you, Yi Zhonghai. I have lived for so many years, I think I'm well-informed, but this is the first time I've seen someone like you. You're a bastard who is greedy for fame, and you are a disgrace to my steel rolling mill."

Yi Zhonghai had an expression on his face as if he was a dead father.

say what?
  Nothing can be said.

Can only admit bad luck.

"And you, Qin Huairu."

Silly Zhu was shocked.

Suddenly I got interested. I didn’t expect that there would be a little widow.

"Qin Huairu, I will give you half a month to straighten out the relationship between you and Yi Zhonghai, and submit it to the factory office in written form. No matter you are Yi Zhonghai's daughter, or Yi Zhonghai, Everyone at Zhonghai must make it clear to me."

The voice instantly rose to the extreme.

"Yi Zhonghai, I am also talking to you. Our steel rolling mill can no longer be embarrassed. If word spreads, my face will not look good. The face of a steel rolling mill with tens of thousands of people will be even worse! Do you two understand? "

Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, who were full of bitterness, murmured in a low voice like a mosquito.

By now.

There was simply nothing else to say.

It seemed like they were given two choice answers.

Actually there is only one.

That's the former.

That is to find a way to prove the father-daughter relationship between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai.

This is the only effective way to get rid of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu. It can make the two of them raise their heads again in the steel rolling mill. Father and daughter are always better than having sex with another generation.

But doing so angered a silent king, Qin Huairu's father in Qinjia Village, Qin Laoshi.

to be frank.

Yi Zhonghai was afraid of Qin Laoshi.

A man who smashed the head of a traitor with a pickaxe.

Can you not be afraid?
  He is an honest person, and it is precisely because he is an honest person that Yi Zhonghai feels that things are a little difficult to handle. As the old saying goes, an honest person can do whatever it takes not to make him angry, but if he is angry, he has to use his head to talk things out.

Yi Zhonghai came up with his head as big as a bucket. He looked at Qin Huairu next to him who was also bitter, and guessed that Qin Huairu must have thought of him.

Just when he was about to say something.

But I heard the secretary's voice again.

"Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, when will you solve the matter for me and when will you come back to work? During this period of rest, there will be no wages. The steel rolling mill will not do your shameless things to smear the steel mill. Pay the bill, and when necessary, we will treat it as absenteeism and handle special cases."

Yi Zhonghai felt numb.

Qin Huairu was dumbfounded.

Absenteeism treatment?

This is the rhythm of taking back their workstations.

The words "special handling" can really expel the two of them from the factory.

There are no rolling mill stations.

What do you live on?
  If you go back to your hometown in the countryside to farm, you will probably see the villagers drowning alive if you look at their saliva.

It’s good to say when you have the opportunity, good things never go out and bad things travel thousands of miles.

The countryside is no better than the city.

"Silly Zhu? We will give you an explanation for your matter. Fortunately, we called you over, otherwise we wouldn't have known that there was a borer in the steel rolling mill."

"Several leaders, what do you think? Someone has embezzled the wages of my apprentices?"

Qin Huairu took advantage of the opportunity when outsiders were not paying attention and secretly looked at Yi Zhonghai.

He Daqing ran on the front foot.

Jia Dongxu married her and returned to the courtyard.

The widow knew a little bit about the affairs of Shazhu's house. Because Jia Zhang failed to figure out Shazhu's house, she said something bad about Shazhu in front of Qin Huairu many times, saying that Shazhu was a big fool and was useless as an apprentice. I'm willing to work for the salary. That money-losing guy from the He family deserves to starve to death. If it were his Jia family, Dongxu, he wouldn't do such a thankless thing. He cursed both Si Zhu and his sister to starve to death, so that the Jia Zhang family could live there until they were stupid. Inside the Zhu family's house.

Qin Huairu always thought that this was the rules and regulations of the steel rolling mill.

After Yi Zhonghai bought her a job, the widow repeatedly emphasized that she could not be an apprentice. Because of this incident, she mistakenly believed that apprentices were unpaid and worked for nothing.

See clearly now.

This is Yi Zhonghai's handiwork.

Qin Huairu didn't know how to describe her mood.

For more than a year, Qin Huairu knew what kind of reputation and situation Yi Zhonghai had in the courtyard and the steel rolling mill. He was simply not a human being. Many people were scolding Yi Zhonghai. It could also be said that Yi Zhonghai caused everything.

Unexpectedly, such a person was her Qin Huairu's father.

And he was so inappropriate ten years ago.

She wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. When she was in a mess, the leaders' words rang in Qin Huairu's ears, and the widow gathered her thoughts back into her body.

"Silly Zhu, if what you said is true, and someone has indeed misappropriated your salary, we will still give you an explanation."

"Thank you leaders, you are all Bao Qingtian."

"If it was Bao Qingtian, he wouldn't have let a big bastard come to the steel rolling mill."

This bastard.

Naturally, he was referring to Yi Zhonghai.

"Let's get down to business now, Silly Zhu. I'll call you here. Just one thing. The case of Li Yulan secretly intercepting your father He Daqing's mailing of living expenses for Yu Yu from Baocheng has a concrete result."

Yi Zhonghai raised his ears.

Qin Huairu raised his head.

Silly Zhu focused his attention on the secretary who spoke.

I saw the secretary holding a piece of paper in his hand.


There are words.

There is an official seal.

"Your guess is correct. The paper in my hand is the case notice just sent by the Hongxing Police Station. Let me read it roughly. To the Committee of the Steel Rolling Plant, I, the Hongxing Police Station, now arrest your factory employee He Yuzhu on Li Yulan. Regarding the living expenses of the two brothers and sisters, the report is as follows. After verification, Li Yulan, the wife of Yi Zhonghai, an employee of your factory..."

The secretary's voice.

ringing in people's ears.

According to the factual report he read out, Shazhu knew a fact that made him feel a little sad, but he couldn't feel sad.

Big Mom is dead.

Here's the thing.

This morning, the aunt who was taken to the police station by Zhang Shihao did not show any resistance. Before Zhang Shihao and the others asked, she explained the matter clearly.

When He Daqing ran away, he told her something and gave her eighteen hundred yuan, saying that it was Shazhu's money or something, rainwater's money, and he withheld the money and gave her to her. What did Yi Zhonghai eat, what did he give to the deaf old lady, and what did he spend on Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

Not only did he admit that he had embezzled one thousand and eighty yuan, but he also pinned the use of the one thousand and eighty yuan on the heads of Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

He admitted that he withheld the money that He Daqing mailed to the Shazhu brothers and sisters for living expenses, saying that they were not willing to spend the money and kept it at home. However, Yi Zhonghai spent the money to buy a job for Qin Huairu and paid tribute to Jia Dongxu. money.

After the signature is drawn.

Sent to where she should be.

No one thought of it.

As soon as she peed, the aunt finished it herself. (End of chapter)

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