Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 341 Detective Quegenxian is possessed and concludes that Yi and Qin are having a tryst in th

Is Qin Huairu Yi Zhonghai's biological daughter?

But these people in the Second Canteen are not the only ones who care. The steel rolling mill with tens of thousands of people all treat this matter as a top priority.

It is obvious that if she is not Yi Zhonghai's daughter, then she is Yi Zhonghai's mistress. The latter is a cuckold of Jia Dongxu, and is a cuckold.

I heard that the leaders of the steel rolling mill gave Qin Huairu a deadline to solve these problems no matter what, otherwise they would be rude to Qin Huairu.

Silly Zhu is a member of the Siheyuan and a victim of Yi Zhonghai's interception of money. He should know many inside stories that the workers do not know.

They regard Silly Pillar as their backbone.

Waiting for Shazhu's answer.

The key point is that he doesn’t know how to answer.

The main reason is that there is no description of this aspect in the script of "Love". It is written that in the dead of night, Yi Zhonghai packed precious white noodles in a dough bag with the word "stick noodles" written on it and gave it to Qin Huairu, saying not to steam stick noodles. They steamed some white flour steamed buns to supplement the children's nutrition. They also described scenes such as Jia Zhang lying on the glass and watching, but did not explain the relationship between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai.

However, let’s analyze it from the fact that Jia Zhang disliked the white flour steamed buns sent by Yi Zhonghai and told Chao Banggan that he would rather eat steamed buns than white flour steamed buns.

It seems to prove that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu have an abnormal relationship.

After all, there is no reason to dislike Yi Zhonghai but not Silly Zhu.

Shazhu is similar in age to Qin Huairu, two or three years younger than Qin Huairu.

Yi Zhonghai is twenty or thirty years older than Qin Huairu.

Normal people would definitely despise Sha Zhu, not Yi Zhonghai, but Jia Zhang was on the contrary. He despised Yi Zhonghai's support, but could enjoy Sha Zhu's support with peace of mind.

It's really a bit unclear.

Silly Zhu, who had read the script of "Love", did not find the answer from it. He thought for a while and told the workers what the aunt said when he was arrested this morning, and gave two answers. , Yi Zhonghai is not Qin Huairu's biological father, he is Qin Huairu's mistress.

Saying it means not saying it.

Everyone thought about it.

I can't think of a reason why.

He subconsciously recognized the latter.

That is to say, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are concubines.

All of them are people who just watch the excitement and don’t take it too seriously. The father-daughter argument is far less marketable than the concubine’s argument. Sexy news always talks about the focus. I wonder why I want to buy Qin Huairu a job and protect Qin Huai in everything if I am not a concubine. Ru, anyone in the steel rolling mill who wants to cause trouble for Qin Huairu must step on Yi Zhonghai's body first.

There are different opinions.

Hot discussions abound.

In a blink of an eye.

The theme couldn't be more biased.

Many people began to ask a question: given the fact that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai were concubines, where did they have a tryst?

In the courtyard, Mrs. Jia Zhang was worried about Qin Huairu. She followed Qin Huairu all day long and followed her to the toilet. When they went to bed at night, Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu slept in the back room, while Mrs. Jia Zhang slept outside separated by a curtain. The house was not far from the door. Qin Huairu had to pass through the Jia Zhang family when he went out to have a tryst with Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai's aunt was also there. When they went to bed at night, the couple also slept in the same bed.

Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai had a tryst in the courtyard, but they did not meet the conditions.

In the steel rolling mill, there are even less conditions. Yi Zhonghai works in the ninth workshop. Qin Huairu, who is not a widow, does housework with Jia Zhang in the courtyard. The widowed Qin Huairu, although she and Yi Zhonghai work in the ninth workshop, But the co-workers were all watching, and it was working in broad daylight, so there was still no possibility of being together.

Think about it.

I couldn't imagine how Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were fooling around together, and where they were messing around.

between words.

Quegenxian had an idea and thought of Shazhu's vegetable cellar. The last time he went to the courtyard to propose marriage to Qin Huairu, he became interested in Shazhu's vegetable cellar.

Suddenly he thought he had grasped the key point, and asked Shazhu if he had locked the vegetable cellar.

Shazhu thought for a while and answered Quegenxian's question seriously.

"There are other people's things in the vegetable cellar. It's locked. It's troublesome for the neighbors to go down and get their things. It's not locked."

"Master He, are you sure it's not locked? This is a major matter related to the honor of our steel rolling mill. We cannot be careless and must be 100% accurate."

Seeing that Qiangenxian said it was so important.

Silly Zhu also wondered whether the vegetable cellar was locked.

It seems like there is a lock at home.

But not sure.

In the end, there was really no other way. The people in the second cafeteria introduced two representatives, one for Qiangenxian and one for Liu Lan. As a person involved in the vegetable cellar, Shazhu naturally had to follow them and rode his bicycle back to the courtyard. Verify authenticity.

When I left the gate of the steel rolling mill, I encountered the security department.

I was able to get out smoothly.

But Quegenxian insisted on showing off, and did this superfluous thing. He said a few words to the Security Department, saying that we wanted to find out the true relationship between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai, and that it was for the honor of the steel rolling mill. The Security Department sent two people on the spot. Individuals cooperated with them, and one of them was the squad leader of the security department.

Five people and three bicycles drove towards the courtyard at lightning speed.

On the road.

Que Genxian even boasted to the people in the security department that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were in a concubine relationship, and that the so-called father and daughter were just an excuse to cover up their affairs.

As long as it is confirmed that the vegetable cellar of Shazhu's house is not locked and that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are concubines, the case can be closed. There is no other explanation other than concubines.


Red Star Police Station.

Zhang Shihao, who came back from the courtyard with a seal, received the investigation assistance notice from the steel rolling mill from several heads.

Look at the content above.

He frowned out of habit.

I thought it was someone else, but I didn't expect that it was related to Sha Zhu, and Sha Zhu was still the victim.

He was taken aback.

I kind of wonder if Silly Zhu has the gene for being bullied, why are his identities calculated, and they are all related to Yi Zhonghai.

The co-investigation letter clearly stated that they suspected that Yi Zhonghai and the former canteen director collaborated to plot against Silly Zhu.

Regarding this case, some people made suggestions to arrest Yi Zhonghai directly for questioning.

But Zhang Shihao put forward different opinions.

To Yi Zhonghai.

He felt like he had met his opponent.

He reached out to take the water glass, took a sip, put the water glass down, and expressed his opinion in the face of the concerned eyes of several heads.

"The first impression Yi Zhonghai gives you is that he is a good person. The second impression is that he is a great good person. The third impression is that he is a saint. It seems that if you oppose him or do not approve of him, you have done something that violates human ethics. But... Behind these things is calculation."

A few heads.

Each nodded.

Case of withholding living expenses.

I don’t think that Yi Zhonghai was unaware of any rumors, but all the evidence pointed to Li Yulan, and these evidences also excluded Yi Zhonghai.

Arrange one thing every day for ten years.

This shows Yi Zhonghai’s mind and strategy.

There was one thing that none of them told Zhang Shihao. Several heads at the police station suspected that Yi Zhonghai had received some professional training. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to perfectly avoid all responsibilities and let his aunt become his scapegoat.     In order not to alert the snake.

He deliberately handed over this case to Zhang Shihao, hoping to use Zhang Shihao to explore Yi Zhonghai and see how Yi Zhonghai dealt with the matter of embezzlement of living expenses. If he could avoid it perfectly, several heads would plot against Yi Zhonghai. The speculation was completely confirmed.

In order to give Zhang Shihao the confidence and motivation to do this, he gave a few words of praise.

"Zhang Shihao, don't say anything. We trust you and that's why we handed this case over to you. Don't let us down, just go ahead and do it."


Blast Zhang Shihao out.

Zhang Shihao was not angry and waved his deputy over.


Yang Jiguang.

Both Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang made meritorious deeds, and because Yang Jiguang discovered the clues first and reported the clues to Zhang Shihao, Zhang Shihao was able to solve the case. The leaders above believed that Yang Jiguang had a talent in this area and stayed at the post office as a postman. Yang Jiguang's talent was in vain. He transferred Yang Jiguang from the Hongxing Post Office to the Hongxing Police Station and formed a partner with Zhang Shihao.

A friend who grew up naked.

This fat water cannot flow into outsiders' fields.

He greeted Yang Jiguang and went with him to the steel rolling mill to check information.


Nine workshops.

Guo Dabozi stared at Yi Zhonghai's workstation with an angry look on his face.

His lungs were so angry that they were about to burst.

The arrogant Yi Zhonghai disappeared again. After giving him two hours of cooperation, Silly Zhu returned to the second cafeteria. Guo Dabizi was stunned not to see Yi Zhonghai.

This is treating the ninth workshop as a toilet. You can come whenever you want. Do you still take yourself as the workshop director to heart?

Guo Dabozi walked around the workshop again and again.

He found that Qin Huairu's workstation was empty. Thinking that Yi Zhonghai was missing and the widow was missing, he couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Why are Qin Huairu going?"

"Going to the bathroom."

It really goes without saying.

As soon as Qin Huairu went to the toilet, Qin Huairu hurried into the ninth workshop.

Seeing Guo Dabo standing there with an angry look on his face and looking at him with a fierce look, Qin Huairu, who knew it well, quickly quickened his pace and walked towards his work station.

When I arrived at the workstation, I reached out and grabbed the workpiece that had been processed all morning, found sandpaper, and carefully polished the burrs on it.

to work.

If you don't work, you will be scolded by Mr. Guo.

Qin Huairu knew this.

Yi Zhonghai followed Shazhu to the Siheyuan to cooperate with the street and the police station. For some reason, he did not return to the Siheyuan or the steel rolling mill. Qin Huairu also heard some rumors about this matter and went out to inquire about it while going to the toilet. In this regard, let’s see what happened.

The main reason is that I am worried that I will be implicated.

After all, Yi Zhonghai paid for Qin Huairu's job.

Don't want to be driven out of the rolling mill.

Qin Huairu was in the factory and heard rumors that Yi Zhonghai was dissatisfied with the decision to compensate Sha Zhu 3,000 yuan and expressed his protest by not showing up.

This statement.

Qin Huairu didn't believe it.

A monk who ran away could not run away from the temple.

Unless Yi Zhonghai is transferred from the rolling mill.

The reputation is ruined. Other big factories don't want Yi Zhonghai, but the small factory that wants Yi Zhonghai has poor treatment and benefits, so there's no way he can escape. Three thousand yuan has to be given to Shazhu no matter what.

It is better to have sex early than to have sex late.

In case something else happens.

Things are going to be troublesome.

Qin Huairu speculated that something must have happened to Yi Zhonghai. Thinking that he would not be able to find out for a while, he returned to the ninth workshop, but met an angry-looking Guo Dabozi.

Qin Huairu, whose family knew her own affairs, started working honestly, thinking that I was working, so you can't scold me to death.

The careful thinking has paid off.

Seeing Qin Huairu working, Guo Dayao did not ask Qin Huairu directly, but asked Da Liu next to Qin Huairu.

"Da Liu, let me ask you. Tell me honestly, Qin Huairu, how many times has she gone to the toilet so far? How long did each time last?"

Qin Huairu's expression.

Instantly pale.

His body was shaking inexplicably.

She didn't expect that Guo Dapai asked someone else.

Looking at Da Liu eagerly.

"Director Guo." Da Liu looked at Qin Huairu, who looked ashen, then turned to Guo Da Pai and replied: "We go to work at two o'clock in the afternoon, and it is four o'clock now."

Da Liu sighed in his heart. It was really not the scandal she had accused Qin Huairu of, but some things that all the workers could see clearly.

For example, Qin Huairu has to tell the people around her every time she goes to the toilet.

Everyone knows how many times Qin Huairu went to the toilet.

Da Liu lied, and if others didn't lie, not only would he not be able to help Qin Huairu, but Da Liu himself would have to be involved, which would make Guo Dapizi hate her.

I have no relationship with Qin Huairu at all.

There is no need to hide for Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu went to the toilet six times in total, and it took almost ten minutes from leaving to coming back."

"Two hours, a total of one hundred and twenty minutes, six toilet trips, one trip every twenty minutes, one trip takes ten minutes." The extremely angry Guo Dapizi suddenly said to Qin Huairu in a friendly manner. , "Lunch is served from the cafeteria. The people in the cafeteria are getting more and more outrageous. They actually poisoned the food and rice. It made Qin Huairu, an employee of our ninth workshop, run to the toilet six times in two hours. How could he finish it? This month’s production task. It takes two hours to poop and pee, but it only takes an hour. What are the people in their cafeteria going to do?”

Qin Huairu is stupid.

It was like being hit with a hammer.


The cafeteria was poisoned and it ruined my stomach, Qin Huairu. Once this reason is revealed, I will be targeted by those in the cafeteria.

On the first day she started working in the steel rolling mill, Yi Zhonghai told Qin Huairu who she could offend and who she couldn't offend, but those were the people she couldn't offend in the canteen.

Shake the spoon.

Rumor has it that those in the cafeteria have practiced specifically.

Looking at a full portion of dishes, you can't actually eat more than a few bites. Moreover, during the cooking process, vegetables and meat slices are deliberately left out for you so that you can see them but not eat them.

Such methods of bullying people are endless, and no one will have trouble with them. (End of chapter)

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