Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 340 Blackmailing the deaf old lady of the Jia family

When Bangge faced the fruit candy the deaf old lady gave him, he didn't reach out to take it. It wasn't that he didn't want to eat it, and it wasn't that he didn't want it.

Something for nothing.

Why not?

The main reason is that one piece of fruit candy is not enough for the three children of the Jia family. Thinking that since I have two younger sisters, Xiaodang and Huaihua, I must have one piece of fruit candy for each of them.

Bangge used the teacher's education as an excuse to tactfully reject the deaf old lady's sugar-coated bullets.

"The teacher doesn't let us take other people's things casually."

The deaf old lady was stunned for a moment.

I can't give you this candy anymore.

Jia Zhang, who was not far away, suddenly had a show-off expression on her face after hearing Bangge's answer.

Check it out.

This is the eldest grandson of my Jia Zhang family, who will be a cadre in the future. With these words, how can he have an ordinary child?

Because Shazhu picked up the script of "Love" and learned the contents, he made targeted changes, which invisibly changed the fate of many people.

The first one to bear the brunt is BangGeng.

In the script of "Love", Bangge is just a sneaky child, who is disliked by countless people.

He went to Sha Zhu's house to steal peanuts, melon seeds and other food that Sha Zhu had hidden, and also stole cabbage, sweet potatoes and other vegetables from the neighbors in the cellar.

What was even more outrageous was that when the teenage Banggeng saw that his two younger sisters were hungry, Jia Zhang didn't care and Qin Huairu was not at home, so he stole Xu Damao's old hen and roasted it.

I felt that the beggar's chicken was not delicious without condiments, so I went to the canteen of the steel rolling mill to steal the condiments from the canteen.

Silly Zhu discovered that Bangjie was stealing soy sauce and deliberately shouted with a smile. On the way to get off work, he encountered the famous scene of Bangjie and the others eating beggar's chicken. His face became bright and he thought that his efforts were not in vain.

They told the three of them not to tell anyone about stealing the chicken.

Back in the courtyard, Sha Zhu met Qin Huairu who was doing laundry. Faced with Qin Huairu's hands snatching the lunch box, Sha Zhu used He Yuyu's return as an excuse to refuse to hand over the lunch box to the Jia family. Seeing that Qin Huairu was unhappy, he raised it In one sentence, Banggeng and the others secretly ate Xu Damao’s old hen.

This is the chicken-stealing plot that runs throughout the entire TV series.

The widow of the Jia family knew clearly that Banggen had stolen Xu Damao's old hen, but not only did she not deal with it in advance, but after Xu Damao brought the matter to the courtyard meeting, she fanned the flames and together with the three stewards, labeled Silly as a chicken thief. Silly Zhu paid Xu Damao five yuan for his head, and the chicken was gone.

He Yuyu almost couldn't get married because of this incident.

In the end, he went dark and tried to trick Sha Zhu in all aspects, hoping to get Sha Zhu to marry Qin Huairu.

The initiator of this incident was Silly Zhu. I don’t know what he thought, but he taught Bang Gang to steal things.

There is a line in the script that is particularly important. Bangge and Xu Damao fought with Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu because of the medicine jar.

Yi Zhonghai came over to show off, but was pushed to the ground by Bang Gang.

Silly Zhu arrived, grabbed the collar of Banggeng's clothes, and said this sentence, I left it to you to pick the lock and slide the door, but I didn't teach you how to fight. I will teach you how to fight today.

It can be seen that Bangge's behavior of stealing chickens and dogs is the handiwork of Shazhu.

This is what the script says.

Because Si Zhu knew this, he did not help the widow and alienated his relationship with Yi Zhonghai. He married Li Xiuzhi, a virtuous daughter-in-law recognized by the neighbors.

The things that should have appeared in the original script, such as teaching Bonggei to sneak around and pick locks, naturally did not appear, so Bonggei had no chance of being disliked by the neighbors.

The current stick figure has not gone astray yet.

look carefully.

The stick holding the pot lid is a bit cute.

This is the stick in Jia Zhang's eyes, and it is also the real thought of the deaf old lady who feels that she has value and can be exploited by herself. She thinks that if the stick breaks the seal, Jia Zhang will definitely act up, and the deaf old lady can also use the stick. I used the excuse of being a good boy to smooth things over, and in the end the big thing turned into a trivial one.

Unexpectedly, Banggeng didn't ask for her candy.

To break the seal.

The deaf old lady had to add weight, and took out two more fruit candies from her pocket. As soon as she greeted the stick, she felt her hand was inexplicably light.

Look down.

The fruit candy on my hand has disappeared.

Subconsciously he raised his head and found Banggeng grabbing his candy. He peeled off the outer sugar coating and gave one to Xiaodang. He ate one himself. Sophora japonica was only over a year old and worried about getting stuck in his throat. Banggeng gave the candy to Xiaodang. Arrive at Jia Zhang family.

Jia Zhang didn't want to eat it, so she put it in Banggeng's pocket, pulled Banggian and walked toward Jia's house, whispering something as she walked.

Although the deaf old lady didn't hear clearly, she could guess that she must not let the children listen to her words and break the seal.

Thinking that you ate my old lady’s fruit candies but didn’t do anything.

no way.

Seeing that Banggan's schoolbag was left where it was, he reached out to grab it, preparing to enter Jia's house in the name of delivering the schoolbag.

One aspect is the matter of breaking the seal.

On the other hand, there is the problem of what the deaf old lady eats and drinks at night. The ancestors of the compound cannot live by drinking the northwest wind.

Holding the schoolbag in hand, I thought I could lift it easily, but I didn't expect that Banggan's schoolbag was extremely heavy. The deaf old lady, who was careless for a moment, staggered to the ground in an instant. On the ground, his head accidentally hit the floor tiles.

A voice that is afraid that things will not be too big.

It rang very quickly.

"It's not good. The deaf old lady was crushed by the Jia family's schoolbag and fell to the ground. Someone, come quickly. Something happened to the deaf old lady. Something big happened."

Neighbors in the courtyard house.

No one needed to shout, everyone came out of their homes.

The Deaf Old Lady's Drama.

Gotta watch.

In a short time, the middle courtyard was completely surrounded by water.

Look at the crowd.

But the one who reaches out does not.

Everyone wanted to see more of the miserable condition of the deaf old lady.

Liu Haizhong did not show up, and was still staring at the seal in the backyard. The deaf old lady fell to the ground. In Liu Haizhong's eyes, it was clear that someone was coming for the seal. Seeing Liu Haizhong guarding it motionless, he used Tiao Hu Li Shan. The plan was to take advantage of the deaf old lady's fall to move her bangs away from her hair, and take the opportunity to tear the seal.

It was like ending Liu Haizhong's career at once.

This will not work.

Not to mention the deaf old lady, even if the second aunt fell to the ground, her bangs would not leave the place of protection.

The bangs stay still.

Yan Fugui didn't move either.

The two stewards both regarded keeping track of the seal as their top priority. They just saw the deaf old lady fall down. Out of the responsibility of the stewards, Yan Fugui shouted loudly, mainly because he didn't want people to misunderstand that it was him. Fu Gui knocked over the old deaf lady, thinking that someone came out, and saw the old deaf lady lying on the ground, so he had to deal with it anyway.

Wrong estimation of form.

I also resented that the deaf old lady had such a rubbish position in the hearts of the neighbors, and they all wished that the deaf old lady would die all of a sudden.

Naturally, I won’t reach out casually, thinking that if I don’t reach out, others will.

This way.

The old deaf lady lay on the ground for a long time, but no one paid any attention to her. Instead, she was complained by Jia Zhang who came out of Jia's house after hearing the noise.

"Old lady, what are you doing? Many people just saw me pulling the stick into the house. Our Sophora japonica is the only one in the courtyard. A child under one year old can push you down?"

The conversation changed and he started scolding Yan Fugui.

"And that person who shouted, you really lack virtue. Why did our stupid schoolbag drag the deaf old lady? It was clearly you who pushed the deaf old lady down and wanted to put the shit basin on the heads of our Jia family. , my old lady tells you, don’t even think about it, who can shout?”

"The third uncle is shouting." A well-meaning person in the crowd of onlookers said, "The third uncle is sitting here and shouting."          Everyone's gaze.

It fell on Yan Fugui.

At this moment.

Yan Fugui, who was attracting everyone's attention, mentally scolded the neighbor who interrupted and explained.

"Mr. Jia Zhang, I'm not saying Sophora japonica pushed down the old deaf lady, I meant that Banggeng's schoolbag dragged down the old deaf lady. It was a schoolbag, not a person."

Mrs. Jia Zhang was worried about being blackmailed by the deaf old lady.

He cursed at Yan Fugui.

"Hey, you old bastard, can you see clearly? You wear glasses and can see clearly. How come our schoolbag is so awesome that it drags on a deaf old lady? How much can a schoolbag weigh? It can actually drag on a deaf lady Old lady, why do I not believe it so much?"

In order to clear away the responsibility of Banggeng.

Jia Zhang thought that what she heard was false and what she saw was true, so she grabbed her schoolbag with her hands.

The moment I bought it.

The schoolbag feels very heavy.

gritted teeth.


Finally, he felt it was inappropriate, so he put his schoolbag on the ground and opened Banggeng's schoolbag in front of the neighbors.


Breathe in a cool voice.

Keep flying out of people's mouths.

Everyone who saw the contents of Banggeng's schoolbag was frightened.

Good guy.

What are they packed with?

In addition to books and exercise books, there are also several bricks, the big green bricks, which are extremely heavy.

I can’t even figure out why Banggeng installs these things. Could it be that someone is bullying Banggeng? This is Banggeng’s weapon against his enemies.

Jia Zhang thought so too.

He yelled at Yan Fugui.

"Yan Fugui, let me ask you, is our little dog being bullied in school?"

Sticks are Jia Zhang's heart and soul.

Bully stick stalker.

Jia Zhang is not done with him.

"No?" Yan Fugui, who didn't know what was going on, replied, "Most of the people in Hongxing Primary School are children of employees of the steel rolling mill. It's not far from the courtyard house. Who dares to bully Banggeng? What's wrong?"

"Third uncle, there are several bricks in Banggan's schoolbag."

"Bricks? How can there be bricks in Banggeng's schoolbag?" Yan Fugui came up with an idea, "Jia Zhang, wouldn't you know the reason if you call Banggeng out and ask him?"

Jia Zhang heard this.

I also think it’s a good idea.

He called Banggeng out, pointed at the blue bricks in his schoolbag, and asked Banggeng what was going on.

Bangge explained everything clearly.

people around.

There was an instant uproar.

all laughed.

There are wonderful things every year, especially this year.

In addition to the primary school, Hongxing Primary School also has a middle school, which is divided into two campuses.

When Banggeng saw those junior high school students, everyone's schoolbags were stuffed full with all kinds of books, and he felt infinite envy in his heart. He felt that he was very majestic carrying a bulging schoolbag. He is now a third-grade child. In addition to Chinese and mathematics, he only has a book on ideological and moral education, which cannot fulfill his wish to fill the bookcase with sticks. With infinite cleverness in his eyes, Jia Zhang came up with a way, which was to stuff bricks into his schoolbag, and use the bricks to realize his ideal of filling the schoolbag with sticks.

During this period, Banggeng carried bricks weighing more than ten kilograms to and from school every day.

The deaf old lady was dragged along simply because her schoolbag was too heavy. The deaf old lady's chassis was unstable and she didn't take it seriously.

Things came to light.

The deaf old lady shouted.

The only thought in my mind was to blackmail Mrs. Jia Zhang. This rare opportunity must be seized to get her up, unless Mrs. Jia Zhang promised to give her food and let Banggeng break the seal.

on the contrary.

No matter what you say, you have to put the label of disrespecting the elderly on Banggeng's head.

"Oh, it hurts my old lady so much."


Two canteens.

Silly Zhu just came back here.

Liu Lan and others surrounded him.

They say there are no secrets in a rolling mill.

It really is so.

Everyone was asking if Yi Zhonghai had absconded.

Silly Zhu frowned and looked at Liu Lan, Quegenxian, and the others. He really couldn't figure out where Yi Zhonghai's theory of absconding came from.

When I entered the steel rolling mill just now.

The security section at the door had already told Sha Zhu about their arrest of Yi Zhonghai, and they said conclusively that Yi Zhonghai was locked up in the security section's holding room.

Why was Yi Zhonghai imprisoned?

The explanation given by the Security Department is that Yi Zhonghai did not cooperate with other people's inspection work.

Shazhu accepted the security department's sentiments and said a few words of gratitude to the security department.

The security department said that Yi Zhonghai was being held in the detention room, but Liu Lan and the others said that Yi Zhonghai was dissatisfied with the compensation of 3,000 yuan to Si Zhu and took the opportunity to abscond.

No letter of introduction.

How to escape?

Moreover, the people in the security department did not tell Shazhu whether he could tell the truth about Yi Zhonghai's imprisonment. Thinking that one more thing would be better than one less thing, they did not tell the truth. Instead, they took advantage of Liu Lan and the others' words and echoed them.

"I just said that I had been waiting for Yi Zhonghai for several hours, but I didn't wait for Yi Zhonghai, so I ran away with him."

"Master He." A voice that lacked a string sounded in Shazhu's ears, "If it were me, Yi Zhonghai, I would have to run. Good guy, for three thousand yuan, I won't eat or drink, but I still have to collect praise for ten years. For a long time, with these three thousand yuan, there is nothing I can do wrong.”

Quegenxian's current salary is twenty-five yuan a month.

Three hundred yuan a year is really what it takes to collect likes for ten years.

"That's you. If I were Yi Zhonghai, I wouldn't run away. What are you running for? Where are you running to? How can you run without a letter of introduction? He is an eighth-level worker and stays in our steel rolling mill. Three thousand yuan only lasts for three years. matter."

"You really think highly of Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker. Qin Huairu, you must know that her entry into the factory is the indicator that Yi Zhonghai paid for, and the mistakes that Yi Zhonghai made in the past were evaluated every month. He gave up. It only costs about twenty yuan a month to take the assessment."

"He deserves it. Who asked him to pretend to be a master all day long? Master He, let me ask, is Qin Huairu the daughter of Yi Zhonghai?" (End of Chapter)

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