Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 344 The buttons on Yi Zhonghai’s work clothes in the vegetable cellar

Concubine's statement.

There is a certain logic to be found.

The father-daughter argument.

There is no reason to explain.

Zhang Shihao, who didn't understand the key, asked Que Genxian.

"Who asked you to come down?"

"I came down by myself!" Que Genxian really didn't regard himself as an outsider. He stood on the stairs of the vegetable cellar and said to Zhang Shihao: "What did you just say? Is there Yi Zhonghai's shoe print in it? "

None of them spoke when they saw Zhang Shihao.

Missing a string, he simply dropped a pair of women's shoes from above.

Yang Jiguang caught the women's shoes in mid-air with his hands.

"These are Qin Huairu's shoes. Since there are Yi Zhonghai's shoe prints in them, let's see if there are Qin Huairu's shoe prints. If there are, it means the two of them did something unethical in the vegetable cellar."

Zhang Shihao frowned.

Yang Jiguang was also a little helpless.

The security officer named Zhao didn't know what to say.

Just now, Jia Zhang said categorically that Qin Huairu had been taking the things in the vegetable cellar of the Jia family. Naturally, there were Qin Huairu's shoe prints. Without Qin Huairu's shoe prints, it would have become inconvenient. Normal.

"Why are you all so stunned? Compare the shoe prints! See if Qin Huairu is standing behind Yi Zhonghai, or if Yi Zhonghai is in front of Qin Huairu. This is very important."

Some words.

Zhang Shihao and the others were embarrassed to say it.

The security officer named Zhao was able to do it. Seeing that Que Genxian was getting more and more clueless as he talked, he spoke out and drove Que Genxian away.

"Qiangenxian, don't be joking. It has nothing to do with you here. You can go out."

"Get out, just get out." Qiangenxian, who was muttering, suddenly stopped and pointed his flashlight towards the southwest corner of the vegetable cellar, "Look, see if there is something there."

I was deeply afraid that Zhang Shihao and the others wouldn't be able to see it.

Shine the flashlight beam towards that corner.

The security officer surnamed Zhao thought Quegenxian was causing trouble, so he pointed at Quegenxian and acted like a security officer.

"Qiangenxian, if you do this again, I won't be polite to you."

Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang subconsciously turned their attention to the place where the flashlight beam of Quegenxian was shining. They did not miss any blind spots or clues. This was their basic requirement.

The missing string didn’t lie, there really was something there.

Zhang Shihao stepped forward and reached out to pick up the thing. Under the flashlight beam, he found that it was a button with an unclear word "Zha" on it.


Many factories will put additional markings on their work clothes, such as rolling mills, units, canteens, etc. Even the buttons are marked with the abbreviation of the unit to which they belong. Those employees in the railway department are either locomotives or iron characters. The word "dao" is written on the button of the work clothes of the steel rolling mill.

A button from the work clothes of a steel rolling mill worker appeared in the vegetable cellar.

Zhang Shihao put the buttons in his pocket. Probably influenced by the incident of missing buttons and finding them, he used a flashlight to circle around the vegetable cellar. In the end, he found nothing, so he followed Yang Jiguang and got out of the vegetable cellar.

A group of people gathered around the lid of the vegetable cellar again and began to comment.

The main reason was that Quegenxian was asking Shazhu whether the vegetable cellar was locked. Shazhu had not answered yet. Someone rushed to answer and said that it was not locked before, but later because of the lack of supplies, someone put the things away. In the vegetable cellar, there was a little less food the next day. After a fight, a courtyard meeting was held. After the mediation of Yi Zhonghai's three stewards, the vegetable cellars in the front, middle and back courtyards were each locked. Neighbors in each courtyard have the key to the lock of the vegetable cellar in each courtyard. Every household has one, which can be easily locked.

It's strange to say.

Since the vegetable cellars in the three courtyards were locked, the vegetable cellars in the front yard and the backyard have not lost anything. Only the vegetable cellar in the middle courtyard has violated some taboo.

From time to time I throw something away, whether it's sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage hearts or the like.

Many people speculated that the person who did such a thing was the Jia family, but because there was no evidence, they had no choice but to give up. During this period, they paid special attention to this matter.

Some people even thought that Zhang Shihao and the others came to the door because they had clues about the vegetable cellar thief. They were hiding in the crowd and suddenly said something about Jia Zhang.

"Comrade, hurry up and arrest Jia Zhang. In our courtyard, Jia Zhang is the only one who steals things from the vegetable cellar every now and then."

"Who said my old lady stole something? Is there any evidence?"

Mrs. Jia Zhang would not admit to being a thief.

Yi Zhonghai is covering him.

Who dares to do anything to her Jia family?

Even if he is caught, Jia Zhang will still find a reason to excuse himself.

"When did you see my old lady stealing things? As the old saying goes, if you catch someone in bed, you still have to take two. If you catch a thief, you still have to take dirty things. You didn't even see our old lady steal, so you unjustly accused my old lady. He's a thief, what's going on? Seeing that our Jia family has no men and two widows, is it easy to bully an orphan and a widowed mother?"

"Your Jia family didn't buy sweet potatoes, but you ate them. That day, the old Zhou family lost the sweet potatoes. It wasn't you, Jia Zhang, who stole them. Who stole them? But Yi Zhonghai said that he bought your Jia family's sweet potatoes. "

"Yi Zhonghai is my son's master. Isn't it appropriate to help our Jia family?"

Jia Zhang's voice.

There was a hint of pleasure.

In her eyes, Auntie's death means that the Jia family will soon usher in a good life with plenty of food and clothing. Whenever Auntie was alive, Yi Zhonghai's food, drink, care, and clothing were all arranged by Auntie, and the deaf old lady in the backyard The daily diet and daily life are also arranged by the aunt.

People are dead.

No one gave Yi Zhonghai food, water, clothes, and no one to take care of the deaf old lady in the backyard.

This is Jia Zhang’s opportunity.

Thinking that as the biological mother of Yi Zhonghai's apprentice, she had to help with Yi Zhonghai's food and daily life. Everyone knew that Yi Zhonghai was rich, had no children, and was a poor family. Isn't this money the property of their Jia family?

Jia Zhang didn't believe the two theories that Auntie shouted out this morning that Qin Huairu was Yi Zhonghai's daughter and that Qin Huairu was Yi Zhonghai's concubine. They thought it was Auntie's revenge on Yi Zhonghai before she died.

Before Zhang Shihao and the others entered the courtyard, Jia Zhang was quarreling with the neighbors because of this incident, saying that the neighbors were envious of their Jia family and envied her that Jia Zhang had a widowed daughter-in-law named Qin Huairu.

Seeing that the momentum suddenly developed towards the scene of stealing something by herself, and with the police and security department present, she was not afraid that it was fake. Jia Zhang was worried that others would see her flaws and stage a drama of being arrested, so she artificially diverted people's attention. , said some blood-sucking and shameless words, and expected Zhang Shihao to stand on his side.

But he didn't expect that Zhang Shihao's attention was obviously not on the debate between Jia Zhang and others.

The neighbors gave an explanation that Jia Zhang stole things, but that was a year ago. Now he is just telling the neighbors to pay more attention and try to catch the thief.

Even if you are there to catch a thief, you still have to get dirty. With these things, it’s okay not to admit it.

When the neighbors saw what Zhang Shihao said, they no longer persisted. They each firmly determined in their hearts the idea of ​​arresting Jia Zhang. She acted like Yi Zhonghai's daughter-in-law, showing off her power, what are you doing?

After the atmosphere gradually calms down.

Zhang Shihao pointed to a piece of work clothes hanging to dry not far away and asked everyone.

"Whose clothes are these?"

before asking.

Zhang Shihao already had a rough guess in his mind.

This is Yi Zhonghai's clothes. Because the drying place is close to Yi's house.

According to Zhang Shihao's understanding of the residents of the courtyard, usually someone's clothes are dried on the wire in front of that house. There is no reason why the Zhang family's clothes are dried on the wire in front of the Li family.

According to the rules of the old capital, this is bullying.

There's going to be a fight.

"Comrade Zhang, these are Yi Zhonghai's clothes." Mrs. Jia Zhang replied, and then the cat cried and the mouse deliberately sighed with fake compassion, "Last night at about nine o'clock or almost ten o'clock, the aunt suddenly started washing Clothes, who would have thought that this was the last time she would wash clothes for Yi Zhonghai. According to my old wife, it must be her conscience and she feels that she will not live long."

Zhang Shihao said nothing.

He stepped towards the clothes, reached into his pocket and took out the button he found in the vegetable cellar.

Compare it.

Sure enough, I saw a lack of buttons near the cuffs.

There are two buttons on both sides of the cuffs, and one is missing from the left cuff, which is exactly the same size as the one in Zhang Shihao's hand.

This is Yi Zhonghai's work clothes. There is indeed a button missing on it. This button happened again in the vegetable cellar. At the same time, there are Yi Zhonghai's shoe prints in the vegetable cellar.

Based on these clues, it is inevitable that Yi Zhonghai will appear in the vegetable cellar.

But the neighbors kept saying that they had never seen Yi Zhonghai going into the vegetable cellar.

Either the shoe prints in the vegetable cellar or the dropped buttons were all evidence and clues that someone had done deliberately.

Either Yi Zhonghai went to the vegetable cellar without being seen by the neighbors.

When no one saw him.

It's quiet at night.

Only in the dead of night can we explain it.

Zhang Shihao suddenly became interested in Yi Zhonghai, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Jia Zhang and others all thought that Zhang Shihao was crazy and was smiling strangely at a piece of tattered clothes.

Missing a string, he shouted loudly.

"Ms. Jia Zhang, do you still have time to laugh now? Your Jia Dongxu has been dead for more than a year, and he has been a cuckold for more than a year. The coffin board can hardly hold it down."

Neighbors were instantly interested.

Sexy news about the Jia family.

To listen.

His eyes fell on Quegenxian, and he suddenly recognized Quegenxian. Isn't this the young man who came to the courtyard a year ago, carrying a box of snacks, and wanted to marry Qin Huairu? At that time, he also said that he would let Jia Zhang's words when he returns to his hometown in the countryside.


Not only the neighbors recognized Quegenxian, but even Jia Zhang recognized Quegenxian. When they saw Quegenxian's face, everyone went numb.

A young man rushing to marry a widow.

Not common.

She is afraid.

After all, Quegenxian had said that Jia and Zhang would be able to fend for themselves, and he threatened to marry Qin Huairu, not Jia and Zhang, let alone Bangge and the others.

To use Jia Zhang's words to describe it, someone who lacks a good character is not a good person.

"You are the one who has no brains. You fart, why did my son wear a cuckold? If you wear a cuckold, my son will not be a cuckold. The last time you came to marry our Huairu, I did not agree and I hold a grudge in my heart. Me, deliberately embarrassing me, my old lady will fight with you."

Jia Zhang was about to rush towards Quegenxian with all his teeth and claws.

After taking steps.

Seeing that the neighbors all looked like they were watching a good show, they all had expressions on their faces that wished the Jia family were in trouble, and they saw Quegenxian put on a show of fighting back with his hands.

He secretly said something bad.

Without Yi Zhonghai, without Qin Huairu, the neighbors would not start a fight, but Quegenxian would dare to beat her up. If she were to challenge Quegenxian, Jia and Zhang would only suffer.

Widows do not suffer immediate losses.

In the middle of rushing, Mrs. Jia Zhang suddenly changed from rushing to sitting and sat down on the ground.

Open your mouth.

He roared with tears to the sky and the earth.

"Dongxu, you have been dead for more than a year, and there are still people who are shining a light on you and saying that you are a cuckold. Tell me, how do you want your mother to live? Dongxu, this Qiangenxian is not a good person. He wants to marry Qin Huairu can’t see her mother, nor can she see Bangge and the others, Dongxu!”

Jia Zhang was crying to the sky and the earth at the same time.

Also towards the people around me.

He looked at it.

They were ready to ask Zhang Shihao and the others to come forward, but they didn't expect that at that moment, Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang had already left the courtyard, riding bicycles and walking towards the steel rolling mill. They were accompanied by the team leader named Zhao from the security department and Ding's section member, Shazhu, also went with him.

I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but there was only one missing string.

The fuss made Mrs. Jia Zhang unable to do anything and continued to cry. When she couldn't stand the crying anymore, she told some things.

"Ms. Jia Zhang, do you know why we went back to the courtyard? It's to find out where the couple Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu had their tryst!"

Mrs. Jia Zhang raised her cheeks with tears in them.

Looking stupidly at the missing string.

My heart was in my throat.

Is there really any evidence to support the fact that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai are concubines?


The Jia family is in disgrace.

The son's master is hooking up with his son's daughter-in-law, and he has no idea whether to become famous or not. How will Banggan get a wife in the future, how will he find a job, and how will Xiaodang and Huaihua find their husband's family.

Other neighbors also had to look at the missing string.

Some smart neighbors seemed to have thought of something after Zhang Shihao and the others went to the vegetable cellar just now, and secretly thought that it must not be the vegetable cellar.

Those dishes.

Can I still eat it?

That’s what it’s all about!

The neighbors in the middle courtyard were stricken with nausea, bent over, and wanted to vomit.

A smile flashed across Que Genxian's face. He looked at those people who were vomiting and said, "I didn't expect that there are many smart people in this courtyard. Yes, that's right. It's a place where Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are messing around. , it’s the vegetable cellar in your courtyard, they are messing around in the vegetable cellar.”


"What's impossible? I found Yi Zhonghai's shoe prints in the vegetable cellar, and also found the buttons that fell off Yi Zhonghai's work clothes." (End of Chapter)

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