Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 337 The deaf old lady tests Silly Zhu, and Silly Zhu chokes the deaf old lady.

Since it was a joint law enforcement activity between the street and the police station, the neighbors in the courtyard who had nothing to do or were resting were all called out.

The case of withholding living expenses has been regarded as a typical case.

Red Star Courtyard suddenly became famous.

Calling out the neighbors was an opportunity to educate them so that they would not make the same mistake again.

I really thought it was foolproof.

In fact, there are still some omissions.

Some people regard themselves as the gods of the courtyard, and they can do whatever they want, such as Yi Zhonghai, who withheld living expenses. Without Yi Zhonghai's approval, Li Yulan dared to do such a thing. She was just a housewife!

The last time he saw Yi Zhonghai, Director Jia had a bad impression of Yi Zhonghai.

Looking at his face of justice and kindness, he looked like a good old man, but he always felt that there was something in his heart that he didn't know.

Yi Zhonghai will come back soon. Director Jia must talk to Yi Zhonghai no matter what. Don't do the Yiyantang thing in the courtyard.

There are three stewards in Hongxing Courtyard, and all of them have their own shortcomings. Yi Zhonghai is hypocritical, Liu Haizhong is brainless, Yan Fugui’s interests come first, and the remaining residents cannot shoulder the responsibility.

Director Jia intended to make Sha Zhu the manager, but Sha Zhu disagreed. Li Xiuzhi worked as a clerk on the street, and there was no follow-up to the matter.

no solution anymore.

We can only go through this incident and give these people in the courtyard a good beating. They are like deaf old ladies. We must focus on them. It is said that they are the ancestors of the courtyard.

The Jia family also needs to be focused on.

Widows do not remarry.

What do you want to go?

Are you turning history back?

The two stewards, Yan Fugui and Liu Haizhong, were called back from the primary school affiliated to the steel rolling mill and the steel rolling mill by someone specially sent by Director Jia.

The two of them maintained their status as stewards, unlike the neighbors in the courtyard, and took the initiative to chat with Zhang Shihao and Director Jia.

After learning the truth of the matter, especially when they heard that the eldest mother had committed suicide and ended the matter by herself, Yan Fugui and Liu Haizhong each felt infinite regret in their hearts.

Liu Haizhong, as the steward, said a few words to the neighbors and accidentally mentioned the death of his aunt.

Good intentions too.

Thinking that Auntie was an old neighbor in the courtyard and was Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law, the posthumous affairs would naturally be handled in the courtyard. As a result, I learned of Auntie's death and also learned about Auntie's request that she didn't want Yi Zhonghai to deal with the posthumous affairs.

The neighbors were all dumbfounded and frightened by the facts. After explaining the problem, the aunt killed herself instead of being buried with Yi Zhonghai.

The ants are still living an ignoble existence.

Not to mention people.

But the aunt died without hesitation.

Sad emotions flooded into the hearts of the neighbors, and their minds unnaturally recalled the scenes of the aunt interacting with them, either hanging around Yi Zhonghai or the deaf old lady, working hard all day long. He takes care of his family and serves the deaf old lady who has nothing to do with him, without any regrets.

There was no such thing as withholding Shazhu's living expenses. Auntie was really a traditional good old man, and the neighbors all wanted to say hello to her.



Each of them missed the aunt, and started to think about it in their minds. Don't look at the aunt who kept saying that she was responsible for this incident, and don't look at Yi Zhonghai's categorical statement that he didn't know how to withhold living expenses. things.

In the hearts of the neighbors.

This is just fooling around with ghosts.

The couple has been married for decades, slept in the same bed for decades, and the aunt has been withholding Si Zhu's living expenses for ten years. How can Yi Zhonghai not know anything about it?

See through but not tell through.

Plus the aunt is dead.

The neighbors pretended not to notice and felt sorry for the aunt as much as possible.

Unlike the neighbors.

The deaf old lady was happy.

The aunt was useful to her. She provided food and drink for her, tidied the house, washed clothes, quilts, and mattresses, and served her day and night for several years. After these facts collided with Yi Zhonghai's death, the deaf old lady decided for her own sake. Taking care of one's own retirement, it is natural to choose Yizhonghai.

A very simple truth.

Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker with a salary of ninety-nine yuan a month. He is also the former steward of the courtyard, so he can meet all the requirements of the deaf old lady.

Auntie is just an ordinary housewife.

Which one is more important?

Suddenly saw the superiority.

In this case, the deaf old lady naturally turned to Yi Zhonghai. She needed Yi Zhonghai to help her organize her posthumous affairs and throw the brazier as her son during the funeral.

Since ancient times.

But there is no reason to throw a brazier at your daughter's house.

It is reasonable to abandon Yi Ma and save Yi Zhonghai.

Not to mention the deaf old lady, even if it were a deaf old lady, she would make the same choice.

In just a moment, the deaf old lady's joy at Yi Zhonghai's escape disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the sadness still appeared on her face.

Not blind.

I saw the seal in the hands of the street workers and knew why they came.

When Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui didn't come back just now, Zhang Shihao had already explained the purpose of his visit. Except for the news of Auntie's death, he told everything else about Jiehu's living expenses, how much the living expenses would be for ten years, and what Auntie said. The matter of embezzlement of He Daqing's living expenses of 1,800 yuan.

That adds up to three thousand yuan.

The aunt can say that the money was spent on the deaf old lady.

In the past.

The deaf old lady also lived with Yi Zhonghai and his wife, and the neighbors also saw the fact that the aunt arranged for good wine and food for the deaf old lady.

Every cent of the money that was withheld must be returned to Shazhu, and the living expenses of 1,800 made up by the aunt must also be handed over to Shazhu.

Don't pay.

People will put a seal on it.

Seal Yi Zhonghai's house and the deaf old lady's house.

Suddenly there was no place to live.

That's not bad.

The deaf old lady stretched her neck and looked eagerly at the door of the courtyard. Only by waiting for Yi Zhonghai to come back could such a crisis be resolved.

If Yi Zhonghai comes back, the deaf old lady will have to change her character appropriately in front of the neighbors, street leaders and comrades from the police station.

How to refresh the character.


What happened after the eldest mother’s death.

We must squeeze out all the benefits from Auntie.

By organizing the funeral for the aunt, I can properly interpret the deep love between mother and child. When necessary, say a few words: "Why are you so confused? How can you cut off the living expenses of Hu Shazhu and his sister? Why don't you follow me?" By saying things like this, he cleared away his responsibilities and allowed Yi Zhonghai to act out the drama of his deep love with his aunt.

After waiting for a while, I heard a pleasant car bell.

I know people are back.

There are three bicycles in the courtyard, one for Yan Fugui in the front yard, one for Xu Damao in the back yard, and one for Shazhu in the middle yard. Xu Damao’s bicycle was supplied by the Publicity Department. It has been ridden for several years and is old. Yan Fugui bought a second-hand bicycle, and the bell is not so loud.

It must be Silly Pillar.

The deaf old lady guessed that Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu were both workers in the steel rolling mill, lived in the same courtyard, and came back specifically to withhold living expenses.

Naturally, the two of them appeared together.

Yi Zhonghai came back with Sha Zhu on Sha Zhu's bicycle.

But they didn't expect that the person who finally appeared in front of them was Si Zhu who came in from outside pushing a bicycle. He didn't see Yi Zhonghai.

I mistakenly thought that the hypocrite had gone to the toilet.

Lazy donkeys grind their shit and urinate a lot.

Waited for a while.

Waiting until after ten o'clock, almost eleven o'clock, seeing that Yi Zhonghai has not appeared yet, the deaf old lady became anxious, worried that Yi Zhonghai would be criticized in the steel rolling mill, and asked Silly Zhu: "Grandson, what are you doing? Didn’t I follow you back?”

Everyone knows that the eldest grandson refers to Silly Zhu.

They all focused their gazes on Shazhu.

Silly Zhu, you have solutions and I have countermeasures. He deliberately pretended not to hear and was chatting with Zhang Shihao and Director Jia. In the meantime, he did not forget to talk to Liu Haizhong.

According to the instructions in the script of "Qin Man", Liu Haizhong will be the captain of the steel rolling mill for a few months in a few years, causing the steel rolling mill to become a mess.

Lou Xiaoe's family was almost wiped out by Liu Haizhong.

Quan thought it was for his own consideration and did not want to be resented by Liu Haizhong for no reason, so he deliberately elevated Liu Haizhong's identity and said some flattering words.

Seeing that Sha Zhu ignored her, the deaf old lady knew that Sha Zhu had done it deliberately. She poked the ground hard with the crutch in her hand, and shouted at Sha Zhu again.

He is still called the eldest grandson.

"Grandson, what did grandma ask you? Did your grandpa not come back with you? Or did he go to the toilet? Even if he went to the toilet, he should have come back after such a long time. Silly Zhuzhu, grandma's grandson, you are talking. ah."

That's what I call Silly Pillar.

There is a temptation in mind.

In the courtyard, the deaf old lady is faced with the problem of three meals a day. The eldest mother is not dead, and the eldest mother is helping her. However, the eldest mother is dead. Yi Zhonghai will solve the problem at the steel rolling mill at noon. After thinking about it, he can only rely on Silly Zhu has a bicycle, so he can come back at noon to cook a meal for her before going to work in the steel rolling mill.

If Silly Zhu responded to the deaf old lady, he did not refute the title of eldest grandson and Silly Zhu.

The deaf old lady's plan had some aftereffects.

on the contrary.

Deaf old ladies are a different matter.

Unexpectedly, Shazhu didn't respond, and Liu Haizhong responded first.

"Old lady, who is your eldest grandson? Si Zhu's surname is He, and your husband's surname is Jin. How come he is your eldest grandson? Didn't you see that Si Zhu doesn't want to talk to you?"

Liu Haizhong thought he had captured the soft spot of the deaf old lady.

I also thought about the many neighbors at the scene, especially the leaders of the street and police station.

As the person in charge of the courtyard house.

You must have a correct attitude and show your abilities.

If the deaf old lady cannot be suppressed, Liu Haizhong will not be able to be the steward. Yi Zhonghai will be re-elected as the chief steward, and Liu Haizhong will continue to be stepped on by Yi Zhonghai.

This is a question of logic.

After finally using the matter of withholding living expenses to get Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong didn't want Yi Zhonghai to seize power again. Liu Haizhong, who was full of calculations, took advantage of the deaf old lady calling Silly Zhu's eldest grandson to make a decision. A deaf old lady.

He thought to himself: This old lady has not given me any respect in the courtyard for so many years. Whatever I say today, the deaf old lady must know that Lord Ma actually has three eyes.

"You are you, and Shazhu is Shazhu. When did you accept Shazhu as your grandson? You are now a five-guarantee household. If you have a grandson, this five-guarantee household must consider it."

The five-guarantee household is the golden support of the deaf old lady.

A scene showing his loneliness and helplessness.

It means that the identity of the deaf old lady can withstand verification.

If the five-guarantee household is revoked because of this matter, and the matter seems a bit serious, I am afraid that people will link the deaf old lady's five-guarantee household to be revoked with the identity of the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady closed his mouth knowingly.

He honestly stopped talking.

Be dumb.

It's not like she can't.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be called a deaf old lady. The word "deaf" shows everything.

When Liu Haizhong saw that the deaf old lady remained silent, he thought he had successfully manipulated the deaf old lady, and his interest instantly rose to the extreme.

After looking at Silly Zhu, his eyes fell on Director Jia and Zhang Shihao.

"Boss leaders, Silly Zhu is back, how about we continue?"

"Comrade He Yuzhu, didn't Yi Zhonghai come back with you?"

Director Jia frowned.

Asked a question.

The expression on Zhang Shihao's face was slightly strange, as if he already knew that Yi Zhonghai would not be able to return to the courtyard on time.

This detail.

Silly Zhu didn't see it.

The neighbors didn't see it either.

Because everyone was looking at Shazhu, waiting for Shazhu's answer.

Facing everyone's attention, Shazhu answered honestly: "Director Jia, Comrade Zhang, when I left the factory area, Yi Zhonghai also arrived at the door. Like me, he got the order from the leader of the steel rolling mill and returned to the courtyard to cooperate. The work of our streets and police stations.”

The old deaf lady who was pretending to be deaf and dumb just a moment ago.

It became more alive the next second.

He scolded Silly Zhu without thinking.

"Silly Zhuzi, you come back with your uncle. You have a bicycle, so why can't you wait for your uncle? Can't you use your bicycle to carry your uncle back? Tell me, let grandma, what can I tell you?"

"Grandma? Whose grandma are you? Who is your grandson? My surname is He, and my grandma from the He family is lying down below."

Silly Zhu refuted the deaf old lady mercilessly. He did not want to have any contact with the deaf old lady, otherwise He Daqing would not spare Silly Zhu.

"You and I are just ordinary neighbors. After listening to Yi Zhonghai's words before, I thought it was not easy for you. I need to take care of you. What's the matter? Habits develop naturally? From the moment He Daqing followed the widow to Baocheng, I have always taken care of you. I have lived with you for ten years, let you eat ten years of lunch boxes, feed a dog, and even the dog knows how to look after your home and care for you. What did your old lady do to me? You knew that Yi Zhonghai was going behind my back to ruin my blind date. You deliberately If you don’t say anything, you can still eat from my He Yuzhu’s lunch box with confidence.”

The more Silly Zhu talked, the angrier he became.

The deaf old lady.

I really made myself a soft persimmon.

"Looking at your age, I didn't want to talk to you. I wanted you to save some face, but I didn't expect you to go further. Don't you know how much hatred Yi Zhonghai has against me? You also let me carry Yi Zhonghai When he comes back, I can't wait to give him a few slaps." (End of Chapter)

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