Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 339 Deaf old lady’s scheming plot

Since I said I should pay attention to the seal.

Naturally, you have to watch it with all your heart.

It's about their future.

You must be extremely vigilant and careful.

Liu Haizhong regarded himself as a guard dog, staring at the seal in front of him with two big eyes, and said nothing. Even for things like going to the toilet, he asked the second aunt to bring him a chamber pot, with his back to He took the deaf old lady and settled it in a corner of the backyard. After peeing, he asked the second aunt to help him empty it out.

I wish I could hang my eyes on the seal.

Such a serious attitude.

Let the deaf old lady sitting next to her think about evil ideas.

Instantly depressed.

Liu Haizhong is really a good watchdog.

At that time, I still thought about taking advantage of the opportunity when no one was paying attention, and fooling a few ignorant milk babies into breaking the seal.

Even though Silly Zhu reminds the neighbors to take good care of their children, the deaf old lady still thinks that this is a small matter that can be easily solved with three pieces of fruit candies.

But Liu Haizhong squatted in front of Seal with his eyes wide open.

Even if the deaf old lady finds a child who dares to break the seal, she probably won't be able to get past Liu Haizhong.

Think about it.

I don't think it's safe.

Leaning on crutches and walking on small feet, he walked towards the middle courtyard.

Go to the Zhongyuan to try your luck.

Arrived at the middle school.

In the eyes of the deaf old lady, a scene appeared that broke her guard. It was exactly the same as the scene in the backyard. Yan Fugui was also sitting not far from Yi Zhonghai's house, staring closely at the seal of Yi Zhonghai's house. .


Rolling Mill Security Section.

After they captured Yi Zhonghai, they did not interrogate Yi Zhonghai. Perhaps they knew that Yi Zhonghai was not guilty and did it purely to make Yi Zhonghai suffer.

Put Yizhong Customs in a small, deserted room.

Small but complete.

As the security department of a large factory with ten thousand people, its configuration is no worse than that of a police station. Everything that a police station should have, the security department has.

Just like a holding cell.

Compared with the holding room of the police station.

There is nothing worse than it is.

The room Yi Zhonghai is in now is the security department's detention room.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Yi Zhonghai was confused. She really didn't know what happened just now. How could she be tied up in the detention room by the security department in a blink of an eye.

He tried to move his body, but he couldn't move because of the rope on his body.

There was still a smelly rag stuffed in his mouth.

Even if I shout, I can't make a sound.

I can only beg others to come quickly and let me out.

To describe it in an easy-to-understand way, there is shit under Yi Zhonghai’s butt, and he has to quickly find some tissue paper to wipe it clean, otherwise it will always stink.

The steel rolling mill gave Yi Zhonghai two hours to solve the problem. Any time beyond this time would be considered absenteeism.

From being imprisoned until now.

Several hours have passed.

Even if I think about it with my toes, I can imagine what will happen to me.

The daughter-in-law died, but Yi Zhonghai had not yet cleared up his responsibilities. He had to compensate Sha Zhu three thousand yuan, and he also had to find a way to solve the matter of embezzling half a year's salary of Sha Zhu with the former canteen director.


one piece.



The only thing that is beneficial to Yi Zhonghai now is that Yi Zhonghai already knows what happened and can make targeted countermeasures.

There is no seeking life and death.

But after spending a lot of time, Yi Zhonghai changed his body from lying to sitting, and sat on the ground, racking his brains to think about what happened recently, and what happened to him. , how come so many thunders exploded for no reason, all of them were aimed at killing people.

In a quiet environment.

Yi Zhonghai realized that someone seemed to be secretly targeting him, from the interception of money to the current corruption incident, all linked together.

Bad thing.

I was doubted myself.

How to do?

Yi Zhonghai was anxious and confused. The main reason was that Yi Zhonghai found that he couldn't imagine a solution to the problem at all. The only solution was to put the responsibility on the other party's head.

You can pass the buck.

It’s not impossible.

Just consider the gains and losses involved.

In case the other party has evidence in hand, Yi Zhonghai would be counterproductive if he puts the responsibility on the other party's head.


Yi Zhonghai was worried about his own safety afterwards.

Dogs can jump over walls when they are in a hurry.

Not to mention people.

If someone gets desperate and secretly targets Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai can only admit that he is unlucky. There is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

Many things happened that were not planned by Yi Zhonghai, such as paying the withheld money. I originally wanted to use this matter to plot against Silly Zhu, but in the end, Yi Zhonghai was locked up in the Security Department, and they still treated him as a big brother. He was tied up like a fat pig and deliberately starved him. He didn't even give Yi Zhonghai a piece of steamed bun to eat at noon.

When Yi Zhonghai was imprisoned in the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications, he was lucky enough to give Yi Zhonghai a cornbread, but the Security Department of the Steel Rolling Mill had no money.

Hungry Yi Zhonghai.

Thinking about how to get out.

I thought about what those people would do if I didn't show up in the courtyard. I thought of everything, but I didn't expect that those people would directly put a seal on Yi Zhonghai's house and the deaf old lady's house.

He was in the security department of a steel rolling mill, but his wages were deducted by the steel rolling mill on the pretext of absenteeism.

After you get out, you still have to be taught a lesson by the leader.

This is inevitable.

Does Yi Zhonghai know that his reputation in the steel rolling mill is not very good, and what worries Yi Zhonghai even more is the matter of withholding Si Zhu's living expenses. Many people don't believe that he really doesn't know anything about it.

On the way to the security department, one of the security officers said something about Yi Zhonghai's aunt dying to fight the thunder, saying that Yi Zhonghai was evil-hearted.

This shocked Yi Zhonghai.

I feel like things are a bit difficult to handle.

Yi Zhonghai looked around the surroundings and saw a small one-foot-square window on the door of the house, with glass on it, and a figure faintly flashed across the glass.

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor.

In order to get out, Yi Zhonghai began to artificially create noise, hoping that those people would hear the noise, enter the house, and let Yi Zhonghai go.   His body was tied tightly with a rope.

Yi Zhonghai used his body as a weapon and hit the wall next to him. After a few hits, his body hurt and he began to jump on the ground like a maggot. He used his body as a drumstick and the ground as a drum. Physically shouting to people outside to come in.

The thought was not in vain.

Someone heard the noise and stuck his head through the crack in the door.

After Yi Zhonghai saw it, he quickly spoke to the other party.

Because the smelly rag in his mouth was stuffed too tightly, he couldn't make any sounds. He could only utter a few single words such as "um", "ah", "ah", and "cluck".

The security officer who had obviously recognized Yi Zhonghai had a smile on his face and said something that made Yi Zhonghai extinguish his hope in an instant.

"Hey, who is this? Why do you just open your mouth and not speak? I understand, this is a mute who can't speak. Hey, poor mute!"

Followed by.

He pushed open the gap and stuck his head through the door.

It was shut hard.

Looking at the still trembling door, Yi Zhonghai greeted the other party's eight generations of ancestors, what a stupid bastard, you are the mute, and your whole family is mute.



The deaf old lady walked around the front, middle and back courtyards several times. During the process, she looked at the neighbors with wandering eyes.

The deaf old lady just thought about it seriously.

I think she should find a child to break the seal for her.

You need a place to sleep at night.

The result was misunderstood.

When the neighbors saw the deaf old lady wandering around the courtyard, they instantly remembered Director Jia's instructions before leaving. Your courtyard is a civilized courtyard, and the daily life of the deaf old lady is handled by the neighbors in your courtyard.

Replace it with another old lady.

It’s really just a matter of adding a pair of chopsticks.

The key point is that the person they are dining with now is the deaf old lady who is the ancestor of the courtyard.

What is the deaf old lady famous for?

Greedy and greedy.

We all know that ordinary food cannot satisfy the eyes of the deaf old lady. If there is no shortage of supplies and sufficient conditions, the deaf old lady can eat something good.

The problem is that there is a shortage of supplies now. Even the steamed buns made of stick noodles cannot make people full.

In this situation.

Where can I find delicacies for the deaf old lady?

And according to the knowledge of the neighbors, even if you find the delicacies for the deaf old lady, the deaf old lady who eats your delicacies will not think about you as a good person, but will brazenly think that this is what you should do. Afterwards, I put on a shameless face, saying that I, the deaf old lady, am the ancestor of the compound, and eating your delicacies is to give you face.

Due to this idea, they all regarded the deaf old lady as a scourge. Some of them hid, and those who couldn't hide simply thought of not eating at night.

Jia Zhang chose the third method, thinking that even if she ate at night, she would have to eat in secret. But if that didn't work, she would hide in the toilet and eat in secret.

Smelling the stench of the toilet and eating steaming meals, Jia Zhang has done this before.

The neighbors just wanted to prevent the deaf old lady from eating their food, and they also said that their food was not delicious.

As if they had discussed it, they worked together to deal with the deaf old lady, avoiding the deaf old lady as much as possible. When they saw the deaf old lady, they either went home or left the courtyard, causing the deaf old lady to wander around several times, tired. It was so embarrassing that I didn't realize my long-cherished wish, and I mistakenly thought that all the neighbors were crazy.

Until the stalk appears.

Only then did the deaf old lady let go of these thoughts. She suddenly breathed out a sigh of relief, feeling that the big stone weighing on her heart could finally be removed.

He squinted his eyes slightly and focused his gaze on Bangge, who was ten years old this year.

Bangge is in the third grade of elementary school. He has an ugly pothead, wears patched clothes, and carries a bulging schoolbag. The cloth shoe on his right foot seems to be torn, revealing his proud thumb. .

Because Silly Zhu picked up the script of The Courtyard of Beasts, read the content of the script, and learned in advance about Jia Dongxu’s death and Qin Huairu becoming a widow. He also knew that Yi Zhonghai was going to recruit Silly Zhu to help the Jia family’s widow and Qin Huairu. Things like working together to plot stupid pillars.

Make targeted arrangements in advance.

Silly Zhu has alienated his relationship with the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai. His beloved wife Li Xiuzhi is extremely virtuous and lives a harmonious and beautiful life, which is envied by the neighbors.

There was no such thing as helping the Jia family's widow, and naturally there would be no such thing as the Jia family's widow and the Jia family's children eating silly pillars, drinking silly pillars, wearing silly pillars, using silly pillars, scolding silly pillars, etc. Something that takes Shazhu seriously.

The widow of the Jia family had no support from Shazhu, so her life was naturally not very good.

Xu Damao would not pay Qin Huairu a meal ticket.

The starting point of the turtle grandson's talk about Qin Huairu is that many people are spreading rumors that Shazhu is Qin Huairu's wild man, and they want to realize Xu Damao's purpose of stepping on Shazhu through the fact that something happened between Qin Huairu and me.

Silly Zhu doesn't associate with the Jia family's widow.

Xu Damao didn't bother to talk to the Jia family's widow.

The lives of the three little white-eyed wolves, Banggan, Xiaodang, and Huaihua, are not very easy. They will not be in the situation described in the script. When they are hungry, they run to Shazhu's house to find food. Where is Shazhu? They all knew about the hidden peanuts and melon seeds, and when Silly Zhu ate them, Bang Gian and the other three had stolen all of them.

at this point.

It also became the support of the deaf old lady in scheming Banggen. She thought that the life of the widow of the Jia family was not very easy, and there was no man, and there was no other support except Yi Zhonghai. She thought that she could bribe Banggen with a piece of fruit candy. Let Banggeng tear the seal for her.

He waved his hand towards Banggeng.

"Bangge, come over to Grandma's place and let Grandma take a good look at you."

Jia Zhang immediately quit.

I am Banggen's grandma, but you, the deaf old lady, call yourself Banggen's great-grandmother. She is a generation older than me, Jia Zhang.

That's not bad.

She doesn't care about seniority.

It's supplies.

The last time Yi Zhonghai was caught by the security department and detained for three or four days, the aunt was there at that time, and the aunt was responsible for the food and drink of the deaf old lady.

The eldest mother was dead, and Yi Zhonghai was not even allowed to deal with her posthumous affairs. Yi Zhonghai disappeared again. According to Jia Zhang's knowledge, Yi Zhonghai deliberately avoided coming back.

This guy didn't come back for several days in a row.

The deaf old lady had to eat and drink for several days.

I want to use Banggeng to get closer to our Jia family. No way. I, Jia Zhang, will not be fooled by your deaf old lady. Just when I was about to open my mouth to remind Banggeng, I saw Banggeng picking it like a little rabbit. In front of the deaf old lady, he stared intently at the thing in the deaf old lady's hand.

If Jia Zhang is not mistaken.

It's a fruit candy.

This year and month.

The only person who can afford fruit candies is the deaf old lady in the backyard, and her godson is Yi Zhonghai.

Jia Zhang is somewhat conflicted.

I want Banggeng to eat the deaf old lady’s fruit candies, but I also don’t want to get involved with the deaf old lady.

Just as she was thinking wildly.

I heard the deaf old lady urging Bangge.

"Banggen, my great grandson, you should take it. This is fruit candy. My great grandma can't bear to part with it. It's reserved just for you. Don't look at it, just take it."

I didn’t pick up the stick.

Mainly because I dislike the lack of sugar.

In the eyes of the neighbors, Bangge is a bit naughty, but they have to admit that Bangge has one advantage, that is, he takes good care of his two younger sisters.

In front of Xiaodang and Huaihua, he acts like an older brother. He won't keep some delicious food and fun toys to himself, but wants to share them with his two younger sisters. (End of chapter)

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