Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 343 There are Yi Zhonghai’s footprints in the vegetable cellar

Zhang Shihao stands from a professional perspective.

Taking into account the most critical points of the matter.

Jia Dongxu’s death!

It seems that there is something else going on.

Throughout the ages, cases caused by love abound.

In Water Margin, in order to stay together with Ximen Qing, Pan Jinlian followed Po Wang's suggestion and sent Wu Dalang away with a bowl of poisonous decoction.

Dalang, get up and drink medicine.

Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.

Yi Zhonghai is Jia Dongxu's master, Qin Huairu is Jia Dongxu's daughter-in-law, and she is also Yi Zhonghai's mistress.

When Jia Dongxu died a year ago, there was an inside story unknown to outsiders.

According to the statement given by the steel rolling mill, Jia Dongxu was responsible, and the evidence also proved that Jia Dongxu was indeed distracted and had an accident the next day because he was playing cards with candles lit.

all of these.

Seems normal.

But it's not normal either.

Because there is no evidence, it is evidence.

Yi Zhonghai and Jia Dongxu work in the same workshop. As an eighth-level worker and Jia Dongxu's master, there are too many opportunities to take action. It is also a production workshop, and there are too many opportunities to take action through accidents. Afterwards, many people appeared at the scene of the incident. Theoretically, the first crime scene was destroyed.

After hearing that Quegenxian and the others came to the courtyard to find evidence of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu's tryst, he subconsciously connected Jia Dongxu's death with love murder.

As a police officer.

Verification is his job.

In the process of questioning, he parked his bicycle and walked up to Shazhu and the others, and his eyes fell on Captain Zhao of the security department.

Yang Jiguang followed Zhang Shihao.

Captain Zhao was also quite speechless. This matter was purely motivated by the idea of ​​playing a few poles with Zao Mo Zao. Can you believe the answer given by Que Genxian?

Subconsciously want to refuse.

Before the words could be spoken, Quegenxian on the side took the opportunity.

"If you have any evidence, you have to see if there is a lock on Master He's vegetable cellar. If there is a lock, then there is no lock. If there is no lock, then there is one."

"Vegetable cellar?" Zhang Shihao frowned and murmured, "What does this have to do with the vegetable cellar?"

It's also like a leaf blocking the view of Mount Tai.

My mind didn't turn around for a while.

"Comrade Zhang, you don't understand this." Que Genxian said with a showy expression and tone, "We believe that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai are concubines. Since they are concubines, there must be a place for a tryst. Qin Huairu has not changed Widow, there is mother-in-law Jia Zhang in the courtyard, and she sleeps with Jia Dongxu at night, and Yi Zhonghai sleeps in the same room with his aunt, so there is no chance of messing around. "

Zhang Shihao nodded.

This is really the case.

"Qin Huairu became a widow and entered the steel rolling mill, but she worked during the day, and there were so many people coming and going around. It was impossible for her to do such a shameless thing in front of her co-workers."

"No fool would do such a thing in front of the co-workers."

"So Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu must have a tryst somewhere that we don't know about. Just now in the second cafeteria, Master He said that their family has a vegetable cellar. No need to ask, they must have a tryst in the vegetable cellar, so we brought I asked Captain Zhao from the security department to come to the courtyard to check. As the old saying goes, if it's a mule or a horse, it has to be pulled out for a run. Take a look at the vegetable cellar and you'll know everything."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go."

Zhang Shihao felt that the lack of a string was reasonable.

Said a word.

Locking the bicycle, he led everyone towards the courtyard.


Some neighbors who were idle and chatting about Yi Zhonghai and Auntia saw Zhang Shihao and a group of people coming in from outside.

Their eyes instantly focused on Zhang Shihao.

At noon, because Yi Zhonghai was not around, the house of the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai was sealed. Now they came, thinking that they had found Yi Zhonghai, and escorted Yi Zhonghai to the courtyard to compensate Silly Zhu.

Three thousand dollars.

Just thinking about it makes my eyes feel hot.

The first person to bear the brunt is Jia Zhang.

Thinking of giving 3,000 yuan to Silly Zhu like this, I felt uncomfortable. In Jia Zhang's heart, this money was all the money of their Jia family.

The logic is very simple. Jia Dongxu is Yi Zhonghai's apprentice. Once he is a teacher, he is always a father. Jia Dongxu is dead, but he still has a stick. Those things in Yi Zhonghai's family are all stick, and they also belong to their Jia family.

I was very angry about how Silly Zhu could get three thousand yuan.

This is equivalent to cutting off a piece of flesh from the Jia family.


"Si Zhu, how do you spend three thousand yuan?"

In other words.

Do you want to lend some to our Jia family?

Jia and Zhang have recently started to act out their bitterness in the courtyard house. They talk to everyone about how difficult their Jia family is, and they almost can't get over it.

We don’t even have food to eat, so you got three thousand yuan for free. Your wife is still a clerk in the street. She has to help our Jia family, both emotionally and logically.

Unexpectedly, everyone took it as a big joke, ignored Jia Zhang, and walked past Jia Zhang one by one.

Jia Zhang saw that the people approaching in the crowd were Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang, followed by people from the security department of the steel rolling mill, so she did not dare to act recklessly.

Out of the desire to watch the excitement, he and the neighbors followed Shazhu into the middle courtyard, and saw Shazhu leading everyone towards the cellar.

I was anxious at the time.

There may be things belonging to the Jia family in the cellar.

The current year and month.

All lacked food.

But those people couldn't let those people take away their Jia family's sweet potatoes and potatoes in vain. A man walked vigorously in front of everyone. He also knew how to use Sophora japonica to cry for poverty, and held the one and a half year old baby Sophora japonica in his arms. .

"What are you going to do? Silly Zhu, although this vegetable cellar is your family's vegetable cellar, the uncle said that the neighbors should help each other, and we neighbors also have the right to use your vegetable cellar. Don't think you are taking it with you. When people from the police station and security department come, I, Mrs. Jia Zhang, are afraid, but I am not afraid. If anyone touches the things inside, I, Mrs. Jia Zhang, will have nothing to do with anyone."

While talking.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when outsiders are not paying attention.

He secretly pinched Sophora japonica's butt with his hand.

Sophora japonica cried in pain.

Jia Zhang also cried.

"Nowadays, life is difficult. Every household has no food to eat. It is even more difficult for the orphans and widows of our Jia family. We cannot take away the things inside."    "Who said we would take away the food in your vegetable cellar? Have you got anything?" Zhang Shihao said: "We just came to take a look at He Yuzhu's vegetable cellar."

"What's so interesting about the vegetable cellar?" Mrs. Jia Zhang murmured, but then she didn't know what she thought of and added, "I understand. Is Yi Zhonghai hiding in the vegetable cellar? No way, my old lady saw It is clear that Yi Zhonghai went to work in the morning and did not come back at noon, so it is impossible to hide him in the vegetable cellar."

He looked around at everyone present.

Another thought came to mind.

"I understand, Auntie, that shameless woman, also intercepted the things that He Daqing mailed to Shazhu. You guys come to the vegetable cellar to get the supplies that Auntie intercepted."

"You know?" Zhang Shihao asked, "Everyone uses this vegetable cellar together, how can we tell who owns what?"

"Comrade Zhang, don't you understand this? The things placed in the vegetable cellar are all distinguished by hemp ropes or cloth bags with their names written on them. Just like the things in Yi Zhonghai's house in their middle courtyard, they have It's the word "Yi", the things belonging to the Jia family have the word "Jia" on them, and I go down to pick them up every day, so I don't worry about you picking up things from other families, except for a few people, of course."

While the third aunt explained.

He also looked at Jia Zhang.

It is clear.

The shameless person in her words refers to the widow of the Jia family.

"Third aunt, who do you think is shameless?"

"Ms. Jia Zhang, I didn't mention you by name. Why are you so anxious? I've seen people asking for money, but I've never seen people asking for scolding."

"Stop talking a few words and use things with names on them to distinguish things from each family. Who came up with this idea? Is it Yi Zhonghai?"

"Our Lao Yan came up with it. He just went to school, and I kept an eye on the seal of the middle courtyard for him. When he left, he told me that even if something big happens, he can't leave the middle yard."

"Ang." Zhang Shihao said something, looked at Jia Zhang, and asked: "Jia Zhang, are there things from your Jia family and Yi family in the vegetable cellar?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Jia Zhang, who didn't know why, said three words in a row.

She had no idea that what she said would become evidence to everyone that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai had a tryst.

"Let me ask you, in the past, who in the Jia family went to look for things down there? Who in the Yi Zhonghai family went to look for things down there?"

"Most of our Jia family is made up of my daughter-in-law Qin Huairu, and Yi Zhonghai's family has always been the eldest mother."

"Yi Zhonghai never goes to the vegetable cellar?"

Zhang Shihao stared at Jia Zhang sternly.

This is related to the advancement of the case.

Must be cautious.

Seeing Zhang Shihao being so serious, Mrs. Jia Zhang panicked a little subconsciously, and started to think about it seriously. After thinking for almost a minute, she sworely replied: "I have never been there before. Those housework at Yi Zhonghai's house." The aunt is responsible for everything, like the coal in winter, which is brought back bit by bit. This is so that Yi Zhonghai can better devote his energy to the work of the steel rolling mill."

The situation is very clear.

As long as Yi Zhonghai's footprints are found underneath, it can be proved that Yi Zhonghai had a tryst with Qin Huairu Caijiao.

Zhang Shihao pointed to the shoes drying on the window sill of Yi Zhonghai's house and checked with everyone around him. After learning that they were Yi Zhonghai's shoes, he asked Yang Jiguang to take them over. He took out the flashlight from Shazhu's house and led Yang Jiguang and Zhao The security guard went down to the vegetable cellar one after another.

Under the dim flashlight beam.

Can barely see clearly.

The small vegetable cellar was filled with things, including dried vegetables tied with the name Yang and Ma Shen, and cloth bags with the character "Yi" or "Jia" written on them. I don't know what the bulging bags contained.

These are not important, the important thing is to compare the shoe prints.

Yang Jiguang brought a total of three pairs of Yi Zhonghai's shoes. After some comparison, the prints of one pair of shoes really matched the big-toe shoes in Yang Jiguang's hand.

The three of them each let out a long sigh.

According to the answer given by Jia Zhang, Yi Zhonghai has never cared about family affairs. Even things like buying coal are handled by his aunt, and he has never been in the vegetable cellar.

Yi Zhonghai's shoe prints should not appear in the vegetable cellar.

But the problem is that there happened to be footprints in the vegetable cellar that were exactly the same as those of Yi Zhonghai's shoes.

Analyze based on logic.

Yi Zhonghai at least appeared in the vegetable cellar.

However, the neighbors in the courtyard did not see this scene.


He looked at Yang Jiguang, then at the security officer named Zhao, and spoke in a low voice.

"What do you mean?"

Yang Jiguang did not answer.

The security officer named Zhao didn't answer either.

It's not that I didn't answer Zhang Shihao's question, but that I didn't have a chance to answer it at all. There are really impatient people who are not afraid of death.


The famous person in the second canteen is Comrade Genxian.

Even though Zhang Shihao had forbidden them to come down, this man who was not afraid of death still showed up in the vegetable cellar with a flashlight in his hand. When he came down, he happened to hear Zhang Shihao asking Yang Jiguang and the guard surnamed Zhao. As for Ke, he answered without thinking.

"What's there to see? It couldn't be more obvious. It must be a widow named Jia who panicked. This old widow is not a good person. Qin Huairu has become a widow and won't let her remarry. I came to the courtyard to propose marriage to Qin Huairu. , said I wanted to marry Qin Huairu, the old widow scolded me for coming, and Yi Zhonghai even scolded me a few words."

Yang Jiguang laughed.

This is the first time I have seen such a brainless person.

Even if a young man in the city who has a job cannot marry an unmarried lesbian in the city, he can still marry an unmarried lesbian in the countryside.

What courage.

Instead of marrying a eldest daughter, she had to marry a widow with three children and a mother-in-law.

Has your brain been kicked by a donkey?

The face of the security officer surnamed Zhao had the kind of expression that he was not surprised at all. He had seen too many embarrassing things about Qian Genxian.

Zhang Shihao did not mean to ridicule Quegenxian. He noticed the most important clue in Quegenxian's words.

Faced with Que Genxian's marriage to the widow Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai reprimanded Que Genxian.

It's a bit unclear.

There's no way to explain it logically.

Even if he is the steward of the courtyard, even if he is Jia Dongxu's master, he should not prevent the pretty widow Qin Huairu from remarrying. Two big question marks arise in his mind. Yi Zhonghai refused to go to Quegenxian as Qin Huairu's father. After proposing marriage, she still resented Qian Genxian as Qin Huairu's concubine.

Analyzing it from the perspective of a bystander, Quegenxian's conditions are good. The workers in Ercanteen earn around 20 yuan a month and have their own rations. The courtyard also has its own small house. It's better than Jia Dongxu. At least Quegenxian doesn't want to marry him. Mom sleeps in a house.

But Yi Zhonghai disagreed.

If you don’t agree with Qin Huairu’s remarriage, why do you want to recruit Si Zhu, an unmarried young man from the same hospital, to marry the widow?

When Qin Huairu married Shazhu, who was unmarried at the time, she was in the same hospital as Yi Zhonghai.

The more I think about it.

The more chaotic Zhang Shihao's thinking becomes, the more he feels that there are unknown secrets in it.

Could it be that the relationship between the two is really a concubine? Only a concubine relationship can explain these things more clearly. (End of chapter)

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