Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 342 Reprimanding Qin Huairu, Silly Zhu meets Zhang Shihao on the road

Qin Huairu is not stupid.

She saw that Guo Dabozi did not lose his temper at her, but blamed the poor food in the cafeteria for why she went to the toilet many times. She said with certainty that the people in the cafeteria used the food to feed Qin Huairu. After taking the medicine, Qin Huairu made six consecutive trips to the toilet in just two hours, averaging ten minutes each time.

Spread the word.

What will happen to the people in the cafeteria.

Qin Huairu didn't know, but she knew that she would definitely be liquidated.

The steel rolling mill was already in an uproar due to the disappearance of Yi Zhonghai. If gossip about Qin Huairu spread, how would the leaders of the steel rolling mill treat Qin Huairu.

You worked for a total of two hours in the afternoon, and Qin Huairu spent an hour just going to the toilet. Isn't this a job?

With such a character, how can Qin Huairu take a step further in the steel rolling mill?

Just wait to be criticized.

The key thing was that the people in the cafeteria were angry. They shook the spoons for her all day long, which really made Qin Huairu unable to eat and walked around.

Qin Huairu was very anxious.

He looked at Guo Dapizi.


Looking at the expression on Guo Dabozi's face, it is clear that you, Qin Huairu, are sincere because you were eaten up by the food in the cafeteria, and you are determined to stand up for Qin Huairu.

"Director Guo, I was wrong."

Qin Huairu suddenly lost his mind to quibble.

He quickly admitted his mistake.

Without Yi Zhonghai, there was no one to back him up.

She thought that if she had a better attitude, Guo would be able to show her favor and stop arguing with her.

"I was really wrong. I don't blame others for the food in the cafeteria. This is all my responsibility, Qin Huairu."

"How can it be your fault?" Guo Dabozi looked at Qin Huairu and said, "It was you, Qin Huairu, who ate the food in the cafeteria and was upset for an hour. Don't be afraid! I will make the decision for you! In the cafeteria The people here are awesome, and we in Workshop No. 9 are not vegetarians either!”

Qin Huairu wanted to die.

Don't be afraid yet.

The problem is I'm really scared.

Just from Guo Dabozi's sinister tone, he knew that this matter was not a big deal.

some things.

I'm afraid that Shangzhang will go online.

Work is a quota that can be bought with money, and the steel rolling mill is still deducting money from Yi Zhonghai's salary to buy quotas for Qin Huairu.

In case they say they won’t deduct the money, you, Qin Huairu, go back.

It’s really a fate that makes the heavens and the earth not respond.

After finally getting married in the city and living a happy life in the city that the villagers envied, she was sent back to her hometown in the countryside. When she got married, the good old girl came back as a widow mother of three children.

What do you think of her, Qin Huairu?

Another aunt called out that Qin Huairu was Yi Zhonghai's daughter. Does Qin Huairu know what kind of character his honest father is, and it is very likely to cause death?

The tone in which he begged Guo Da Pai for mercy was a little more sincere.

"Director Guo, I'm really not hungry."

"It's not bad. You went to the toilet for an hour during a total of two hours of work! Is it your fault? Or am I wrong?" Guo Dayou changed his tone and looked at Qin Huairu, "Qin Huairu, Tell me the truth, do you really like the smell of the toilet? Do you like to eat stinky tofu?"

Qin Huairu paused.

Guo Da said this.

It's a little hurtful.

"Qin Huairu, let me tell you, stinky tofu is the smell of stinky tofu. It is two different concepts from the smell of toilet. You don't like to eat stinky tofu, but you like to smell the smell of toilet. This is easy to handle. I, Mr. Guo Even if you are willing to go out of your way to be an improper workshop director, I have to find a job for you to smell smells in the toilets. The cleaning department has two departments in total, one is responsible for cleaning toilets, and the other is responsible for factory sanitation. Which one do you like?"

Qin Huairu was really panicked.

Judging from the expression on Guo Dapi's face, he had no intention of joking with her at all.

Think about it too.

How could she be the director of a big workshop and joke around with her in such a leisurely manner?

The cleaning department and the ninth workshop are clearly two different concepts. Qin Huairu doesn't want to live with feces and urine all day long. Is there any pretty widow in the steel rolling mill who has to dig out the toilet?


"Director Guo, I was wrong. I just heard that Master Yi was not here. I wanted to know what happened. I wanted to find out under the guise of going to the toilet."

Qin Huairu cried and begged Guo Da Paozi with tears streaming down her face.

This is the trick taught to Qin Huairu by Jia Zhang.

The old widow said this to the young widow, you Qin Huairu are good-looking, our Dongxu wanted to marry you because of your face, and ended up dead.

It's not easy for our Jia family to be orphaned and widowed. You are already a widow and you are still in jail.

You have seen everything you should see, and you have seen everything you shouldn't see. When something happens to Qin Huairu, he can cry if he can, and create conditions to cry if he can't.

The answer is given that Qin Huairu's crying and Jia Zhang's crying are two different concepts.

When a beautiful woman cries towards you with pear blossoms in the rain, the scene is so sour.

Guo Dabo was stunned because she cried so much that he lost all his temper.

He turned to someone watching the excitement and cursed: "What are you looking at? Today's work tasks are completed? Your skills have improved? Why don't you hurry up and get to work?"

After scolding the co-workers who were watching the theater, he left.

Guo Dabizi's mood.

It seems to be much better.

Looking at Qin Huairu who was still sitting on the ground crying, the expression on his face became unnaturally heavier and his tone became a little impatient.

"Qin Huairu, I am conveying the meaning of the factory leader. There are two things in the factory now. The first thing is, what is the relationship between you Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai? Is it a father-daughter relationship or some other relationship? It needs to be dealt with. Well, you must not affect the reputation of my steel rolling mill. The second thing is yours."

Pointing to Qin Huairu's hair.

"The factory leader said that your hair must be treated. The ninth workshop is a rotating workshop, and there are machines everywhere. If your hair gets caught in the machines and you die, it will be our steel rolling mill, our ninth workshop, that will be affected. Your Jia family is not good either. Can Jia Zhang support Bangge and their three children for you?"

The people around him also started to persuade him.

Qin Huairu's hair has become a benchmark in the steel rolling mill.

"Qin Huairu, Director Guo is right. It's not that women can't have long hair. It's just that it's a bit inappropriate to have long hair on the head of a widow like you."

"Stop holding on, go get your hair cut after get off work this afternoon, otherwise the reputation of our ninth workshop will be affected by you Qin Huairu."

Some people also mentioned the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

Inside the steel rolling mill now.

There was a lot of buzz.

They are all spreading.

They are all talking.

They also wanted to know who Qin Huairu was to Yi Zhonghai, whether she was his daughter or his concubine.

The former is full of blood.

The latter is full of moral decay.

"Qin Huairu, what is your relationship with Yi Zhonghai? Director Guo is not an outsider. Please tell me what the relationship is."

"Are they father and daughter? Or that kind of relationship? Qin Huairu, I'm not talking about you. If it were the latter kind of relationship, our Ninth Workshop would be famous all of a sudden."

Qin Huairu looked around at the people in front of her.

In the end, no answer was given.

Acknowledging that they are father and daughter will cost lives, and admitting that they are concubines will also cost lives. in this way.

She didn't even dare to tell the truth.

I thought about waiting for Yi Zhonghai to discuss together what to do about this matter.

It's the kind of mentality that has its cake and eat it too.

Taking advantage of the fact that I won't tell you, you can only make random guesses. I closed my lips tightly and didn't say a word. I just used tears to fight against the enemy.


Seeing Qin Huairu like this, Guo Dabo said something cruel like "You're doing it for yourself" and left the ninth workshop with a pat on the butt.


Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang, who left the police station and went to the steel rolling mill for verification, accidentally bumped into Sha Zhu, who was returning to the courtyard from the steel rolling mill for verification while passing by the Red Star Courtyard.

Others don't know him, but he knows Silly Zhu.

Silly Zhu also knows Zhang Shihao.

Such a big case of withholding living expenses was all handled by Zhang Shihao. In the eyes of outsiders, Foolish Zhu, who should not know the inside story of withholding living expenses, had to accept Zhang Shihao's huge favor.

There was no Zhang Shihao, nor the three thousand yuan.

Silly Zhu didn't wait for Zhang Shihao to ask, stopped his bicycle and greeted him.

"Comrade Zhang, Comrade Yang, hello, I didn't expect to meet you here. Thank you so much for that incident. You are truly the protector of the people. Without your efforts, I still hate our family. Old man, I am just a cook, and I can’t do anything else except cooking. Whenever you have time, I would like to ask you to have a good meal and express your feelings."

Silly Zhu also learned bad things.

After reading the script of "Love" and marrying Li Xiuzhi, I was educated by Li Xiuzhi for more than a year and two years. My knowledge has increased a lot and I have a lot more knowledge in my mind.

In terms of dealing with people, it has been greatly improved compared to before.

I will no longer be like before, when I encounter something, I will speak directly with my fists and hit others without caring, and I will feel regret alone.

Learn to think before punching.

The mouth is also a lot sweeter.

Before doing this, Shazhu couldn't say such words at all, and even insulted you a few words, making you unable to stand up in front of everyone.

The sedan chair was carried by everyone.

Silly Zhu praised Zhang Shihao and the others, and Zhang Shihao and the others also had to pay tribute to Silly Zhu. It was impossible to do it in front of many people. What happened to me with such a high profile?

will not.

Said a few scene words.

"This is our duty as a public security officer. You're welcome to live your life to the fullest. This is better than anything else. Please have a meal. No need. We have discipline and we don't take anything from the masses."

"Let's strive to live a good life like Comrade Zhang said." Silly Zhu grinned and asked what Zhang Shihao was doing. He didn't think Zhang Shihao was going to pursue the case of wage embezzlement now. "Comrade Zhang, Comrade Yang, Are you going on a mission?"

"Let's go to your steel rolling mill to check the data from that year."

Silly Zhu felt sad for a moment.

I want to shout to get out.

There were several meanings in Zhang Shihao's words, which made Shazhu firmly believe that he was going there to embezzle living expenses.

The modified word back then was very illustrative and highlighted the key points.

"Look at my brain." Silly Zhu put on an expression of sudden realization and patted his forehead with his hand, "I'm all confused."

He put his hands on it.

He pointed to the security team leader next to him and introduced him.

"I was so busy chatting that I forgot to introduce you. This is Captain Zhao from our Security Section. This is Comrade Ding Busan from the Security Section. The rest are all employees of the Second Canteen. The female is called Liu Lan and the male is Que. Root string."

Zhang Shihao, who was muttering Quegenxian's name, stretched out his hand to the team leader of the security department.

As for the guy named Ding.

Ignored by him.

Captain Zhao is obviously in charge of the overall situation.

After shaking hands.

The two parties exchanged brief greetings, and when Zhang Shihao was about to leave on his bicycle, he asked out of nowhere.

"Captain Zhao, did something happen when you returned to the courtyard? Do you need our police station to cooperate with your security department?"

Suddenly he realized that there was something he needed to know.

The co-investigation letter clearly mentioned Yi Zhonghai's name.

Yi Zhonghai is a resident of the courtyard, and there is also the so-called ancestor of the courtyard, the deaf old lady Dinghai Shenzhen. Zhang Shihao thinks it is necessary to ask.

In case the clues from both sides overlap, the evidence overlaps.

It also gave Zhang Shihao convenience.

He specifically stopped his bicycle and stood in front of Silly Zhu and the others.

Silly Zhu and the others were slightly stunned when they heard Zhang Shihao ask why they came back. In just ten seconds, Quegenxian, a well-known professional rumor-mongering person from the Second Canteen, answered Zhang Shihao's question.

"Comrade Zhang, we went back to the courtyard to verify a very important evidence clue."

The security department, who knew that he was a weak person, did not stop him.

There is an unwritten rule in the steel rolling mill. If there is a missing string, you can't believe it. If you have something to say, you can't tell Liu Lan. Liu Lan can't hide something.

Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang didn't know about this rumor anymore. They looked at each other, and each of them had the feeling in their hearts that they could find nothing despite their iron shoes, and it took no effort to get it.

"Can you tell me?"

"What can't be said about this? Let me tell you, now it has been spread throughout our steel rolling mill that Qin Huairu is not actually Yi Zhonghai's biological daughter. The two of them are in a concubine relationship. The reason why they gave the statement of father and daughter , just to deceive others, many people are saying it, but all this needs evidence to support it."

Of course Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang knew they needed evidence.

No evidence.

How to prove something is true.

"Do you have evidence that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are concubines?"

Zhang Shihao asked.

If only there was such evidence.

Then in the case of Auntie's withholding of living expenses, they can also continue to expand outward and pursue the responsibilities of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

Very important point.

A mother cannot give birth to a child.

There are three types of unfilial piety, the greatest of which is not having offspring.

Without children, my waist is not straight, and I am threatened with poverty.

Qin Huairu can give birth to children.

This is a generally accepted fact in the courtyard. Banggan, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica all crawled out of Qin Huairu's belly. If the two are concubines, the biological father of these three children may not be Jia Dongxu, but Yi Zhonghai.

A murder case.

Zhang Shihao met several times.

Jia Dongxu died in an accident. (End of chapter)

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