Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 336 The security department kidnapped Yi Zhonghai and the police station strictly investigat

Yi Zhonghai was worried that if he couldn't raise four thousand yuan, those people would use Yi Zhonghai's property to pay off debts one by one. How much would it cost to depreciate quilts, furniture, and wardrobes.

This is no different from confiscating a home.

his mood.

Some eager.

There are some things at home that never see the light of day.

Otherwise, it will be the end of body and soul.

I wanted to rush back to the courtyard as early as possible.

Seeing Sha Zhu walking in front of him, Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but quicken his pace.

The villain's thoughts started to cause trouble again.

Thinking about calculations is stupid.

On the one hand, I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to have a good talk with Sha Zhu. It was just the two of them, so they could talk openly without worrying that Sha Zhu would ruin Yi Zhonghai's face.

On the other hand, Yi Zhonghai wanted to ride on Sha Zhu's bicycle, sit on the back seat of Erba Dagong, and let Sha Zhu carry him back to the courtyard. He not only wanted to use Sha Zhu like a donkey, but also took advantage of Sha Zhu. The fact that Zhu Tuo came back showed the neighbors that he and Silly Zhu had reconciled, and that the withholding of the money had nothing to do with Yi Zhonghai.

The plan did not catch up with the changes.

In the security department at the door, seeing Sha Zhu riding a bicycle to go out, he took the initiative to help Sha Zhu push the barrier in front of him, and smiled and said a few words to Sha Zhu that Yi Zhonghai didn't hear clearly.

Yi Zhonghai saw Shazhu pushing his bicycle out of the gate of the steel rolling mill and was about to leave on his bicycle.

He doesn't want to be left behind.

Take a few hurried steps.

In a hurry, he didn't know whether his left foot accidentally blocked the path of his right foot, or whether his right foot accidentally stepped on his left foot. He was just chasing Silly Pillar without looking at Yi Zhonghai, who staggered and fell to the ground. On the ground, the standard can no longer be the standard situation of a dog chewing shit.

The contact between his body and the ground caused intense pain in every part of Yi Zhonghai's body, especially his teeth, which seemed to have hit a place they shouldn't have hit, causing burning pain.

There was a faint trace of blood oozing out from the corner of his mouth.

Something to be thankful for.

The teeth were not knocked out.

Not caring about the pain on his body, he climbed up from the ground numbly, not even having time to pat the dust on his clothes, and hurriedly stepped towards the silly pillar in front of him.

I, Yi Zhonghai, got a thousand and eighty yuan for free. I, Yi Zhonghai, can't do anything to you, Silly Zhu.

The security guard who took the initiative to open the door for Silly Zhu one second, stood in front of Yi Zhonghai with a cold face and a very rude tone the next second.

"Yi Zhonghai, what are you doing during working hours? Do you know that this is working time? Do you, as an eighth-level worker, have the privilege to leave the rolling mill at will?"

Yi Zhonghai is confused again.

I also know that they are deliberately making things difficult for me.

The security department is a powerful department of the steel rolling mill, which can be seen from the fact that the section chief also serves as the deputy director.

Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker, is not good enough in front of others. If they don't give Yi Zhonghai face, Yi Zhonghai can't keep him in his arms.

The hypocrite forced a smile on his face.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling person.

He explained his matter to others. He was not embarrassed to say that he had to compensate Silly Zhu, and he was not embarrassed to say that the street and the police station were going to seal off Yi Zhonghai's home. Instead, he said that he had an order from the leader of the steel rolling mill. He went back to the courtyard to cooperate with the work of the street and the police station, and asked them to give him a convenience.

In order to clear the way with a gift, Yi Zhonghai took the initiative to pass a cigarette to the other party.

The security department didn't pick up the ball and gave Yi Zhonghai a big hat with his backhand.

"Yi Zhonghai, put it away. Do you know what you are doing? You are openly bribing the security department personnel and affecting the normal work of the security department. You said that you were ordered by the leader of the steel rolling mill to return to your courtyard to cooperate with other people's streets. Are there any procedures for working with the police station?”

There is no formality to this thing.

It's just a verbal notification.

After pondering for more than ten seconds, Yi Zhonghai thought of a way.

Silly Zhu can testify for him.

"Si Zhu and I went back to the Siheyuan together to cooperate with others. Si Zhu can testify for me. If you don't believe me, you will definitely believe Si Zhu. Ask Si Zhu if I went back to the Siheyuan with him to cooperate with others. Work."

Just finished speaking.

Yi Zhonghai looked outside.

His nose instantly became crooked with anger.

Silly Zhu had already disappeared while riding his bicycle. Yi Zhonghai's plan of riding Silly Zhu's bicycle and using Silly Zhu became a waste of time.

When I think about the consequences of not being able to go back.

Yi Zhonghai was a little angry.

Suddenly I had the confidence to challenge the Security Department.

"I have exactly the same job as Sha Zhu. Why did you let Sha Zhu out? Why did you have to stop me, Yi Zhonghai? If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I won't be done with you."

"Si Zhu is the chef. It's okay as long as he doesn't delay the workers' meals. You, Yi Zhonghai, are the only eighth-level worker in our steel rolling mill. There are so many important jobs waiting for you, Yi Zhonghai, to do. You can come in and out of the steel rolling mill at will. When do you want to come? , when you come, when you want to leave, when you leave, how can the steel rolling mill develop? Do you still have a sense of ownership? What do you think of our steel rolling mill? "

Yi Zhonghai instantly became a fool.

Good guy.

Isn't this the trick that Yi Zhonghai used to trick everyone in the courtyard?
  These people used it on him, Yi Zhonghai.

When I thought about the consequences of not being able to appear in the courtyard, the aura that had just become strong suddenly softened, and I started to say good things to others again.

"Comrade, I had a bad attitude just now. I apologize to you. I really have something to go out to."

"If you want to go out, you have to bring the formalities, otherwise you have to wait until after get off work hours. The factory is very strict about work and rest time now."

"No matter how close you are to me, Yi Zhonghai, it has nothing to do with me."

"Yi Zhonghai, you are already several decades old. Why can't you understand what we are saying? The factory is now strictly checking those who come in and out according to their schedule."

"You said I stole something?"

"We didn't say it. This is what you, Yi Zhonghai, said."

"You search, I'll admit it if you search it, but you can't find it." Yi Zhonghai wanted to say something harsh, but when the words came to his lips, he changed his meaning, "You let me out."

"Just search, do you think we are afraid of you?"

Several security officers came and searched Yi Zhonghai carefully.

After searching.

Yi Zhonghai thought he could leave, but he didn't expect that the security department still refused to let him leave. An angry Yi Zhonghai forced his way out regardless.

It only takes a moment.

Yi Zhonghai became honest.

To protect the important territory of the science and technology, we must not tolerate Yi Zhonghai's mischief.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai insisting on breaking through, the security department, which had expected Yi Zhonghai to do such a move, all picked up the thing in their hands, as if if Yi Zhonghai continued to force himself, Yi Zhonghai would not be able to eat it. The posture of walking.

Yi Zhonghai was dumbfounded.

He paused like a wooden man.

While the people in the security department put up their posture, they also shouted questions to question Yi Zhonghai.

"Be careful, Yi Zhonghai is going to force his way in."

One simple sentence.

Yi Zhonghai was so frightened that he was at a loss. He could not bear the responsibility, so he greeted the security officers present with strong greetings in his heart.

"Yi Zhonghai, are you dissatisfied with the work of our security department and want to rush out by force?"

"Comrade, I didn't mean to rush out by force. I was just confused. I really have something to deal with. Even if you lend me a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare to rush out by force."

"You didn't rush out forcibly, so we could pick up the guy in your hand? Are you saying that the seven or eight pairs of eyes here are all blind and didn't see you forcefully rush out?"

"I do not have."

"Squat down and raise your hands." He roared at the top of his lungs.

Let Yi Zhonghai obey the request honestly, raise his hands high, and half-squat on the ground.

"Tie him up."

A rope as thick as a thumb appeared on Yi Zhonghai's body like a circle, binding Yi Zhonghai firmly.

The man who tied up Yi Zhonghai was also an expert in binding people. The ropes he tied around Yi Zhonghai really treated Yi Zhonghai like a pig for slaughter, making him unable to move.

The only fly in the ointment.

It was a man with no eyesight. After Yi Zhonghai was tied up with a rope, he stuffed a smelly rag on the table into Yi Zhonghai's mouth.

He also disliked Yi Zhonghai's yelling.

A three-wheeled motorcycle came quickly and took Yi Zhonghai to the security department's office.

Yi Zhonghai, who was sitting on a motorcycle heading towards the security department, had a look of death on his face. It seemed that he could not return to the courtyard on time.

Yi Zhonghai's home may be turned over.

This is a life-threatening matter.


conference room.

After Yi Zhonghai left, the place fell into silence.

Deathly silence.

Mainly because the facts that Silly Zhu said at that time were too unbelievable and shocked everyone present.

A bright world.

The people are in charge.

It actually happened in the steel rolling mill that someone took advantage of his position to embezzle the wages of apprentices.

spread out.

Not bad.

Now the conundrum.

How to deal with this matter and how to minimize the impact of this matter as much as possible.

Someone just found an old file from ten years ago. The signature behind Shazhu's salary column is different from Shazhu's current signature. It seems that it was written by two people.

The person in charge of salary payment had just retired and returned home some time ago. The moment Yi Zhonghai was picked up by the security department at the door, she had already been taken to the conference room in a special car.

After coming in.

Look at the people in the conference room.

She was a little stunned for a moment, thinking that she had omitted some work and didn't explain it clearly. She didn't know what it was until the secretary asked.

Without any concealment, he explained exactly what happened at the beginning.

Silly Zhu's salary has always been paid, but when he first joined the factory, Liao Sangui, the canteen director at the time, helped to collect it on his behalf.

The financial staff also asked Liao Sangui why he helped collect the money on his behalf.

The answer given by Liao Sangui was that Sha Zhu had just entered the canteen of the steel rolling mill. He said that he wanted to work hard to specialize in cooking and study against time. He entrusted Liao Sangui to help with the payment, and he would give his salary to Sha Zhu when he returned.

Liao Sangui received ten months' salary on his behalf.

At first, Shazhu's salary was [-] yuan a month in the old version of coins, but now it is [-] yuan in the new version of coins.

In other words.

Liao Sangui embezzled a total of [-] yuan of Shazhu's salary.

The prerequisite is that Silly Zhu did not lie.

Because some things cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences, Liao Sangui said that he helped to collect Sha Zhu’s salary on his behalf, but Sha Zhu said that he did not let Liao Sangui collect it on his behalf.

Without the testimony of a third witness.

It can only be that the father-in-law is right and the mother-in-law is right.

After a show of hands.

The leaders of the steel rolling mill unanimously agreed to hand over the matter to the Red Star Police Station for full authority.

Why didn't the security department of the steel rolling mill come forward?

The reason given was to avoid suspicion.

He said that if it turns out that Si Zhu is a false accusation in the future, or if Liao Sangui is affected by other things, the leaders of the steel rolling mill will personally come to apologize to Liao Sangui.

on the contrary.

Liao Sangui will accept legal sanctions.


The Red Star Police Station is already preparing to celebrate.

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button.

Who would have thought that the steel rolling mill would once again send a letter of assistance to them.

Please help regarding the possibility that Liao Sangui, the former director of the canteen of the steel rolling mill, embezzled the salary of He Yuzhu, who was an apprentice worker in the second canteen of the steel rolling mill ten years ago.

The amount could be as high as one hundred and fifty dollars.

Looking at the investigation report in his hand.

A few heads at the Red Star Police Station.

I was a little stunned for a while.

It's the courtyard thing again, and it's the person who was cut off from ten years of living expenses.

Just by looking at Fang Shazhu's nickname, he knew that he was an honest and responsible person.

I don’t know if I’m born with some kind of destiny that is calculated by others.

The first step was to clarify the ins and outs of Sha Zhu's living expenses being withheld, and then there was the incident of someone embezzling ten months of Sha Zhu's salary.

Based on their understanding of Shazhu and the unraveling of the living expenses withholding case, they felt that the former canteen director was most likely to have committed corruption.

This letter of notification of co-investigation is not to make things difficult, it is to send special merits to their Red Star Police Station.

The steel rolling mill gives them face.

The Red Star Police Department said that you have to carry everything with you.

What's more, people also made it clear that they suspected that all this had something to do with Yi Zhonghai, the former steward of the Red Star Courtyard. They suspected that Yi Zhonghai deliberately embezzled Sha Zhu's salary with the former canteen director Liao Sangui in order to provide for his retirement. The evidence was Sha Zhu's. Cooking skills are passed down from family. Based on the analysis of cooking skills, Si Zhu entered the factory as a regular worker, but he was made an apprentice. Even a fool knows there is something wrong with this.

the case.


Ask He Daqing and he knows everything.

As for who the case will be handed over to.

Several leaders at the Hongxing Police Station thought about it and felt that Zhang Shihao was good. The case of withholding living expenses was discovered by Zhang Shihao.

One guest does not bother two hosts.

Just Zhang Shihao.

Because Zhang Shihao was leading people in the courtyard to help Sha Zhu recover the intercepted money, Liao Sangui's case had to wait until Zhang Shihao came back from the courtyard.

Zhang Shihao, who didn't know that a new case was waiting for him, stood in the courtyard with two deputies without saying a word.

There were also street staff accompanying him.

It can be regarded as a joint law enforcement between the street and the police station. (End of chapter)

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