Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 338 The Yi family and the deaf old lady’s family were sealed

Silly Zhu retorted with choked remarks.

The deaf old lady instantly turned into a headless fly.

She didn't know how to deal with it. She felt that the dignity of her ancestors in the compound was thrown to the ground by Silly Zhu and was stepped on several times.

Opened his mouth.

I want to explain.

In the end not a word was uttered.

say what?

You, Silly Zhu, must give me face by saying that you are the ancestor of the Siheyuan.


With so many people around, especially the director and staff of the street and comrades from the police station, as long as she said that she was the ancestor of the courtyard, she would still have to eat several bowls of training noodles.

not stupid.

Naturally, he would not do such a thing that is not good for himself.

She used the stunt of pretending to be deaf and mute, but she didn't hear Si Zhu's rebuke to her. Who made Yi Zhonghai do many things that were sorry for Si Zhu.

It can be described with four words: blood feud.

When Sha Zhu brought Yu Yu to the courtyard to borrow money to buy food, Yu Yu was so hungry that he burst into tears. Just like that, Yi Zhonghai and his wife didn't even give Sha Zhu half a bun, and the deaf old lady just said a few words of concern for Sha Zhu. Empty words.

Not taken seriously by Silly Pillar.


What the deaf old lady cares about now is why Yi Zhonghai hasn't come back yet, and she is worried that their home will be sealed off.

Director Jia just made it clear that they appeared in the courtyard today to cooperate with the comrades at the police station in recovering the money embezzled by the aunt. Some of the money was confiscated by the aunt and was used to feed Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady. Lazarus, this money will also have to be given to Shazhu. If Yi Zhonghai's family can't come up with the money, they will have to make up for it from the deaf old lady.

The leader's intention was to return even a penny of the embezzled money to Shazhu. No matter how much money was withheld, he would pay back the money, not even a penny less.

When is it paid off and when is the case truly closed?

No money.

Use the items at home to trade them in. If quilts, mattresses, bowls and chopsticks are not enough to cover the debt, Yi Zhonghai's salary can be advanced from the steel rolling mill.

This is why the street workers appeared in the courtyard with seals in hand, and this is why the deaf old lady was anxious.

She knows best what she has at home.

The deaf old lady can definitely take out the three thousand yuan. Even if she doesn't have cash, she can trade in oceans, gold bars, jewelry and the like.

The problem is that once these things are taken out, it will destroy the identity of the deaf old lady.

The identity of the deaf old lady on the street is that of a lonely old man with no children and no income.

Is there a five-guarantee household with hidden gold, silver and jewelry?

The origin of things must be clearly stated.

This is the root of the real trouble.

You, the deaf old lady, went back to the house to look for these things alone. The street staff were rummaging through the boxes and cabinets in the deaf old lady's house. If they found a radio station during the rummaging process, things would be a big deal. , a complete death without a burial place.

The old deaf lady was so anxious that she almost jumped.

several times.

I still want to ask Shazhu again.

But as soon as she saw Sha Zhu's angry face, the deaf old lady gave up the idea of ​​asking Sha Zhu. She knew that even if she asked, Sha Zhu would not answer.

We can only hope that Yi Zhonghai will come back quickly and not be delayed by certain things, and then hope that these people can give her a face and not seal off her home.


God did not hear the deaf old lady’s prayers.

It was ten-ten in the morning when Silly Zhu returned to the courtyard. He waited until a little after twelve o'clock, but Yi Zhonghai still hadn't come back.

Many people were wondering what happened to Yi Zhonghai. He couldn't return to the courtyard for three hours.

He speculated that he had encountered some accident, such as falling into a manhole, falling into a sewer, or being beaten by a stupid pillar, and he did not think about the good things about Yi Zhonghai.

Someone else did what the deaf old lady wanted to do, asking Silly Zhu what happened to Yi Zhonghai.

Silly Zhu really didn't know how to answer. He was also very curious, so he finally answered everyone's questions with the words "I don't know."

When it was time to eat, since he was the cook, he couldn't let those people watch him eat. Silly Zhu prepared some food for the street workers and Zhang Shihao and the others.

Director Jia and Zhang Shihao refused to live or die, saying that they had discipline and did not take advantage of the people.

This is not a problem for Silly Pillar.

Silly Zhu said how many ingredients he used to make this meal. These ingredients will be shared equally among the diners, and each person can give him as many food stamps as he wants.

He said that he just helped cook a meal and did his job as a chef.

For this reason, it perfectly solves the problem of eating for everyone.

The deaf old lady didn't know what she was thinking. She stood shamelessly aside while everyone was eating. As the leader of the street, Director Jia couldn't let the deaf old lady stare at them while they ate and remain indifferent.

He gave the remaining bowl of fried cabbage and a stick noodle steamed bun to the deaf old lady.

Silly Zhu didn’t stop him either.

The cooking materials were shared equally among the people present and had nothing to do with Silly Zhu.

I greeted the deaf old lady's eight generations of ancestors in my heart, and then continued to wait for Yi Zhonghai with Zhang Shihao and the others with a smile. When it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Shihao and the others were really impatient with the wait, and mistakenly thought that Yi Zhonghai Zhonghai was silently expressing its protest by not appearing in this way.

Wave your hand.

They took out the seal from their leatherette bag.

Along with it.

There is also an aluminum tin lunch box.

Open it up and take a look.

There is actually paste inside.

It is clear.

This is the time for the main course.

The deaf old lady, who was savoring the taste of Shazhu's delicious food, saw that the other party took out the seal and paste, and knew that the matter had reached a point where there was no need to delay. She licked her face, stepped on her little feet, and came to Director Jia and Zhang Shihao's room tremblingly. In front of him, he said a few words.

"Comrade, wait a moment. Zhonghai will be back in a while. Zhonghai, this kid, I know that if he hasn't come back for so long, he must have been delayed by something. Zhonghai is a good person and has helped the neighbors in the courtyard a lot. For the sake of the good things Zhonghai has done for the neighbors, give my old lady some face. Let’s wait a little longer. Zhonghai will definitely come back, and my old lady believes in him.”

The face of the ancestors of the courtyard.

You can’t not give it.

Director Jia and Zhang Shihao had a brief discussion and agreed to give Yi Zhonghai five more minutes for the sake of the deaf old lady interceding for Yi Zhonghai.

five minutes.

It only takes a while to pee.

I don’t know what other people were thinking, but Silly Zhu felt very happy. This was like slapping the deaf old lady on the face with an invisible big slap.

I didn't see the old deaf lady's face change.

But because of the taboo that the county management is not as good as the current management, I can only pretend not to see it.     Five minutes later.

The deaf old lady didn't have the nerve to beg for mercy anymore, seeing that she didn't want to see her at all and didn't take her seriously.

A classic scene occurred in the courtyard.

In front of countless neighbors and the two stewards Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui, the street and the police station jointly put a seal on the door of Yi Zhonghai's house.

Even the windows were not spared.

After sealing off Yi Zhonghai's house, what the deaf old lady was most worried about happened. Those people walked towards the backyard. They were lice on the bald man. Apart from continuing to seal off the old lady's house, there was another explanation. ?


The deaf old lady hurriedly moved her little feet and chased those people tremblingly.

On the one hand, she was older, and on the other hand, she was an old lady with small feet, and her physical strength was not as strong as those of others. By the time the deaf old lady chased her to the backyard, people from the street and the police station had already blocked the door of the house where the deaf old lady was. It was locked and a seal with the official seal was thoughtfully attached.

Just like Yi Zhonghai's house, the door and windows of the deaf old lady's house were all covered with stickers.

The deaf old lady was completely dumbfounded.

Now that she no longer expects Yi Zhonghai to come back, she is worried about her own living, food and drink, unless she takes advantage of the opportunity when outsiders are not paying attention, secretly breaks the seal and lives in secretly.

There are so many people in the courtyard.

Did not say.

It's not impossible.

It's just that the deaf old lady is worried about what will happen next.

as predicted.

The old deaf lady was right to be worried.

After sealing the house of the deaf old lady, Director Jia helped explain why he did this.

In fact, the responsibility was put entirely on Yi Zhonghai's head.

"Old lady, you will spend the whole night in your courtyard house tonight. Before your Red Star courtyard house, there were civilized and advanced courtyard houses that resounded throughout the streets. The neighbors helped each other. With the neighbors in your courtyard house, our street does not worry about your daily life, old lady. Daily life.”

With his way, he also gave his body.

He used the tricks Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady used to deceive everyone, and in turn put the blame on the deaf old lady.

"This matter is not against you. This is all Yi Zhonghai's responsibility. As Li Yulan's husband, Li Yulan has been intercepting and embezzling the living expenses mailed by He Daqing to He Yuzhu's brother and sister for ten years. This is a dereliction of duty. He Daqing came here when he first came. Before leaving, he left one thousand and eighty yuan for Li Yulan, saying that this was the money for the marriage, wife, and marriage of brother and sister He Yuzhu. Li Yulan did not give it to him and spent the money on Yi Zhonghai, her, and your old lady. ."

The deaf old lady was still in the same mood as before and didn't know what to say.

When the eldest mother is dead.

The deaf old lady had yellow mud stuck in her crotch.

It's not shit, it's shit too.

"According to some logic, your old lady and Yi Zhonghai are also accomplices in Li Yulan's interception of He Yuzhu's living expenses. Considering that you, old lady, are old, Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill, and Li Yulan is also dead. On the other hand, you thought that as long as all the withheld money was returned to He Yuzhu, the matter would be over. But you also saw that Yi Zhonghai deliberately did not come back in an attempt not to admit the mistakes he had committed. In order to ensure that He Yuzhu In order to protect our interests, we can only temporarily seal Yi Zhonghai’s house and the old lady’s house, and wait for when Yi Zhonghai comes back and when the seal will be lifted.”

A twist of the head.

His eyes fell on Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui.

"Liu Haizhong, Yan Fugui, you two are the stewards of the Siheyuan. You are responsible for the daily chores of the neighbors in the Siheyuan. Now I will give you an important task."

Yan Fugui was moved.

Her bangs straightened her back.

important task.

This is better than Yi Zhonghai.

When Yi Zhonghai was in office, when had he ever been given important tasks by the street director in person?

That’s what it’s like to watch bangs again.

You have to seize whatever you say, perform well, and strive to advance from being a courtyard housekeeper to working in the street, just like Li Xiuzhi, the daughter-in-law of Silly Zhu, who helped for nothing at first, but now becomes the acting clerk of the street.

"Director Jia, your order."

"Have you seen all these things?" Director Jia pointed to the seals on the door and windows of the deaf old lady's house. "This represents the law. To tear it apart is equivalent to breaking the law. In order to prevent the neighbors from violating it, Regarding legal matters, you two stewards, you have to take good care of it no matter what you say. When will Yi Zhonghai come back, let us know, and we will come again. Only we have the right to tear these apart. Whoever tears apart outsiders will be responsible, listen. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Director Jia, Comrade Zhang, I, Liu Haizhong, promise you that I will take good care of it. Even if I don't eat or sleep, I can't let anyone destroy it."

Who says bangs are silly?

What a stupid thing to say.

I can seize such an opportunity to flatter him and express my sincerity fiercely.

Yan Fugui also followed Liu Haizhong's words and said a few words.

"As for the seal, the neighbors all know that it is important and will not tear it down. Comrades on the street and comrades at the police station should rest assured about this."

After all, he is a cultural person.

What he says sounds better than Liu Haizhong.

There were neighbors watching the excitement around. Director Jia's warning to Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui had just flown into their ears. They knew that this thing should not be torn apart casually.

Those who had children took advantage of the opportunity to educate their children. Those who had children who were not around thought about what to say to their children at night.

Only the deaf old lady was cursing in her heart.

The ancestors of the courtyard had a small plan for her at that time. They wanted to trick the neighbors in the courtyard to help her break the seal on the door after Director Jia and others left.

Let the neighbors help fight lightning.

I don't know.

Director Jia's explanation broke the old deaf lady's plan. No wonder the old deaf lady suddenly turned into a lifeless expression.

I was so angry.

On second thought.

Just because adults can't tear it apart doesn't mean children can't tear it apart.

It can use children's brains.


As soon as she had an idea, Silly Zhu took advantage of her.

"Neighbors here, watch your children carefully. Children are naughty and ignorant. They think this is a trivial matter. Don't let this matter affect their future and make them unable to go to school, enter the factory or join the army. , the children come back at night, take good care of your children.”

"Si Zhu is right. If the children tear it apart, it will have the same consequences as the adults. You can handle the rest on your own. Comrade Zhang, let's go together."

Director Jia greeted Zhang Shihao.

One after another, they walked towards the door of the courtyard.

Lively scene.

Soon only those in the courtyard were left.

Liu Haizhong looked at the time and realized that he was running out of time to go to work, so he and Yan Fugui squatted in front of the deaf old lady's house in the backyard, and the other squatted in front of Yi Zhonghai's house in the middle courtyard. (End of chapter)

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