Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 351: The attentive Jia Zhang, the deaf old lady is deflated

The eldest mother is dead.

Yi Zhonghai didn't have a good life either. He couldn't get ready-made hot meals when he came back at night, and the house was deserted and not popular at all.

Looking at the deserted house, Yi Zhonghai sighed and found some discarded wood slag to light the stove.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Jia Zhang walked in from outside with a piece of red charcoal held in an iron drill. She saw Yi Zhonghai playing with the stove and made a joke.

"Lao Yi, my old lady guessed that you were worried about lighting the stove. Dongxu is still alive, and you are good to our Dongxu. Auntie is gone, and it is not convenient for you to live alone. I will give you a piece of red charcoal. , add some wood, add some coal, and that’s it.”

Seeing Yi Zhonghai looking at him without saying a word.

There was a bit of a smile on his fat face.

"It doesn't mean anything. It just means that there is a sewing business. You come to me and I will do it for you. I can't do it. There is also Huairu. Huairu has been married to the courtyard for so many years. You also know her needlework. of people, our street is second to none.”

The free hand.

Pushed Yi Zhonghai aside.

He stuffed the red charcoal held by the iron drill into the stove, and covered it with some wooden strips. When the wooden strips ignited, he grabbed a few pieces of black charcoal and covered the black charcoal on top of the wooden strips.

Before leaving.

I saw that the clothes Auntie had washed for Yi Zhonghai had open threads.

Don't consider yourself an outsider.

He reached out and grabbed the clothes, said, "I'll sew this shirt for you", and left the Yi family with a pat on the butt.

Bearing in mind that the deaf old lady was far away from the Jia family and the widow's advice, Yi Zhonghai had words of rejection already swirling in his mouth, but when the words came to his lips, he really couldn't say them out.

Rough words are not rough.

The dead are dead.

The living shall live.

The deserted house had already made Yi Zhonghai lose his guard. Thinking about continuing to live like this in the future, he suddenly felt unhappy.

I miss my aunt a little bit.

I feel that the eldest mother should not have died like this.

Instead of looking for the reason from himself, he blamed his current situation on Silly Zhu and his wife, thinking that Auntie's death was caused by Silly Zhu and his wife.

Just because he can't offend Zhang Shihao doesn't mean he can't offend Silly Zhu.


Qin Huairu saw Mrs. Jia Zhang coming in from outside carrying a piece of clothing.

She felt that this dress was a bit familiar. She had seen it somewhere. After thinking about it, she guessed that the owner of the dress should be Yi Zhonghai.

Why are you so confident?

Just now, when Jia Zhang went out with red charcoal, she said she was lighting the stove for Yi Zhonghai. Qin Huairu saw Jia Zhang entering Yi Zhonghai's home through the glass.

From the time Jia Zhang left to the time she came back, it only took three or four minutes, which was not enough to support Jia Zhang to go to another house.

Therefore, these clothes can only belong to Yi Zhonghai.

I was very confused, wondering how Jia Zhang got Yi Zhonghai's shirt back.

Auntie had just died a day ago and had not yet been laid to rest. Under such circumstances, Jia Zhang, who had been widowed for many years, took back Yi Zhonghai's shirt.

I don't understand.

In fact, Qin Huairu didn't dare to think about it anymore. She now doubted whether her mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, had any thoughts about Yi Zhonghai.

One is an old widow.

One is an old man whose wife is dead.

Judging by age.

The two are also a perfect match.

Jia Zhang saw Qin Huairu staring at her, glanced at Qin Huairu, threw the shirt in her hand on the table, and explained the reason.

"The piece of red charcoal in our house was really given away. Yi Zhonghai was in the house, staring at the stove in a daze. After so many years of marriage, my aunt has been doing all the work at home, lighting the stove, cooking, cleaning the house, etc. What will Yi Zhonghai do now that Auntie is gone? Without our piece of red charcoal, he can't even light the stove."

Bend down and walk to the cabinet.

Open the cabinet door.

I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find it.

Not long after, Jia Zhang took out a paper basket from the cabinet. There were needlework, buttons and scrap cloth inside.

"When I came back, I saw that there was a seam in Yi Zhonghai's top. When Auntie was alive, this was Auntie's livelihood. After Auntie died, no one sewed or mended Yi Zhonghai. I felt pity for him too. Yi Zhonghai, take it back and sew it up for him, then send it to him after it’s done.”

He saw Qin Huairu looking at him with a look of surprise.

Jia Zhang probably felt that she had gone too far.

I made up a random reason.

"When Dongxu was alive, Yi Zhonghai was kind to our Jia family. Now that Yi Zhonghai is in trouble, if our Jia family just looks on with cold eyes, what will happen to our Jia family? Outsiders are not allowed to poke the backbone of our Jia family."

Look at the expression on Qin Huairu's face.

More confused.

He emphasized his tone.

"If you are upright, you are not afraid of slanted shadows. If there is nothing, it is false. As long as our Jia family is upright, no one can gossip about us."

"I didn't say anything." Qin Huairu pointed to the rice on the table, "The rice is cooked, why don't you eat before sewing? Otherwise it will get cold in a while."

Jia Zhang slapped her forehead with her hand.

"Look at my brain. I have forgotten it. Huairu was right to remind me."

The bamboo basket in his hand was placed on the cabinet.

He walked to the dining table.

Grabbing the chopsticks, I was about to eat some.

Something came to mind.

He put down his chopsticks and grabbed a big bowl next to him, preparing to give Yi Zhonghai some food.

Because Silly Zhu did not go to help the Jia family as described in the script, the Jia family did not live a good life of white flour steamed buns and meat dishes as described in the script.

The family relies entirely on Qin Huairu's salary.

In addition, today's supplies are somewhat scarce and everything is tense.

The Jia family ate steamed buns and drank sorghum rice porridge all day long. During this period of time, they complained to Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang, saying that they didn't eat meat, and the birds disappeared from their mouths.

I saw Jia Zhang going to deliver food to Yi Zhonghai.

Banggeng has a small face.

Yelled something.

“I don’t even have enough food for our family.”

Mrs. Jia Zhang, who felt sorry for Banggen, originally planned to scoop up two spoons of sorghum rice porridge. Finally, under Banggen’s complaints, she scooped up a spoonful and stuck two more doughnuts on the chopsticks. She placed the doughnuts on the chopsticks horizontally. On the bowl, holding it in both hands, he left Jia's house and entered Yi Zhonghai's home under the attention of some concerned neighbors.

"Lao Yi, I knew you didn't have enough food and drink at night. Huairu cooked some sorghum rice porridge and made a few steamed buns, thinking of sending some to you. You know the conditions of our Jia family are not very good. It’s just steamed buns and sorghum rice porridge, don’t dislike it, it’s more or less interesting.”

Dislike the hammer.

With the help of Mrs. Jia and Zhang, Yi Zhonghai started to worry about how to prepare dinner after lighting the stove.

The whole courtyard.

Everyone was watching Yi Zhonghai's jokes.

In other words, the deaf old lady in the backyard was closer to Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai knew about the situation of the deaf old lady. She was a Jia Zhang who was not Jia Zhang. She had been lazy all her life. When the aunt was alive, she served the deaf old lady three meals a day, and the deaf old lady was very fond of her. Eating has various requirements. The deaf old lady may not really like the food cooked by Yi Zhonghai.

The Jia family in the Intermediate Court had all kinds of bloody rumors with Yi Zhonghai, and they were not allowed to go to the Jia family for dinner.

Yi Zhonghai was thinking about whether to do it himself.

Make bricks without straw.

He knows how to eat, but not how to cook.

When he was at a loss what to do, Mrs. Jia Zhang walked in with steamed buns and sorghum rice porridge. The aroma of the rice had already penetrated Yi Zhonghai's heart and lungs.

Bullshit deaf old lady proposal.    Eating is important.

of course.

He also said a few polite words.


"Why did you bring it in person? I'm not hungry. Food is so tight now. Give me some, and your Jia family will eat less and take it back."

"We are not outsiders. I am Jia Dongxu's mother, and you are Jia Dongxu's master. We are relatives. If you encounter difficulties, I will help you. Is it wrong? Don't say anything and eat quickly. I will come over tomorrow. I’ll clean up the house for you, and I’ll wash the dishes together when the time comes.”


"His father."

"What's wrong?"

"Just now I saw Mrs. Jia Zhang carrying a rice bowl to deliver food to Yi Zhonghai. Do you think there is something fishy between the two of them?"

"What's the matter?"

"What's wrong with a widow and an old bachelor?"

"You said that Mrs. Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai have eyes for each other? How is this possible! My aunt just died today, and her body is not yet cold, but Yi Zhonghai dares to renew their relationship? Mr. Jia Zhang is wrong too. How many years has he been guarding the old Jia? Fifty She is in the spotlight and wants to remarry, but people are not allowed to poke her in the back!"

It's not just one family that talks like this.

The neighbors in the courtyard were all whispering in their homes.

The old deaf lady, who had not eaten at night and was very hungry, also heard about what was going on between Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai.

My heart skipped a beat.

My old lady doesn't have enough food and clothing, and she's still hungry. You, Yi Zhonghai, found yourself a fat woman to warm your bed.

What is this!

When Aunt Ma's body is still cold, wouldn't you, Yi Zhonghai, do this to make yourself unhappy?

My old lady asked you to stay away from the Jia family and the widow of the Jia family. It's a good thing for you, Yi Zhonghai, to turn a deaf ear to it, and even sleep with Jia Zhang's family.

The ancestor of the courtyard came to the Yi family's door full of resentment.

See the deaf old lady coming.

Yi Zhonghai can also guess a rough idea.

I was hungry and came to look for food from home.

It's ironic to say that Yi Zhonghai also eats from the Jia family.

"Old lady, what are you doing?" Yi Zhonghai, who pretended to be confused, deliberately ignored the deaf old lady's eyes full of resentment, "It's late at night, your eyesight is not good, what should I do if you have a problem?"

Yi Zhonghai helped the deaf old lady into his home and helped her onto a stool.

Then I felt it was inappropriate.

Pour some boiling water for the deaf old lady.

It is said to be boiling water, but it is actually half-warm warm water.

Without Auntie, Yi Zhonghai couldn't even drink boiled water.

"Old lady, let's deal with it like this first, and I'll boil water right away."

Yi Zhonghai carried the kettle and walked to the water tank. He opened the lid and saw that he was almost amused. There was not even cold water in the water tank.

The deaf old lady will this scene.

See it in the eyes.

I also feel all kinds of things in my heart.

She couldn't let go of her eldest mother.

Without her aunt, the deaf old lady has to do everything by herself. It is really unreliable to rely on Yi Zhonghai, otherwise she would not come to the door in person.


Temple of the five internal organs.

Violent protests were issued.

Yi Zhonghai said something that made the deaf old lady's lungs explode with anger.

"Old lady, didn't you have dinner tonight?"

The deaf old lady really wanted to grab Yi Zhonghai's ears and ask. My stomach was growling with hunger, and you asked me if I had eaten dinner. If I had eaten, my stomach would still growl.

See it.

Yi Zhonghai was playing tricks on him.

"Zhonghai, I didn't eat tonight, please help me organize something."

"There is nothing at home, please hold on, I will find a way to buy you breakfast tomorrow morning."

Upon hearing what Yi Zhonghai said.

The deaf old lady felt half-hearted.

Stick to it.

The key is that I can't hold on.

I'm hungry.

"Did you eat it?"

"Didn't eat it!"

Yi Zhonghai lowered his head guiltily.

I didn’t dare to see the deaf old lady.

"I know everything. You ate the food of the Jia family. Tell me, I asked you to stay away from the Jia family and the widows of the Jia family. You didn't remember any of it. Forget it, I won't look for you anymore. I can't even hope to find you." If not, I'd better go to someone else's house and have a look. I'm really starving after a whole night of starvation."

Yi Zhonghai's eyes lit up.

Suddenly an idea came to me.

In front of the deaf old lady, he pointed to the Jia family diagonally opposite.

The deaf old lady was instantly relieved of Yi Zhonghai's intentions, nodded towards Yi Zhonghai, grabbed her crutches, and walked out of Yi Zhonghai's house.

With trembling steps, he walked towards Shazhu's house.


You want to show off the prestige of the ancestors of the compound at Shazhu's house. You Shazhu can ignore my old lady, but as the clerk of the street, you Li Xiuzhi must take care of my old lady's food and daily life.

Not taken care of.

You just look down on the five-guarantee households.

Not worthy of being a street clerk.

The deaf old lady's confidence was high, and she thought she had found a weak spot to exploit the fool.

He only wanted to stage the scene of eating and drinking at Sha Zhu's house in front of the neighbors.

Plans can't keep up with changes.

Just when the deaf old lady was about to reach the door of Shazhu's house, there was suddenly a sound of reading the old man's masterpiece from Shazhu's house.

"We are a great nation. The head of the country, let me recite one sentence and you recite it after me. We have defeated the enemy and defeated the traditions passed down for thousands of years..."

This sound of reading ruined the deaf old lady's idea of ​​going to Sha Zhu's house to eat and drink.

The couple used their free time in the evening to study the cultural knowledge written by the old man. Your ancestors came to stop and try.

Say something unpleasant.

Thanks to the courage of the deaf old lady, the deaf old lady did not dare to break in at this time and forcibly interrupt the study of Silly Zhu and his wife.

Do you really think bean cakes are not dry food?

The deaf old lady cannot afford the consequences.

When the time comes, not to mention the deaf old lady, even Yi Zhonghai, who gave the deaf old lady advice, will suffer the same fate.

It was as if a fist condensing all the strength hit the soft cotton. The deaf old lady was helpless, and Yi Zhonghai was dumbfounded. Some of the neighbors watching the theater seemed to have discovered a new world. They didn't expect that this method could be used. Why didn't they think of dealing with the deaf old lady before?

Silly Zhu and his wife are really smart. (End of chapter)

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