Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 349 3 Hutou: If I marry Qin Huairu, I can also join Jia’s family

With the intention of beating Yi Zhonghai violently.

Silly Zhu's fist could not help but increase in strength.

No matter what, he hit Yi Zhonghai hard, who was pinned under him and couldn't move. He didn't care about the location. As long as the torso that his fist could hit, they were all the targets of Silly Zhu's attack.

When the fists rained down on Yi Zhonghai, Shazhu's mouth was not idle, and he took the opportunity to list Yi Zhonghai's crimes.

Learn to be smart.

There should be a reason for something to happen.

That's why I hit you.

I beat you and left you speechless.

Don't cause trouble for Li Xiuzhi.

"I asked you to plot against me, I asked you to plot against my wife, Yi Zhonghai, let me tell you, you can plot against me, but you can't plot against my wife. I will fight to the death of anyone who plots against my wife."

"Ouch, it hurts, Zhu Zhu, don't hit me. It's my fault. I shouldn't have plotted against you. It's all your fault."

God is pitiful.

It’s not that Yi Zhonghai is spineless.

But when Silly Zhu's fist hit him, it was like an iron hammer hammering him. The place where he was hit felt burning pain, his skin hurt, his flesh hurt, and his bones hurt.

It is not without reason that he is called the God of War in the Siheyuan.

Silly pillar fist.

Crying out pain and begging for mercy became the only thing Yi Zhonghai could do.

"It's the uncle who saw that you got three thousand yuan. He was unhappy and wanted to give you eye drops. Please, don't hit the uncle."

The neighbors who were watching the theater snorted coldly in their hearts when they saw Yi Zhonghai acting like a grandson. They also felt that Yi Zhonghai did something unethical and withheld Sha Zhu's living expenses, causing Sha Zhu and Yu Yu to almost starve to death. After the exposure, every penny of the money that was withheld was returned to Silly Zhu. This is inevitable.

Silly Zhu, whose daughter-in-law works on the street, was worried that asking for interest would have a bad influence on Li Xiuzhi, so she did not ask for interest from Yi Zhonghai.

If it were these neighbors, they would have to ask Yi Zhonghai for interest at any cost, three thousand yuan. After ten years, the interest would still be one hundred yuan.

With the thought of adding insult to injury.

Everyone who was watching the fun and not taking it too seriously started preaching to Yi Zhonghai, saying everything. Anyway, it was Yi Zhonghai who was wrong and got beaten by a fool, and it was Yi Zhonghai who asked for it.

Frankly speaking, Silly Pillar played well.

In the past.

Yi Zhonghai's character has not been broken, he is still the same manager who always sticks to his word. The neighbors are angry and dare not complain to Yi Zhonghai.

It’s different in the past.

Yi Zhonghai's character as the moral heavenly master was revealed. For more than a year, various scandals related to Yi Zhonghai came one after another. Either he slept with Jia Zhang, or slept with Qin Huairu, or slept with Jia Zhang and Qin Huai Ru, his title of chief steward was also replaced by Liu Haizhong.

That suppressed resentment.

Naturally, I want to vent.

From a moral perspective, Yi Zhonghai would not say anything if he accused Yi Zhonghai.

None of them are fools.

It’s not worth not doing anything to take advantage!

There was one, there were two, there were three, and within a short time, the neighbors in the courtyard were all choking Yi Zhonghai with guns blazing.

Anyway, don’t treat Yi Zhonghai as a human being.

The scene where Sha Zhu violently beat Yi Zhonghai eventually turned into a scene where the neighbors criticized Yi Zhonghai for his inaction.


What retribution.

When Yi Zhonghai was alive, whenever Yi Zhonghai was beaten or scolded, Yi Zhonghai would stand up to help and plead for mercy. The neighbors saw that Yi Zhonghai could not bear children, so they gave Yi Zhonghai a face and stopped caring about Yi Zhonghai.


Who stands up for Yi Zhonghai?

The deaf old lady in the backyard probably heard it a long time ago, but she kept pretending to be deaf and mute.

Instead, Jia Zhang ran out and shouted at Silly Zhu.

"Silly Zhu, do you really want to beat Yi Zhonghai to death?"

The implication is that Yi Zhonghai has something going for him and Li Xiuzhi wants to be a widow.

Li Xiuzhi is Shazhu's destiny. Jia Zhang's words made Shazhu's raised fist no longer able to fall.

He looked at Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai, then put away his fists.

He got off Yi Zhonghai's body and kicked Yi Zhonghai's butt. When he saw Yi Zhonghai groaning in pain, he pointed at Yi Zhonghai's nose again, cursed a few words, and spat hard. Spit on Yi Zhonghai's head.

"Yi Zhonghai, I still say the same thing, if you have anything, just come towards me, He Yuzhu, and I, He Yuzhu, will follow. If you dare to touch my wife, I will fight you to the death."

"Sinzhu, okay, you've beaten Yi Zhonghai into a pig's head. Even if he was wrong, you still beat him, and this matter is over."

Jia Zhang helped Yi Zhonghai up and prepared to send Yi Zhonghai back to Yi's home.

No one has left yet.

Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang entered the courtyard door one after another.

A kind-hearted passerby heard the sound of Sha Zhu beating Yi Zhonghai, so he ran to the police station and reported it to the comrades at the police station, saying that someone was fighting in the Red Star Courtyard.

I heard that someone was making trouble in the Red Star Courtyard.

The leaders of the police station could not sit still.

Siheyuan is a troubled time.

A lot of things happened in the courtyard, and they were all shocking and big cases, with living expenses being withheld, housing expenses being embezzled, and now there was a wage embezzlement incident.

As old friends of the Siheyuan, Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang had the errand to go to the Siheyuan to understand the situation.

They haven't asked yet.

The neighbors around them narrated the whole story to the two of them. In their words, Silly Zhu was the victim, Li Xiuzhi was the victim, and Yi Zhonghai who was beaten was the perpetrator. Conspiracy organizer.

He spoke conclusively about Yi Zhonghai's evil deeds, such as being jealous of having too much money, being dissatisfied with the money, wanting to make shoes for the stupid couple, and using this matter to plot against Li Xiuzhi.

They already had a bad impression of Yi Zhonghai, but when they heard what the neighbors said, Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang instantly felt disgusted with Yi Zhonghai.

I looked around at the people present and saw several familiar figures.

He spoke immediately.

"Three Tiger Heads, why is it you again? Because you were involved in gambling, you refused to change your ways despite repeated admonitions. After staying for a few years, you became dishonest when you first came out. Do you still want to go in?"

"Mr. Zhang, what you said is a bit harsh." The gambler smiled at Zhang Shihao and said flatteringly, "I didn't do anything."

"In the past few months since I came out, I have been playing half-cent card games for a whole day. There is no electricity, and I play with kerosene lamps. I said Sanhutou, you are also twenty-seven or eighty years old, so you can't find a job properly. ? Three days of fishing and two days of drying nets. If you continue like this, how are you going to get a wife? You said you didn't make any trouble, so what are you doing in the Hongxing Courtyard?"

Even if San Hutou is beaten to death, he will not admit that he borrowed money from Sha Zhu just to repay his losses.

The reason for coming.

It's purely based on the idea of ​​​​making a few poles if there are no dates.

Considering that Li Xiuzhi was a street clerk, she had to think about her own face.

Refuse to borrow money from yourself.

How could Li Xiuzhi be a clerk?

With this in mind, I came to Siheyuan. Unexpectedly, Silly Zhu did not follow the routine and beat Yi Zhonghai violently. His ferocious appearance and desperate attitude scared the three tigers out of their courage. I have long wanted to escape.

But never found an opportunity.

When he found an opportunity, before he could leave, Zhang Shihao came.

The gambler could only complain in his heart. Seeing that Zhang Shihao's face was not very good-looking, he was eager to get away and hurriedly made up a lie.

"Mr. Zhang, you really have to believe me, I really am not here to cause trouble."

"You're not here to cause trouble, why are you borrowing money from He Yuzhu? He Yuzhu's money was saved by his frugality. If you want to spend money, you can earn it with your own hands."

"Mr. Zhang, I didn't borrow money for gambling. In the past few years, I have figured it out and want to change my mind and become a good person. I heard someone said that Li Xiuzhi, the street clerk, got three thousand yuan, so I wanted to borrow it from her. One or two hundred yuan.”

Neighbors watching the theater nearby.

All were frightened.

do not know.

Dare to ask for one or two hundred yuan when you come to the door.

"One or two hundred?"

"It's not gambling, it's just to get a wife." San Hutou had an idea and thought of an excuse for himself to start a family and start a business, "I will definitely not gamble anymore when I have a wife. Yes, it's just to get a wife."

"Which girl?"

He saw Zhang Shihao looking at him playfully.

Sanhutou panicked again.

That was the reason for her random talk.

Looking at the situation in front of me, it's really not okay not to answer.

His eyes accidentally glanced at Qin Huairu in the crowd, and he was immediately shocked. I had heard that there was a widow in the courtyard. She was pretty. Looking at her plump appearance, she must be Qin Huairu, nicknamed the Pretty Widow from the steel rolling mill.

Regular employees of steel rolling mills.

People who eat royal food.

By marrying Qin Huairu, I have a confidant to chat with at night and a guarantee of making money.

Face is nothing.

Profit is the most important thing.

Sanhutou listed Qin Huairu as his target without even thinking about it.

"Zhang Gongan, for a person like me, I still want to marry a young girl. Even the girls from my hometown may not be able to like me, so I can only marry a widow."

Jia Zhang was supporting Yi Zhonghai.

I heard the story about San Hutou marrying a widow.

My heart suddenly skipped a beat.

There are only three widows in the courtyard. The deaf old lady can be the grandmother of Sanhutou. She, the widow, is the mother of Sanhutou. Throw away the two unsuitable widows and Qin Huairu will be left.

Qin Huairu is the hope of the Jia family.

Moreover, Mrs. Jia Zhang also felt that it was not a good thing for Sanhu to be angry. If Qin Huairu married this guy, or this guy married into the Jia family, the Jia family would really not have a good life.

For the benefit of the Jia family.

Jia Zhang wanted to reprimand San Hutou.

The speed of speaking was not as fast as that of San Hutou. While the words were still swirling in Jia Zhang's mouth, San Hutou called out Qin Huairu's name with all kinds of ulterior thoughts.

"This lesbian is Qin Huairu from the courtyard. I know her. She is a famous and pretty widow in the steel rolling mill. I don't mind her being a widow and she is old. I want to marry Qin Huairu."

When Mrs. Jia Zhang heard that San Hutou really wanted to marry Qin Huairu.

I almost couldn't take a breath and fainted directly.

What are you afraid of?

But something happened.

Marry Qin Huairu.

Are you marrying Qin Huairu?

You are here for the vampire Jia's house!

Not caring much, Jia Zhang shouted loudly.

"I disagree."

"Why do you disagree? Widows remarry, but the policy is that whoever does not allow widows to remarry is reversing the course of history. I don't dislike Qin Huairu being a widow. What do you dislike?"

"I am Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, and I don't agree." Jia Zhang felt that she was no match for Sanhutou, so she pushed Yi Zhonghai with her hand, "His uncle, you should say something."

"I don't agree either. Huairu can't marry you."

"you are?"

"Yi Zhonghai, the former steward of our courtyard."

"Yi Zhonghai, why do you disagree? You have been sleeping with Qin Huairu for several years, what else do you want? Banggan, Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica, these are all your children. Your merits have been fulfilled. What else do you want? What are you planning?" Sanhutou is also a ruthless person, so it's better not to speak. Yi Zhonghai, who almost choked when he spoke, said, "Are you still thinking about marrying Qin Huairu? You think your wife is dead and you are a bachelor. Qin Huairu is a widow, can you two be together? Bullshit! You are Jia Dongxu’s master, and Qin Huairu is Jia Dongxu’s daughter-in-law, how different are you in terms of generations!"

He patted his chest with his hand.

He straightened his back.

"I'm different. I don't have those messy entanglements. I can marry Qin Huairu, or I can marry into Jia's family. I can agree to any conditions!"


Mrs. Jia Zhang had a mouth full of phlegm.

Spit on the head of the three tigers.

He grabbed a stick in front of him and hit Sanhu on the head, beating and cursing at the same time.

"You are a stupid gambler. You still want to marry our Huairu, and you don't even show yourself in the urine. With your virtue, will you eat our Jia family, or will our Jia family eat you?"

Sanhutou ran away.

Jia Zhang chased him out.

But Yi Zhonghai, who was suffering, tilted his center of gravity towards Jia Zhang who was supporting him. As Jia Zhang chased and hit the three tiger heads, Yi Zhonghai fell directly to the ground.

Qin Huairu is the closest.

I want to lend a hand.

But he thought of those rumors again, and with a cruel heart, he stamped his feet and ignored Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai struggled on the ground for a while and got up on his own.

Suddenly wanted to say something.

Before he could say anything, he heard a swaying drunkard pointing at Yi Zhonghai and putting a big hat on Yi Zhonghai's head.

"I was the one who called me."

"San Mulu, do you know who he is?"

"Yi Zhonghai, Mr. Zhang, do you really think that I drank too much and didn't even recognize anyone? Yi Zhonghai found me and said that there was a man named Shazhu in their courtyard and he took three thousand yuan from him. I was very unhappy. I wanted to seek bad luck on Shazhu, so I told me to come to the courtyard to borrow money from Shazhu. If Shazhu lent me money, I would lend it to him. If he didn’t lend me money, he would let me make trouble. , let’s say that Si Zhu’s daughter-in-law, Li Xiuzhi, is a street clerk. When the time comes, he will come forward and say that Si Zhu has messed up the courtyard, so that Si Zhu’s daughter-in-law, Li Xiuzhi, cannot be a street clerk.”

"Yi Zhonghai, you are also an old man in the courtyard. Look at the things you have done. The three thousand yuan is not yours, but belongs to He Yuzhu. You have held it for ten years, shouldn't you give it back to him? His money, Why are you unhappy if you give it back to others? He Yuzhu hit you because you had a reason... If you really want to go online, you have to follow us and let's all disperse." (End of this chapter)

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