Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 335 Yi Zhonghai’s cleverness was mistaken for him

A mother who committed suicide.

before death.

A special blood letter was left.

Her posthumous affairs were clearly stated on it, and there was no need for Yi Zhonghai to make any arrangements. He could just ask the relevant departments to scatter her ashes anywhere.

He said that the thing he regretted the most in his life was that he failed to see clearly the true face of Yi Zhonghai as a hypocrite in time, which led to his own death.

He bluntly said that in the afterlife, he would never marry Yi Zhonghai, saying that even if his ashes were thrown into a pit by relevant departments, it would be better than being buried in a cemetery by Yi Zhonghai.

At the end of the blood letter, it once again explained the fact that the Yi family owed Shazhu three thousand yuan. One thousand two thousand yuan was the withheld living expenses, and one thousand eighty yuan was the money He Daqing left behind. All this money was spent by her on the deaf old lady. Eat and drink with Yi Zhonghai.

Silly heart.

Quite cool.

Although he knew that someone was fully responsible for this matter and might be the one to take the blame, he wholeheartedly hoped that the one who would take the blame would be Yi Zhonghai, not Aunt Ma.


Helpless sigh.

It emerged in the heart of Shazhu.

I thought about all kinds of things, but I never thought that Auntie would end up like this.

It’s different from Silly Pillar.

Yi Zhonghai was completely paralyzed. He really didn't expect that before his death, his aunt had plotted against him. He had to return a cent of the one thousand and two that he had withheld to Silly Zhu. Qian Ba ​​also had to pay it back to Silly Zhu. Who let Aunt Ma’s blood letter indicate that the money was used by Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady? According to the rule of injustice and debts, Yi Zhonghai could only Come on, he can't ask the deaf old lady for it yet.

It’s different in the past.

Give three thousand yuan at once.

Yi Zhonghai was really hurt.

The factory is still withholding money, and it will take seven or eight years before Yi Zhonghai has extra money for him to save.

Except for money.

Yi Zhonghai is also worried about his reputation.

There is such a heart-wrenching sentence in the blood book.

If there is an afterlife, I will not marry Yi Zhonghai!
  It was like throwing Yi Zhonghai's reputation into the pit all at once.

This made Yi Zhonghai, who had always wanted to clean up his character, feel a deep sense of helplessness.

Just when Yi Zhonghai was upset, the secretary passed the documents in his hand to Yi Zhonghai and other parties involved.

Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai could see clearly that it was stamped with the official seal of the Red Star Police Station.

After Yi Zhonghai and the others confirmed that it was correct, the secretary said something again that shocked Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu.

"He Yuzhu, Yi Zhonghai, the following matter has something to do with you two. Qin Huairu, you go back to the workshop to work first."

Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai did not move.

After Qin Huairu glanced at Yi Zhonghai, she walked toward the door. Just as she opened the door, the secretary's voice came from behind.

"Deputy Director Zhao, you are the deputy director responsible for safety. The long hair of female workers in the rolling workshop is one of the hidden dangers of safety. Starting tomorrow, the steel rolling mill will carry out a hundred-day safety production activity to eliminate all safety hazards." Hidden danger."

Qin Huairu staggered.

Almost fell to the ground.

She heard the meaning of the secretary's words. These words were clearly directed at her, Qin Huairu, and she suddenly felt aggrieved. As a widow, am I not even qualified to have long hair? Who stipulates that in the rotation workshop Working widows had to cut off their long hair!
  This made me grumble in my heart.

I didn't dare to say it at all.

He closed the door and walked quickly towards the ninth workshop, thinking about how to save his hair.

Without her big braids, could the pretty widow still be the widow who made countless men in the steel rolling mill crazy?
  Touching Qin Huairu's hair is no different from taking Qin Huairu's life.

Hair cannot be cut.


conference room.

Ever since Qin Huairu left, the atmosphere here has become a little weird.

Mainly because everyone was looking at Yi Zhonghai.

Including silly pillars.

When everyone was about to read, the secretary slowly spoke.

"He Yuzhu, Yi Zhonghai, or Li Yulan's withholding of living expenses. What I'm telling you now is not on the notification letter sent to our steel rolling mill by the Hongxing Police Station. It was a phone call. You two should take note of it."

Yi Zhonghai unnaturally cast his eyes on Silhu.

his heart.

Suddenly his throat raised.

Based on Yi Zhonghai's guess, he roughly knew what the secretary was referring to.

It should be about money.

Auntie admitted that she had withheld the money and spent the $[-] she made up on Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

No matter what he said about the money, even if he said it was extravagant, he would still have to give it to Silly Zhu.

Only by giving the money to Shazhu can this matter be completely overturned. Yi Zhonghai doesn't want to delay it too much. The hypocrite knows the principle of long nights and many dreams. He has suffered such hardships.

But I felt a little uncomfortable.

Three thousand dollars.

A total of three thousand yuan.

I don't know how to describe the hatred in Yi Zhonghai's heart.

The one thousand and two intercepted money must be returned to Shazhu, and an additional one thousand and eighty yuan will be paid to Shazhu. This money is Aunt's revenge on Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai has to admit it even if he doesn't admit it. He carries a picture full of bitterness. Cheeks, I can only complain in my heart.

"You two should have thought of it. It's a matter of money. The case of intercepting the money has been solved. Li Yulan is also dead. We will handle her funeral affairs according to her last wishes."

"Secretary, I am her man. Although she did something sorry for Silly Zhu and withheld Silly Zhu's living expenses, I, Yi Zhonghai, am also responsible for this matter. I was careless. Tell me, after so many years, how did I I never realized that she could do such evil things behind my back. It’s all thanks to Shazhu’s fate and Rainwater, otherwise we wouldn’t have a college student in our steel rolling mill. I won’t bother the department about my wife’s funeral. I'll be responsible."

That's all for now.

Yi Zhonghai started his performance.

Sigh faintly.

"Although she did something like withholding Si Zhu's living expenses, after all, she is my wife who has been married for decades. Anyone can say something bad about her, but not me. Over the years, she has worked hard without complaining. I know why she did this. So I kept it and didn’t give the money to Shazhu. It should be that Shazhu was young at that time and had just started working. He had too much money on hand and it was easy to develop the habit of spending money lavishly, so he thought of saving the money for Shazhu first. When I got up, I didn’t expect that the habit had developed naturally, and I forgot to give the money to Silly Zhu. I also blame me for this, why didn’t I notice that she did this!”

The last sigh, full of remorse and self-blame.

If it had been anyone else, he might have believed Yi Zhonghai's lies, thinking that the hypocrite was really good for the aunt, and was trying to excuse the aunt out of the couple's feelings.

Not only do I endure people’s misunderstandings, but I also silently endure people’s complaints.

He is simply the epitome of a good guy! Yi Zhonghai, the bastard, was very good at the trick of changing concepts. He made the reason for withholding the money seem to be that he was saving money for Fool Zhu.

Because only in this way can Yi Zhonghai show his disregard for Aunt Ma.

Otherwise, this reason is really difficult to hold.

It's a pity that the people present, except for Silly Zhu, are all old fritters who have been struggling in their official careers.

Yi Zhonghai's routine may be successful to outsiders, but to those present, it is just a child's trick of playing house.

Not so easily deceived.

Thinking about the glorious past of Yi Zhonghai in the steel rolling mill for more than a year, it is reasonable to say this, otherwise the leaders present would have doubted whether Yi Zhonghai was actually Yi Zhonghai.

"Seeing He Yuyu without food, watching He Yuzhu take his sister outside to pick up garbage in order to let He Yuyu eat, is this all for He Yuzhu's consideration?" Deputy Director Li's voice was raised: "Yi Zhonghai, do you think we are three-year-old children? We are almost starving to death, and you are still worried about others spending money lavishly, and you still have to save money for others? "

Yi Zhonghai didn't speak.

Not answering is the best solution.

"What Deputy Director Li said is correct. Yi Zhonghai, there are no three-year-old children here. We will truthfully convey your ideas to the comrades at the police station. Whether they accept it or not is their business."

Yi Zhonghai knew that the steel rolling mill would not come forward.

The other side of the police station would not pay any attention to Yi Zhonghai.

When the eldest mother died, she did not let Yi Zhonghai take care of the funeral affairs, which invisibly proved the saying, "If there is an afterlife, it would be better not to marry Yi Zhonghai, but to marry a chicken or a dog than to marry Yi Zhonghai."

I wanted to establish my image as a loving man by taking care of my aunt's funeral, otherwise I wouldn't have given those excusing reasons just now.

I have the idea of ​​​​saving my life through this matter.

Qin Laoshi doesn't really like people who treat their wives badly or treat them as a burden.

"Secretary, outsiders won't say anything about my daughter-in-law. People will only talk about the daughter-in-law of Yi Zhonghai, a worker in the ninth workshop of the steel rolling mill. This is also described in the notification letter just now." Yi Zhonghai, who was unwilling to give up, changed his routine and took Regarding the honor of the steel rolling mill, "I am worried that this incident will affect the reputation of our steel rolling mill. I want to do something to repair the reputation of the steel rolling mill."

Several leaders.

After listening to Yi Zhonghai's words.

Each looked at each other.

About a minute or two passed.

After they unified their opinions, the secretary gave the answer.

"Yi Zhonghai, your approach of considering the reputation of the steel rolling mill is very good. You proposed to contribute to the honor of the steel rolling mill. If we don't let you do it, it seems that we have extinguished your hope of doing good things for the steel rolling mill. Fire, that's what happened. For your sake, Yi Zhonghai, we decided to hand over an important matter to you. Some children in the steel rolling mill are lacking nutrition recently. We have also thought of some ways, but there is still a gap. How much does it cost? Wait, Deputy Director Ma will tell you."

"Secretary, I did some calculations. The total number of children in high school, junior high school, and primary school is about a thousand. The plan we formulated at that time was to subsidize [-] cents per child. Comrade Yi Zhonghai had such a high consciousness and took the initiative to ask for it. Help share the burden of the steel rolling mill, and the subsidy for the children can be turned into one yuan, and after two months, the allocation from the superiors will come down."

Yi Zhonghai was dumbfounded.

The script is wrong.

In other words, Yi Zhonghai's moral kidnapping routine has become a typical counterproductive example.

The secretary and other factory leaders did not follow Yi Zhonghai's wishes and leave Auntie's funeral affairs in Yi Zhonghai's hands, but gave Yi Zhonghai a chance to help.

One thousand children, [-] cents a month for each child, and two consecutive months of assistance, that's one thousand yuan.

Silly Zhu has no idea.

Just wanted to give a thumbs up.

He murmured in his mind.


He brought the Siheyuan set to the steel rolling mill and fooled the leaders of the steel rolling mill into thinking they were the neighbors in the Siheyuan. Naturally, he was the result of being plotted against.

current situation.

Silly Zhu saw clearly.

There was no chance for Yi Zhonghai to say no.

The final result was, of course, that according to the wishes of the factory leader, Louis Zhonghai was paid a thousand yuan.

I have to say that these people are really cruel.

One thousand dollars.

I really dare to ask for it.

If it were a stupid pillar, it would only cost a hundred yuan if it was sustained to death.

No wonder people become leaders.

Where is the realm?

The factory leaders who received [-] yuan from Yi Zhonghai exchanged opinions. The secretary praised Yi Zhonghai a few words in person, and then gave the suggestion that he was worried that Yi Zhonghai would be proud and would not praise him in front of the employees, but would use the donation instead. Give a copy of the usage data to Yi Zhonghai so that Yi Zhonghai knows where his money is spent.

Yi Zhonghai suffered the loss of being dumb.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai's face, you can tell that Yi Zhonghai is cursing the eight generations of ancestors of the factory leaders.

The factory leaders probably saw the trick in Yi Zhonghai's heartfelt greetings to their ancestors, so the secretary conveyed the notice from the police station.

"According to the criminal facts revealed by Li Yulan, she withheld a total of three thousand yuan. As your wife, although you don't know about this, the money must still be returned to He Yuzhu..."

According to bank interest.

Yi Zhonghai will give Si Zhu [-] yuan this time.

Use an extra thousand yuan to do good deeds.

There was no room for Yi Zhonghai to say no. At the same time that the Hongxing Police Station called the steel rolling mill to report that Li Yulan had intercepted He Yuzhu and He Yuyu's living expenses, Zhang Shihao had already taken people to the Red Star Courtyard. Along with them, There were also street staff, holding in their hands seals stamped with the official seal of the police station and the official seal of the street.

The meaning is very obvious.

If Yi Zhonghai's family can't give more than three thousand yuan.

Their home must be completely sealed.

Not only was Yi Zhonghai's family sealed, but the deaf old lady's house in the backyard was not safe either. According to the secretary, if Yi Zhonghai's family couldn't raise the three thousand yuan, the deaf old lady's ancestral house in the courtyard would also have to be sealed off.

Who made the aunt scream out that she had spent all her money on Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady before she died?

This is the fact.

After hearing that Zhang Shihao took people to the Siheyuan to Fengjia, Si Zhu didn't care, but Yi Zhonghai was anxious. It was just compensation, so why did he bring trouble to Fengjia.

After obtaining the approval of the secretary and others, Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu left the conference room and hurriedly walked towards the courtyard.

On the road.

Yi Zhonghai was in a very restless mood.


This was an action in cooperation with the street and the police station, and it was also approved by the factory leaders. Because Mao Shazhu had nothing to do, Yi Zhonghai had to be absent from work for two hours.

He knew that others were deliberately making things difficult for him, but he had no choice but to speed up his pace. (End of chapter)

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