Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 348 Silly Zhu beats up Yi Zhonghai

When the work levels were initially evaluated, Yi Zhonghai had a high starting point. He was a fifth-level worker. Later, he was promoted to a sixth-level worker based on his excellent skills. He was promoted to a seventh-level worker. He was promoted to an eighth-level worker through favors. work.

The higher the level of work.

The higher the salary.

I don’t have children, I don’t have much expenses, and I have the idea of ​​having money for myself.

After all these years, it is quite normal for Ji Zan to deposit thousands of dollars. The four iron boxes filled with money in front of him are the most direct evidence that Yi Zhonghai is rich.

The neighbors enjoyed watching it.

In my heart, I also felt strong contempt for Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

Being so rich, he also committed a crime of cutting off 1,200 yuan of living expenses from Hu Shazhu and his sister, and embezzled the 1,800 yuan that He Daqing left for Shazhu and his sister to settle down and buy a house.

Simply inappropriate.

Is that money?

That was the fate of Shazhu and Yuyu.

Many neighbors still remember in their minds the scene of Yu Yu crying and crying hungry because he had no money to eat, and they also remember the incident of Sha Zhu taking Yu Yu to pick up rags and exchange them for bread.

As the boss in charge, Yi Zhonghai did not come forward and even offered to take the opportunity to train Sha Zhu. Who dares to risk offending Yi Zhonghai to help Sha Zhu.

Unexpectedly, there is such an inside story. Some people have wild imaginations and think that Yi Zhonghai will not let them help Shazhu, and he will not help Shazhu. The starting point is to starve the two brothers and sisters to death once and for all. The incident of embezzlement of money ended.


Looking at the dejected Yi Zhonghai, the neighbors who thought they had figured out the key, suddenly had such a word in their minds.


The largest denomination of money is ten yuan, commonly known as the Great Unity. Ten pieces are equivalent to one hundred yuan. Inside the four iron boxes, there are large ten yuan bills, as well as small bills such as five yuan, two yuan, and one yuan.

Specifically how much.

You have to take stock to find out.

In front of the neighbors of the first hospital, the financial staff of the security department counted the banknotes.

In addition to the huge compensation of 3,000 yuan that Yi Zhonghai paid to Shazhu, he also had to pay 1,000 yuan to the steel rolling mill. Just in case, people from the finance department of the steel rolling mill and people from the security department also appeared in the courtyard.

Professional matters must be left to professionals.

Zhang Shihao and Jiejie stepped aside knowingly and stared intently at the Finance Department, whose fingers were flying. In just thirty seconds, the money in the iron box was counted.

Three hundred and forty-five for ten yuan, one hundred for five yuan, seventy-six for two yuan, and one hundred and twenty-five for one yuan, totaling more than 4,200 yuan.

in the crowd.

There was a murderous grumble.

"My family has more than 4,000 yuan in savings. Yi Zhonghai is the richest person in our courtyard!"

If Yi Zhonghai hadn't been supported by a wooden pillar behind him, he might have collapsed on the ground.

The richest man in the courtyard!

This hat is placed on Yi Zhonghai's head. Yi Zhonghai will not end well!

Maybe he was headed for a dead end.

The less money you have, the more awesome you are, but you, Yi Zhonghai, have become the richest man in the courtyard. What do you want to do?

Yi Zhonghai felt as if something was blocked in his throat, and he couldn't swallow it or spit it out.

Just as he was sitting on the wax.

Someone complained again.

"When Yi Zhonghai was a seventh-level worker, his income was more than 80 yuan a month. The family's savings can't be just that, right?"

In other words.

Yi Zhonghai hid the money.

It also further confirmed Yi Zhonghai's identity as the richest man in the courtyard.

The family has a savings of more than 4,000 yuan, but they are worried that they will not end up well. It is conceivable that the person has more money than the savings of more than 4,000 yuan. However, there is also the incident of withholding Si Zhu’s living expenses to prove it. In an instant, Yi Zhonghai is compared to He has become a bastard who is worse than a beast and a standard money stringer.

Yi Zhonghai really wanted to die.


God does not fulfill one's wishes.

Yi Zhonghai could only watch everything happening in front of him. It wasn't until someone excused him that his heart hanging in the air slowly fell to the ground.

"Yi Zhonghai bought Qin Huairu a job and gave Jia Zhang a thousand yuan. There are monthly assessments in the steel rolling mill. I guess this is all the family has."

Gave Jia Zhang a thousand yuan!

The curiosity of the neighbors.

was ignited.

When I thought about the rumor circulating in the steel rolling mill that Yi Zhonghai was Qin Huairu's concubine, I didn't believe it at first, but after Jia Dongxu's death, Yi Zhonghai gave Jia Zhang a thousand yuan.

This money seems a bit unreasonable.

Why should we give Jia Zhang a thousand yuan?

Could it be that it was just money to stop Jia Zhang from talking nonsense?

Invisibly, the fact that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were messing around was confirmed!

The atmosphere became weird.

Some people also glanced at Jia Zhang who was looking at the four iron boxes of money in a daze.

The strange atmosphere was not broken until the street director's voice sounded.

"The money of Yi Zhonghai's family was counted, and it was a total of 4,227 yuan. The money that He Daqing mailed to He Yuzhu's brother and sister for living expenses was intercepted, and the total was 1,200 yuan. He Daqing left a piece of money before he left. Eighteen hundred yuan was spent by Li Yulan on food and drink for Yi Zhonghai and the old lady in the backyard. Since the money was given to Li Yulan, Yi Zhonghai also contributed the money, adding up to a total of three thousand yuan."

The financial staff counted out three thousand and handed it to Shazhu. Shazhu counted it, signed his name, He Yuzhu, and stamped He Yuzhu's stamp on the back.

Workers in many units have signature stamps engraved with their names. Mainly because some people are illiterate and came up with a stupid way to use stamps instead of signatures.

When you receive your salary, stamp it directly in your column.

You should keep this chapter close to you. If it is lost or lost, report it to the Finance Department.

The financial staff counted out another thousand yuan and handed it over to the accompanying security department, who signed and stamped it with a silly look on their face.

The remaining two hundred and twenty-seven dollars.

It stands to reason.

It should be handed over to Yi Zhonghai.

However, the Finance Department issued an assessment notice from the steel rolling mill on Yizhonghai's violation of factory regulations, and assessed Yizhonghai a total of 300 yuan.

After throwing away the remaining two hundred and twenty-seven yuan, Yi Zhonghai still had to hand over seventy-three yuan to the steel rolling mill.

As soon as the words came out.

The neighbors present were indifferent, but Jia Zhang was panicked. Someone had just exposed the fact that Yi Zhonghai gave Jia Zhang a thousand yuan.

When Yi Zhonghai has no money, should Jia Zhang return the money to Yi Zhonghai?

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Jia Zhang, who was a villain, ran back to Jia's house and hid while people were not paying attention. She wanted Jia Zhang to pay for it, but there was no way. Jia Dongxu died. Under this situation, Mrs. Jia Zhang was worried that Qin Huairu would remarry, and this money would be her pension fund.

Little did I know. She just took off her pants and farted, which was unnecessary.

Yi Zhonghai had no intention of asking or borrowing money from Jia Zhang. He spoke to the deaf old lady.

Strictly speaking.

It wasn't Yi Zhonghai who opened his mouth. Before Yi Zhonghai opened his mouth, the deaf old lady had already taken out seventy-three yuan and handed it to the security department.

The sensational money interception incident ended with Shazhu receiving a huge sum of 3,000 yuan.

In response to that sentence.

Yi Zhonghai fell down and Si Zhu was full.

Three thousand dollars.

Many people were extremely jealous. That night, some people came to the door of Shazhu's house and came to borrow money under the pretense that they could not survive.

The neighbors in the courtyard and the workers in the steel rolling mill were all acquainted with each other. When they really couldn't get to the bottom of the problem, they would borrow money from each other and would lend more or less to each other.

The problem is that some people don’t even know them.

I don’t know who I heard from, saying that Sha Zhu of Hongxing Siheyuan suddenly got 3,000 yuan of foreign wealth. Following what others said, he came to Sha Zhu to borrow money with the intention of defeating the autumn wind.

There are all kinds of excuses, whether to marry a wife, have a child, or buy a bicycle or a radio. What makes Silly Zhu dumbfounded is that some gamblers and drunkards also come to borrow money, saying that they have no capital to play with money. , I had no money to buy wine, so I asked Shazhu to borrow some money to repay the original amount to buy wine.

these requirements.

Silly Zhu did not agree at all.

I really think I'm being taken advantage of, and calling myself a fool doesn't mean I'm not smart.

He kicked these people out of his house.

It's also a coincidence.

As soon as he pushed these people out of his house, he saw Yi Zhonghai looking at Sha Zhu with a sly smile on his face, and he also cast his eyes on Sha Zhu as if he was destined to take the money but not to spend it.

Silly Zhu has such a bad temper.

I can't bear it anymore.

You can guess this situation with your toes. It must be the handiwork of the hypocrite Yi Zhonghai. He is not satisfied that Silly Zhu got his huge sum of 3,000 yuan. In the spirit of Yi Zhonghai, it will not be easy for me and you, Silly Zhu, will not be easy either. , told the story about Sha Zhu getting 3,000 yuan, and encouraged those people to come to Sha Zhu to borrow money. If he didn’t borrow money, he would be cold-blooded. Li Xiuzhi was not worthy of being a street clerk.

Silly Zhu walked towards Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai looked at Si Zhu who was approaching him.

For a moment, my head was as big as a bucket.

He subconsciously took a step back.

He threatened Silly Zhu with harsh words.

"Silly Zhu, what do you want to do?"

Before Yi Zhonghai finished speaking, he was interrupted by Silly Zhu. Silly Zhu pointed at the hypocrite's nose and asked: "What do I want to do? I also want to ask you what Yi Zhonghai wants to do tonight?" This thing must be your masterpiece, Yi Zhonghai, you are so awesome, wait for me, He Yuzhu, here."

Seeing that Silly Zhu spoke in such a fierce tone.

Yi Zhonghai has a feeling of being helpless when a scholar encounters a soldier.

What's wrong with me?

Didn’t I just look at your He Yuzhu’s joke?

Is this wrong?

"You paid three thousand yuan in compensation, but you feel uncomfortable and want to give me He Yuzhu eye drops. Yi Zhonghai, let me ask you, you have cut off the living expenses my father mailed me for ten years, should you compensate me? ? The settlement money he asked Auntie to transfer to me was used by Auntie on you and the old lady in the backyard. Do you want this money to be given to me? "

Silly pillar's fist.

Clutched together.

He also deliberately swayed in front of Yi Zhonghai a few times.

"I really don't want the money. If possible, I really want you Yi Zhonghai to work as a slave. My aunt is helping you fight the thunder. You two can have fun secretly. Give me He Yuzhu some shoes. Come to see me today. I don’t even know the people who borrowed the money, Yi Zhonghai, even these unscrupulous gamblers, drunkards, and street hustlers have dealings with you, you are awesome."

Yi Zhonghai panicked.

He found that he was now a purely evil person in Shazhu's heart.

No matter what happened, as long as it was something immoral, as long as it was something that was scolded, Silhu would think it was Yi Zhonghai's handiwork without even thinking about it, and would even beat Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai moved his mouth and wanted to explain, but when he saw the angry expression on Si Zhu's face, he was worried that he would be punched by Si Zhu during the explanation process, so he subconsciously moved his body back a step.

His original intention was to put as much distance between him and Sha Zhu as possible to avoid being beaten up by Sha Zhu, but he did not expect that Sha Zhu would misunderstand his move.

He mistakenly thought that Yi Zhonghai was guilty and wanted to run away.

I was furious at that time.

A flying kick.

He kicked Yi Zhonghai in the stomach, sending Yi Zhonghai flying to the ground. Then, with a powerful move, he rode Yi Zhonghai like an animal, waving his two fists towards Yi Zhonghai's raindrops. Smash it down, beat it, and curse at the same time.

"You bastards, you are not a human being. You two withheld the living expenses of Yuyu and I, and almost starved Yuyu and me to death. With the witness of the police station and the street, I asked you to pay every penny of the money as compensation. Give it to me, compensate Yu Yu, you stupid bastard, you feel sorry for yourself, you resorted to such a despicable act, you are not a human being, you deserve to be exterminated, it is not unreasonable for you to be exterminated."

not far away.

Several gangsters who came to make trouble and borrow money were instantly frightened into fools when they saw Silly Zhu's crazy appearance. This guy really dared to hit someone.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't bear the pain any more and began to cry and beg for mercy from Si Zhu.

"Silly Zhu, stop fighting. It's not me, it's really not me. I, Yi Zhonghai, am not that mean. I just saw someone coming to make trouble, and I had fun. It has nothing to do with me, Silly Zhu."

While begging for mercy, Yi Zhonghai also wanted to free his body from the restraints of Silly Zhu, who was waving his fists to teach him a lesson.

In the end it didn't work out.

Silly Zhu's two legs were like two big locks, tightly locked on Yi Zhonghai's body.

Can't break free.

Lost in the fight again.

Yi Zhonghai had no more moves, and tried his best to protect his head and chest with his two arms. As for other places, let Silly Zhu hit him.

Yi Zhonghai's lack of resistance or the begging for mercy from his mouth further stimulated Shazhu's senses, causing Shazhu to wave his fist and hit Yi Zhonghai in a strong excitement. Every part of Shazhu's body was Every organ is constantly inspiring him.

Under the influence of this excitement, Shazhu only had one thought in his mind, and that was to teach Yi Zhonghai a lesson. If Shazhu didn't think about himself, he had to think about Li Xiuzhi.

If those people are allowed to go out and talk nonsense about how cold-blooded Li Xiuzhi is and how she refuses to save her, can Li Xiuzhi still become a regular employee?

Shazhu wanted to use this violent beating of Yi Zhonghai to completely establish his character and act as the man standing behind Li Xiuzhi.

With this thought, Shazhu thought that he had to teach Yi Zhonghai a lesson no matter what he said, so that Yi Zhonghai would know the price of calculating his wife.

For yourself.

Also for Li Xiuzhi.

Yi Zhonghai must take this beating, and it won't work if he doesn't. (End of chapter)

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